A/N: i kinda lost interest in this one so i'm smushing the last two chapters into one. i dont care for this story anymore, but i dont wanna just leave it hanging. so yeah...

Two hours later, one bottle of Firewhiskey was empty, the other was two-thirds gone, and we were halfway through a jug of Butterbeer. Robes and ties were hanging over the couches. Shirts were unbuttoned, shoes were kicked off. My hair was to my waist and a chill light blue. We were completely relaxed. The mood had significantly lifted.

"Let's start with dares! I'm sick of just questions," Ron suggested.

"Alright, Draco, you can ask anyone truth or dare," I said.

"McIntyre, truth or dare?"

"I'm in a daring mood, so dare!"

"I dare you to go a round of 7 Minutes in Heaven with Irish!" This cued a chorus of "Oohs." and my hair to get pink at the ends.

Seamus and I locked eyes. Oh his deep blue eyes.

"Okay." I said cheerfully, "but not in front of all you people!" Seamus grinned and nodded.

Suddenly, as if the room knew what was going on, a door appeared. Seamus walked over to it and opened it. It was a small room, like a closet, but there was nothing in it.

"Are we..." he turned back to the group, clearly confused. They all nodded, while I looked just as confused.

I got off the couch slowly and teetered over to where Seamus stood. I was slightly tipsy and held onto his shoulder for support. He put his large hand on my back and pulled me into the small room. My waist length blue locks were now completely pink.

The moment the door clicked shut was the moment I threw my scrawny arms around around the brawny Irish boy's neck and yanked him into a fierce kiss. He put his arms around my waist and kissed me back. He pulled me even closer. He tasted of Firewhiskey and Butterbeer.

Of course, I've always liked Seamus. I never knew he felt the same way. Until now. It felt so good kissing him. I wanted more.

Never taking my lips off of his, I ran one hand over Seamus' clothed chest, stopping at the topmost button. I unbuttoned each button as quick as I could. Exposing his bare chest, I ran my fingers over the lines of his muscles. He fiddled with the buttons on my blouse for a few moments before I pushed away his trembling hands and undid them myself. I shrugged off the material and let him fumble around more. He was so awkward sometimes. I finally removed my lips from his.

"Seamus," I breathed. I was about to tell him how I felt.

He didn't respond. He just pushed me into a wall, forcefully, but gently, and continued to kiss me. Words weren't important anymore. Seamus liked me back and it was obvious. He certainly made a show of it. Now I was going to show him too...

Someone slammed their fist against the door a few times, startling us. Seven minutes had gone by already. We buttoned up our shirts and Seamus zipped up his pants. We walked out slowly with sheepish faces and exchanged small smiles. Seamus sat down on an empty couch and pulled me down next to him. I leaned into him and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

Ginny and Luna eyed me suspiciously, seeing my hair color and the freckle near my lips.

"What'd we miss?" I asked, interrupting their questioning glares.

"I made Draco drink some weird drink!" Ginny said, laughing.

"It was disgusting!"

"I made Vincent sing. He's actually pretty good," Hermione said as Crabbed blushed.

"I made Harry give himself a pig tail!" Pansy squealed when he sat up and showed them his backside.

"Just like Hagrid did to Dudley on my birthday," Harry explained, chuckling. He explained the story.

"...It was the greatest birthday present ever," he finished as they all giggled.

"We miss anything else?"

"Only some questions," Luna answered.

"It's my turn. Weasley. Older one," Gregory clarified when the two questioned him.


"You and Hermione go do what they just did in there," he said, pointing a chubby finger at the cuddling couple, and then to the door.

Ron turned a shade that could almost compare with his hair. "Alright."

Hermione held her head up high as she walked over to the door. Ron trudged behind her, almost like he was on Death Row. He looked back to the group with a pleading look. He mouthed the words "She's gonna kill me!" No one helped. We all just laughed at the nervous boy. The door slammed shut. Hermione's shouts protruded through the thick door.

"Ronald Weasley! I can't believe-" No one questioned her sudden silence.

"Right then, who's next?" Harry asked.

"Me. Me. Me. Kenzie's turn! Dare!" I was hyper, but also fairly drunk.

"Er...I dare you to take a sip of..."

Harry walked over to a cabinet furthest away from us. He scanned the very top shelf and used a Levitation Charm to make a few bottles float down to him. He placed them on the table along with a few small glasses. He picked up the dustiest bottle and poured an ounce in a glass.


"What is it?"

"No idea."

I paused, staring at the purplish liquid with a disgusted look on my face. My hair tinted green. Why did I accept this dare?

"Bottoms up!" I swallowed the drink quickly as everyone stared. It turned out to be a decent drink. I poured more and gave the cup to Seamus.

"Try it! It's actually pretty good!" He reluctantly gulped the whole thing down.

"She's right," he informed the others.

"I can't describe it though," I said, staring at the dark, dusty bottle. I cleaned it with a charm and attempted read the label.

"It's so worn away, I can't read it. Wait, no. It's not even English! It's...Greek I think," I giggling, "I thought I was going blind." I paused and looked around at everyone, deciding who to pick on. "Gin, truth or dare?"

"Hey, wait. Ya just sorta dared me to drink that stuff, too. It's my turn." I didn't argue. "So Ginny?" he asked.


