Author's Notes : And here's the part you've actually been waiting for. I do hope you approve. I've read and reread the thing for editing purposes, and I hope it meets your expectations. :) To Blurry, the mandatory cuddles. Addiction : Thank you so much for the awesome reviews. I like your work, so it's a great compliment to hear such high praise for mine. (And it reminds me of how badly I need to get my ass familiarized with the 'Review' button. x3 Also, I would offer the soul of my headcannon in return, but I'm not precisely sure it has one.

And to Kat: Here's the shiny porn I promised you. Feel better.

There's a bit of a note at the bottom, as well. I desire co-conspirators to help me continue my degenerate ways.

Spend My Time Dancing

Antonio & Lovino


Cover me. Cover me.
My vicious tongue cradles just one.


More than once, Lovino had been mistakenly called a pain slut.

No way in hell. As far as he was concerned, sex was about exchanging shared pleasure, not torturing one another.


What Lovino enjoyed was the girth of his partner nudging past his gag reflex and settling heavy in his throat. He adored the warm, deep shivers he could feel traveling up a strong spine. It was amazing, to him—the sensation of being truly appreciated in the most basic human sense.

And now, with Antonio shuddering between his lips, arching from the counter in a chorus of heavy breathing and bilingual pleas and praises, Lovino was living a dream.

His hands were shaking and he was biting at his lips, making a conscious effort to avoid yanking or shoving in any way that would upset the smaller man. It was sweet, if a little frustrating. He wanted the man insensible and vulgar, not fussing over him.

He hummed, tracing the large vein on the underside as the corners of his lips adopted an upward curve. He constricted his throat a little more as he picked up the pace, bobbing up and down carefully to avoid actual asphyxiation.

"Lo...vino," Antonio's voice was strained, forced through gritted teeth, "Dios, Lovi, more. There's more to do, ¿verdad?"

Both hands braced against his shoulders, pushing gently until Lovino relaxed his throat, sliding off slowly and pressing a kiss to the head before looking back up at the man's face.

"Jesús, cariño." The hand in his hair shifted to cup the side of his face as Antonio worked to control his breathing. A moment or two later, both hands were darting over his arms and shoulders, urging him back up to be pressed into the man's broad chest.

Blunt nails ghosted over the skin of the smaller man's back, pushing his shirt up and off before smoothing down to toy with his stiffened nipples—delightfully eager to explore the pretty little body framed in his arms.

"You could have come," Lovino rasped, working out the soreness in his freshly abused throat, "I wouldn't mind."

"Ha...and they call me a saint." Antonio laughed, sending a pleasant rumble through his chest and into the slender Italian pressed against him.

The younger man snorted, inhaling against the thin material of his jersey before reaching for the hem once again, "Don't know about sainthood, but if you want a religious experience..."

Antonio lifted his arms as Lovino tugged the material upward, allowing the article to be stripped away before returning greedy fingers to dart over whatever they could reach. Almost to equal ground, but not quite.

He leaned forward, guiding the smaller man's hands back to the material bunched above his knees before feathering kisses over the sensitive neck.

From there, Lovino inched worn jeans down toned thighs until Antonio kicked them off, chuckling as tongue and teeth tickled and teased at the side of his throat. Eager hands reached for the fastenings of his pants, but he grabbed them and moved them away.

"Easy," He drawled, fishing a small tube of lubricant and two foil packets from the back pocket, "I'm clean, but, if you want 'em..."

Antonio smiled, pressing a quick kiss to his knuckles before getting to work on his emptied pants, "I believe you."

A series of quick, wet kisses and teasing gropes, and Antonio was grabbing the Italian's wrist and leading him into the bedroom before once again wrapping him up in his arms.

"I have no idea what I'm doing. Tell me how to make you feel good."

"Merda, Toni. Sit back against that headboard, and I'll show you."

Another quick press of the lips, and Antonio complied, watching with predatory eyes as the other man crawled into his lap with surprising confidence.

Lovino made a soft noise, offering up the lubricant with a working in his throat.

He'd done this before, certainly, but this was Antonio.

Antonio, who didn't mind going bareback with a needy little attention whore who'd done little but yell at him since the first time he'd introduced himself. Beautiful Antonio, who didn't mind playing follow the leader, if it meant making him feel good.

Another noise—this one high-pitched and strangled—and something cold and nearly liquid slipped against and inside him. "Wh-what the hell?"

He tried to jerk, but a firm hand against his backside prevented him from sitting down. ...When had he leaned forward? His breath hitched, and he stared wide-eyed at the roguish grin Antonio was giving him, "All right, I have some idea."

"Jackass. What was that for?"

"I told you, I hate that lonely face you make." That slick finger rubbed against him again, slipping in to the first knuckle and moving a little before sliding back out. In once more, as far as it could go, and Lovino let out a high-pitched sighing sound, biting his lip and focusing on the feeling.

"Much better."



Antonio was a quick study.

Mostly out of necessity; Lovino was quick to lose anything remotely resembling patience as the subject of every last one of his fantasies stretched and stroked him from the inside and out.

Lovino was on the verge of tears as the bright-eyed Spaniard stimulated his most sensitive spots, peppering his face with kisses and breathing words of affection and encouragement.

It was all right, for a while, until the stubborn Italian realized that not only was he being treated like a trembling virgin, he was acting like one, too.

He angled his head for a deep, heady kiss before grinding his erection against his partner's. "So are you going to fuck me, or what?"



The first time was over far too quickly—both of them had been too excited going into it for either of them to last very long. The sensation of everything coming together exactly the way he'd always wanted had left Lovino a bit too shaky to pace himself as he urged Antonio faster and deeper.

