Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, so, I know how risky this is, because you all probably hate my guts but I have to do this...Well, I'm here to bring you good news (or bad, however you may choose to perceive it)...

I've decided that for this stories sake, to end it here. Yup, chapter 37 was the last chapter...But there is good news. I am making a sequel. Which should be up before school starts (I know, not a very promising promise, for school starts in a month...which is a lot of time for me to procrastinate). It's just, where I go from here is pointless, and I have to have a gap. I just can't continue any other way.

So, as some (okay, very few *wink, wink*) know, I've been having a very hard time...I went through my cousin's death, broke my arm in cross country, I umm, fainted (it's not as bad as it sounds, I alright now-at least, to my far knowledge), and right now my boyfriend is in a very tough spot (and he, more than anything in the world, needs all the support, and I indent to give him my fullest). I know these things are no excuse, I shouldn't have abandoned the story, since it is my only child, but, I guess I just had no motivation to keep on going. And although I have none, I now understand the sense of abandonment, and no matter what it is, nothing is worth being abandoned, a person, or even a story. So, even though my full heart might not be in it, I'll keep going.

Anywhoo, does this chapter/news update sound oddly depressing, or is that only me?

For the last time...

Dedicated To:

Bebe17, Random Reader, celery, Classified 13, lovesong101, ShmemilyShmoring, Steph5756lovestwilight, mchammer4, Zammie242, Ilovepie2012, Guest, WhO Am I LiViNg FoR, Megatron13, Happy weirdo, Happy weirdo, truesoul10, dayinthelifeofagallaghergirl, girltalk138, Guest, Guest, Code. Chameleon, Random Reader, Readsalot98, GallagherGirl530, m0ckingbird77, ultimate beach lover, Aly8188, LovePercyAndPeeta, True Trumpet, Mary Kenson, True Trumpet, Charliee, GallagherGirl03, dark queen of awesomeness, truesoul10, smileynight, mrs-zachary-goode, HotChocolateStar99


Haha, amlost forgot to mention...

-Thank You to all of those who stook by this story! I love each and every one of you, and would hug you all if I could. You guys are just too awesome, and I wonder if I even deserve the suport you all gave me.

-Stay tuned for the title of the sequel! (If any of you have an idea, feel free to share)

-Again, I love you all to pieces! You guys are seriously the best!

-Oh! And I changed the ending of the last chapter just a little. I suggest you all read it, but it doesn't make too big of a difference if you don't.

-Ya'll are AMAZING!



A Runner At Heart