Lemony: I received a very angry PM from (a reader who has requested to stay anonymous) I was threatened with death if I didn't update.

Wicked: You shouldn't promise people you'll write them a story and then not deliver…it makes reader's angry. And what the reader's who were already interested in the story, hmmm?

Awesome: Welp, lets see this chappy has to offer…

After their altercation, Alucard found himself walking on eggshells around Integra. He wouldn't speak unless he was spoken to, he wouldn't make eye contact unless he was looked at first and so on… this submissive behavior went on for nearly a week.

When he wasn't on a mission, the vampire spent his nights in the crypts bored and depressed listening to the police girl and her useless babble. Alucard wondered about what Integra said. What was that about with the "Seras and a threesome" comment? Could it be possible she found out about his attraction and was disgusted with him?

Alucard swallowed hard. He never prayed, but tonight he prayed to every God and God-like figure that his theory was wrong. Now here he was, in front of the object of his love, in her office, prepared to tell her about his recent mission. Alucard was twiddling his floppy hat and glasses between nervous fingers.

Integra was glaring at him, eyes cold as ever but burning with pure hatred. The vampire gulped down a lump that formed in his throat. He hated it when she looked at him like that…

"How many?"

The demon's eyes shifted anxiously, "Four…just four. All of the girls were ghouls though. I…I couldn't get any information from any of them."

"I didn't ask you all of that." Integra snapped, "What I asked you was how many!"

The demon looked down at his feet shamefully, "I'm sorry, forgive me Master."

"Get out of my sight." The blonde replied coldly waving an absent hand.

"Yes Master." Alucard said in a small whisper, he sank through the floor and into the crypts of the manor. He wasn't allowed to walk about freely anymore and had become a prisoner in the musty basement. Did he really have a choice in the matter? His master said not to come out unless she told him to, and Alucard sure as hell wasn't about to cross Integra. He'd give her time to cool off, she couldn't stay mad at him forever…right?

Alucard reappeared in his own quarters, the empty room that held nothing more than an endtable and his coffin. That pile of wood that was once his favorite chair had been discarded by Walter but there were still scratch marks on the stone floor from were he hit the ground. He shook his head and slid into his coffin letting the smell of soil from his birthplace creep into his nostrils. Unfortunately he was still wide awake, he left the coffin lid open however.

"Master?" Seras said cracking the door and poking her head inside,

"Go away police girl." Alucard said softly, "I'm not in the mood to put up with you tonight."

The Draculina closed the door without another word. The vampire scowled when he heard the door click. Why was she always so concerned about him? It honestly made Alucard sick to his stomach! Didn't she know he was the Prince of fucking Darkness? He could take care of himself, dammit.

Alucard knew taking his anger out on the police girl wouldn't help. Hell, it would probably make things worse and that was the last thing he needed. The vampire couldn't remember a time when he was this depressed not even when he was enslaved by Ottoman high rulers and forced to become a sodomite whore. Everything got so fucked up so fast!

The demon would do anything to get back into his master's good graces. But what? What could he do besides be a loyal pet that he always was? Then an idea hit him…the one thing that had Integra stressed was the missing girls. Perhaps if he could get any information on their allusive killer she'd at least let him out of the crypts. The vampire promised himself when his master called upon him again he would not return empty handed.

"Yes…" Alucard hissed to himself, "Another night…but now, give me one Integra…"

His eyes fluttered shut in the darkness, a long tongue ran across his lips. "Give me one of those delicious fantasies…"

For years he'd been watching her mind as she slept. Alucard knew it was wrong, but to hell with it, what Integra didn't know wouldn't hurt her. In all honesty he couldn't help it, her thoughts were so strong and powerful, like a surge of fire taking over all rational thought. He couldn't resist the temptation to take a peek… He found himself intrigued at what he saw, things she wondered about, it became addicting. Every other night he was blessed with seeing her sordid thoughts and wishing he could bring each of them to life. He always waited until she fell asleep late at night to watch…

A sick drug in its own right, Alucard had a smoldering need to observe himself take her, over and over again, in different scenarios, in different plays of power. Her mind was their stage and they were merely actors…

She'd had the same fantasies about him since she was thirteen. However Alucard never concluded these thoughts were out of attraction, he couldn't bring himself to it. Instead he made excuses for her, blaming it on exhaustion and stress.

