**Sorry for the long wait. But hopefully all will be forgiven after with this chapter! Enjoy! ^_^

Chapter 6: Love's Bullet of Truth

It all happened so fast. Arthur was standing next to Eames one minute, and then holding his gun in his hand the next. When Marks fired, Arthur moved before Eames had a chance to. With a hard shove into his shoulder, he sent Eames's sprawling to the ground as Arthur pulled out the gun tucked behind his suit pants and fired off a round in Marks's direction. He heard the solid impact of the bullets around him as he ducked and rolled onto the ground. Wood splintered behind him, lights shattered and the room went into utter chaos.

Then he heard a loud thump. The distinctive sound of a body slumping to the floor. His eyes shot to the sight of Justine Marks. Her beautiful face contorted in pain as he saw the gaping hole in the center of her chest. He killed her. A pool of blood seeped from beneath her.

His gun still vibrated in his hand. His breath came out hard and fast. He heard two quick footsteps then and saw Haber reappear, as he sneered in furious rage at the sight of Marks dead. Pulling out his own gun, he began firing blindingly into the room. Arthur was quicker though, expert marksman and honed reflexes. Arthur fired a single deadly shot. The bullet blast echoed in the room. Haber's eyes went wide with shock, the gun in his hand slackening in his grip.

Haber slumped to the floor ungraciously, gasping out his final breath before joining Marks's similar fate of demise. Arthur's heart hammered in his chest as he got to his feet. His ears rung. Suddenly he heard something that was universal in any language, fear. Loud, terrified female screams erupted around him as massage patrons and workers went fleeing out of their rooms and parlor, their echoing shouts of fright following them.

He glanced over to Eames, realizing they had to make a quick escape before one of those hysterical females calmed down long enough to call the cops. But when his eyes locked onto Eames, his heart stilled painfully. Arthur dropped like a stone next to Eames's unmoving body.

Oh God, Arthur thought, horrified. He hadn't been fast enough. He should have seen it coming. Why hadn't he seen it sooner? He hadn't been able to save him… Eames was dead just like the others… No… no…

Fear choked him as he turned Eames's body over, blood seeping beneath him. Sudden relief hit him as he saw Eames's face twisted in pain but still alive.

"Eames!" Arthur breathed out, barely holding himself together.

"Bloody'ell," Eames grumbled, holding a hand over the side of his stomach. "The bitch shot me," he muttered in disbelief.

Arthur nearly laughed, on the verge of hysteria. Eames was fine, at least for the moment. "We have to get out of here," he said insistently to him. "The police will be here soon, can you stand?"

Eames's eyes focused on him then, realization dawning as he nodded, "Yeah… sounds like the party's over anyway."

Arthur had rolled up his sleeves while he cooked pasta and cut up veggies to toss in once it finished marinating. He thought about the cut of the chicken, the steam from the boiling pot of pasta, the colors of the fresh vegetables… anything but Eames.

He tried to focus on dinner, not on the man who was asleep upstairs, recovering from a bullet wound he received earlier that day. So much had happened that Arthur himself was surprised he was still standing. He should be passed out on the couch, off in dreamland too. But he was anxious and wired. So he decided to cook. It usually took his mind off of things. Yet, as he washed his hands briefly under the water in the sink, he couldn't help but imagine the blood that had stained his hands only a few hours before.

Eames could have died today. And it would have been Arthur's fault. He should have known about Marks. Listened to his instinct when she called him. He should've known something was wrong… something was odd about this job… But no, he'd been distracted with his own mixed up emotions that her betrayal had come as a shock. Then Marks shot Eames.

Arthur's hands stilled on the knife, thinking of that moment again. God, it could've been so much worse, he thought agonizingly. What if he lost him today? What if he never had the chance to tell him the truth? That he loved him too. And maybe, he always had. Maybe that was why he resisted so hard in the beginning, denying Eames before he ever had a chance. But now it was too late. Arthur was sure that he had lost his heart to that irritating Forger.

Arthur realized then that he still hadn't told Eames anything. He was too busy playing nurse when he got him back to his place that cleaning the wound and stitching it up had been his focus. Now, Eames slept upstairs in his bed, resting after the painful ordeal.

