"That asshole!" I was so unbelievably pissed at him. "How dare he treat me like that!" I slammed the door as I stormed back into the house.

Pam barely looks up from the article she's reading. "So what did my dickhead brother do now?"

"Dickhead. Yeah, that about sums him up. I knocked on his door to ask politely if he and his…friends… could keep it down so that those of us that actually sleep at night wouldn't be disturbed. Do you know what that jerk said?"

Pam smirked. "I can imagine."

"He invited me to join them so they could 'disturb me properly' and then opened the door to reveal 3 naked women romping around his living room. UGH!"

"Yep. That's my brother alright. Why do you let him get to you? You know he just pushes your buttons because he knows you'll react."

"You know what? I have no idea why I let that jackass get to me. I'm just tired and every time I started to drift off, ERIC and the Slutastics would get louder and wake me up. I've got to work in the morning. Hell, Eric has to work in the morning. How the hell does he have these little sex fests all night and still function the next day?"

"It's a family trait. We can go on and on and on when we're…enjoying ourselves. I remember one time when I met this redhead…the things she could do with her…"

"STOP! Don't you dare finish that thought."

Pam laughed. "I thought you were my best friend. Best friends talk about this kind of stuff."

"Pammy, we are best friends. That doesn't mean that I want to hear about your intimate encounters with whatever technicolor merkins you hook up with. I spare you the details of my sex life. I'd appreciate the same."

"YOU don't have a sex life to speak of, Sookie. And I swear I'll make you pay if you ever call me Pammy again."

"Just because I don't fall into bed with every guy I meet doesn't mean I don't have a sex life!"

"Masturbation doesn't count…unless there are witnesses."

"Ugh! What is it with you guys that sex is just such a casual thing? And how did we end up talking about my sex life or lack thereof? You know what? Never mind. I'm going to bed." As I head up the stairs I hear Pam laughing.

"Sookie, you are just too easy to rile up! You know I love you. I'll talk to Eric and get him and the Cum Receptacle Trio to quiet it down."

I crawl back into my comfy bed, but now I'm too wound up to sleep. Sigh. Why do I let Eric get to me? I know he's a jerk and I know he likes to piss me off every chance he gets. If I just stop letting him bug me, he'll eventually just ignore me. I could hope. I have no idea why I can't get along with him.

Pam and I have been friends for nearly 8 years, ever since we met at the overnight orientation just before classes started at the University of New Orleans. We hit it off instantly. She was outgoing and said everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) that was on her mind. I was quiet and shy. We were assigned as roommates for orientation and somehow, despite being so different, we became the best of friends. We both requested to be the other's roommate for our freshman semester before orientation was over. I met her parents, Godric and Isabella Ravenscroft, when we both officially moved into our dorm room at the start of the semester. They were wonderful! Instead of just the typical handshake during our introductions, they both hugged me. Evidently, Pam had spoken to them about me quite a bit in the 2 weeks since orientation. Odd. There really isn't much to tell about me. They insisted I call them Godric and Isabella and not that "stuffy Mr. and Mrs. Ravenscroft business." Once Pam and I were unpacked, they took us to dinner and stopped at a grocery store to stock us up on a few items. I had to argue pretty hard to pay for my own groceries, but they finally relented when they saw that I wasn't backing down. From the moment I met Godric and Isabella they made me part of their family.

I've always gotten along with everyone in Pam's family, except Eric. The rest of Pam's family welcomed me with open arms and made me a part of their family. They were always good to me and have been there for me over the years. Heck, they even adopted Gran and Jason into their clan. When they met Gran the three of them hit it off right away. Gran loved them every bit as much as they loved her. Jason wasn't around much since he joined the Army about the time I started college. But when he was on leave we always had a big family celebration for him.

Godric and Isabella were a Godsend when Gran passed 4 years ago. With my brother being deployed in Iraq with his Army unit, I was pretty much on my own since we had no other family. My parents died in a car accident when I was 7 and my brother Jason and I were raised by our Gran. So I was literally alone in Gran's house (she left it to me since Jason was given our parents' house). Godric and Isabella really came through for me. They, along with Pam, helped me plan the funeral and deal with all the legal stuff that came afterwards. They helped me clean out Gran's house and listened as I'd recount various memories and they were amazingly patient and sweet when I'd break down and cry. Even Pam's other 3 brothers, David, Jakob, and Benjamin helped out. Pam, David, Jakob, and Benjamin treated me like I was their sister. Godric and Isabella called me their daughter. But Eric and I couldn't stand to be in the same room with one another. Even though he came to Gran's funeral, he certainly looked like he had been forced to come and he'd rather be anywhere else. He said nothing to me and he left the second it was socially acceptable to do so.

