AN: hahaha! after months of begging and pleading and crying (well not really crying) my mom let me get a fanfiction! So here is my story... I really dont know if it's any good, but i guess I'll find out! Please read and reveiw. also, this is a multi-chapter story, the plot will thicken soon

Disclaimer: If I owned Victorious, would I really be writing this?

Jade West lay next to Beck Oliver, entranced by something his lips were doing to her neck. It was early morning in Hollywood, and the daylight was just beginning to stream through the bullet-proof windows in Beck's RV. The soft rays of dawn made Jade's pastel skin glow, highlighted especially by the tight black tank top paired with inky boy-shorts that Jade used for sleepwear. Her red combat boots lay at the foot of Beck's bed, thrown there when Jade showed up last night, randomly declaring she was staying the night. Beck was used to his girlfriend's spontaneous appearances in his RV so he'd simply pulled her into his bed, seeing the tired lines marring Jade's ivory face.

Jade had a kind of insomnia. She was afraid to fall asleep because of the nightmares that haunted her. Her mother caused her abandonment issues, and she also abused Jade, which left Jade abrasive and tough. Recently, however, Jade's mom left without telling anyone why. And only Beck knew the full story behind Jade's past, and her crippling insecurities.

Jade always felt stronger, safer, and braver with Beck. They'd falling asleep in each other's arms after a small argument about Jade hogging the blankets. Jade slept soundly, embraced by Beck they entire time. Mornings like these were one of Jade's favorite times: when it was just her and Beck sharing sweet, slightly cliché, moments. She smiled softly, a rare occurrence for her, and drew Beck's face to her own. He smirked gently and pressed his lips to hers.

"I love you. You know that, Jade?" He said, pulling away from her and looking into her normally icy cerulean eyes. This morning, however, they were not their regular frigid sapphire but an unfathomable azure.

"Sap," Jade grinned. "But I love you too."

Beck knew to treasure moments like these. He knew how hard it was for Jade to let down her nearly impenetrable walls and let her true feelings escape. He placed her lips back on his own and kissed her deeper, pulling her up so she could wrap her arms and legs around him. Just as things were getting heated, someone started pounding on the metal frame of the RV.

Bang, Bang, Bang

Jade withdrew from Beck briefly, a questioning look on her face.

"Ignore it." Beck panted, his need for her overriding his curiosity. She shrugged and went back to kissing Beck.

Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang

Finally, out of annoyance, Jade untangled her long limbs from Beck and yanked open the door. Beck pretended to pout, but then glanced at the time and realized it was nearly 20 minutes until school started. He climbed out of bed and automatically started to coffee maker so Jade wouldn't rip his head off when she woke up completely. He went over to the bathroom in the back of the RV and turned on the water for the shower.

"What?" Jade shouted at the person standing outside of Beck's RV.

"Um, hi Jade. What are you doing here?" Tori Vega said, raising an eyebrow at Jade's undersized sleepwear. She was still wearing her boy-shorts and tank top while Tori had on skinny jeans, a graphic tee paired with a purple cardigan and flats. Jade was bare-foot.

"Spending the night with my boyfriend, got a problem?" Jade replied snarkily, leaning against the doorway.

"Kinda…" Tori said, staring of into the distance. Jade's face assumed her I-am-going-to-kill-you-unless-you-explain-in-the-next-ten-seconds look.

"No, no, no, not with you and Beck. God, no," At Jade's still suspicious glare, Tori figured she'd better explain.

"I just…needed Beck's help" Tori said, running a hair through her curled brown hair.

"With what?" Jade replied in that no-nonsense voice of hers. She leered at Tori why Tori deliberated telling Jade as well as Beck.

"Andre." Just then, Beck emerged at the door, fully dressed with his hair still damp.

"Hey Babe, it's almost time for school." He said, giving Jade a peck on the lips. "Oh, hey Tori." Beck realized Tori's presence. Jade whirled around to go take a shower and dress for school. Beck stepped out of the RV to give Jade her privacy and so he could talk to Tori.

