"Shizu-Chaaaaan~! I'm boreeed~" Izaya flopped the upper half of his body over the back of a beat up couch to look down at the irritated beyond all irritation of a debt collector who was laying down and flipping through the television channels without even looking at them.

"So what? What the hell do you want me to do about it?" The blonde growled, not even looking up to meet the disappointed eyes of his worst enemy.

It had only been a couple days, but Izaya was already up and moving around, much to Shizuo's dismay. Shinra had the blonde promise not to threaten Izaya in a way where he would have to run away and strain himself too much. The raven had to admit, it was nice being able to bother the debt collector in a way when he couldn't do anything but lash out verbally.

"Entertaaaiiin mee~" The red eyed man pouted down at his enemy in hopes of getting him to do something with him. He really was bored without his work, and Shizuo wouldn't let him leave, saying that he didn't want anyone catching him leave his apartment. I think he's just worried about me~ Izaya thought with a snigger. Shizuo's mocha colored eyes snapped up to glare at the raven at the sound.

"What the hell is so funny, flea?" He snapped, ignoring the comment made before the snigger. Izaya smirked down, an action that elicited a low growl from the blonde.

"I was just thinking how much you must love me to be taking care of me~" Izaya wasn't quite finished when a large hand grabbed the front of his shirt and sent him tumbling over the back of the couch to be laying parallel on top of Shizuo, the blonde practically shaking Izaya's breath out of him.

"Can't. You. Learn. To. Shut. The. Fuck. Up! Like hell I would love you!" Shizuo lightly flung Izaya off of him and onto the ground before sitting up and glaring down at the pathetic little mass.

Damn, damn, damn, damn- Izaya kept repeating this in his mind as he curled up in a ball on the cold floor, hoping to prevent his body from shuddering in pain. The stupid protozoan seemed to forget stupid little things like he just did could seriously hurt Izaya. Not like he cares. Soon, the bit of pain that he felt grew, and he let out a strangled gasp as a wave of pain flooded through his chest and caused his whole body to rock with the aftershock.

"Hey…Izaya?" The voice sounded a bit…concerned, but was obviously trying to cover up that emotion, "You alright?" a sigh, "Look, I'm sorry, but seriously, get up…"

"I'm not…fucking..k..kidding, yo…you proto…proto…fuck.." Izaya hissed through his teeth. Damn it! He makes it really hard to try and not hate him! Another wave of pain shot through as arms coiled around his frame and lifted him up.

"What the f-ow!" The raven winced as Shizuo calmly carried him to the bedroom. "Fuck…y-y-you! Put me do-down!" Izaya shuddered once more and fisted the man's shirt in his hands and clung on like he could be dropped at any moment…in which he was, but softly and onto the bed, not the hard floor.

"…Sorry." Shizuo was sitting on the edge of the bed with his elbows resting on his knees. His mocha eyes were training themselves other than the fragile body lying down near himself.

"Like hell you are." The raven's voice came out strained, but he tried to force as much spite into the words as he could at the given moment. All it did was send him coughing and getting Shizuo to glare at him.

"Yes, I am. Unlike you I can actually apologize, you fucking louse." He snapped, but his voice soften down again, "Look, if you don't want me to hurt you anymore than you already are, then you need to stop provoking me so much."

"Who said I provoked you?" The mocha eyed man just rolled his eyes and then waited for the smaller male to say something more. "You know what…fine. Just until I leave…Just know that after that, I'll go straight back to bugging the hell out of you."

Shizuo stared blankly down at the scowling informant, whom of which was looking away, quite furious that he even agreed to something so trivial. "You're saying…you'll honestly leave me alone?"

"Isn't that what I just said!" Izaya snapped, "What are you, deaf or something? I, Izaya Orihara, hereby promise that while I am in your care, I shall not harass and or provoke you. Better?" He raised his eyebrows questioningly at the blonde, who for a moment sat with a slightly surprised face, then half smiled at his temporary roommate.

"Heh, much. Oh, and as for your boredom problem, try sleeping. Maybe you'll feel better later." Shizuo ruffled the other's hair lightly then exited the room, closing the door with a click. Izaya groaned and leaned back into the pillows, cursing himself at what he had just done.

