Black Order Military Boot Camp

Chapter 9

The Triplets' And Aaron

Deluna listened to her brothers go on and on about something as she jotted down a few things for the cadets. Couldn't they just go home for once? The cadets stared at her as they sat down on the ground and Dena was smiling, staring from Deluna to Lavi. Lavi wouldn't take his eyes off of her and she hadn't noticed. "Hey, Deluna, I was wondering how your guys' date went?" Dena asked, silencing her bickering brother.

Deluna almost snapped the pen, but didn't look up from the paper. "It was not a date. We just spent the day together because he wouldn't get lost and I made a deal with you guys, remember?" Deluna said, trying to be as kind as she could.

"So?" Dena asked.

"So what?" Deluna replied.

"Do you like him?" Archer asked.

"No." Deluna answered.

"Lavi?" Damon queried.

Lavi blushed as everyone stared at her, curious. "Uhhhh." Lavi looked at Deluna who was giving him cold eyes. "I don't really know. Do you have any idea how many times she hit me?" Lavi said, rubbing his head where a bump was. "Anita, Mahoja, and a bunch of men had to get her away from me and there was a huge fuss."

"You went to the community center? Why would you go there?" Dena asked.

"Basketball. That's where she hit me the most. I think I have internal bruises." Lavi said, now holding his sides.

"That was your fault. You wouldn't play on a team with those guys." Deluna injected.

"They were bigger than Marie!" Lavi shouted.

"I told you they were harmless. . . . . . . for the most part." Deluna said.

"You were planning on breaking me in half!" Lavi shouted, standing up and pointing an accusing finger at her.

She looked at him dully, but didn't object. "Errr, maybe."

Lavi's face fell. She really did plan that. He shurgged and smiled though. "Well, at least I was able to beat you at pool. You kept fuming because you didn't expect me to beat you forty eight times in a row. The same with bowling. I've never seen such a sour face from you before. It was hilarious." Lavi said.

"She never was good at pool." Dena stated.

"That's all you did?" Archer asked.

"No. I took her to the ice cream parlor down town." Lavi said, not minding the fact that he was telling everyone about their date. "Though, my head was still sore from when she repeatedly hit me with the pool stick."

"Yoiu hit him with a pool stick!" Archer shouted.

"Yes." Deluna said casually.

"She's messed up." Kanda stated.

"You would've done the same thing." Allen responded.

"Anything else you did?" Dena asked.

Lavi scratched his head as he sat back down. "I took her to my favorite club downtown. She said she couldn't dance so I showed her a few moves. I got off easy. SHe didn't whack me. In fact, she enjoyed it. I actually got her to smile. Even laugh." Lavi said.

"Hmmm, interesting." Dena, Damon, and Archer said.

"That reminds me Lavi. You never came back Saturday. Where were you?" Allen asked which got everyone's attention.

Deluna glared at Lavi as if daring him to even think it. Lavi smirked, feeling in a really good mood. "Almost forgot about that." Lavi said.

"Uh, Lavi?" Lenalee questioned, backing away from him, freaked out by how dark he seemed at the moment.

"She let me stay at her house since it was really late." Lavi said and that's when the pen finally broke.

"Really?" Archer mumbled, turning his head to Deluna.

"Don't even dare get the wrong idea. He just stayed in the guest room because it was really late. Nothing more." Deluna seethed.

"How late?" Damon asked.

"Almost five in the morning." Lavi said.

"Huh, Deluna, you only had to stay with him until midnight." Dena said.

"Nothing happened. Now drop the fucking subject!" Deluna shouted.

"Nothing happened, but you did kiss me." Lavi said deviously.

"You kissed me. Not the other way around." Deluna hissed.

"But you kissed back." Lavi said.

"For the last god damn time I feel absolutely nothing for a pathetic maggot like you!" Deluna screamed.

"Then why ya getting mad?" Lavi asked.

"Because you don't know when to shut your mouth!" Deluna shouted, red with anger.

"But you didn't deny the fact that you kissed back." Lenalee interjected.

"Would now be the best time to mention something about the wedding this weekend?" Phoebe asked as she Joey, and Piper walked over with the three kids, Livy, and Damon's wife.

"Why the hell are you all here?" Deluna shouted.

"Aunt Luna!" the kids cheered as they tackled her.

"Get off me. Now!" Deluna said, trying to take the monkeys off of her.

