Hello Fanfictioners! It is I, Hammsters, here to present you with a new story! The summary wasn't so great, so here's a more detailed one.

Summary: Erin FitzGerald (aka, me), a shy girl who may very well be afraid of her own shadow, crashes onto an island during her first plane ride. Not the best way to start out. Without having her ever-constant friends from home by her side, she's absolutely scared out of her wits. She manages to work up the courage to befriend everyone's favorite lovable losers, but can't really say the same for anyone else. What will she do to survive the splitting of the groups and worse, the death of a friend?

Quick description of Erin: Curly brown, auburn, and blonde hair that stops shortly below her shoulders. 5'4" tall. Afraid of Planes, Boats, teenagers, and sharp pointy objects. Big feet, comparitively small hands. Blue eyes, chubby-ish cheeks, and light freckles.

Song: Teenagers by My Chemical Romance

Okay, so that's about it. I hope you like it, here it is!

They're gonna clean up your looks
With all the lies in the books
To make a citizen out of you
Because they sleep with a gun
And keep an eye on you, son
So they can watch all the things you do.

"Erin, it's time to wake up." I hear a voice. I roll onto my side, squash the pillow over my ears, and groan.

'Go away," I mumble.

"It's time for school, get up, get up, get up," My mom walks out and slams my bedroom door shut. I sigh and sit up. Well, at least it's the last day of school. After this, nothing but sweet, sweet vacation. And some sunburns that will probably never fully heal, but let's forget that insignificant little detail. I smile as I look at the end of my bed. In place of the boring white blouse and black, gray, and white slop of a skirt that calls itself a school uniform is my favorite t-shirt and super short-shorts. The shirt is dark gray with a pissy looking cartoon black cat on it that says MOODY in big black block letters at the top. It suddenly clicks in my brain. Last day= dress down/7th grade class picnic. Yes!

Because the drugs never work
They're gonna give you a smirk
Cuz they've got methods of keeping you clean
They're gonna rip up your heads,
Your aspirations to shreds
Another cog in the murder machine.

After changing and scarfing down some burnt toast, I charge out the door happily. Well, semi-happily. After all, I am MOODY. Heheh, bad pun. I stroll down the sidewalk whistling to myself when I see a large group of people at the end of the street that make me stop in my tracks. Oh no, LT (Lyons Township High School) is having a late arrival day. What is that, ten this month?

They said all teenagers scare the living shit out of me
They could care less as long as someone'll bleed
So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose
Maybe they'll leave you alone, but not me.

Pardon my British, but I hate bloody fucking teenagers! They're scary (that last sentence is to be read in a tiny mousy voice FYI). I mean sure, I'm a teenager, and my older sister's a teenager, but we don't count. She's nineteen, so technically, she's an adult, and I can't very well be afraid of MYSELF! Other teenagers gots some bad mojo going on though. All sulky and angry looking, listening to their Metallica and Linkin Park. All though, LInkin Park doesn't count, cuz I listen to that too. But they listen to all those creepy Hollywood Undead songs too! Bad mojo dudes. Bad. Mojo. I'm dead silent as I walk past them, making sure to keep at least two feet between me and the nearest LT kid, even though it means walking on my neighbors grass. I cross the street and am finally free of them. There, one bus stop down, only two to go.

The boys and girls in the clique,
The awful names that they stick
You're never gonna fit in much kid
But when you're troubled and hurt
What you've got under your shirt
Will make them pay for the things they did.

I've finally reached my school, Saint Francis Xavier Elementary School (SFX) and turn into the area where all the too-cool-to-be-seen-with-the-spazzy-6th-grade-and-under-toddlers middle schoolers wait to be let into the school. I'm walking past a group of boys towards my friends when I hear this annoying spazzy chick who everyone seems to love shout, "Sharon!" I know, I know, my name is Erin, not Sharon, but try explaining that to the kids in my grade. It all started with some kids Ozzie Osborne impression, they noticed how much being called by the wrong name bugged me, and then it just stuck. Only two people in the whole grade call me by my real name now, my friends Julia and Fiona. Oh joy. You know what's great about being in middle school? Teenagers as far as the eye can see. *Sarcasm.*

They said all teenagers scare the living shit out of me
THey could care less as long as someone'll bleed
So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose
Maybe they'll leave you alone, but not me.

I walk up to the large group of girls lurking dangerously close to the snot-nosed little kids, greeted by a chorus of "Sharon!" Sigh, so my day begins.

You know what really, truly sucks about going to a Catholic School? Every week, we have a stupid all-school mass. We have to wear stupid service-day t-shirts over our dress down clothes so we're joined as a whole school, and not individuals, God forbid. Today won't be so bad though, I guess. They're announcing the winner of the Barbara Snopek scholarship, which is a pretty big deal for us 7th graders. The scholarship goes to a model student in the 7th grade and puts $1,000 to their 8th grade tuition. Everyone wants to get that award, and I mean everyone. Of course, it's always really obvious who's going to get it. For example, I would never get it because I have too many late assignments and demerits, and even my mega high grades can't make up for that. But I know one person who I'm confident will win by a landslide.

"And now everybody, it's time to announce this year's winner of the Barbara Snopek scholarship." Ms. Rodde, the school principal announces. She pulls out a slip of paper and reads the name scrawled on it. "Julia Martin! Julia, can you come up hear?" My friend Julia, who is currently sitting next to me, looks dumb-stuck. Her eyes are wide in total disbelief. She stumbles out of the pew and walks up to the front of the church to get the award. Everyone applauds as she walks up. Her mom goes up to her and hands her a card, apparently I'm not the only one who saw this coming from a mile away. Julia comes back to her seat, grinning from ear to ear.

"Nice job," I whisper. She smiles more.

The mass ends and we Julia, Fiona and I march up all three floors to the constant sound of people saying "Good job Hules," and high-fiving Julia. The smile on her face seems to be permanently glued there. We walk back to our homeroom, line up, and the moment we've all been waiting for arrives: the class picnic.

Well, the picnic was... fun. As expected, people occasionally commented on my t-shirt.

"Hey Sharon, are you moody?" A strawberry blonde boy asks me.

"Yes Rory, yes I am," I comment, not breaking stride as me and my friends walk past.

"Well that's not a good thing to be."

"Of course it is!"

Good times. There were a bunch of adorable little brothers and sisters of kids in my grade. Tyler's little sister came up to me and my friends and had us play with her for about an hour. She was down-right adorable. And Julia, Fiona and I played Cherry Cherry with MaryClaire and Alex, two of our other friends. There was one point when the person who was it said 'cherry cherry' while I was running for the swing-set, and I shouted 'SHIT!' extremely loud. In front of a bunch of little kids and a teacher. Yea, not my finest moment. Anyways, it doesn't matter now, cuz school's out and summer's in! Tomorrow, we leave for Ireland! Woohoo, my first time being out of the country! Then the terrible truth suddenly hits me like a train. We have to take a plane to Ireland. Oh God, not good. This should be fun. Not.

Huh? So how was it? Erin actually is based on me, Julia and Fiona are based on my friends Julia and Fiona, and all the people in this chapter are real, living breathing people I know, and the events in it actually happened. But, anyways, pleeeeeaaaaaaase review this story and tell me what you think, I've got big plans up ahead!