"Um...do you have a little crush on Mr. Potter?" He asked, and I wiggled my eyebrows towards the spectacled boy. On many occasions I tried to pry it out of her, whether she liked him or not, but she always avoided it. She couldn't now.

"I..." Ginny glanced over at Harry, who was staring at his hands. "Everyone thinks I do, but I don't. I used to, but that's history. He's just a great friend."

Harry looked at her and they grinned. They seemed incredibly awkward looking at each other. They both at one point had feelings for each other, and that made moments like this awkward. I noticed the time and broke through the small bit of tension.

"Looks like seven minutes is up already!" I declared, "Harry, go bang on the door."

When he did, the two inside the closet didn't come out. Harry stood by the door for a few seconds waiting. I waved my hand at him as if to say "Knock again!" He did; the lock clicked. He tried to open it, but it was locked. I walked over to help.

"Alohamora!" The door remained locked. "Ah, screw it."

"That's probably exactly what my two best friends are doing right now," Harry sighed.

There was a loud thump on the door and then muffled groans and rustling. I looked at Harry.

"I think you're correct," he was mildly shocked. "Mione! Ron!" I shouted. We walked away, giving up.

"Who knew Weasley had it in him to get a girl," Malfoy laughed.

"Jealous?" I asked.

"Jealous of what? Him getting with that-" he broke off. I cleared my throat and raised my eyebrows at him, daring him to finish his sentence. I knew he was going to use that disgusting word, Mudblood. "Granger girl."

"No, jealous that he can actually get a girl."

"Are you saying that I can't get girls? I can," he retorted, sitting up straight, gray eyes narrow.

"Pansy doesn't count. She practically stalks you." Pansy hid her face behind a pillow.

"I still can get any girl!"

Ginny spoke up "Then how come you haven't yet this year?"

"'Cause I don't want just any girl. I want one specific girl."

Pansy hiccuped "And who might that be, Draco?"

"Not you, Parkinson." Her eyes glistened with tears.

"Truth or dare?" Ginny asked.

"I know what you're trying to do. So I'm not picking truth. Dare."

"I dare you to drink some Veritaserum and then answer a question I ask." Ginny was so clever and cunning, you would have thought she belonged in Slytherin.

"Yeah sure. I'll do it. Where are you going to get the Veritaserum?"

"Right here." Ginny pulled a small black vile out of her skirt pocket and Draco gulped. "Swiped it from Snape. I was dared to a few weeks ago when I played this game with a bunch of friends." Everyone was shocked.

That wasn't when I played, was it?" I asked, bewildered.

"It was when you were sick in the hospital wing. Luna dared me." We all looked at Luna, who grinned.

"I can be quite devious when I want to be," she declared.

Ginny poured a small glass of Butterbeer for Draco and put three drops of Veritaserum into the golden drink. He picked up the glass and put it to his lips. He hesitated before chugging the whole thing down. He coughed a few times.

"Who is this one particular girl you mentioned, Draco?"

He didn't speak for many moments. He seemed to be struggling, fighting the potion. He finally caved.

"Y-you." Everyone gasped.



Ginny walked to Draco and put her arms around his neck. He put his arms around her waist. They sat down, still wrapped in each other.

"I don't under-" Draco began.

"I like you," Ginny interrupted.

"Oh," he smiled at her. "Well, good."

Hermione and Ron eventually fixed themselves up and walked out of the closet. Everyone stared at them, but they only stared at Ginny and Draco. They were holding hands and giggling together. Ron turned bright red, and was about to burst when Harry pulled him aside. I could faintly here their conversation.

"Draco likes Ginny, Ginny likes Draco. We are all getting along great, so don't bother getting upset. It'll just make matters worse," he whispered.

"How. Could. Matters. Get. Bloody. Worse." Ron said through his teeth. "How can I not get upset when my sister is snogging the kid I hate the most?"

"That's the thing: you hate him. You need to not hate him. Then we can get out of here."

"Right," Ron groaned and hung his head.

"Let's go try and make peace once more."

Ron eventually settled down, but still refused to accept that Ginny liked Draco. None of us expected him to.

The game continued for another hour. We were having the time of our lives and didn't want it to end. With every question we became closer and closer. We started forming small friendships. It seemed like the Slytherins and Gryffindors could actually get along.

By midnight, Crabbe and Pansy had fallen asleep. Around 1:30, Luna drifted off. Ginny fell asleep in Draco's arms soon after. He stroked her hair until he also fell asleep. Our group was dropping like flies. No one bothered to check if the door was unlocked. Hermione charmed the couches into beds. We would just spend the night tucked away on the seventh floor.

Morning came and everyone slowly awoke, one by one. I had fallen asleep nearly on top of Seamus. He carefully slipped from under me to check the door. He was trying not to wake me, but I was already up, pretending to be asleep. I heard the door swing open and Seamus let out a whoop. We all scrambled out the doors. We hugged, high fived, and shook hands before departing to our common rooms.

Our friendliness to the Slytherins rubbed off on other Gryffindors and Ravenclaws alike. Everyone started getting along. People mingled between House tables during breakfast. I turned to scan the teacher's table, trying to see if any had a peculiar look on their face. I wanted to know who had set this up. I had just gotten to the middle of the table when I saw a smile of triumph on Professor McGonagall's face. Of course it was her.

She was a genius.