"But we haven't seen you in so long." Clare whined.

"Clare, Wen, Tray, come here." Archer said.

They jumped off of Deluna and onto Archer. "Careful. You're getting heavy." Archer told them, sitting down with them hugging and climbing all over him.

"They're a bunch of monkeys." Deluna muttered.

"Not to pry, but what wedding?" Lenalee asked.

"Piper's wedding with Lenny, her fiance." Phoebe said.

"That reminds me. Deluna, I'm gonna be having a child of my own and I was wondering if you wouldn't mind being the godmother?" Piper asked.

"Why me? I haven't spent a second of my life with a kid younger than eight without anyone else around." Deluna respopnded.

"It's up to you, but I'd like to know before I have the baby." Piper said.

"So you finally got knocked up, huh?" Devin asked as he and Ty came over.'

"How the hell do you guys get in here! The camp isn't even over with for the day." Deluna said.

"You know, they do come here too often." Daisya whispered.

"They seem disfunctional." Krowley said.

"Only Deluna." Allen said.

Deluna went back to jotting things down on a piece of paper and her parents discussed about who was going to tell her something. "Can't you see I'm busy? Go home and tell me Friday." Deluna ordered.

"Just because you are in charge of this place does not mean you can talk to you parents like that young lady." Phoebe lectured, putting a finger in Deluna's face.

"Just did Mom." Deluna murmured.

Deluna stared at her family and friends. How do they keep getting in? She gave the guards direct orders not to let them in. Dena ran into Ty's arms and kissed him and she rolled her eyes. "Hey, I don't mind them being here. It keeps us from doing your little assignments. Plus, they're fun. You, not so much." Lavi said.

"Okay, Deluna Ann." Phoebe said.

"Stop calling me that." Deluna fumed.

"Both your father's and my parents are coming to town. You're grandparents are going to be in town for two weeks along with your uncle Felster, Luther, Renny and your three aunts. So basically, both sides of the family." Phoebe said.

"I thought I had four uncles?" Deluna muttered.

"Melvin doesn't come around, remember?" Archer asked.

"Oh yeah. He's a jackass. Didn't he go to Europe?" Piper said.

"Totally a disfunctional, and huge, family." Daisya said.

"Okay, okay. I get it. My aunts, uncles, and my grandparents are coming. Don't care. It's not like I'm going to see them except for at PIper's wedding. If I even stay long enough." Deluna said.

"Actually, you forgot about your cousins." Joey said.

Deluna slowly turned her head towards them and her eyes started twitching. "Daisy, Sugar, and Candy will be coming. Along with Aaron. I know those are the only cousins you have a problem with, but, uh, they're staying at your house." Phoebe said.

Deluna dropped her clipboard and she didn't look too good. "There is no way in hell those moronic, bitchy, and annoying little weasals are staying at my house. I rather kill myself now." Deluna said.

"The triplets aren't that bad." Damon said.

"They're more annoying than you!" Deluna shouted.

"Well, that's because they teased you more than us that they annoy you. Plus, out of the cousins and us, you're the youngest kid in that generation of the family. Everyone teased ya." Archer told her.

"I thought they were quadruplets?" Devin asked.

"Oh, yeah. Aaron is the fourth one and the elsest, but he is a boy. So we just call them triplets since he rarely spent time with the girls while the girls stuck togethedr like glue." Damon said.

"That's it. Get out now! If you even utter a word about me being here and they show up I'm going to kill them then kill you. And they're not staying at my house." Deluna said, kicking everyone out of the camp.

"I see why she is so mean now." Lenalee muttered.

"Being the youngest in the huge family like that." Allen said.

"Hey! Why didn't you let Ty stay? He didn't do anything." Dena pouted.

"Get back to the routine!" Deluna ordered everyone.

"What's your problem? It's not our fault you don't like your cousins. DOn't take it out on us." Daisya said.

"Get to the new routine damn it!" Deluna barked and the cadets yelped.

Deluna watched as everyone got down and laid on the ground in front of a little fence like thing. Small stakes held up barb wires. They wouldn't lose and eye as long as they don't try to stick their head out of the metal wires and if they did what they should. "Are you sure this is safe?" Allen asked, gulping.

"It's safe as long as you follow instructions. You have to crawl from the start to the finish line and wait for the other cadets. You are going to do this until you perfect it. Don't raise your head too much or you'll get scratched. I can't gaurentee that you won't get at least one scratch and you should be fine. Many people have tested it. Including mysef. Begin." Deluna responded and blew a whistle.

