

"James!" Harry scolded, the effect lessened by the whisper with which it was given. "Stop pulling your brother's hair!"

With Ginny asleep in the next room, he knew he must quash the argument quickly and quietly. Albus looked as if he were going to cry and for the sake of his sanity, he knew he must stop the tears before they disturbed the relative tranquility of Grimmauld Place.

"Don't cry, Al," Harry said, pushing Al's hair back from his forehead.

James looked carefully at Al before he approached his brother. "I did'n' mean to make you cry," James said, apologetically. "I was jus' teasing."

Al raised his face to his brother and said, "Is okay." Slowly, they went back to whatever game they had been playing.

Just as Harry congratulated himself for averting the minor crisis, Ginny waddled out of their bedroom.

"Did I wake you up?" he asked. "I tried to stop them—"

"She woke me up," Ginny said significantly.

"You mean…?"

She nodded and he gathered up the boys.


Harry collapsed into the armchair in the sitting room and resigned himself to the fact that he must attend to the post. With the baby, he had let himself fall behind and the pile was threatening to take over his desk.

There were the general fan letters, clear in the address to "Mr. Harry Potter." One piece of parchment was rolled and tied with a violet ribbon. Harry barked a laugh before he could stop himself, his first thought to show Ginny. He decided against waking her; Slughorn could wait until the morning. Untying the ribbon and unrolling the parchment, he found the familiar curled handwriting dating the letter the day after Lily's birth.


How have you been, my boy? I've been keeping up with some of your exploits via the Daily Prophet and it seems you haven't stopped achieving since I had you in my class! What with ending the war and pursuing service in the Auror office, I'm sure your recent Auror Captainship is very well-deserved.

I'm writing to inform you of something curious involving your mother.

She once gave me a goldfish called Francis in appreciation. I thoroughly enjoyed that fish, cheerily swimming about his little tank. On the morning following that horrible attack upon your home, I woke to find Francis had disappeared, a troubling discovery, I'm sure you know. More troubling was your mother's death. I've grieved the rest of my days for your loss.

Yesterday, however, I happened to look upon the empty fish bowl to find that Francis has reappeared! I have no recollection of anyone being in my home long enough to give me a fish. I've written to investigate possible explanations for the sudden resurrection of my beloved pet.

Hoping you're doing well,

Horace Slughorn

Harry grinned despite the tears lurking on the edge of emergence. He pulled a piece of parchment from the right drawer of his desk

Prof. Slughorn,

I am doing well, my career and my family perfect at the moment.

In response to your letter, I must tell you that I do have the solution to your mystery.

My wife—the former Ginny Weasley, of the Holyhead Harpies—recently delivered a beautiful baby girl who we have named Lily. I suppose Lily Potter has returned.


Harry Potter

And as he looked at the rest of the post, he decided it could wait until tomorrow.