A/N: Alright; I know you all are probably pissed at me. I've already started changing Behind Closed Doors and tweaking TDI-Road Trip and now I'm re-writing Behind This Mask. I'm sorry; I really am it's just the timeline went way to fast in all of these stories and I can do way better. I still hope you guys will comment and tell me how I'm doing. So, enjoy the new version of Behind This Mask.

La Push; an Indian Reservation in the middle of freaking nowhere, a population of about thirty and nothing but trees and forest as far as they eye can fucking see and, my next stop. I fixed my sunglasses which were covering my blood shot eyes as I took a swig of my black coffee grimacing at the bland taste looking around the crowded Denver, Colorado airport.

Yeah, leaving the big city that I've grown up in my whole life for some reservation; a total 360 for me but, I guess you can't control this thing you call life from happening. I heard the PA system announce my flight as I reluctantly got up from the seat and glanced back at the social worker who had to escort me here as I waved. He wished me well as he waved back at me. That was probably the kindest thing someone has done to me in a while; pretty pathetic huh?

Well, that's what happens when your Mom dies in a car accident by some dumbass you doesn't know not to drink and fucking drive and then you become a bitch to anyone who tries to help because they know what the fuck you're going through but, in reality it's just a bunch of fucking bullshit. Yeah, so pretty much everyone just kind of up and left me so here I am; leaving on a plane going to some Indian reservation to go live with my drunk of a so called 'father'; yup, this is just peachy.

Well; welcome to Nicole Applebee's fucked up world everyone and it's only about to get fucking better from here. Well, might as well tell you the rest of my life story while I'm on this God forsaken plane. My Mother; Amy Applebee died on March 18th, 2011; one day before my birthday. That's where she was going that day; to get my present and on her way back a drunk driver hit her dead on. She died instantly and the mother fucker lived. Because of that I resent my Birthday and school because I was there when I got the news; of course they just came out with it like it was nothing, none of them even blinked. It was as if it was normal.

Now because of this; I'm going to live with my 'father'; Jim Baxster, a drunk and worst father in this world. He used to beat my mother when he came home from the bar and I'd always try to break it up but, what can a little six year old girl do? Not much, I'd always get kicked or hit by him when I tried to do so and that only added more fuel to the fire for my mother, she would always fight harder after he hurt me. So naturally they got a divorce when I was seven and he moved to Washington and my Mom and I stayed in Colorado.

Now, everything's changed and I'm heading back there. Yeah, you think I'm stupid to go back right? Well, I have nobody else and the foster system is a hard for a teen to get adopted in so what other choice do I have? At least I have practice with hiding bruises and scars from others; and I'm a damn good actress when I need to be.

I took the water bottle that I put in my carry on bag and took a drink out of it but, of course the apple doesn't fall far from the tree since it was Vodka in the bottle and not water. You see; I've learned that when you get drunk or buzzed or whatever; the pain just numbs away for a few hours and that's exactly what I need right now; numbing.

I stashed it back into the bag as the Pilot announced we were getting ready to land in Forks, Washington. Forks wasn't that far from La Push; about ten minutes. I sighed as I buckled my safety belt as we started to land which was really bumpy and made me grab the arm rests as the bumps stopped enough for me to cool down and let my death grip from the arm rests go.

As everyone unloaded the plane, I stayed put not wanting to leave the plane and go out there into reality. I wondered if they'd give me a job as a stewardess but, I shook the stupid thought out of my head as I sighed and got up from my seat and walked down the narrow isle to the opening that lead to the terminal. I had to face reality sometime; I guess I might as well get it over with.

As I made my way into the terminal nobody was really there; all the other passengers left probably with loved ones. I scowled as I scanned the terminal; nobody but the lady behind the counter and a couple of people sleeping on the chairs. I shoved my sunglasses on my face as I headed for baggage claim getting stares as I made my way through. Yeah; look at the big girl why don't you. Yeah, I'm not skinny so what; I'm plus sized. I also have the Native skin; so I'm naturally tan with the Brown hair with red streaks I added myself and Brown eyes. I continued my walk to the baggage claim receiving more stares and some winks as I passed. I smiled and finally got my suitcase as I made my way to the entrance to grab a Taxi since my Jim didn't even bother to fucking show up. I had his address with me and a spare key he sent out a few days before. Thank God there was one parked right outside; I knocked on the trunk and a few seconds later it popped open as I placed my bags in there and shut it making my way into the backseat of the cab.

"Where to young lady?" I looked up at the Taxi driver who was smiling at me.

"145 Wild Berry Street in La Push please." I said reading the piece of paper that was in my hand. The driver nodded and took off as I laid my head back and closed my eyes enjoying the ride feeling really tired and weak from the stress from the last couple weeks.

