Chap 6

Everyone had arrived home without any more excitement. Grimmjow carried Hichigo upstairs and Ichigo had taken him into the bathroom to see if he was hurt anywhere. Shinji had offered to help, leaving the two men locked out and nothing to do but wait.

Nnoitra sighed and flipped through the endless channels, "So who do you think he is? Like to our kind."

"Dunno." Grimmjow muttered, still unhappy with his boyfriend's relationship with the albino, "But I plan to find out."

Meanwhile in the bathroom Shinji had run some hot water and Ichigo had stripped his friend to his boxers, "Hichi, wake up." He called.

The albino stubbornly remained unconscious as they tended to him. His skin was the same consistent milk white and surprisingly muscular. His only injury was on the back of his head, where his spinal cord joined with his skull. A bloody gash clotted the white hair, it look recent; about 24 hours old at most.

Shinji cleaned the area gently and washed the pale hair, drying it and wrapping his head in a bandage provided by an ACE kit under the sink.

Ichigo pulled a robe around the albino and was moving his hands away when Hichigo's eyes flew open and he grabbed Ichigo's wrist in a python tight hold. "Hichi!"

The albino blinked and his eye focused slightly, "King?" He released his arm and sat up, frowning, "Where the hell am I?"

Shinji grinned, "Grimmjow's bathroom!"

"…what's a Grimmjow?"

Ichigo laughed, "My boyfriend, remember?"

Hichigo grinned, "Oh yea, the one with the permanent glare?" He snickered and touched the bandage lightly, "Where didja find me?"

"A warehouse by the docks." Ichigo replied, "Hichi…what the hell happened?"

Hichigo frowned and flexed his hand slowly into a fist, "I'm not entirely sure…"

Shinji stood and stretched, "Well we better go out into the living room before they get paranoid."

Ichigo snorted but stood, helping Hichigo to his feet, "Well now you can finally meet Grimmjow!"

Hichigo's golden eyes flashed slightly, unnoticed by either of them, "I look forward to it."

They sat in the living room and the tension in the air was so thick you could cut out a slice and feed it to some poor bastard who'd choke on it.

Shinji and Ichigo seemed to be perfectly immune to it and Nnoitra just didn't give a fuck. The causers of then tension, of course, where Grimmjow and Hichigo.

"So, the fuck happened to you?" Nnoitra asked bluntly, turning the TV off and yawning.

Hichigo grinned slightly, "Well after I dropped these two off—"

"What?" Grimmjow interrupted, his eyes narrowing, "Dropped them off where?"

"Well since you had other more important things to do," Hichigo sneered, "I took them home because they were in no condition to drive." He smirked slightly and returned to his story, "So I was riding back on my bike—"

"You ride a bicycle?" Grimmjow snickered.

"No dumb shit, a motorcycle." Hichigo retaliated automatically, "and I was passing by Madison Street and some fucking black car starts following me. So I shake it off but it catches up to me again. So long story short it pulls up next to me, there's a blinding pain and I black out. The end."

Nnoitra sneered, "Sounds like Aizen alright—but what the fuck he'd want with him?"

"Dunno, don't care." Grimmjow snipped, rewarded with a glare from his lover.

"Well thanks for finding me." Hichigo drawled, cracking his neck, "I better get going."

"You sure?" Ichigo asked, "You could stay tonight—" a rather loud snort emitted from Grimmjow, "at MY house." He added without missing a beat.

"Oh I don't know King, ya sure yer warden will letcha go without a leash?" Hichigo teased. He noticed the sad look in the caramel eyes and sighed, "Aw, King, stop with the look; I'll be fine."

"You can stay here if you want." Grimmjow growled stiffly, standing up and stomping off to the fridge.

"Wow don't I feel welcomed." Hichigo muttered.

But Ichigo and Shinji where already beaming, "Great! Please stay, Hichigo!"

Nnoitra rolled his good eye and slouched into the kitchen, snagging a beer, "Who the fuck is that bastard?"

Grimmjow growled and snatched his own beer, snapping the top off with his teeth and spitting it out into the sink, "Don't know, don't care." He snarled, "As long as he fucking stays away from Ichigo."

Back in the living room a flustered albino had been conned into agreeing with the overly excited young males.

"Grimm!" Ichigo shouted, "He's gonna spend the night, ok?"


Ichigo grinned and turned back to him, "Let me show you around."

"You know…" Nnoitra mused, as the young males dragged the albino around the condo, "you could use this to your advantage…"

"How?" Grimmjow snapped, "Prove to the bastard that Ichigo is off limits by fucking him tonight as loud as possible?"