Suddenly he heard a groggy, yet sinfully delicious voice sound gruffly behind him, "dear God it smells amazing in here. A boy can't sleep with this floating about in the air."

Arthur turned to see Eames, strolling into the kitchen looking haphazardly wrecked but in a very appealing way. His hair was mussed, his beige slacks wrinkled, his white suit shirt opened with a tank top underneath… and then the blood. Arthur's throat clenched. He saw the trail of blood that traced his white shirt. The contrast was too bright for him.

"You should be resting," he replied tightly, knowing Eames shouldn't be walking up and down stairs but in his bed, sleeping.

"Yes, yes, mother. But right now, I'll I could think about was food."

"How are you feeling?"

Eames eyed the bowl of simmering pasta, "hungry."

When Arthur just stared back disapproving, Eames chuckled, throwing his hands up in a helpless gesture. "Aw- come off it, love. It was only a flesh wound. And it's partly your fault I'm down here in the first place. It smells sinfully good."

Arthur felt his heart soften. There was that word again. That small little sentiment slipped into his words like it was nothing yet everything at the same time. No one had ever told Arthur that they loved him. He never had that connection with another soul. People like Cobb or Marks, would come in and out of his life. He was always connected to people but never at this level, never involving real emotions. Never love.

"So what are you conjuring up for us tonight, Arthur?"

A smile tugged at his lips as he tossed the veggies into the bowl. "Let me get you a shirt that's clean- at least before we eat."

Eames eyed his shirt then, "do you have anything that would fit me?"

"I might," he replied.

A few minutes later Eames wore a casual throwback shirt that was a few sizes too big. It was form fitting on Eames yet he made it look very nice, especially since Eames seemed to never wear black. He was more into the colors with his choices in clothes.

They ate their dinner reasonably fast since both were famished and couldn't recall the last time they had a proper meal. Arthur cleaned up when they finished and poured them a glass of red wine as dessert.

Eames sighed heavily, thankfully taking the glass as he relaxed into Arthur's plush couch. The same one they had made love on for the first and last time. Arthur couldn't help but think of this fact as he sat across from the man now.

He wanted to burn the couch the moment Eames walked out of his life. He wanted to torch it and watch it smolder like his feelings he had for Eames. A constant, ridiculous torch. It wasn't until he saw him again in that dream that Arthur realized the truth. He was in love with him.

He fell a little in love with him the first time they met, all those years ago on the job they pulled with Cobb. Then a little more when Eames walked into the workroom for the first time on the Inception job, becoming a new addition to the team. And finally when they made love in his apartment. Arthur knew it then, felt it in his gut but ignored it. He thought he was just being romantic and over-idealistic especially after having such incredible sex. But it wasn't until they spent months apart from each other, uncertain and confused, and then abruptly seeing Eames again in that warehouse, it all came flooding back like a tidal wave.

The truth felt like an unstoppable bullet and there was no way of rolling out of this one unscathed.

"What's on that brilliant little mind of yours, darling? Taking from that quizzical brow of yours, I don't think it's very pleasing."

"It's not. Not really," Arthur replied honestly.

Eames frowned at this. "Well, do tell. It's always good to rid yourself of these sort of things. So come on, spill."

Arthur stared at him curiously, "I was thinking of the first time we met."

Eames smiled then hummed a little, "Aw- so many years ago… You were such a dork back then."

Arthur arched an eyebrow. "No I wasn't."

"Yes, you were. Thank God for the ridiculous amount of money we got pulling off that job because fortunately for you, you did the smart thing and ran to the nearest Armani store. I swear, if I had to look anymore at one of your knockoff bought ties, I was going to buy you ones myself."

"Yeah, like you could have afforded it back then." Arthur retorted.

Eames chuckled, "Touché, darling. You're right. I had been spending far too much of my off time playing and not enough time working." His dark brown eyes sharpened onto him then, "unlike you."

"What do you mean?"

"Please… you know perfectly well what I mean. You were practically glued to the hip with Cobb and still would be if he hadn't left."

Arthur sat back into the couch, a smug smile pulling at his lips. "Do I detect a hint of jealousy in your voice Mr. Eames?" he asked, teasingly.

