Another Dominique drabble! I'm so entranced by this girl! And I think I over-do the sister angst here, so sorry about that. I just have this idea that Victoire would always be in the limelight...

Disclaimer: I do not own any character in this story, or anything to do with the Harry Potter franchise. Just the idea, which once again, I'm pretty sure has been done before.

lVictoire. Blonde and bubbly. Always everyone's darling, all smiles and shimmering beauty. She was the life and soul of the party, constantly comandeering everyones attention in the most charmingly delightful of ways. She had everyone wrapped around her little finger, from her father to her baby cousins.

Admiring eyes glimmered at Victoire as she twirled around in her flowing dress that glittered in the sun. Her silvery blonde hair whipped around her and her head was thrown back in laughter as she danced with her cousins.

Victoire was like a fiery angel. She was intelligent, brave and just so good. A Gryffindor through and through.

Dominique was not.

Dominique watched in disgust as her sisters admirers crowd around her. She hated how easily her 'perfect' sister manipulated those around her. Her look of contempt only worsened as she saw the wonderful, yet bewitched, Teddy Lupin dramatically asked her giggling sister to dance. She scoffed, some people- no matter how handsome- were just so damn gullible.

She could not be more different from Victoire if she did, Dominique pondered. (But yet, try she did.) She was similar in features but the reddish tinge to her hair, along with it's curly texture and her glinting green eyes opposed to pin straight blondeness and baby blue marked her as different.

No one really paid that much attention to 'Dom'. Their mistake, she thought wryly. The last time Dominique had really been the centre of attention was when she had been sorted into Slytherin. Everyone had been so shocked- just how she liked it. She was never one for meeting peoples expectations. At eleven, she couldn't see what all the fuss was about. So she was more ambitious than brave. She preferred green to red anyway. The green brought out her eyes.

Slowly though, it began to click into place. The hateful stares from the more staunch Gryffindors and the hurried whispers as she walked past let her in on the secret. A Weasley wasn't supposed to be a Slytherin. Especially not Victoire's little sister.

Dominique had decided to shock them all a bit more. She became best friends with a Zabini and a Nott. She was very friendly with Scorpius Malfoy. She began to look down on others. She took pride in her Veela and Delacour heritage. She became a true Slytherin, cunning and cleverly sly. She became everything but Victoire. She loved every minute of it.

Dominique was an ice princess. She kept her cool constantly and strived to achieve nothing but a superior air to most of those around her.

She was a cool, slick ice sculpture, a display of what delicate hard work could achieve. Victoire was a burning ember, bright to look at and utterly dazzling to those around her.

Ice and Fire.

Dominique and Victoire.

Snarling opposites.

Something that would never change.

Thoughts? I really don't like the ending! I was stuck on it and threw that in and it just doesn't fit! Ugh!

Please review. It really means a lot. Thanks!