It didn't make sense anyway.

The Hellsing family lived to slay vampires, why on earth would she want to be with one? In Integra's defense, a person cannot control what they think about as their falling into different cycles of sleep. The mind will simply wander; going to places the person themselves wouldn't dare to go…

She was having that fantasy again…the one were Alucard snuck into her room, in the dead of night, and ravished her thoroughly. He always enjoyed that one, it was particularly hot, he showed her many pleasures in one night. "The Incubus Fantasy" Is what Alucard secretly dubbed it…

There were times when he believed Integra wasn't a virgin because her torrid thoughts, but her sweet blood is what told him otherwise.

Her fantasy was drawing to close, Alucard sighed. This part was bittersweet, it was over but they had another night ahead of them. However, something was different this evening, if he wasn't undead, Alucard would have felt the room becoming abnormally cold. An icy chill worked its way through the crypts, making frost collect on the stone walls.


The vampire's eyes snapped open and stared out into the darkness. Who the hell was that? Alucard tried to place the voice, it was clear, low, and certainly male. For a second, he thought it may have been Walter, but the sound was echoing. The dark man rose from his coffin cautiously, red eyes jumping from place to place as he looked for something that wasn't there.

"Go to her…"

"Who the hell are you?" Alucard yelled into the darkness still unable to see anything, "Are you the one causing this?"

The voice chuckled; it was a diabolic sound that rivaled his own laugh.

"Yes, yes I am…"

"Well," The vampire purred, "Now I only have two other questions. Where are you hiding? And how do you want to die?"

The metallic voice laughed again.

"You're so funny, Alucard…"

"It'll be funny when I lose my foot up your ass." He grumbled darkly, "So I suppose you're the one responsible for the missing girls?"

"Bingo… my, aren't we intelligent?"

The vampire actually smirked. Instead of having to go look for Hellsing's new enemy, they wondered willy-nilly into his little crypt. Slowly, he pulled his pistol from his jacket and held it at the ready.

"You might want to go check on your master…" The voice hissed with deadly venom, Alucard's eyes went wide as plates. Oh no! Integra! He didn't need to be told twice! The vampire faded through the roof, moving furiously through the walls, trying to reach his master's bedroom. When he arrived, Alucard's crimson eyes shot from left to right. The No-Life King stomped about the room looking for the enemy.

Integra, who was peacefully sleeping, was aroused by the sound of heavy foot steps. She snatched her glasses from the nightstand and glared at the undead man invading her space.

"Alucard," She said sternly, the demon didn't hear her, he was too busy moving about the room searching intently for something. Alucard opened the curtains, he stormed across the room to her closet and swung the door open, it was empty.

"Alucard," Integra said again trying to get his attention,

"Not now master," He said walking into the bathroom and searching it, "I'm looking for something."

Alucard even went so far as to look under Integra's bed. The noblewoman finally turned red in the face and hollered,

"Alucard! What are you doing you good-for-nothing vampire?"

The vampire looked up, a tad embarrassed at his actions. He gingerly readjusted her bedsheets and stood.

"I thought…" Alucard began nervously, "I thought you were in danger…"

"Why the bloody hell would I be in danger?" Integra snapped,

"There was a voice and it…" Alucard explained poorly, "Nevermind."

"A voice? You're hearing voices now?" The blonde woman said sarcastically, the dark man swallowed unsure how to explain to his master that the voice threatened her. He was just doing what had become instinct.

There was an extensive silence between the two. Integra calmly reached over and retrieved a cigar from her nightstand. She coolly lit it and took a long, relaxing drag. The vampire didn't utter a word.

"Alucard," Integra said blowing white vapor from her lips, "I swear to God you're a fucking idiot."

