Lol I probably shouldn't be posting this and should be working on updating my other stories. But I'm such a freaking sexy bamf, I will ;D

Enjoy, review, blahblahblah READ IT DAMMIT ;3

"N-NO!" I screamed as I clutched at my ears, trying to stop the voices. "GET AWAY FROM M-ME!"

"I-It's going to be fine, A-Amu—" My original doctor, Onji-san, said, attempted to calm me. But his eyes, his eyes told me the truth. He was as frightened as I was. He wondered why he got the insane nut case that was me.

Do you want him to die, too, Amu? The voices screeched in my mind. If he doesn't stop now, we're going to kill him.

I shoved him away, making him land on the floor. "GET A-AWAY!"

Then they all stared at me; the various doctors and scientists that have been trying to cure me since…Since that happened. They all looked like dolls. Glass dolls that do nothing but sit still and stare at you, scanning how much sanity you have left.


"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HEAD!" I shrieked, squeezing my eyes shut. But then I could see the fire that swallowed my house, slowly burning it into small ashes. My eyes ripped back open as I bawled openly, tears sliding down my face. "WHY! WHY THE HELL WON'T YOU GO AWAY, DAMMIT!"

Because we love you, Amu, they said cruelly. We all love you—

"THEN WHY ARE YOU KILLING THESE PEOPLE? WHY DID YOU KILL—!" I sniffed, not able to continue the sentence.

Kill who, Amu? They were toying with me. I could feel the angst in me growing.


Something cool slipped over my ears, cutting off the voices. I stared in bewilderment, listening to the soft piano that was playing suddenly. Slowly, I got used to the beat and began humming softly.


I smiled gently at the pinkette, then turned to Onji-san. Once he saw who I was, he quickly bowed in respect. "Awakasa-san—!"

I lifted up a hand, signaling silence. "Amu-chan is to live with me in my house. I will fulfill all of the paperwork and needs of a guardian, until she is old enough to live by herself and overcomes her tragedy," I shot a glance at Onji-san. "Understood?"

"Y-Yes-sir!" he cried, saluting for some odd reason. I nodded once more and pulled Amu up from her hunched over position. She looked as if she was about to fall asleep, the poor girl. I led her out and away from the lab that she's been kept in for about six months.

If I didn't take her in as my adopted daughter, she would have been in an asylum for certain.

Four Years Later.


You are the one, the one that lies close to me,

Whispers "Hello, I miss you quite terribly."

I fell in love, in love with you suddenly,

Now there's no place else I could be, but here in your arms…

I sat up in my bed, sliding the sheets off of me and yawning. I waited for a moment while rubbing my eyes, trying to listen. No noises except In Your Arms by HelloGoodbye. Shrugging out of my pajamas, I got out of bed and went to the closet, searching for a decent outfit. Once I found one, I took a shower and got dressed, walking downstairs to the kitchen.

I found a note on the mini bar that was in the middle of the kitchen, like an island.


I went back to work at about, I don't know, 6 AM. Kukai should be at the school at 8:30 waiting for you. Get there quick as you can, because I don't know how long that boy can wait for.

~Uncle Tsku~

I rolled my eyes and grabbed an apple, shoving it in my mouth. Grabbing my knapsack and making sure that I had my IPod, I locked the door and left for the school.

Time Skip~School

When I reached the giant place that they called school, I saw someone by the front doors. He looked about my age and had brown spiky hair. He looked a bit stressed and was glancing around anxiously. When he spotted me, he sprinted over and stopped just before he ran into me. I stared at him coolly, taking out one earphone so I could hear him speak.


Slowly, I nodded. "I assume you're Kukai, correct?"

A massive grin covered his face. He reached up behind his head and scratched it with his right hand, sheepishly. His green eyes shone brightly. "Well, let's go!" he shouted as he grabbed my hand and began to dash towards the front doors.

My golden eyes popped open while I was being dragged against my will. "K-Kukai!" I yelled. "Slow d-down!"

He glanced behind him to me and smiled. "No way!" he exclaimed back. "This is way too fun!"

Then he slammed his feet into the tiles of the hallway leading into the school office. As I panted, he just grinned again and nodded towards the door. I glared at him harshly and entered.

I saw a lady typing away at her keyboard, oblivious to my entry. I stared at her for a bit, before walking forward and coughed lightly. She glanced up and smiled fakely. I didn't bother.

"Name?" she asked.


She pointed to my earphones that were connected to my black IPod. "That's not allowed, sweetie. Please put it away."

I sighed in exasperation and continued with my name, completely ignoring what she just said. "Hinamori Amu."

Her eyes widened and she speedily typed at the computer, quickly printing my schedule and handing it along with my key to my dorm room to me. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't know—"

I waved a hand lazily. "Whatever. Ignorance is at fault, not you." I put the piece of paper in my bag and looked at the key on my way out. I walked to my new room, muttering to the eager boy, "Come on, Kukai."

Pleeeeeeeeese tell me how was it. I wrote a semi-long chapter for the first chapter for the first time~! D:

Might be nice and post another Sexting chapter tonight, not sure~ :D