"So w'sup?" Beck asked.

"Andre." Tori said, looking confused.

"What about Andre?" Beck pressed lightly.

"I just…UGH. I don't know. I think I like him, maybe?" Tori asked, fiddling with the strap on her bag. Beck opened his mouth to reply when…

"BECK, WHERE IS MY COFFEE?" Jade screamed from inside the RV.



"I CANT DO THAT, BABE. WE'VE HAD THIS DISSCUSION BEFORE." Beck said back, smiling softly as he yelled. "WHY DON'T YOU COME OUTSIDE INSTEAD OF BREAKING THE COFFEE POT?" Beck said knowing full well that Jade was two seconds away from mutilating the coffee maker. The door slammed open and Jade stood there, wearing black skinny jeans and black and red striped top and clutching a cup of coffee. She was wearing her usual amount of jewelry and make-up. She had mastered the act of changing fast. She strutted over to Beck and stood next to him. He automatically wrapped an arm around her waist.

"So, Vega, what's the problem with Andre?"

"I don't know, I mean. I guess, you know and then yeah. So, the he said and I don't know." Tori went on, babbling nonsensically. Jade walked over to her calmly and slapped Tori (lightly) across the face.

"Jade…" Beck said, sighing. Jade shot him a look that said 'shut up now'.

"Tori Vega. Stop babbling and tell me what the problem is before I dump my coffee on your head. Again"

"It's Andre."

"You've mentioned that, now get to the point."

"He asked me out." Tori said, a blush creeping to her face. Beck, who had walked up to stand next to Jade, smiled. He knew how much Andre liked Tori.

"So how is that a problem?" Jade asked, aware of how much Tori liked Andre.

"I don't wanna ruin the friendship we have. I mean, say we go out and I decide I don't wanna date him. Or if we do become boyfriend/girlfriend, breaking up could ruin everything between us. And then, we might go to separate colleges and then I'll never see him again!" Tori said, having never been asked out by her best friend.

"Well, Jade and I have been dating for three years," Beck was cut off by Jade muttering 'longer'. He smirked and rolled his eyes. "And we're still best friends."

"Yeah but that's not a problem for you two, I mean you're so obviously in love." Both Jade and Beck smiled and glanced at the other.

"Listen, Tori. Just go on a date with Andre, to see how it is. It's no big deal, just two friends hanging out outside of school. You guys do that all the time. And, besides, Andre's probably just as nervous as you are" Jade said, surprising everyone by being nice. Just then, Andre car drove up and he pulled. Tori shrieked and ran away, screaming 'Hide me, hide me'.

"Tori, just talk to him!" Jade shouted after Tori, who hid under the RV.


Jade grumbled. "You see? This is why I'm not nice to people. They just ignore me." She pouted.

"Well, I liked it." Beck said, bumping her on the hip and wrapping an arm around her shoulder. Just then Andre walked out of his car.

"You guys seen Tori? She mentioned something about talking to Jade so I thought I'd look here. I asked her out and I'll have to cancel the reservations if she doesn't wanna go. Is she here?" Andre asked, as Beck and Jade inched towards Jade's car.

"Um, noooooooooo…" Beck said as Jade's hand reached in her purse for her car keys.

"But her cars right there." Andre pointed and Tori gasped from under Beck's RV. "And, why did your RV just gasp like a teenage girl?"

"That's weirrrrrrrd, gotta go, bye!" Jade said, and the couple made a break for the car. Once they got in the car, Jade jammed the keys into the ignition and speed away just in time to see a dusty Tori emerge from the bottom of the RV with the help of a bemused and confused Andre.

"Maybe I should sweep under there." Beck said, seeing the dirt coating Tori's outfit.

"What so Tori can still look clean every time she hides under your RV?" Jade accused while clenching her leather wheel.

