Sorry it's been so long since I updated. I'm sorry I left you with two cliffhangers but I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Spencer tried her hardest to push the stranger away from her but her frail limbs weren't strong enough to combat him. She could feel his strong body crushing her as his hands and mouth muffled her screams. She knew she wouldn't be able to hold him off much longer and was about to accept her fate when she heard a loud crash. It startled her assailant and he looked toward the foyer where the front door was lying on the ground and a brunette was standing triumphantly over it. When he saw Spencer, he ran toward her.

"Toby," she smiled when she saw him coming up the stairs to rescue her.

Just then her attacker picked her up and carried her into the bedroom as she tried to wriggle her way out of his grasp. Toby took off after them and pulled out an iron rod from behind his back which he used to knock out Spencer's attacker. They both fell to the ground and she saw as his eyes rolled shut.

"Are you okay?" Toby asked her releasing her from the stranger's grasp.

"I'm fine now," she smiled hugging him tightly. "How did you...?"

"Aria told me you were going to your sister's," he explained. "When you didn't come home at night I knew something was wrong. It would never take you this long to come back and I know you don't like being here."

"What do we do now?" she asked smiling yet still terrified of the body at her feet.

"We'll wait for the cops," he told her. "I'm just glad you're safe now."

"Taylor," Spencer breathed. "We need to find Taylor."

Aria felt her head pounding and couldn't remember a thing. Her body was numb and her eyes felt like they were sealed shut. She had no idea where she was but she felt too weak to open her eyelids. There were sounds all around her. She heard a low beep and the sound of a clock ticking but nothing felt familiar. She attempted to move but it was like her body was disconnected from her mind.

She could hardly remember anything. The last memory she had was of Ezra. He had been walking out of the library and turned to look at her. She saw his sparkling smile but it wasn't him, it was just the memory of him. She wanted so badly to open her eyes and go to him but she couldn't feel a thing.

Suddenly she heard a door open and voices drifting in from a hallway. She felt a presence a few feet away from her and listened intently as someone paraded around her. Then she heard a swift swooshing sound and sensed that more light had filled the room. Her eyes began to sting a bit even though they weren't open. She wanted to open her mouth and call out to Ezra so he could save her from this prison but her lips wouldn't budge.

Emily dove headfirst into the cool water. She propelled her arms and legs in a swift motion allowing herself a strong advantage over her competitors. When she was in the water, she focused solely on the race. She clearly pictured the wall in front of her and saw the distance between it and her getting significantly smaller. When she reached the wall she did a quick flip turn and headed back in the opposite direction. This time she grabbed her teammate's hand and then watched as the girl dove over her. Emily hopped out of the pool and looked up into the stands to find Erica beaming at her. Emily nervously bit her lip and smiled back. Within seconds, her team was declared the winner in the final relay of the day.

Emily grabbed her list of times and then headed to the lockers to change. She reappeared, duffel bag in hand, and found Erica leaning against one of the pillars. She walked over to the girl with the busted leg and gave her a hug.

"You did great," Erica told her.

"Thanks," Emily replied. "It was all thanks to your advice."

"I have an idea," Erica whispered grabbing Em's hand. "Let's get out of here."

Emily winked at her and they intertwined fingers as they snuck away toward Emily's car and made their way downtown for a well-deserved date.

"Thanks," Spencer told Toby as they sat in his truckbed. "You really saved my life today."

"I'd do anything for you," he told her placing an arm around her.

"It's beautiful down there," she said pointing at the city lights that were below them. "I'm glad we shared this together."

"You're beautiful," he smiled looking deeply into her eyes.

Spencer cupped a hand on his cheek and pulled him toward her lips. They kissed softly and gently as he placed his hands around the small of her back lowering her down so she laid on her back. Then he positioned himself over her leaving a trail of kisses across her neck and body as they overlooked the city.

Aria still had no idea where she was. The sounds around her were beginning to grow louder and clearer but the rest of her body was still not working correctly. She was lying as she had been for hours when she felt a new presence enter the room. She listened as footsteps rounded her bed and someone sat down only inches to her right.

"I wish you could hear me," she recognized Ezra's voice.

She wanted to grab him and tell him that she could hear him. That she loved him. He placed a hand on hers and she felt the warmth from his skin but she couldn't make the effort to slip her fingers in between his. Then she felt his other hand graze her forehead pulling a strand of her away from her face. Even with her eyes closed, she could tell that his face was coming closer toward her until she finally felt the soft touch of his lips on her cheek. It gave her chills and she instinctively curled her fingers.

"Aria?" Ezra was shocked at her sudden movement. She felt chills go through her body and slowly opened her eyes.

"Ezra?" she breathed looking around to find that she was lying in a bland hospital room.

"Aria," he smiled looking at her. "You're awake."

"What happened?" she asked slowly trying to regain movement in her body.

"It doesn't matter," he told her as he kissed her lips. "I'm just glad you're awake."

Hanna felt a shiver run down her spine and opened her eyes slowly. She could sense another body pushed against her and she turned to see that Caleb was holding her protectively under a thick blanket. She stirred trying to release herself from his grasp and realized that she woke him.

"Hanna?" he sighed opening his eyes.

"Hey," she breathed.

"Look," he said pointing toward the window. "The snow's melting."

"It's gorgeous," she smiled relaxing in his arms as she watched the flakes melt and drift off into a see of white.

"Come on," he said throwing his clothes back on and crawling out from under the blanket. "Get dressed."

"What?" she asked confused as she slipped back into her winter clothes. Before she could get an answer he grabbed her hand and pulled her outside to lie on the ground. She turned to him. "What are we doing?"

"Snow angels," he smiled flapping his arms and legs around.

She laughed and joined in. Once their angels were done, they both leaned back in the soft snow. She looked over at Caleb and caught his eye. Then he rolled over so his body was pressed on top of hers and slowly covered her mouth with his. She felt his tongue enter her mouth and let a smile spread across her lips. That's when she knew, this was where she was meant to be.

This is the final chapter. I still don't have a new story to write but I'll hopefully have something up by the end of the week. Thanks to all my readers and reviewers. You are amazing and please stay tuned for more!