Author's Note: Hey everyone! This is my first fanfic ever, so constructive criticism is always appreciated! I've been a little nervous about how this will turn out, but I'm confident enough to post it up :]

Well here it goes!

-Feet stumbled dangerously across a rocky cliff side. A young woman, wild with fear, was running from something. She wasn't entirely sure of what it was; all she knew was that her body refused to stop moving. The laughs and torments were reason enough not to turn back. Usually, she didn't care for such things. She habitually would be strong and fight back. This time was different, like this particular situation would cost her her life.

As she tried desperately to get away, the roars of motorcycles gained their pace. The cliff was no advantage to the woman either. The rocky climate kept tripping her, forcing scrapes upon her legs. It was as if the cliff was on their side. When she tripped exhausted over a sharp part of the cliff, she found herself unable to get up.

The motorcycles had pulled up to a stop right behind her. Finally, she turned to see her makers. Four pairs of eyes stared cruelly at her, orange and yellow like hellfire. The vicious laughing continued as the four faces were revealed in to moonlight. One smiled, flashing a mouthful of sharp teeth. Screams escaped the woman's mouth as they swooped in, leaving her vision in complete darkness.-

Violet Eaves woke with a disoriented start. She found herself sore and gasping for air, crash landed on the hardwood floors of her apartment. The dreams were becoming more realistic than ever. She could still feel the scrapes along her legs and the sting of the wind across her face. She checked across her body to see if there were really any wounds at all. To her surprise, there were none. "Damn nightmares, leave me alone", she grumbled. Slowly, she untangled herself from the blankets, brushing her hands over her legs to rid the stinging sensation. With a look to the clock, Violet groaned; 8 PM, two hours before work started. 'Just my luck' she thought.

She got up from the floor and walked to her tiny bathroom clad only in a t-shirt 3 times too big for her slender frame. As she leaned over the bathroom sink to look in the mirror, Violet's reflection look back at her with a fright. Her short, cropped ash black hair stuck out in every direction, leaving her no choice but to wash it. Her oval face was pale with sleep deprivation; dark circles framed her celery green eyes, making them glow. Violet made a face: "I look like a zombie" she muttered, then walked over to the shower to turn on the hot water. Sleep deprivation was hard on Violet's body. Working the graveyard shift at a late night diner required a lot of sleep, which ever since Violet moved to Santa Carla, California, had a lack of.

It wasn't that the people were strange or rude. In fact, moving from Ann Arbor, Michigan had prepared her for all walks of life. She had seen it all at Lou's Diner on the boardwalk: Punks, Surfers, Jocks, Hippies, Truckers, Tourists, you name it. Violet was a well balanced person. She kept to herself at work and was a comfortable person to be around. Very few dared to bother her, but anyone who was dumb enough to get in Violet's face was quickly put in their place and kept their mouths shut. She could hold her own and wasn't afraid of anything. Yet, for the past six months, horrifying dreams kept haunting her. She'd wake up gasping and throbbing in pain completely terrified. Violet's legs still stung as she stepped under the hot water of the shower. Her mind replayed the dreams events, but she tried to shove them away. That didn't matter right now; couldn't matter. ' I need to suck it up and get ready for work.'

Sorry if it was really short, but I am new at this. Also sorry about the Lost Boys not in this chapter, but they'll show up soon!

The chapters will get progressively longer, I promise! Reviews would be appreciated!