Eric and I locked horns from the moment we met and ever since then we either just avoid each other or argue constantly. When Pam first introduced us, Eric did what I've come to learn what he always does when he meets a female. He flirts. Relentlessly. No, it isn't just flirting. It's disgusting the way he treats women. He uses his good looks and charm to get a girl into bed. Then he's gone before the orgasmic high wears off. Now, I wouldn't have been so pissed that he flirted with me except he laid it on thick in front of his entire family…and his date (and I use that term loosely) for the evening. I was so embarrassed and the girl he was with stared daggers at me the rest of the day. Oh, if she only knew the half of it. About an hour later, I was rinsing my glass in the kitchen and when I turned around, Eric was standing right next to me. He was pouring on his charm while backing me into the counter. I found myself pinned between Eric and the kitchen counter with my eyes locked onto his. I have to admit that he really is attractive and he has the most gorgeous blue eyes I've ever seen. He leaned his head into to mine to kiss me. Just then I heard Pam in the living room asking if anyone needed anything from the kitchen. I shook my head to clear it and pushed Eric away from me, or tried to. He smirked and said "You know you want me. It's just a matter of time until I have you writhing under me." At that moment I became angrier than I can ever remember being. Pam walked into the kitchen just in time to see me slap Eric and storm out. After that, Eric and I butt heads just about every time we were anywhere near each other. He's just such a huge jackass. He's arrogant. He's manipulative. He's a male whore. He's selfish. He doesn't give a damn about anyone's feelings or opinions. AND, he will ALWAYS argue with me about everything. If I say I like the color blue, he'll go on and on about why blue is the worst color and how only fools and idiots can like that color. Okay, so perhaps that's a bit of an exaggeration. Pam says that I'm the only female she knows of that hasn't fallen for her brother's 'charm' and not only did I bruise his delicate little ego, I did so in front of his family and they tease him about it. Oh fucking well. Someone needed to knock him down several thousand pegs.

I wondered how the rest of the family could be so warm and welcoming and sweet and Eric could be such a jerk. I mean Godric and Isabella were such wonderful and loving parents, how the hell could one of their kids be so awful. I know there's a bad seed in every family, Jason Stackhouse is my brother after all and despite growing up with Gran's firm, yet loving hand, he turned out to be a man whore. But he was never malicious and hurtful intentionally. He was just an idiot. As I got to know Pam's family a bit more I discovered that Godric was Isabella's second husband. David, Jakob, and Eric were the products of Isabella's marriage to her first husband, Andre. Andre was apparently a real bastard. I don't know the specifics, but really bad things went down and Isabella felt compelled to leave for her safety and the safety of her sons. David and Jakob were old enough to understand what was going on and knew what a bastard Andre was and they were able to handle it fairly well. They chose not to spend more time with him than the courts forced them to. Eric, however, was only 5 years old. He loved his father and wanted to be with him. While he lived mainly with Isabella and loved her dearly, Eric spent every available minute he could with Andre. Pam told me that Eric has always remained close with Andre. Eric grew up being the popular, good looking, star athlete making straight A's from 1st grade through law school. Andre took all the credit for Eric's successes. Eric excelled at everything he tried and became the cocky womanizing jerk he is today.

I finally drifted off to sleep a little after 2am after I decided that running through all the ways I could think of to get back at Eric for keeping me awake was actually not very conducive falling asleep. When my alarm went off a mere 3 ½ hours later I was not at all amused and I immediately wanted to set off my car alarm or something to wake his highness the jackass up as payback. But, I took a shower, got dressed and grabbed some coffee to try to wake myself up and get ready to start my day.

I walked out the door, coffee cup in hand. While walking to my car I looked over at Eric's baby…his candy apple red Corvette…and thought of all the things I'd like to do to it to get back at him for my lack of sleep. I laughed an evil little laugh knowing that he'd probably cry if I damaged his car. I also knew that it would up the ante in our ongoing battle. I sighed and shook myself out of the mean fantasy I was having brought on by my lack of sleep. Regardless of how much of an ass Eric was, I will not bring myself down to his level. I get into my car and head to work.

I pull into the parking lot of small private school I've been teaching at for the past 3 years. I've been teaching 1st grade here and, while I enjoy it, I would like to teach in a public school. I find that private schools have a whole set of rules that have nothing to do with actual learning. They seem to place too much emphasis on the wrong things in my opinion. So, I bide my time here until I find a suitable position at one of the public schools.

