
"Where are you sleeping at?"

"The flat at the top of the stairs. You?"

"Me as well."

"That's pleasant."

Together they entered the room awkwardly aware of there being in a room alone together.

"Maybe we should try solving our puzzles now." Hermione said after some time.

"Umm yeah. Want to look at mine?" He handed his to her. She did the same. After a silence Hermione spoke up.

"I believe yours is about self-assertion."

"Really? Because I cant make heads or tails out of yours."

"Gee thanks for the help Ron." She teased.

"I try," he smiled ten asked, "So you had a good summer?"




"Learn anything new?"


"And you parents. They are well?"

"Fit as a fiddle."



"Meet anyone new?"

"The milk man is new."

"Milk man?"

"They deliver milk to muggle homes in glass containers."

"Sounds useful."

"They are."


"Practiced any quidditch?"



"Yes," she gave him a look, "A little," another look, "No alright."

"You should."

"I know."

"Did you think about us?"

"More than I care to admit."

She turned to him, "So that means you thought about us … a lot?"

Leaning closer to her face, "I always think about you Mionie."

"Naturally we are dating."

"And I'm sorry about the Troll face incident."

"Water under the bridge."

"So what do we do now?"

"I guess," she leaned closer, "We kiss now."


It was a gentle kiss. One not meant to sear the soul but to mend it. Clumsy hands held each other closer as the kiss grew deeper. For any minutes they embraced each other letting go only once they felt the need to.

Sleepy Hermione walked to her bed not even bothering to change her clothes. "Thanks Ron."
