
(July. Eighth. 2011.)

A/N: I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist, I would have messed that anime up with my creepy parings and such. Also, please forgive me if this is absolutely the worst thing you have ever read and makes you totally give up on Fullmetal Alchemist and all of the characters involved. One: I have never done an FMA story. Two: It has been a long time since I have wrote on this site. I will give it my best.


Summary: Edward has taken another job for the military as a subordinate of Mustang's. He is forced to stay in Central for weeks at a time, meaning that he has to leave his love, Winry, alone in their home town.Ed has noticed that many times he comes home to see that many of the single men have been stopping by to see her while he was gone. In an attempt to show Winry his love, he shows her the night of her dreams.

x. The Beginning. x

Edward, again, could not believe he had taken this job that was offered to him almost three months before. It was like he had lived all of these days in a shock, because the Colonel… No, no that was now the General… Either way, Roy Mustangs constant complaining and self boasting was getting the best of the young man. He was under Roy's thumb once again, along with the other puppets, well more formally known as dogs. But, Edward by far had it the worst out of everyone. He was the youngest and, if he did say so himself, the most handsome. Two things that made Roy Mustang point you out in a crowded room. It was a challenge he was worried about.

But, in all reality, Edward should be grateful for all Mustang had done for him since he the Promise Day. For a while, Edward was out of commission. He was studying things he couldn't even do anymore. It was depressing. When he got sick of that, he decided to go back home for a while. He stayed with Pinako and Winry for a few months. While Edward was there he did jobs here and there, getting better at really using his hands. Nothing was easy come anymore. Nothing came to him by clapping his hands together. Nope, he was in the real world now. Edward was getting down and dirty for his money. Until he got a letter from Roy Mustang out of the blue.

The letter was long and drawn out, but for the most part it was a job offer. Mustang had promised Edward a job under him in central as a Major. He said that he knew that it must have been hard on Edward, losing his abilities and all, so he thought it was only fitting to offer him a job almost equivalent to his old job. It was as like a thank you for saving their asses on the Promise Day. Though, they would never really understand how much they had saved Edward and his family just as well. But, it was almost needless to say, Edward took the job and it was another tearful goodbye from Winry.

Oh, Winry. She was his love and his life; she would never know that he took this job for her. Edward wanted to ready when he finally, really asked for her life. Last time, almost two years before, at the train station wasn't the deal breaker. He just needed to know that she would wait for him. And, it seemed like she was doing a pretty good job at waiting for him, though he wasn't too sure. Every time he came home he seemed to pass one of the single men of the town on the way to the door. Good men, too. That was terrifying for the young man.

People their age were settling, they were getting married and making families. Of course, Winry was a hot topic for all the single men prowling around. She was beautiful and owned one of the best businesses in town. She would always be well off and have her own money. She was a stable woman. A man could live off her for his whole life.

Edward didn't want that. He wanted to take care of her. He wanted her to be comfortable with her life and love the way they lived. He could never allow himself to be taken care of. He was a man. And a man…

"Fullmetal! Get to your paperwork or there will be no vacation time for you to take!" Mustang yelled from his desk, working on his own work. Him and Edward were the only two left in the office that Friday night, and Ed's train was in four hours. Ed's eyes snapped over to Roy, he almost apologized and got straight to work, but that wasn't Ed.

"Don't call me Fullmetal, that's not my title anymore," He shot back and he began to read over some paper. Hell, half the time he didn't even know what it was about. He just filled it out and passed it off to Hawkeye to look over. Her disapproving eyes would tell it all as she corrected things down the paper. This time he would have to work a little more diligently, just like the General.

"I can call you whatever I want, I'm your superior," Roy said, letting his eyes catch the younger boys. He could tell right then that the man was in no mood to be bent over the work. He sighed, feeling the same way as he threw his pen down. "Though, I do suppose the 1st Lieutenant will not be too mad if I allow you to leave some work for the others to do Monday," he muttered, eying the small stack Edward had left.

"And what do I give you in return?" Edward asked, smirking over to the slightly grey haired man across the room. The years had really done something to Roy Mustang, though he had bits of grey littering his dark hair, he was still as confident as ever.

"Nothing, nothing. There is nothing you could offer me," he said, standing up and taking his larger stack of papers. "Well, maybe one thing…" the man said as he walked over to Edward's section of the table and dropping his pile on top of Ed's. "You never saw that," he grinned, very pleased with himself.

