The start! The chapters that I had before in the story will come later on, maybe changed a tad, but you'll see. Anyway I hope you will like it! The story won't be that long, not so long chapters so short story.

I checked my clock one more time for what seemed like the hundred times and sighed out loud.

She was late, she was never late, was something wrong? It was always me getting late, not the other way around, so of course I was starting to freak out.

Without knowing it I started walking in circles around the couch, my hands getting sweaty and shaky until a voice snapped me out of it, making me stop dead in my tracks only to start from where I left off when I noted it was the wrong voice.

"Dammit Fred, relax! She'll come, give her a minute or two" George scowled at me, standing at the in trace to our kitchen, leaning against the wall with crossed arms over his chest.

I once again stopped dead in my tracks, glaring at my twin and made my way over to him, stopping in front of him, stabbing him in the chest with my finger. "I know that's not that long… BUT SERIOUSLY IT'S HERMIONE JEAN GRANGER!" I yelled, waving my hands furiously, to make my point… and I did have one.


So you are probably thinking why Fred is waiting her, aren't you? Well you see, sometimes opposite attract… hard. In a way none would have thought of, not even themselves at the most unexpected time… and the really opposite.

Mostly everyone they tried to tell thought it was a joke and laughed at them.

Only George, Harry and Ginny knew it was indeed real.

But seriously could you blame them for thinking it was a joke? It was Fred Gideon Weasley, one of the Weasley twins, prankster and Hermione Jean Granger part of the golden trio and prefect, the most unlikely people to get together… but the more they thought about it, the two worked great together, got along very well (well mostly) they understood each other and supported each other and in many ways they weren't that different from each other and the places they were, they filled each other out. And they would have brilliant kids, and with that I mean the kind of kids run-for-your-life-if-you-piss-them-off.

Neither of them had seen it coming either and everything seemed to be planned out for both of them, so they of course shrugged it off until it just became too hard to could ignore.

One day everything that they thought was supposed to be crumbled together like a piece of paper being thrown into the trash.

The way Ron was against Hermione made her more and more realize he wasn't the one, and he would only be seen the same way she saw Harry, like a brother, and nothing more… and to her surprise Ron moved on rather quickly, leaving her the only single in the trio.

Fred thought he was to stay with Angelina but she broke up with him after the way and went after his second best friend; Lee Jordan. And George went out with Verity after the war, leaving him the only single in the trio.

So when one day the two was left alone by their friends who was on dates or hanging out with their girlfriends, dreadfully bored both of them, the two decided to hang out… let's jump back in time shall we?

That was first chapter! Did you like it? disliked it? Loved it? Hated it? REVIEW AND LET ME KNOW PLEASE.