Of course; stress was going to be the number one thing here that's for sure. Of course I'd try to get away from it as much as I can. Going back to school will help with that stress. Of course when I say going to school I mean skipping classes that I don't give a shit about and just doing whatever. At this point in my life I really don't care what happens to me anymore; if I got hit by a car tomorrow; I'd be fine with it. Fucked up isn't it? Yeah, well that's me and my life; both fucked up beyond repair.

"Miss; we're here." The cab driver said as I popped my head back up and looked over at the house and scowled. I paid the nice man and got my things and just stood there on the sidewalk and looked at the house. It looked like a disguise. A two story white house with red shutters, a garden and hell; even a whit fences around the sides, it made me sick to my stomach as I grabbed my bags and walked up to the front door. No car was in the driveway so he was gone; thank fucking God; I really didn't want to deal with him right now.

I shoved my hand into my Jean pocket and grabbed the key and shoved it into the key hole and turned in until I heard a click; I shoved the key back into my pocket as I pushed open the big Oak door and scrunched my nose. The smell of liquor radiated off the walls, floor; everywhere, it smelled horrible. At least clean up your mess after the hangover, jeez. I made my way in kicking cans and bottles out of the way and closed the door trapping myself in the stink hole. I held my nose as I made my way up the stairs to try and find my room. Of course there were cans and bottles up there too; looks like I'll be on clean up duty around here since he can't seem to do it.

I looked through all the doors trying to see which one was mine. I found mine at the end of the hall and it was sort of away from the other rooms which made me glad for the most part. I looked around the room and slightly smiled. It was clean and smelled wonderful. A twin sized bed which was big enough for my fat ass and a simple desk and some dressers and my own bathroom. Of course; I'd have to re-decorate to my liking but; I'm happy with it. I went over to see if the door had a lock and smiled when I saw it did. I put my luggage on my bed and grabbed my car keys out of my purse and headed to my car. They transported my Red Sunfire over which made me happy since I can come and go as I please. I might as well drive around and see what the hell there is to do in this place; not much I can tell you that now but, what the hell I got nothing better to do.

As I settled myself into my seat missing my baby and started it and smiled. I revved it missing the sound of it as I put it into drive and floored it going down the surprisingly smooth road not really caring about speed limits right now as I enjoyed the sharp turns the road had to offer.

As the trees zoomed past me and I felt the wind blowing my now messed up hair in every direction; I saw the most beautiful site ever. The lake was breath taking; I turned my car into the dirt path parking in the grass just looking at it with a slight grin on my face. I noticed a huge ass cliff off to the right side and I got curious. The view from there would be even more beautiful. I decided to get out and go up and take a look for myself. As I started walking up the hill, I wondered if this place had more of these beautiful views to offer.

As I made my way to the top, I came face to face with the cliff. I smiled as I walked closer and closer to the edge feeling a sort of rush go through me as I looked down at the crashing waves. I felt the breeze pick up and it felt amazing to be up that high and the wind blowing through your hair; it actually felt like you were flying.

I felt a tap on my shoulder which totally scared the shit out of me, which made me jump and of course clumsy me just had to have her foot slip off the edge. I let out a scream and closed my eyes until I felt a soft muscular hand grab mine and pull me back. With my eyes still closed tight I clung onto what I thought was a brick wall that was until I heard a deep laugh. I raised my brows and opened my eyes and let go of the 'brick wall' only to discover it was a very gorgeous boy. I felt a slight blush grace my face as the boy smiled at me.

"Hey, sorry for scaring you, I'm Jacob Black." The boy I mean Jacob said holding his hand out as I slightly smiled back and shook his huge hand.

"It's alright Jacob and thanks for saving me and my name's Nicole Applebee." He grinned at me which made me blush again. Damn, this boy was fine!

"Anytime Nicole so, did you just move to La Push, I don't recognize you." He asked as he sat down on a rock a few feet behind him. I walked over and sat next to him.

"Yeah, actually just got here today, I decided to just drive around and see what there is to do here but, by the looks of it; not much." I said looking out over the cliff again not getting over how beautiful the view was. I heard that same deep laugh as before as I looked over at him. He was tall, had the Native skin color, long black hair and from what I could see; muscles everywhere. It looked like God himself made him.

"That's where you're wrong; La Push might be small but, there's so much to do."

"Oh really; like what?" I asked interested as I turned my full attention to him.

"There's Hiking, biking, camping, mountain climbing, swimming, even cliff diving." He said pointing to the cliff where I almost fell off not even five minutes ago.

"You jump off this fucking thing?" I asked in alarm looking at him like he was a nut. All he did was laugh and nod.

"It's not that bad after you do it a few times, it's actually really fun, if you wanna try it; I'll jump with you if you want." He suggested smiling at me. That damn blush came to my face again as I tried to find my voice.

