Did I make you wait long enough? Lol. Enjoy!

"…look at us, just look at us."

With the sound of the door being thrown open, Shayera looked up from John to see Mari walk in the room. Because of her shock, she didn't move.

"What the hell is going on?" Mari demanded slowly. She was barely concealing her rage. Shayera looked back down to john, and then leaped up. "Mari!" She said as she stood up.

"I- " she stopped. 'How can I explain this?' She thought.

John took the awkward silence as a chance to try to explain. "Mari. She came here for answers. Well, one really." He said as he too stood up. Mari looked at him and narrowed her eyes. "Apparently, the answer was to straddle your lap!"

Shayera took a step towards Mari. "No!" Mari snapped. "Don't." She turned around to leave. "Just don't. John. If you wanted her you should have told me. I shouldn't have had to see this. " She walked out the door. "Mari!" John called. He followed her, Shayera did too. By the time they made it outside, Mari had already hailed a taxi and was being driven away. As she turned a corner her tears began to fall.

Shayera turned to John and smacked his arm. "Ow!"

She narrowed her eyes. "Damn it John. If you had just told us earlier, this could've been avoided. Damn it!" She said again before walking away from him.

"Wait!" John called. He grabbed her arm to stop her. "Where are you going?"

She glared at him. "I'm getting away from the man who causes heartbreak."

He looked at her incredulously. His eyes widened. "I cause heartbreak? Who was the one who introduced her fiancée to me while we were together? Who was the one who betrayed her friends?" His grip and face softened. "Who was the one to fly away?" Her face softened too but only for a moment.

She snapped her face back up and narrowed her eyes. "Who was the one who never said they loved me back before I flew away? Who was the one who couldn't let me try and have a life without you?" She looked down as tears filled her eyes. "Who was the one who told me that I would never have my son?"

Around them grew a silence. There were other people around them. Couples in love grabbing a bite to eat or coming from midnight showings. Walking together, huddled close in each other's embrace rushing to get home.

John lowered his hand. Shayera sighed. "We're both heartbreakers. I broke your heart and I helped you break Mari's. I'm worse than you are. Just forget this." She wiped her eyes. "Get Mari. I don't deserve anyone. I'll just break hearts." She turned away and started walking.

"What about your heart?" She heard him call.

Sadly, she looked back into his brown eyes. "It doesn't matter."

Then she took to the sky. She only got a couple blocks before she had to stop. Her tears had blurred her vision too much. She landed in an alley and leaned against the wall. Just as her back touched the wall, it started to rain. 'Great.' She thought. Since she was so miserable, she just stayed in the rain. Unbeknownst to her someone else was in the alley and started to sneak up behind her.

Shayera stood up and walked over to the opening of the alley. 'Maybe I'll stop by Carter's. Or a bar.' She mused to herself. As she spread her wings to take off, a voice spoke right next to her ear.

"I told you that I'd see you again my little bird."

Chills ran down her spine. She was frozen, but for only a second. Her training kicked in and she turned to attack but the he hit her on her left side. His weapon sent shocks throughout her body. She hit the ground with a scream of pain. "Pathetic." She heard the man say before she blacked out.

Smiling to himself, he wrapped her arms and wings with a metal band. He picked her up and threw her into his van. Brushing her hair aside he leaned down to her ear. "Soon Shayera. Your heart will be mine. As it always was." And he kissed her forehead.

The End! Well, for now at least. The next installment will be called Desire, so keep an eye out for that.

Hopefully you all liked this one.

Anyhoo, till the next story, Ciao!