Kanda finished first and hadn't a single problem. Not many did because they remembered how Deluna did it. She had showed them once and one time only. She said to take your time, but not take forever and make sure to do it right. As people finished she jotted down a few names. Several people had to repeat it, but there were only a few when she made people repeat it three times. Only Choaji, Miranda, Krowley, Eliade, and surprisingly, Lavi were the only ones that had to continuosly repeat the process. Eliade was worried about her hair getting dirty from the dirt, but she was the first of that group to stop. Krowley was second. Deluna didn't look too happy when she had Choaji, Miranda, and Lavi repeat it over and over again. They were too worried about the wires and had several cuts on their faces. They weren't doing it correctly and you would think the crawl would be simple. Seriously! WHo didn't know the army crawl? Lavi should've, but he definitely didn't. "Chaoji, you may stop." Deluna said.

Miranda was ready to go into one of her famous fits and rambled on about not doing anything right. Lavi groaned and went back to the starting line. What was he doing wrong? Was she purposely making him do this? No. She wouldn't waste her time on this. Not on him either. Maybe, but her anger showed different. She wasn't purposely doing this to him. So he was messing something up. When he got midway he stopped and lifted his head a little. The sky darkened and he stared up the best he could. Thunder could be heard and he prayed there be no lightning. Miranda finished and sighed, relieved when Deluna said she was finished. Lavi was unforunate though. He trudged back to the beginning and Deluna blew her whistle in his ear when he wouldn't move. "Get moving!" Deluna ordered.

Lavi felt a drop of water on his face and looked at the sky as his friends got under the surrounding trees. Dena soon followed as Deluna watched him, standing in the rain. He finished another lap, but was sent back to the starting line, covered in mud. When he got on the ground again his body practically got stuck in the mud and it was really hard to move. Five minutes passed and he didn't even make it halfway like usually. He stopped and put his head on his arms, keeping his head from going in the mud. He heard another roll of thunder and groaned, restraining himself from screaming. What was he doing wrong? "What are you doing? Get a move on! The longer you do this the more time you waste!" Deluna shouted like she was in his ear.

Lavi picked his head up and started again, but he was sent back to the beginning. He knew the reason that time though. He purposely stopped so he had to restart. Deluna checked the time and groaned herself. It was getting late and until he perfected this she couldn't go anywhere. "Dena, go take the others to dinner. It seems like we're going to be stuck out here for awhile." Deluna said and Lavi stared at her. Nope. She wasn't doing this on purpose.

Lavi kept repeating the small routine, but he wasn't doing something right and it was frustrating him and Deluna. Deluna finally had enough and threw off her hat and put the clipboard down. When Lavi got back to the beginning and started crawling she got down in the mud with him and he stared at her. "What are you doing? I thought you weren't allow ed to show us more than ocnce or do it with us?" Lavi asked.

"Shut up and stop complaining maggot!" Deluna ordered as she position his body. He felt awkward when she moved his arms and legs around. She made him dig his knees and elbows in the mud and showed him how to do it. He followed every instruction and he repeated the routine with her many times until he could perfect it. She seemed determined to make him do this correctly though and was agitated. "Will you do this right?" Deluna shouted over the thunder.

"I'm trying!" Lavi said.

When they finally finished they collapsed on the ground. With all the mud and water their clothes were heavy and they were covered in mud. they could be mistaken for mud monsters in fact. Lavi panted, exhausted from doing this for hours. He looked at her with a goofy, twisted grin. "Thanks Luna." Lavi said.

"Don't call me that!" Deluna ordered as she wiped mud from her eyes. "Maggot."

Lavi chuckled and then coughed when mud got in his mouth. Deluna stared at him as he hacked and found herself absentmindingly laughing at him. He put his hands around his throat and coughed as he looked at her. "I think I swallowed a bug as well." Lavi said, sticking his tongue out to see a worm crawling on it. He quickly spite it off and gagged. "Eww! So gross!"

Deluna held her side, trying to stop laughing, but couldn't. Lavi stared at her and tackled her. They rolled around on the ground until he had her pinned to ground. She tried to get free, but she was sinking into the ground and couldn't move around much. She could barely squirm with him on top. "Get the hell off." Deluna barked.