"umm..yeah; sure." I said stumbling over my words.

"Okay, meet me here this Friday at four." He stood back up and stretched which gave me a damn good look at his stomach as his shirt rose up revealing abs; I think I'm in heaven.

"So Nicole, are you going to La Push high?" He asked turning back around with that damn pearly white smile of his.

"Yup, I start tomorrow; can't wait." I said with sarcasm laced in my voice. He chuckled as I smirked.

"Well, hope to have you in some of my classes; you'll make them a whole hell of a lot better."

"Well aren't you the little charmer."

"Hey, a guy can try can't he?" I smirked at him and shook my head.

"Sure sure." I got up and stood next to him.

"So Jacob; how many times have you jumped off this thing?" I asked gesturing towards the huge ass cliff a few feet from us.

"Around twenty times; it's awesome but, you'll see that on Friday." He said sending me a wink. My cheeks felt hot again.

"Alright; I have to ask this, what the fuck are you doing up here? I didn't think anyone would be out here." I turned to him and crossed my arms waiting for his answer.

"I usually go out in the woods for walks and I like coming up here and I didn't think anyone would be up her either." He said smirking at me. I smirked back.


"You remind me of another Andrea."

"Your girlfriend?" I asked tilting my head to the side earning me a laugh from him, I smirked in victory.

"No, my friend Paul's girl, I don't have one." He said grinning at me. I felt like his smile was going to hypnotize me.

"So I remind you of her how?"

"Well, you're funny as hell; you have awesome hair, and it seems like you can hang with the guys."

"Yeah, I just think girls start way too much shit; I've always hung out with a lot of guys." Jacob frowned for a brief second but, I caught it which made me curious.

Before I could ask him another question; a wolf howl erupted through the quiet forest making me jump slightly not expecting that at all. I looked over at Jacob who had an irritated look on his face but, when he looked back at me he smiled that smile that I was starting to love.

"I'm sorry Nicole but, I have to get going."

"It's cool Jacob; I'll probably see you at school tomorrow." I said smiling at him and he did something I didn't expect any boy to do to me; he hugged me. I was frozen for a moment as I smiled and slid my arms around his waist since I was so damn short.

Yeah, you might think I'm a creeper now but, I felt safe in his arms. It felt natural to be there like I was made to be there. I shook the creepy thought out of my head as I blushed feeling all of his muscles against me. This was the longest hug I've ever gotten not that I didn't mind or anything.

"See you tomorrow Nicole." Jacob said as he let me go and jogged back into the woods. I stood there for God know how long as I grinned like a fool replaying what just happened in my head over and over again. As I came out of my little own world; I noticed it was getting dark out and decided it would be best to start heading back. On the drive back I started thinking about tomorrow; school. Would Jacob say hi to me or would he just ignore me and go talk to someone else that's better; skinner. I placed my hand over my stomach and grimaced at what I was touching; flab, disgusting flab.

No guy would go for someone like me, yeah sure I'm funny as hell and I have awesome hair but, guys don't really want that, do they? Everywhere I look; skinny is what they want not this. I gripped the wheel tighter making my tan skinned knuckles turn pure white as I stepped on the gas harder zooming past the trees faster than ever.

As I got closer to the house I saw no lights were one which made me sort of happy at the moment as I parked in the grass by the road. As I was making my way up to the door another Wolf howl pierced the quiet night sky making me jump and run to the door as I shoved the key in and turned it and pushed my way in slamming the door behind me. No, I'm not a fucking baby I just don't like Wolves or any dog related animal for that matter.

I made my way upstairs feeling tired as hell as I didn't bother picking up any cans or bottles as I just kicked them out of my way and made it to my room as I shut the door and locked it.

I went to my luggage and grabbed my PJ's which were long blue fuzzy pants with polka dots on them and a black tank top with neon colored stars on it. I changed in my bathroom and brushed my teeth and got the knots out of my hair before I settled into the soft bed and laid my head on the fluffy pillow feeling sleep overtake me. I smiled slightly at the memory of Jacob hugging me as sleep took me.

3:35 A.M.


I woke with a start as I pushed hair out of my face trying to see what the hell was going on as I heard a slurred laugh and that's when big tough Nicole Applebee got scared.

"Well, looks like the little whore made it here after all." I gulped as Jim made his way in my room. I started to slowly get out of my bed bringing my pillow to my chest. He stepped closer and I tried to step away but, there was nowhere to go.

"Come here you bitch!" I felt hands grab my hair and yank me to the ground as I let one tear escape my eye because I knew what was going to happen next.

A/N: Okay, so this is chapter one! :) Hope you guys like this better. So, please leave a comment and tell me how I'm doing!