What you recognize I don't own and this is after the original series ends so some might seem OC but it's intentional and if it works when i get there the highlights represent crossed out names if it doesn't work I'll figure something out

well the boy had lost badly against his mysterious opponent who he had to admit was good, but didn't understand why they wore a cloak at all times

"I lost to you fair and square"
"hey it was a good dual, some of your combos were good, the timing was the problem"
"what do you mean by timing?"

"well when you powered up your Dark Magician with your spell card it was a good choice, the problem was that I had a trap card set on the turn before just in case you did something like that"

"so if I had just used the combo sooner I might've won that round"

"but what if you don't have the cards you need until just that moment?"
"that's why good dualists keep their plans flexible"
"well like I said you won fair and square so that means I'm out of the tournament"
"indeed you are"
"what I want to know is why Kaiba allowed you to dual while you withheld your identity"
Mokuba came over just then because it was the first day of the competition and the two brothers had figured they would be questioned

"it's simple Seto allowed them to dual while hiding their identity because of a special contract they signed"
"exactly if I do one thing that's against the rules then I forfeit my right to continue the competition and I also have to reveal myself on national and international television"

"anyways your next dual isn't until Rafael if he wins and he's currently dualing right now so you have a break"

Mokuba leaves and the mysterious person recalls the invite to the Kaiba mansion just a few days ago before the tournament was announced because they were hiding their identity

a few days ago

"so you see why we need you to sign a contract?"
"yes Mr. Kaiba, what I'm wondering is why we're not doing this in your office"

"it's simple you would make to many people nervous, besides I knew your plane wouldn't arrive until tonight so that's why I made tonight a double reason"
"your basically telling me you've invited me to dinner after signing the contract aren't you?"
then I accept your invitation"
"feel free to look around the house until dinner, just try not to break anything"
"don't worry I'll be careful"

the person is soon drawn to a wall with multiple candles lit with pictures right above. What interested the person though was that only one candle was red while the rest were green

"wonder what the red candle symbolizes"

they look at the pictures and recognize the people instantly, though it helped that their names were underneath them













and under Mary was the red candle. Just then Mokuba came and announced dinner was ready

"excuse me but what does the red candle represent?"
"that the person is dead"
"I see"
"you're not the first person to ask, the group only officially agreed on this system two days ago, before that we weren't sure of how to...how to keep track of who was dead or alive"

that was all Mokuba said on the matter and the mysterious person respected that. After dinner the mysterious person went back to their hotel and took off the cloak to reveal the person whose candle was red