"Jade, relax. I just have a feeling that between those two, we're gonna have to give A LOT more relationship advice."

At school…

"AND…scene." Sikowitz said, staring at Cat and Robbie who were acting on the platform in their improv classroom.

"But we still have a couple more lines." Robbie said, confused why Sikowitz would stop them halfway through the scene.

"No one cares. Now where are Tori and Andre?" Sikowitz asked as Cat and Robbie sat down.

"We're here, we're here!" Tori called, slamming the door and dragging a dazed looking Andre by the hand. They handed Sikowitz their late slips and began giving various excuses. Well, at least Tori did. Andre stood beside her looking stunned

"Gee, wonder what happened there." Jade whispered to Beck sarcastically.

"How would you know they got together?" Beck whispered back, pressing his lips to her ear. Jade smirked.

"That's exactly how you look after we make-out. " She said quietly.

"Is that so?"

"Mhm," Jade said, the only reply she was able to make with Becks rough lips pressed against her own soft ones. Meanwhile, Andre and Tori toke their seats behind Beck and Jade still holding hands.

"Beck, Jade, kindly refrain from sucking each other's faces off in class." Sikowitz reprimanded. "Now, I have Important news for you all." Their teacher continued. "As you all know, we are having our big showcase in two months and since you're all seniors, I've invited various college representatives to come. SO, you must all be perfect. I have finalized the pairings!" Sikowitz sat down and began drinking his coconut milk. Everyone was sitting on the edge of their seats, eager to hear their partners.

"Well?" Tori asked. "Who are our partners?"

"Oh, yes, I was talking. Right." Sikowitz said, standing up. "Lists will be posted tomorrow in the black box theater."

The whole class groaned at the prospect of waiting.

"Dude, you lead us on!" Jade accused Sikowitz. The whole class erupted in agreement. Before it could turn into a full scale riot, Sikowitz yelled "DRIVE-BY ACTING EXCERSISE, you're all deaf pirates!" As he screamed random pirate phrases while sauntering around the room, Beck couldn't help smiling. Oh, the joys of improv class…

Later at lunch…

"And then he told me that nothing could ruin our friendship, and if we think that being together isn't working we can go back to being friends." Tori said to Cat. Andre was getting lunch and Beck was buying Jade a burrito.

"Aw, that's so sweet!" Cat replied.

"I know, right?" Tori squealed.

"Yippee," Jade drawled sarcastically, not looking up from her phone. "Now you can stop flirting with Beck."

"What did I do?" Beck asked, returning to their table with Jade's burrito. He plunked it down in front of her and went to open his own lunch.

"Nothing." Jade said, taking the plastic cover off her burrito.

"Waddya say now, Jade?" Beck asked, looking for a thank you.

"Give me the hot sauce?" Jade replied snarkily. Beck snorted and rolled his eyes.

"Sup?" Andre asked as he walked up and sat down beside Tori. He kissed her lightly and the whole table, minus Jade who was still on her phone, went 'awwww'.

"Watcha doing on your phone, babe?" Beck asked while peering over Jade's shoulder.

"Updating my Slap page. Is that illegal now?" Jade asked, flipping her phone closed and staring accusingly at Beck.

"Hey, chill." Beck exclaimed. He leaned and kissed her jaw line. Of course this wasn't enough for Jade. She grinned and dragged Beck away from the table.

"Apparently I'm leaving now!" Beck called over his shoulder to the gang. They waved at him, used to seeing him dragged off at random intervals. Jade pulled him around a corner into a deserted hallway. Her fingers knotted in his hair as she wrenched his head towards hers. Beck picked up on her mood and began kissing her fervently. His hands roamed around her backside, finally settling on her hips. Her tongue traced the outline of his lips and he opened his mouth slightly. Beck eventually pulled away from Jade, gasping for breath.

"I have to tell you something." Beck said, staring into her icy blue eyes.

"What?' Jade asked.

"I love you."