Eames tensed, his eyebrow furrowing and lips pursing. This made Arthur laugh, which seemed to spur on Eames. "I don't get jealous, darling." He replied coldly.

"Okay, then I'll go call Cobb, see if he's doing anything…"

Eames's jaw clenched down tightly. "Careful, Arthur. Playing with fire might sound like fun at first, but we all know what happens in the end. Don't we?"

Arthur's smile softened. Obviously this was a touchy subject for Eames and pushing him now, might prove… stimulating.

"I'm not too sure anymore, Eames. After all, you're the one who likes to take risks more than anyone else I know. Maybe you're recklessness has rubbed off on me."

"I sincerely doubt that." Eames said dully. "You're problem is that you wouldn't risk something unless it was absolutely necessary."

"Are you calling me a coward?" Arthur asked suspiciously, his temper beginning to flare.

Eames shrugged his massive shoulders before slowly leaning back, sipping on his wine. "I'm simply saying you like playing it safe. And there's no shame in that."

Arthur felt insulted, yet his words struck hard at the bone. It was true. Arthur played it safe yet it was because he knew the consequences of failure when it came to the dream world. But right now, they weren't talking about dreaming. They were talking about something else far more dangerous.

"I took a chance on you," Arthur said softly, his gaze locking with the Forger.

"I don't know if you really did, Arthur. I think it was me who seduced you, if I remember correctly."

"Okay, fine. You seduced me. You pursued me. Whatever. What do you want from me now?" Arthur asked irritably.

Eames sat forward then, eyes intent. "Do you have feelings for Cobb?"

Arthur wasn't expecting that. He almost laughed. Instead he shook his head dumbly. "No, never. We just worked together and made a good team."

A curious moment of relief crossed Eames handsome face.

"I'd say the same thing about us too." Arthur said truthfully. "How we worked together on the inception job. Which I will admit now, you did a good job."

"Oh, why thank you darling for your condescension. It's always appreciated."Eames said drily.

"It's not…" Arthur began but stopped when he saw Eames's arrogant smile.

"And now this? Us being together…?" Arthur asked. His heart in his throat and his nerves making him feel anxious and suddenly very insecure under the Forger's scrutinizing gaze. He was afraid to be the first one to bring up this subject, but he needed this to be clear in his mind. He needed to hear what Eames thought and what he wanted from him. "We're what? Lovers?"

Eames's cocky smile hesitated, "what else do you want? A ring?"

Arthur shot back in alarm, "No."

"Don't get too excited."

Arthur abruptly laughed, "Sorry. It's not what I meant. It's just that I guess I don't know where we're at now."

Eames's eyes grew heavy as he smiled lazily at him. "I think I have an idea," he drawled out as he slowly got to his feet and approached Arthur.

He recognized the lust deep within those dark, hypnotic eyes. Arthur felt his heart begin to race. Eames's gaze so intent and so determined in seduction that it startled Arthur. Eames was confident in nearly all aspects of his life and evidence of this was in his mannerisms, swagger and knowing smile. That slow grin that spread from his lips to warm his beautiful eyes.

Arthur felt the wind suddenly escape his lungs as he stared up into the Forger's handsome chiseled features.

"You want to fill me in on your idea?" Arthur asked tentatively.

Eames shrugged carelessly, "I dunno- how about a little foreplay and then straight to the good stuff?"

Arthur cocked his head to the side, his nervous energy falling away, at least for the moment. "You certainly leave an impression Eames, but I'm going to need a little more specificity before we take this any further."



Eames's eyes twinkled coyly. "I know, darling. You do love that word. So here's as specific as I can possibly make this for you…" He leaned over, eyes never leaving his, as he captured his mouth with a piercingly hot kiss.

It didn't take much to get Arthur hard after that incredible kiss. He was off the couch in seconds, arms wrapped around the Forger, leaving his insecurities and doubts behind. "We should set some ground rules," Arthur muttered, lips frantically pressing into his, wet and hard.