"Fuck…There goes my entertainment for the while…"

"Hehehe, hey Izaya, guess what? You're going to die. Now. Right here." A figure that looked way to much like Shizuo hovered over a cowering Izaya and smiled widely, a creepy smile that reminded Izaya of a creepy doll with blue hair and a butcher knife from some vampire manga. The only difference was the hair. Yes, this figure had a menacing knife poised right over Izaya's raven colored head, and the blade glinted in an evil manner.

Izaya tried as best as he could to get away from the Shizuo look-a-like, but it's like he was a magnet and the figure kept getting closer and closer. "This is what you deserve, isn't it? After all you've done, what I'm going to do to you doesn't seem so bad, now does it?" The man laughed psychotically and raised the knife high in the air, ready to plunge it into Izaya's skull.

"L-l-leave me al-a-alone." He finally managed to stammer, and this only made the psychotic figure green even more evilly.

"What was that, I didn't hear you? Leave you alone to die from bleeding out you say? If you insist~"

"Leave me alone!" Izaya practically yelled as he sat straight up in bed, a movement which caused him to wince in pain. His breathing was labored, and the heavy rise and fall of his chest only made it hurt worse, not to mention the pounding of his heart against his rib cage.

"Sheesh, and all I do is come in to ask you if you want to eat." Shizuo sighed and looked down on the sweat covered informant. "Hey, you okay?" When Izaya flinched at the sound of his voice, he was a bit curious as to what happened. "Look, I still hate you, but it's almost pathetic to see you in this state." He sat down on the edge of the bed and awaited the raven's answer.

When Izaya didn't answer him, he just sighed and stood up and started walking away when he felt a slight tug on the hem of his shirt. The blonde haired man looked over at his shoulders to see a shaking Izaya grabbing on to his shirt, his head up against his knees.

"S-s-s-s-sorry." The raven choked out before releasing Shizuo's shirt and wrapping his arms around his knees tightly, burying his face even more. I fear that if I look at Shizuo, I might really start crying. Like hell I'll let anyone, especially Shizuo, see me cry. However, it took a lot of effort not to let the salty drops fall from his eyes when he felt Shizuo's warm hand on his shoulder.

"Calm down Izaya. It was just a dream…Let me guess, all your beloved humans either died or ganged up on you and killed you, am I right?" Shizuo said jokingly as he sat back down, trying to at least get the smaller male to look at him.

"Th-The second g-guess is half r-r-r-right." The informant let out in a tearless sob. He leaned into the warmer, much larger Shizuo and clung onto the man's sleeve, refusing to look up at the face that was smiling murderously at him only minutes ago.

A dumbstruck debt collector looked down on his roommate, trying to take in what he was seeing. After a moment, he determined Izaya wouldn't stop shaking himself, so he would have to lend a hand…or arm. His long appendage wrapped around Izaya's shaking frame and gave him a gentle squeeze before pulling them both into a laying position.

"W-w-w-what are you d-d-doing Shizu-ch-chan?" The informant gasped out when two arms were now surrounding him protectively, drawing him into their host's chest.

"Comforting you, so you can either complain away, or accept it." Shizuo mumbled into the top of the raven haired man's head, blushing feverously.

Another blushing man just buried his head against Shizuo's chest, not bothering to hold back any tears that stung his eyes. "T-T-Thanks…but if you tell an-any one you saw me like this…I-I-I will kill you."

"Yeah, yeah. Hate you too." Shizuo chuckled, finding Izaya's meek attempt at a threat just a smidge cute with all the stuttering. Like hell he would admit that he found Izaya cute though…hell, he would rather kill himself than do that.

Soon, the two drifted off to sleep, stuck to each other like magnets, and the last thing to run through their heads was, Fuck, this will be awkward in the morning.

Fluff~~ Okay, so you are probably wondering why the hell I update so quickly…if not, I'll still explain. It's summer, I'm bored, the first 3 chapters I had already written and were on deviantart, just not on here, sooo yeah. Anywho, reviews accepted, and sorry for any OOCness. It's hard to keep characters acting their normal selves and having them do what you want them too. Oh, and if you are wondering about the whole blue headed doll with a knife, it's Boogey-Kun from Chibi Vampire [or Karin/Vampire Karin] Hehe ^^ He was meh favorite, and his body when he comes out of the doll is..scary.