Nnoitra rolled his eyes, "No, like a test."

"Test? Test on what?" Grimmjow asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.

"You know, test his loyalty." Nnoitra said, watching the trio, "Let Ichigo sleep with the albino tonight and see what happens."

"That sounds like some creepy shit girls would do." Grimmjow grumbled.

Nnoitra shrugged, "Yeah but it'd make you feel better."

Grimmjow watched the small group parade around the room and shrugged, "I guess so."

It was about midnight when Nnoitra and Shinji left, hugging good bye and a secretive look. The door closed and Grimmjow turned to face the pair. They were surprisingly alike; same height and facial structure, but different colors and personalities; like strawberry and vanilla, "So I figured you two can have the guest bedroom, is that fine?"

Hichigo shrugged and Ichigo looked slightly confused, "Yeah that's fine…hey Hichi I'll meet you there in a second, ok?"

"Sure, King." Hichigo replied and walked off, still wearing the bath robe.

"Grimm?" Ichigo asked, "Hey…is everything ok?"

Grimmjow looked at him blankly, "Fine, why?"

Ichigo frowned and took a few steps closer towards him, "Well…" he stared at Grimmjow for a bit more, "I…never mind." He smiled tightly, "Good night."


Ichigo walked back to the guest bedroom and shut the door. He climbed into bed and rolled over to face Hichigo, "Hey."

Hichigo grinned, "Remember the last time we did this?"

Ichigo laughed, "You still remember that?"

"Hell yeah, it was my first sleepover!" Hichigo proclaimed his canine grin still intact, "Remember what we did?"

Ichigo snorted, "How could I ever forget. I think I was scared for life."

Hichigo snickered, "Don't deny you didn't like it."

"Shut up!" Ichigo muttered, smacking his friend.

"Well since we've finally got some alone time where you're not drunk or being watched; tell me about the blue haired guy."

"Grimmjow?" Ichigo sighed and smiled softly, "Well…what can I say. He's rude, arrogant, controlling, protective, and I love him more than life itself."

Hichigo grinned and made a face, "Ew, none of that sappy shit. Tell me about him and you; how'd ya meet?"

Ichigo giggled softly, "I remember that day…you know how every Friday I'd go to Miname's? Well one time I…had received some bad news. So I went there and got completely drunk…and then drank some more. I was probably so wasted I didn't even remember my own name…but I remember what happened. Some guy was trying to take me home and I wasn't interested. So when I left he followed me. He waited until we were completely isolated; near the bad part of town, and then he tried to rape me…"

"What happened?" Hichigo breathed, his golden eyes fixated on Ichigo.

Ichigo grinned, "My knight in shining armor arrived. He almost killed the guy with a metal baseball bat. Then he sorta looked at me and hauled me to my feet and asked if I was ok. Of course between the adrenaline and the liquor my body finally gave out and I passed out in his arms." Ichigo muttered, looking slightly embarrassed, "When I woke up I was here and he asked me who the fuck I was and if I was ok."

"So he saved your ass and swore at you and ya fell for him?" Hichigo scoffed.

"Not at first." Ichigo replied, "We got each other's names and then I left. But then about a week later I was walking down the bad parts again and I saw him. Well, actually I saw his hair." Ichigo grinned, "He was being attacked and was out numbered; one to six. So I didn't really think and just sorta leapt into the fray and helped him beat the shit outta them." Ichigo sighed and rolled onto his back, staring at the ceiling, "He wasn't very happy about that so I basically told him to shove it. Then he apologized and we just sorta…started hanging out."

Hichigo blinked, "Damn. That's some meeting."

"Yeah I know." Ichigo chuckled, "But holy fuck it was the best decision I ever made."

Hichigo grinned, "The best?"

"Haha…well one of the best; right next to you of course." Ichigo smiled at his friend, "Nosy bastard."

"Spoiled bitch."

They laughed quietly for a bit.

"Hey King…not that I really give a shit, but why aren't ya sleepin' with him instead?"

Ichigo's face fell slightly, "He…I don't know. I think I made him mad today with all my random bitchy moods. I felt like a hormonal teenager or some shit." He sighed and ran his hand through his bright orange hair, a habit he picked up from Grimmjow, "I should probably apologize…"

Hichigo shrugged, "I can't help ya out in this department, King." He poked his friend in the cheek, "But I suggest ya worry about it in da morning, kay?"

"Yeah, good night, Hichi."

"Night, King."