"First rule- undress as quickly as possible," Eames breathed out, hands trailing up and down his body with possessive need that sent shivers coursing down Arthur's back. He was already unclipping his pants for him in his mind, thinking of Eames reaching down into his pants and grabbing a hand full of his throbbing erection…

Eames made him so hard. It didn't matter what the man did or was about to do, Eames- was his fantasy come to life. Thick, muscularly large, sensual, brilliant, funny, sexy as hell and most of all, loving…

Eames admitted to loving him… now it was time to find out if that was true. Arthur needed to know for certain before willingly giving up his heart in return. Though Arthur already knew the truth, Eames had his heart the moment they kissed in his apartment… or maybe before that- the Inception job. It didn't matter though. Not anymore. They were together again.

"Second rule," Arthur rasped, "bedroom. Not the couch."

Eames smiled sheepishly, eyes heavy with lust, "What? I absolutely adored the way you moved on this couch last time. How sinfully delicious you felt in my arms." He licked a hot trail with his tongue down his jaw line.

Arthur sighed. "I'm serious. I want the bed this time."

Eames groaned indignantly as he reluctantly pulled away and they made their way upstairs, already breathless from their touches and now the exertion from the excitement about to come.

Eames reached the bed first, slowly peeling off his black shirt and letting it fall uselessly to the floor. Arthur saw the bandage then, covering the bullet hole. "We'll have to be careful. Maybe we should wait…"

"Arthur," Eames growled dangerously. His rippling muscles of his torso quivering as he took in quick breaths. "I'm done chasing you. I'm bloody undressing in front of you. This means I'm ready. So you better jump on board, darling, because this train will run you down if you don't comply."

Arthur heard the threat, subtle but there. And incredibly arousing. He nodded weakly, his fingers already loosening the pale colored tie before pulling it off.

"Very good," Eames said with a reassuring smile as he flipped open his belt and stepped out of his unbuttoned slacks.

Arthur swallowed, still nervously unbuttoning his shirt and unable to stop watching the roughly handsome man undress. Distracted by the show of naked flesh, Arthur didn't realize Eames walk to him until his fingers began working at the clasp to his pants. Arthur gulped in air, needing to refill his empty lungs, but instead of breathing in fresh air it was Eames's musky, utterly male scent that filled his nostrils. A wave of arousal hit him hard. He sighed, letting out a low moan as Eames's wonderfully course hands dropped Arthur's pants to the floor and then roughly palmed his aching cock through his briefs.

Arthur's wanton hips thrusted forward demandingly as Eames continued his hypnotic touches, over and over, driving the point-man wild with want. Unable to bare it any longer, Arthur reached out and touched the wonderfully chiseled chest, his fingers spread wide over the muscles and trailing down to his crotch. Eames's eyes dropped lazily, enticing Arthur to capture his mouth this time. Eames let out a hum of approval as the two men devoured each other, standing at the foot of the bed. Eames tasted sweet of wine and sin. He was delicious and his tongue was soft against his as they slid in and out of each other's mouths with torrid heat.

He felt Eames rub his towering, confined erection against his body. Arthur whimpered, wanting more than just the feel of his mouth. Without thought, without hesitation, Arthur dropped to his knees and pulled off Eames's briefs, leaving him completely naked and his beautifully throbbing erection free to him. Arthur slipped his lips over the contours of his penis, taking his manly flesh deep within his mouth. He felt Eames tremble and his cock harden in his mouth. The arousal was now just as unbearable for Arthur, knowing that he could make Eames this hard and this hot for him.

He began to slowly suck him off. Using his lips and tongue. Eames groaned loudly above him. He sucked harder, wanting more reaction from the Forger. Wanting him to be the one out of control. Grazing his teeth lightly over the flesh, he bobbed over the thick, long cock. He felt Eames's fingers run through his hair and grasp the back of his head, his hips slowly thrusting forward in small bursts. Arthur took it. He took all of him. He finally pulled back and sucked hard on the tip of his head, tonguing his slit and tasting the warm precum on his lips.

All of a sudden Eames pulled out of his mouth, gasping and yanking Arthur to his feet. Arthur licked the button of his lip in front of him as a slow smile spread across his face.

