

Spencer's p o v

A/N Third in the Cam series challenge issued by super67759 this is a stand alone one and has no connection to my previous two cam challenge stories but will be a multi chapter but hopefully short chapters.

No one sits with him, he doesn't fit in,
But we feel like we do when we make fun of him,
'Cause you want to belong, do you go along?
'Cause his pain is the price paid for you to belong
It's not like you hate him or want him to die,
But maybe he goes home and thinks suicide,
Or he comes back to school with a gun at his side,
Any kindness from you might have saved his life...

Life has away of throwing you to the dirt just when you think you have it all under control and that everything is going your way heck you almost think it's perfect then it takes it's own course and comes back and smacks you right in the face.

I blamed myself really I mean I was in charge right? I was the grownup why didn't I see it? I thought it was just normal The Teasing and the Taunting it was just how they were how all kids were especially teenagers. I didn't know I just didn't see it coming none of us did ..I mean we couldn't could we?


Damn it Why! Why! Why Sam! Why Carly! Why Freddie! they were normal typical teenagers they had their whole lives ahead of them. Why them? How did we end up here?

Should I have seen something in their eyes? When did it happen? I just saw them 2 hours before this...before this tragedy...

It was a typical day Carly was freaking over her science test which she was sure she was going to fail...Sam was stuffing her mouth full of Canadian bacon and pancakes faster then I could cook them. In between bites she was reassuring Carly she was going to Ace her test like the BFF she was .The two of them were amazing they could make each others day or break it if Sam was mad at her or she was made at Sam watch out cause you were bound to be in for a bad day. It was rare I mean they were always joined at the hip ever since they met at 8 years old. They just knew each other so well it was scary they could complete each others sentences read each others minds, they shared secrets and codes no one else knew. I watched them now so tender with each other as Carly wiped Sam 's mouth where syrup was hanging out making her blush as she fixed Carly's coffee which she kept my secret that I gave her decaf ... there was a sweetness to them ..while Carly brought out the soft sweet side to Sam Freddie well..

Fredweenie I swear you touch that bacon I will deep fry

Your Weenie in a mod of boiling hot oil!


Carly hit her laughing as Freddie grunted ..

Rude aggressive vulgar pig

Pig! Pig did you just call me a ..

Your dead Frederella

I'm not gay! Don't call me that!

I'll call you whatever I want Frederella!

Afraid of me Prissy Boy You should be!


Carly pulled her down as Freddie glared going to the couch arms crossed.

Yea Go on Pout now Fredwimp

It was the normal routine freak out, food , nice words for Carly Taunting Words that were meant to test Freddie to see how much he could take she was just taunting him..he was use to it right he had no problem to Tease her back.

They Left in a huff..of grunts slaps, squeals, groans and pleads of NO Spencer! Don't make me go to School! It Will kill me! From Sam of course I did my usual display of sympathy and concern with funny antics as I shoved them out the door...I laughed as I ruffled Carly and Sam's hair which made them squeal shooing me away.

I look up at the sky God if only I had known.. that this day would be anything but ordinary..I'm not looking to be a Hero or anything I just want what I had before ..I want my little sisters safe in bed..I want Freddie next door...I want what I can't ever get back now..I want the feeling of peace and safety.

I want Normal..What is Normal? People say you have to be normal to function I always prided myself in being abnormal being quakier, funny ...I wanted Carly who had already had too much changes to much pain in her short life to not have to be under this enormous amounts of pressure to be perfect. I wanted her to know that she could be young and carefree that she could laugh and jump around and not feel guilty. I wanted her to have a childhood, so I made sure I was always joking with her and her friends I went out of my way to be funny and even appear stupid at times..I made sure it was just the right mixture that she knew she could count on me for a laugh and yet still turn to me when she needed me to be serious. It had worked for us everyone else saw us as different , insane strange not Normal..it became a badge of honor for me..what others found disturbing, abnormal we found Normal...Now it was shattered...

My world was in broken smashed shards of glass that sparkled with the glare of millions of red and blue sirens...I wanted to close my eyes block them out plug up my ears so I wouldn't have to hear the sounds of crying kids police sirens ,ambulance sirens , firetruck wails which cut through you . Screams of anxious parents..wails and desperate cries of disbelief from heart shattered parents who had already received the devastating news that those kids they had carried and waited nine months for , prayed over, sweated over cheered for at baseball games or girl scout trips hurried to help with school projects kissed bruised and cut skin.. that those precious kids were forever gone to them...I knew their pain was untouchable , unbending, unending.. I knew the fear of awaiting such news praying it wouldn't be you that those Police came for. I swallowed against the sick feeling arising in my throat as I searched for any signs of them..her shiny dark brown which she always took such pride in her bright pink scarf she had thrown a temper tantrum over this morning. I searched For Sam's mouth her loud abrasive tone which could scare a snake off . I searched for him he had grown so much over this last year he now stood taller then most of the kids. I found tons of kids racing outside screaming and crying trying to get to safety. I shoved my way through the sea of mass bodies..but it was like fighting against a ocean wave it was relentless and over bearing it left me breathless..I screamed for them but my cries went on deaf ears amongst the thousand of other cries from friends, family members and classmates all who were screaming and praying for the safe return of loved ones...Media swarmed the area all calling out to each other trying to get the lead story for their channel. Helicopters circled the air kicking up dust making me and many others cough.

Shivering from fear from cold I try to ask anyone for help but no one knows their all too scared. I hear the reporters yelling into their camera's .

Shots fired at Ridgeway High Police are urging everyone to stay away from this area

A city wide call has been issued for all available units to come to Ridgeway immediately !

Bomb Squads are on the scene were being told that it's been confirmed that at least six students are declared dead...

Shooters are still on the..Wait! Wait! We are being told they are bringing out one of the shooters now...

Bastard let me at them! I want to strangle him or her for doing this I can't imagine the fear Carly, Sam and Freddie have in their heads right now..I just want to hold them make it be okay..I just want to kiss their foreheads and keep them safe ..I want so many things but most of all I want to look the bastard in the eyes who did this and ask them..


Just because you couldn't handle having someone Tease you Push you Bully You ..You had to come to school with a loaded gun and start shooting...

I ran past the cops and barricades I saw a officer try to grab me I shoved past him and ran straight to the stretcher where the shooter lay groaning ….

How Could You...

I screamed at them then I saw the shooters face...

A/N Words to Hero By Superchick..