Antonio had thought he was going crazy at the varied stimulation of Lovino crying for him and tightening around him, grasping for any anchor to hold himself down and leaving more than a few scars on his back, chest, and arms. Being able to hold that vulnerable, writhing form against him had totaled any stamina he might have laid claim to.

Afterward, they had done a quick (if awkward) clean up job, and Antonio had tucked the smaller man against his chest, taking the opportunity to run his hands over whatever stretches of flesh he could reach. He sung broken segments of old Spanish songs, and reminded his drowsy lover of just how sweet and good he was.

By the time Lovino was, once again, fully conscious, the innocent touches began to gain heat and focus. He allowed himself to be pulled backwards into the stronger man, nearly melting around him as Antonio slipped back inside.

A quick maneuver found him gripping the top of the headboard with white knuckles as Antonio rocked his hips, chuckling deep and dark into his ear in a tone that practically dripped sin.

"Feels so good, querido. Is it not enough?"

Lovino whined, struggling to arch his back far enough to gain some sort of friction from the pillow wedged hastily under his hips. The hand pinning his grip to the furniture abruptly disappeared, and suddenly he was flying upright, the hot mass inside him shifting in wonderful ways.

Strong hands guided his arms up and over his head, wrapping them tightly around the older man's neck and leaving him feeling more than a little vulnerable.

"Mm..." He panted as the motions resumed, pushing back to meet the thrusts more eagerly, "Never enough."

One hand reached around to grasp his chin and pull him into another steamy lip lock as the other found its way back to his needy shaft.

It hadn't taken him long at all to figure out just how to make the Italian sing with pleasure.

"¿En serio?" Antonio challenged, biting at the tender flesh behind the younger man's ear, "I'll have to try harder."


The force behind his thrusts increased, and Lovino felt his stomach beginning to tighten, tremors racking his body.

"Ah! Toni, please!" Lovino was nearly sobbing, pressing back into the perceived safety Antonio presented as he was forced to maintain eye contact. The submissive gesture earned him another, gentler press of the lips, the hand keeping him rigid slipping down to circle his waist instead.

"Te daré lo que quieras, mi corazón. Just stay with me."

From there, everything was a rush to black.

Beautiful, beautiful black.



The following morning, Antonio woke in a haze of muzzy satisfaction.

The previous night drifted gradually to the surface, and he hummed softly in contentment, choosing to replay the sights and sounds behind his eyelids for just a little while longer.

It was his only option, because the warm body that had starred in the bold memories was no longer bundled up against him.

The corners of his lips pulled down slightly as he cracked one eye open to study the rumpled sheets where Lovino had vacated the bed. He nearly groaned at the feeling of failure before he recognized the sounds of his kitchen cabinets opening and closing.

Never had he been so excited by the clattering of plates.

He listened in for a few moments longer, both eyes now dancing with amusement at the sounds of muffled cursing and the faint echo of whatever songs he had sung to the boy last night.

Antonio wondered if the boy was dancing in his kitchen as bare footsteps swept the floor. his kitchen. ...Mmm.

He considered getting up to join the younger man, but he was quick to lay back against the pillows and feign sleep as his adorable Italian approached the bedroom.

"Hey..." Lovino's voice was surprisingly gentle, "Hey, dumbass."

There went that theory.

Antonio couldn't quite hide his smile, but his eyes remained closed.

The mattress dipped slightly as the little intruder climbed slowly back onto the bed, resting a safe distance away. If the man got grabby (which Lovino couldn't quite deny he hoped for), there would be a far less pleasant mess for them to clean up.

"I know you're awake, genius. Your breathing gave you away before that goofy grin."


"C'mon. I, uh...I made breakfast."

The tone was just a little needy, just a little hopeful, and too cute for Antonio to resist.

...Until he opened his eyes and sat back up to get a proper look at the boy.

He wasn't naked.

He was wearing nothing but Antonio's jersey.

"See?" Lovino offered the plate up for inspection, looking a little hurt when the taller man shook his head and closed his eyes. "...Antonio?"

The now stormy-eyed Spaniard leaned in close, supporting himself with one hand planted just beside a naked thigh while his palm grasped the other almost tight enough to bruise.

This, Lovino could do. He brought out his best tempting smile, his eyes half-lidded as he slid the plate onto the nightstand. Nimble fingers toyed with the hem of the sports uniform, brushing lightly against Antonio's splayed digits. "And I just got dressed, too."

A deep, rich chuckle, and suddenly Toni's palm was much higher and Lovino was much less put-together, "Aa, Querido, who said anything about taking it off?"



A/N: I'm most likely marking this as complete. I want to continue it, certainly, to incorporate much more joy and wonderfulness (I love this little headcannon), but it will probably be in a separate story. Do let me know what you think.

If anyone would like to collaborate a bit, I'd be all over that shit. I need to get social.

I love all of you like whoa, so stay tuned. ;3

(Last thing, I promise! Do any of you crazy betches have Tumblr? I rediscovered my love for it. Find me at Little-Plastic-Monster . Tumblr . Com . Follow me, for there is rich reward. ;3)


Edit: Thanks to DeceptiveInnocenceXIII for catching one of the stranger errors I've made in word choice. x3 It's all prettied up, now.




cariño and querido are affectionate terms like 'sweetheart' and 'lover'. Querido is often used to refer to one's lover in conversation.

Verdad? Means 'Right?'

Merda is equivalent to 'Shit'.

En serio? Means roughly, 'Really?' Effectively, he's asking if Lovino is being honest.

Te daré lo que quieras means 'I'll give you anything you want.'

Mi corazón means 'My heart.'



Song: "Cradle" - The Joy Formidable