"Oh, I understand," Edward rolled his eyes as he got up himself, grabbing his military over jacket and shrugging it on over his tight black shirt. "Whatever, Hawkeye doesn't care if I don't do my work. She's you mom," he joked, grabbing his black, leather jacket that Roy had gotten him during the winter a while back. Ed could swear that Roy Mustang was trying to make a replica of himself out of him. Either way, it was raining outside and it was a bit nippy. The jacket helped a lot.

Roy smirked and went to the door, turning the light out, "She's not my mother, Elric. But she does hold quite a bit of power over me, you see as a very greatly trusted friend," he said as he opened the door and got his keys out.

"Aww, Roy's got himself a little crush on Riza," Ed joked as he swiftly passed the man, leaving the room and into the dimly lit hallway. There were many soldiers who had gotten stuck with the night shift after everything happened. "Better not let the Führer find out that you want some of his granddaughter's sweet…"

"That's enough, Edward. Mind your tongue. Wouldn't want it burned off, would we?" he asked, flashing him a grin as he locked the office up. "Need a ride home?" he asked as he tugged on a pair of white gloves to protect his hands from the cold.

"Yep, and a ride to the train station," He said, looking out at the rain that pounded on the windows of the large building. It was a bit relaxing to the ex alchemist, but he was sure that his commanding officer would rather go through Hell's fire.

"Well, I guess I have nothing better to do tonight," Roy said, sighing. Edward felt accomplished that the man had given up so easily. It wasn't like him to just give up and let Ed have his way.

"Thank you, sir,"

x. Later .x

"I'd take you for some dinner, Fullmetal, but you're train is scheduled so late that everything is closed," Roy said, holding out a sandwich wrapped in napkins. "I just happened to see a man selling these little lovelies when we got out of the car," He laughed, taking a seat beside him on the bench. It wasn't anything new to see people selling anything at any time in train stations.

Edward grinned and took it, tearing right into the cheap, thinly cut meat between the tick bread. "Thanks, Mustang," he said, eating so quickly he barely even tasted it. Mustang on the other hand was eating slowly as he looked off at the sky. That was their bonding, silent moments between them. It was nice, but it was always followed with a serious talk.

"I have the thing you ordered," He said, pulling a small brown bag from his jacket pocket and handing it over to him. "Are you sure about this, Elric? You have a lot of responsibilities here in Central. This may not be in your best interest," Roy said, giving him a very stern look.

Edward sighed and finished off his sandwich before stuffing the bag into his own pocket, "Save it, Mustang. I'm sick of these "father son" moments. I know what I'm doing," he said as they both heard the roaring of the train in the distance. He stood tall, finally, strong and tall like an adult should, and grabbed his suitcase. "I'm not in the military to clime the ranks like you and the others. I'll gladly take a promotion, but as of now I am making more than enough money, and that's all I care about from that job," he said, his eyes fixed on the track as the train came hustling in, stopping with a loud screech, and opening its doors. "I have a life outside of Central and I am going to live it,"

Mustang sighed and shrugged as he got up, getting ready to leave the small shelter and go back into the cold rain. "Sometimes, Edward, I wish that I had learned from you when I was your age," he said, sliding his hands into his pockets and looking to the ground, "But, I'm too close to my goal to go back now. Too many people are behind me. So, I'll just live through you," he allowed a sad smile to cross his face.

"You could do it yourself, General. You've got the resources. What is stopping you from doing just what I am doing?" Edward asked, almost discussed with the man's attitude.

"Don't go there, Edward. Crossing that bridge will lead me to only a court marshal and a lot of pain. That is, until I am Führer. It's not long now," it seemed that Roy was now talking more to himself so, it was time to go before he rambled too much, "Well, have a good week off, Fullmetal," the grayish man said with the same sad smile gracing his lips.

Edward allowed his hard features to soften for only a moment, showing the man just a bit of comfort. He had done a lot for him and would keep helping him, until there was nothing more to be done. Edward knew this. "I'll see you then, Flame," he joked as he stepped onto the welcoming train. He would be home soon and in the gracing warmth of his love. The only thing he lived for at that time.

The only thing he had left.

A/N: Thank you for reading. Please leave me a review if you liked it, or even if you didn't like it I guess. Next chapter will bring in many other characters and much more going on. I hope to have it up soon.