Lavi got close to her face and stared at her midnight blue eyes. She froze and didn't know why, but his gaze was so intense. He grinned and she scowled, turning her head away, not caring her face was sinking into the mud. She would rather eat a bug along with mud than stare at him. Lavi wiped the mud off of her face and then got closer to it. "Deluna, I know we practically just met, but I really like you. Can you please give me a chance?" Lavi asked.

"Hell NO!" Deluna responded.

"Come on. You had fun Saturday. You kissed back. Twice. Out of the four kisses we had." Lavi told her.

"No." Deluna repeated.

"You don't hate me and I don't hate you. Why can't you just accept the fact that you feel something?" Lavi responded.

"Feel what? Displeasure? Violated? Uncomfortable? Angry!" Deluna responded, kicking him.

"Wrong spot." Lavi said as he lost feeling in his arms and fell on her.

She pushed him off and got on top of him, glaring. "No. I meant to kick you there, but if you don't leave me alone, you will no longer have them. Got it?" Deluna responded.

"Is that a threat or a promise?" Lavi asked as if he enjoyed this.

"You are so stupid." Deluna said as she loosened her grip on him.

Lavi tried to get her under him again so he could continue to talk to her, but she hit him and it stung because of being soaking wet. Deluna stood up and Lavi grabbed her ankle then they rolled down a small hill and couldn't stop. They burst through some doors and slid on the tiled floor. Deluna winced as Lavi fell on top of her, making her back and front hurt more. Lavi cracked open his eye and stared at Deluna who was ready to kill him. He looked around, noticing the change in lighting. They were in the cafeteria and everyone was staring. Lavi got a little red, but no one could tell because of the mud. Deluna kicked his jaw and he flew backwards into some chairs. Rubbing his head he sat up and watched as Dleuna tried to get up, but kept falling back down. He laughed and she glared at him. "Deluna?" Dena asked.

She slowly creaked her head towards the table Dena was at with the chiefs and generals, captains mainly. A lot of people were laughing and Dena was keeping her mouth shut, but used her hand to keep from laughing. You could hear a few giggles though. Lavi tried to stand up, but along with Deluna, he fell down, but he fell down over her stomach. He sat up and apologized, hopeing she wouldn't hit him again. He wasn't lucky. She whacked him upside the head and a huge bump formed. "Owwww." Lavi whined.

Komui came over and looked down at the muddy monsters and laughed in his fist, but when Deluna stared at him he stopped immediately. "Captain, what happened?" Komui asked, stiffling his laughter.

She gritted her teeth as she crawled out of the mud pile and onto the clean parts. She stood up and made sure she could walk around. She looked at Lavi who hid behind Komui. Her anger was evident and Komui felt like backing away himself. She walked over and punched Lavi in the face and he flew into the wall. He stared at Deluna as she started coming over. "She snapped!" Dena screamed, trying to hold Deluna back.

Lavi stood up and ran around, but Dena couldn't hold Deluna back herself and Lavi fell down on his face. He rubbed his head again, but didn't have time to worry about that as he got kicked in the head by Deluna. "What the hell are you guys doing watching! Hold her down before she kills him!" Dena ordered.

They all jumped, frightened by the urgency and they all piled on top of Deluna as Lavi ran away. Deluna managed to get away from the group of people, but when she finally pinned LAvi to the wall and was a milimeter away from smashing his face in, her fist stopped. She trembled as she took a deep breath and calmed herself down. Lavi thanked god for saving his life and Deluna walked out, but Lavi didn't move. He was too stunned. Why did she get so mad? He used his hands and made ure everything was intact and sighed, relieved. "I'm alive? I'm alive!" Lavi cheered.

Dena wiped a bead of sweat off of her forehead alone with some mud. "Phew. She restrained herself just in time." Dena remarked.

"Unforunately." Kanda mumbled, looking up from his food at the muddy Lavi. "It would've been peaceful with the rabbit gone."

"It would be better if you were gone too." Allen muttered/

"What was that beansprout!" Kanda shouted.

"Not now you two. Lavi go take a shower and we'll have Jerry send something to you before you go to bed. Just bring the tray back in in the morning." Komui said as he left. "And someone clean up the mud."