"I'm sorry, master. Honestly." Alucard said like a pitiful dog, "I-I'll go back to the crypts…I'm so sorry master…"

"There's no need," His master told him the cigar resting on her lips, "If I'm in danger why the hell would you leave? See? You are a fucking idiot."

"So what do you want me to do?"

"Stay here," Integra said flicking the ashes onto Alucard's shoes, "Stay with me."

The No-Life King's mouth went dry. He didn't have the slightest idea how to respond to that. Alucard fantasized time and time again about his master one day saying that to him, but he didn't know they would be under these circumstances.

"Um…" Was the only sound that came from his lips,

Integra smirked, "Cat's got your tongue?"

"No." He answered too quickly, the Hellsing leader learned long ago to catch onto that sort of thing. Alucard was nervous, she smelled his fear. Integra slid over in her huge bed and made room from the vampire.

"You…you want me to get in bed with you?" Alucard asked shaken slightly, Integra looked at him as if he was stupid, her expression said "what do you think."

The vampire gulped, he was about to sit down when his master spoke.

"What do you think you're doing?" Integra said flicking the ashes from her cigar, Alucard avoided her eyes. "You can't stay with me wearing a trench coat, suit, and boots. We're going to be here all night so you might as well get comfortable."

The Great Vampire furrowed his eyebrows, "What do you mean, Master?"

Integra scoffed and shimmied from beneath the covers. Alucard nearly keeled over once he got an eyeful of what she was wearing. His master was clad in a short, vermillion silk night gown that reflected off the moonlight. She was like the apple from the Garden of Eden, and Alucard was tempted to take a bite out of her. The Hellsing pet tore his eyes away from the midnight angel that was Integra.

She kneeled on the bed and gently pushed his trench coat from his shoulders onto the floor. Alucard froze, oh God she was touching him…undressing him…

Integra turned her attention to his suit. She removed his jacket and dress shirt painfully slow, by this time Alucard was trembling with arousal. He tried his best to keep his member from swelling, but the object of his lust was so close…he could smell her…

Her hands found his cravat and lingered on the crimson fabric. "I think I'll leave the cravat on."

The vampire swallowed, her voice was like silk caressing his body. It shook him to the core, Alucard was only used to hearing her being stern and commanding, not husky and sensuous.

Integra cleared her throat and motioned down to his boots. Alucard knew what his master wanted, like a good little slave he toed off his leather shoes and socks then slipped them under the bed. He flinched when her hands found his belt buckle and unlatched it. Alucard always imagined this…but living it now was enough to make his blood boil. He wanted Integra but somehow was terrified of taking her…he couldn't…she was pure, like an angel, and he was nothing more than a disgusting demon, a relic of Hell. For a moment Integra's eyes slowly swept down his body, taking in a deliciously defined, alabaster torso.

"There, now you can get into my bed." The blonde woman said snuggling back beneath the covers. Alucard sat rather stiffly, turned and put his long legs up and stayed still as stone.

"Alucard, I've been meaning to speak with you about something," Integra said coolly, "It's about your infatuation with me."

If he wasn't already dead, Alucard would have had a stroke. She knew…fuck she knew! She looked at him with her icy eyes shimmering.

"What? You thought I didn't know? How foolish of you Alucard." Integra continued, "I've known since the day we meet. The hungry look in your eyes, the way you hurried out of the room when I was near…"

Integra placed a dainty hand to his chest, Alucard cringed slightly. "The way you respond to my touch…"

"Master…" The vampire breathed, "What…what are you doing…please stop…"

"What if I don't want to stop, Alucard?" She purred letting her hand travel farther down. It was now on his stomach. "It's not like you could tell me to anyway."

"Master please…don't do this…"

"And what is it that I'm doing, Alucard?" Integra hummed with her finger tracing his waist, dear God her hand felt so good…

Alucard was trying to keep his sanity but the way Integra was speaking him…touching him…

Her elegant fingers unlatched his pants button and took down the zipper. Alucard had his eyes snapped shut, he had to stop this…he couldn't enjoy this…Oh God…

"You didn't answer my question, slave. What is it that I'm doing to you? Tell the truth now,"

"You're… Master please, you're turning me on…" He begged on the verge of tears, Integra arched a sarcastic eyebrow.