By the end of the school day, I am beyond exhausted. When the last kid has left my classroom, I begin gathering my belongings to head home. I hear a knock on my door and turn to see the principal, Nan Flanagan enter my room. I paste on the nicest smile I can muster and stand to greet her.

"Hello, Sookie. How was your day today?"

"My day was great! My students are really enthusiastic about the little bean sprouts coming up from the beans we planted in the egg cartons a couple of weeks ago. It's so much fun to see their little faces when they finally see the little sprout." I laugh. Nan doesn't.

"Yes, well, children are just little darlings, aren't they? Sookie, do you enjoy working at St. John's Academy?"

"Yes, Mrs. Flanagan, I do. I enjoy teaching here. I love the students and I get along well with the parents and my co-workers."

"Well, I wanted to let you know that I've had a complaint about you. Perhaps complaint isn't the correct word. I've had someone express a concern about you and I wanted to give you the opportunity to defend yourself and correct the situation."

"O…kay. I'm a little confused. I have not heard anything negative from any of the parents. I try to touch base with them at least monthly. Many of them I speak to more often than that and not once has anyone brought up anything that they are unhappy with in my classroom."

"Are you currently in a romantic relationship?"

"You do realize that you can't legally ask me that, right? But, to answer your question, no, I am not currently in any sort of romantic relationship. I'm not even dating anyone right now. What is this about?"

"As a private institution, we can legally ask you about your personal life if we believe that you may be living an immoral life that would reflect badly on the school and be potentially damaging to our students. Now, are you sure there isn't something you wish to tell me about?

"No. Like I said, I'm not even dating anyone right now. In fact, I haven't gone on even one date in nearly a year. Please tell me what this is about! If I'm being accused of something I want to know what it is and know who is trying to get me fired!"

"Do you know a Pamela Ravenscroft?

"Yes. She's my best friend. Why? What does she have to do with this?"

"Are you currently living with Ms. Ravenscroft?"

"Yes. Are you going to tell me what this is about or are you just going to keep asking me questions? I deserve to know what's going on."

"Are you aware that Ms. Ravenscroft is a…a…," she lowers her voice to a whisper "a homosexual?"

Are you fucking kidding me? That's all I could think of because I sure as hell couldn't figure out what this had to do with me.

"Yes, ma'am. Pam has been my best friend since college. I am well aware of her dating preferences. What I am not aware of is how it pertains to me or my job."

"Are you currently living with Ms. Ravenscroft?"

I swear I want to cut this bitch right now. I'm tired and I'm really not in the mood for this.

"Mrs. Flanagan, I do currently live with Pamela Ravenscroft. In fact, she and I have been roommates since we met during our freshmen year of college. I still don't understand what this has to do with this school. Can you please spell it out for me because apparently my brain is too tired to make the connection?"

"Miss Stackhouse, I've had a phone call from a parent stating his concern that you are consorting with," again lowers her voice to a whisper, "homosexuals and he does not want your… lifestyle to affect his child."

"That is the most ridiculous thing I have heard! First of all, my best friend is a homosexual, not me. Not that it should matter to you or the parents or anyone else if it was me that was the lesbian. A person's sexual orientation has no bearing on whether or not he or she is a good teacher and a good role model. Second, it isn't anyone's business who I am friends with or who I live with!"

"Miss Stackhouse, the fact that you spend time with a known homosexual, let alone live with her, makes clear to me that you do not share the moral and ethical codes that this school was founded upon. Perhaps you would do better in a position that has no contact with children so that your lifestyle wouldn't be an issue."

"My lifestyle? Mrs. Flanagan, as it is clear that you and I disagree about the school's moral and ethical codes, I have only one question for you. Are you firing me?"

She stared at me for a moment before saying "Miss Stackhouse, you have been such a valuable member of the St. John's Academy's faculty for the past 3 years. The children genuinely enjoy having you as their teacher and the other teachers all speak highly of you. However, I can't look past this glaring disregard for our values. I do not wish to let you go, especially in the middle of the school year. How about I give you some time to think about what is important to you? You are working at one of the most prestigious private schools in Louisiana and that could go a long way in helping you in your teaching career. Let me know what your decision is after the Christmas break." She turned and walked out the door before I could respond.

I was shocked. What the hell just happened? Did my boss just tell me to give up my best friend or I'd lose my job? Did she seriously just give me an ultimatum? Nan fucking Flanagan has lost her mind if she thinks that I'd give up the only sister I've ever known for a job. No matter how much I like the job there is no way I'd give up my family.