I'm back! With the new story just like I promised. Hope you guys like my oneshot, "Of Ships and Partners." It didn't get any reviews, but a lot of visitors, which is good. So this is my multi-chapter story of a love triangle of sorts between our main characters and the high priest. Reviews are very much appreciated and welcome for this story so I know if I am on the right track with the character's habits and such.

Disclaimer: I do not own The Road to El Dorado (but I do have it on dvd and vhs…)


Miguel opened his eyes and stretched, having just woken up from a nap. He smiled as he sat up and looked around. It was late afternoon in the city of El Dorado, and everything looked beautiful. The golden city glistened in the sunlight and birds chirped in the forests. He stood and walked out the front entrance of the temple, looking down on the city to find the people preparing for yet another feast that evening. He heard a sudden noise to his left, and looked over to see Altivo approaching him.

"Altivo, old boy, what have you been up to today?" Miguel asked with a smile. He reached up to pet the horse, who made a noise of appreciation. "I wonder where Tulio is. With Chel no doubt…he's been ignoring us, hasn't he?" He frowned and sighed as Altivo tossed his head in agreement. "I mean I don't mind Chel, but it was always me and him, and now it seems like he wants nothing to do with me." He turned once more to look over the city again. "I just wish he could see how much I care about him."

Altivo suddenly nudged Miguel and shifted uncomfortably. Miguel looked out to see what was bothering his horse when he noticed someone walking up the temple stairs. That someone was Tzekal Kan, the city's high priest, whom Miguel didn't like at all. He didn't want to engage in conversation with him, especially without Tulio around.

"Ah, Lord Miguel, you're awake," Tzekal Kan declared as he reached the top of the stairs and stopped in front of Miguel.

Wait, did he know I was sleeping? "Yeah," Miguel responded dumbly. "Um, do you need something?"

"I just wanted to confirm that you will be attending tonight's festivities?" Tzekal Kan asked. "There will be music and dancing that I am most certain you will enjoy."

Miguel felt extremely uncomfortable all of a sudden. Why does he want to know this? "Um, yeah I'll be there."

"Excellent," Tzekal Kan stated with a clap of his hands. "Is Lord Tulio with you?"

"No, he's probably off somewhere with Chel," Miguel said, a hint of anger in his voice. He bit his lip, hoping Tzekal Kan hadn't detected it.

Tzekal Kan grinned to himself. "Ah, yes, the woman. Well, I'll be off then to speak with him. I'll see you this evening." He bowed quickly and turned to leave.

Miguel turned and walked quickly back in to the temple. That was weird, why would he ask me stuff like that? He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn't see Tzekal Kan turn and look at him lustfully.

Tzekal Kan reached the bottom of the stairs and walked towards his own temple, having no intention of going to see Tulio. My plan is working perfectly. Soon Chel will have Tulio so distracted that I can destroy him…and Miguel will be mine.


Any thoughts?