Deluna got in bed and closed her eyes. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep then wake up to see the sun shining in through the window. She got ready for the day and then went to check the barracks. She reluctantly went to Lavi's barracks and walked up and down the line. She stopped in front of Lavi who had a huge bruise on his face and he looked at her glumly. She smirked, knowing that was her fault. Her smirk soon faded when she heard a cheery, sing song voice or voices come from the doorway. "~ Deluna! ~"

Dena followed Deluna's gaze to the door and sighed. This was going to be a long day. Three girl look alikes came over and hugged her. The only difference between them was their eye color. Bright blue, bright yellow, and bright red-orange. They looked at Deluna who's face was being smushed and she tried pushing them off, irritated already. Why can't her family be normal? Why couldn't they stay away from the camp on the week days? They looked from Deluna to Lavi. "Right emerald eye." one of them said.

"Fiery red hair." another one said.

"And an eye patch." the third said.

They let go of Deluna and fawned over how cute he was and Lavi blushed at their words. He knew that a lot of girls would say that to their friends or think it, but none of them ever spoke it aloud right in front of him as if he wasn't there. "He is so cuu- uuuuttteee!" the one with yellow eyes exclaimed.

"No. He's handsome!" blue eyes said.

"He's hot! Drop dead goreous." the third declared.

"Your name is Lavi right? Right?" blue eyes asked.

"Uh, yes." Lavi responded.

"Hi. I'm Sugar Silva." blue eyes told him.

"Hello! I'm Candy Silva." the girl with yellow eyes told him.

"And I'm Daisy Silva." the girl with red-orange eyes said.

"Ohhhh! You're the triplets Deluna's family was talking about yesterday." Lavi responded.

"That's right!" they chimed.

"Daisy, Candy, Sugar?" Deluna said calmly.

"Yes Luny?" they queried.

"Get out of here!" Deluna shouted at the top of her lungs.

Simultaneously they each stuck a finger in their ear and thenwinced. They then stared at Lavi as if she hadn't said anything. "Luny? Shouldn't it be Luna?" Allen asked.

"No." Candy said gleefully.

"Have you met her?" Sugar asked.

"She's looney." Daisy finished, moving her pointer fingers in circles near her head, the other two following.

"Did you not hear me?" Deluna seethed.

"Loud and clear." they said, giving her a thumbs up, but admiring Lavi.

They rolled up Lavi's t- shirt sleeves and stared at his arms. Daisy raised his shirt up a little to look at his abs and Lavi felt strange, but didn't push them away. He was just glad they didn't put their hands in his pants! That was basically the only thing they didn't do until they each gave him a kiss on the cheek and hugged him around the waist. "He is so hot and packing guns!" Candy exclaimed.

Allen covered his mouth and laughed into it. Lavi went beet red and gulped. "SO this is the guy that has the potiential for Deluna, huh? No wonder! I want to have him to myself!" Sugar said.

"You're dating him, right? Right Luny?" Daisy asked, putting her arms around Lavi's neck.

"Hell no!" Deluna responded.

The triplets blinked then got in her face. "Are you crazy! You should go out with him just because of that body!" they responded, pointing at him.

Lenalee snapped and fell into a fit of laughter beside Kanda and put a hanbd on his shoulder for support. Allen leaned on the bed's metal bars and Lavi felt his face get hotter. Even Kanda smirked at Lavi's embarassment. "He's a maggot." Deluna said with a dull and bored face.

"Wasn't Brad Heresy the last guy you called a maggot?" Sugar asked.

"I never called anyone else maggot." Deluan said.

"No. You called Brad a maggot all the time and you had a huuuugggeeee crush on him." Candy said.

"That was Piper. The last person I called maggot was Devin or Ty because they let a girl that was five years younger than them beat the living shit out of them." Deluna said.

"Oh, that's right." Daisy said, balling one hand into a fist then planting it on the other which laid flat in the air.

"But I heard you went on a date with him." SUgar said, pointing at Lavi.

"NO!" Deluna screamed.

"I heard that everyone thinks you like him. SO you have to date him." Candy added, pointing at Lavi as well.

"I heard Lavi liked you and kissed you. I also heard you let him stay at your house Saturday." Daisy said, finger pointing at Lavi as well.

"Get lost! I wouldn't date him if he was the las tperson or thing in this universe. I'd rather stick nine inch nails into my eyes or die a painful death!" Deluna shouted, angry.

"But everytime you get angry like that you are usually embarassed by the truth or lying or denying something. See, those are the eyes you get when it comes to that too." they said, pointing at her eyes now.

