Looks like you made it all the way through! When I started typing back in July of 2011, I anticipated maybe 50,000 words before I hit the end. Being a full-on novel at this point, I commend you for sticking through the read.

So what now? Well, I actually do have plans for continuing Roxanne's story, but I've decided to wait until the announcement of the next SSX game before I start working on any type of sequel to this ff. I expect something new from EA Canada within the next year or two, so it shouldn't be that long of a wait.

Until then, I'm going to take a break from online writing. I had story ideas for The Hunger Games, Team Fortress 2 and Portal, but outside of this online novel I've lost my interest in fan-fiction writing. Before I started this story, I always loved the idea of writing my own book, but I never had the experience or skill to write anything on my own. Now that I've written this story, I feel so much more confident in my ability as a writer, so I've decided my next long-term writing project would be a real book. Who knows? Maybe you'll see it on a bookshelf someday!

Finally, if you have any feedback or questions on this story, leave a review or message me, and I'll get back to you if I'm ever around. After three years, I accomplished something I never imagined I could do, and now I leave with the ability to accomplish so much more. Thank you so much for reading!