"You bloody bastard," Eames said, in awe. "Trying to make me cum before we get to the fun part?" He pulled Arthur in close and tilted his head back, sucking and kissing at his neck. Arthur let out a strangled gasp of surprise, not realizing how sensitive his neck was in that moment as he shivered in his lover's arms. He wrapped his arms around him, careful of the wound, but uncaring at the same time. If Eames was in pain he'd said something, he told himself as they fell backwards together on the bed, legs and arms tangling.

Fiercely they went at it. Both dominating and submitting. Both kissing and tasting. Arthur felt Eames's perfect lips graze over his hip bones, making his way up to suck viciously on his pert nipples. He moaned, digging his head into the pillow as his hips arched, his naked cock rubbing against Eames's body. Choppy breaths and damp skin, the smell of heady love making beginning to fill the air between them. Arthur, feeling bold and wanting to dominate the formidable Forger, used his legs and maneuvered him onto his back.

Eames's dark eyes met his, lazy and aroused. Arthur's stomach knotted excitedly as Eames's turned onto his stomach for him, the bed giving under his weight. Arthur's cock thickened at the very thought of what he was about to do. He straddled the back of Eames's legs and touched the curves of his tight ass. His arousal peeked, his cock was already wet with precum and lube he had grabbed earlier from the bedside table. Arthur lowered himself over Eames and with the guide of his hands, placed the tip of himself at the threshold. Eames's warm body was ready and willing. Arthur took in a breath, and pushed forward, thrusting himself inside. Eames let out a startled groan but the more Arthur pushed, the further he went, Eames's groan became a moaning sigh, filled with needy sexual desires.

Arthur's cock stiffened so hard as he listened to Eames's. He had yielded and it felt perfect. He slowly started out but as the moments passed, so did his patience. Arthur's arousal began to peak and he would burst in a matter of seconds. Quickening his tempo, he pounded into Eames, the bed creaking and rocking beneath them. Eames gasped into the pillow, rearing his backside up just so for Arthur to pound and thrust even deeper. The sensation was incredible and he never wanted to stop. Arthur gasped. Eames's let out a small cry and the muscles in his body tensed the second he orgasmed.

Arthur reached out and grabbed the back of Eames's hand. Their finger intertwined and with one more final, earth-shattering thrust, Arthur climaxed. Gushing hard and fast, his cock twitching and tensing until there was nothing left.

They collapsed onto the bed. Hot and heavy limbs tossed over one another.

Eames was the first one to speak, his voice gruff and heavy with exhaustion. "I must say, that was extraordinary. I think we should do that much more often."

Arthur smiled lazily. "I agree, Mr. Eames." Several minutes passed as both men slowly began to fade into dreamland. But before Arthur slipped completely he felt Eames's warm body stir besides him, still awake. He rolled his head over to the side to see him. Eames's eyes were closed and his beautiful lips were red and soft from their kisses.

"What's rule number three?" Arthur asked. "Or do we not need to get that far?"

One eye of Eames's popped opened. "You were the one wanting to set ground-rules, not me."

"Fair enough."

"Okay, I've got one for you."

Arthur rolled onto his side and faced him. "What? You want me to scrub your back when we hop into the shower?"

Eames smiled. "Not exactly, though very tempting. How bout we make that rule four."

"So what's three?"

Eames opened both of his eyes, his dark gaze soft and vulnerable. "Tell me you love me."

Arthur hesitated instinctively. But his heart fluttered and sprang to life.

"Because I love you. I didn't lie to you before when I said it." Eames said.

Arthur nodded and reached out to touch the white bandage that covered the bullet hole. He never wanted to lose Eames again and promised himself he never would.

His hand spread over Eames's chest, covering his heart. "I love you." He said simply yet truthfully. It rolled off his tongue with utter ease. He wondered why he waited so long to tell him.

Eames grinned boyishly. "I know. I just wanted to hear you say it."

Arthur chuckled and shook his head. "Why do you love taunting me?"

"Because you're so easy." Eames drawled out seductively.

Arthur cocked a cool eyebrow at this. "How about we change rule four to you scrubbing my back?"

"Whatever you say, love…"

Arthur broke out into a smile as Eames wrapped a thick arm around him and pulled him in for a long, drawn out kiss.

The End

Please comment & review. Thank you for following & staying with this story! Sorry for the long wait, again. Hopefully I satisfied my darling readers with this ending ^_-