She smacked all their hands away then their heads, creating big lumps. They rubbed their heads and looked at her with teary eyes. "Why'd you do that?" they said in unison.

"Get out of her!" Deluna ordered.

Daisy looked at Deluna then at Lavi. She smirked and then jumped on Lavi, wrapping her arms around his neck and down the back of his shirt. Lavi felt the hairs on the back on his neck stand up and shivered a bit. Daisy kissed him and his eye widened. Candy and Sugar giggled as Dena's jaw dropped to the floor. Deluna stared at them angrily and for some reason she was getting angrier and angrier. Her face was red with anger and steam seemed to be coming off of her. She grabbed Daisy's shirt and pulled her off and Daisy stared at her with a pouty face. "Couldn't you wait another minnute? He has lips sweet and tasty like candy." Daisy whined.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!" Deluna shouted.

"Why so angry? If he's not your man and you don't like him then you shouldn't care." Daisy said deviously with a glint in her eyes like she planned this.

Lavi looked at Deluna, waiting, yearning for her response. Yearning for her touch. He shook his head, getting rid of that thought. "Because you're annoying and I was mad in the first place!" Deluna said, finally finding an excuse.

"But you're getting angrier." Candy stated.

"You are jealous!" Sugar added.

"For the last time I hate him!" Deluna said.

"Nu-huh! You are soooo jealous!" they sung.

"WIll you shut up!" Deluna shouted.

"Why ya shouting?" Sugar asked.

"She always does that." Lavi said.

"Aww. You poor thing. You must be tone deaf then." Candy said, covering his ears.

Lavi blushed again. These girls were creepy, but they kept making him blush oddly. "What's with the bruise though? You would look so much better without it." Daisy said and the girls got all over him again.

Deluna's hands twitched beside her and flames appeared out of nowhere. The triplets looked at her calmly and their smiles faded. "What's your problem?" they questioned.

"Did you really just ask me what my problem is?" Deluna hissed.

"Duh Luny!" they said.

"You three are my problem." Deluna seethed, gritting her teeth.

They poured water over her and everyone wondered where they got it. "Simmer down." they said.

Deluna stared at them with anger filled eyes and they fawned over Lavi again. Deluna wasn't sure why, but it was just making her angrier. She hated Lavi. She wasn't jealous. Right? Now she sounded like she was trying to convince herself. Lavi looked at her and felt bad about this. "E- excuse me ladies, but can you please get off me? Right now I'm only interested in one girl." Lavi said and they looked at him intently then at each other.

They then hugged each other and stared at Delluna with big, puppy, googly eyes ready to cry. "And he's even honest!" Sugar cried.

"True to his girl!" Candy said.

"He's sweet. What a nice package. You have to take him!" Daisy remarked.

"So heartwarming!" they said in unison and the other two agreed.

"I see why she hates them." Daisya whispered in Marie's ear.

"Who doesn't she hate?" Marie responded.

"Lavi. It's so obvious." Daisya replied.

"I'm not his girl!" Deluna shouted.

"Oh lord help us." Dena whispered.

"Are you three bugging her already?" a boy asked as he leaned on the doorway.

"Hey Aaron." they said.

"So where's that Lavi kid I've heard so much about?" Aaron asked, purposely teasing Deluna.

"Lord save us." Dena said as she cried into her sleeve. "We're so dead."

"Again. I. HATE! THE! DAMN! MAGGOT!" Deluna screamed, red with anger and shaking with fury.

"Wow. You're getting really worked up." Aaron stated, walking over to her and staring at Lavi. "So you must really, really like him."

Deluna glared at Lavi and he put his hands up in defense. "Don't look at me like that. I didn't say anything this time Luna!" Lavi said.

"You don't have to say anything. You were born!" Deluna shouted as she walked out, slamming the door behind her.

The girls did a fancy handshake and giggled. They looked at Lavi and grinned. "First objective to achieve. Get her to admit her crush." Sugar said.

"Second objective: get them hooked." Candy said, rubbing her hands together.

"Third and final objective is to let them have some good privacy." Daisy mumbled and Lavi went red again.

Lavi gulped and thought about that last sentance's meaning. He got redder and redder until his face was redder than his hair from his neck to the tip of his ears and dirthy thoughts stuck in his head. He tried to shake them out, but couldn't. He hid his face in his pillow on his bunk and the triplets stared at him. "What's with him?" they inquired.