"Am I now?" She purred wrapping her slender fingers around his hard cock and freeing it from its confines. "Well, it would seem I am…"

The vampire had his eyes shut tightly, Integra touching him was enough to make Alucard want to cum. This was too much, he couldn't remember a time in his life when this aroused.

Suddenly Integra straddled his waist, glaring down at him, her eyes hot. Alucard kept his hands at his sides, he didn't dare touch the angel on top of him…

"Master stop, stop right now…you don't know what you're doing…" He pleaded, Integra cocked her head.

"That sounded a lot like a command…Let's not forget who's in charge her. " All the begging in the world wouldn't deter the Hellsing leader from her plans. There was a look of lust in her eyes, it was unmistakable. A small groan escaped the man beneath her when she ran her hands down his bare chest, scratching him lightly.

"I own you. I control you. You are my slave, Alucard. You live for my pleasure and nothing more." Integra hissed, she raised her hips and lowered herself gingerly onto his aching shaft. Alucard's fangs sank into his lower lip, drawing blood instantly.

"No, no, no, no…" He groaned once his Master's hot pussy closed around his cock, tight, wet, and pulsating. The vampire arched helplessly, unable to control his body's reaction.

"Mmmm…" Integra hummed licking her luscious lips, "Not bad for a virgin, eh Alucard?"

"Master…" Was all he could say, his mind working into a fervor. This wasn't happening…

Slowly Integra moved her hips in fine, intricate circles. Alucard pulled urgently at the bed sheets, wanting to thrust hard into her but trying to keep some self-control. The blonde angel began to ride him, rocking back and forth, moving with a vibrating need. Alucard couldn't help himself anymore. He grasped her tiny waist and increased the speed of the rhythmic swaying motion. Her sweet, tight depths clutched around him, making the vampire arch and moan loudly. Integra was staring down at him, golden hair wild, and eyes smoldering.

"This is what you wanted…" She moaned, "Now have it, Alucard…make your Master cum…"

Alucard was panting, sheathing himself deeper within Integra's hot, wet flesh. Finally…finally he'd gotten what he craved for so long…finally he was joined in delicious bliss with his master…Integra leaned back and planted her hands on his thighs, bucking her hips crazily poking out her heavy breasts, making herself swear at the feeling of his cock. She rode him hard like this for God knows how long, grinding into him, pleasuring him, and making him melt.

Alucard was so enthralled, his climax came quickly. He began thrusting into the moaning Integra in a frenzy. Her silken insides clenched and shuddered around his cock, milking it of every drop of cum he had. Alucard's eyes looked like slot machines once he exploded within her, the final glorious moment her cum flowed over him like lava leading to the longest, hottest release of his life.

If loving Integra was wrong, then Alucard didn't want to be right...

"Master...Master…" He moaned, "Master…Master…."




"Alucard!" Walter yelled shaking the sleeping vampire. The servant's patients was wearing thin with everyone and these bouts of crazed sleep. The raven-haired demon popped up, eyes wide as saucers, looking at the butler. Was that a dream…it couldn't have been …no way…could it be?

"Walter? Was I dreaming?" He asked,

"Yes, and I'm not your Master," Walter said with a smirk, "But she would like to see you. You have a mission, Alucard."

The vampire rose from his coffin with new found determination. Whether or not it was a dream, he would still investigate the strange voice. In the back of his mind, Alucard knew that voice had something to do with everything that was happening…

For now, he had mission and he had to face Integra.

Lemony: *yawns* I'm tired now, but I updated. There Annoymous Hellsing fan. Are you happy now? Now back to content.

Wicked&Awesome: *speechless*

Awesome:…..OH SHIT MY NOSE IS BLEEDING AGAIN! *storms away* *grumbles darkly* I'm getting sick of this shit…REVIEW!