Chapter 3

Arriving at home quickly, she switched into lazy mode.

She was tired; her brain was muddled with dirty thoughts and guilt over her lack of productivity this week. Peeling her robes off, she undressed and tossed the discarded clothes into the hamper in her walk in closet. Lounging in her laced hip hugging panties and matching lace tank she walked over to her fridge and grabbed a bottle of butterbeer. Taking a swig she settled onto her couch and draped her legs over the arm rest. Covering her eyes with her forearm and holding the bottle against the floor with the other she replayed her week in her mind. Draco Malfoy had be-wizarded, her.

It still bothered her that she hadn't heard him at all or seen him in the hallways. She wondered if he was avoiding her.

Groaning to herself she realized this had to stop. She was a grown woman and should start acting like it. So what if he was avoiding her, he wasn't the first pick in the pool of men at the ready to enter her fantasies. She tried envisioning someone else, but her mind drew a blank, even her Lone Wolf character morphed into a smirk sporting, blonde prat.

Frustrated at herself she made to get up when she heard a knock on her door.

Wondering who it could be, she summoned her robe and slipped it on before heading to the door.

Peeping through the hole she didn't see anyone. Wondering if she was hearing things she started to walk away, when the knock was heard a little louder this time. Startled she cautiously turned again, this time aiming her wand defensively. "Who's there?"


She whispered reinforcements to her wards and backed away from the door. There was no way she was opening the door. Freaked out by the eerie knocking and silence, she sat in the couch and stared at the door intensely. She went to call Harry, when she heard Crookshanks growling in her bedroom. On high alert, she stalked towards the sound and saw a hooded figure holding a wand entering her bedroom.

"Expelliarmus!" Hermoine yelled on reflex. In an instant the intruder was alert and frantically trying to escape. Hermione at the ready, "Incarcerous!"

Ropes quickly bound around the torso and legs of the intruder, causing a loud thud in the room upon impact with the hard floor.

"Who are you?" Hermione still had her wand pointed at the bound figure, not ready to take any chances.

"Bloody bitch, I'll get you for this," screeched a female voice.

She recognized the woman when her mask slipped in her struggle to get free.

It was Tracey Davis, a Slytherin from her year.

"What the fuck? What are you doing breaking into my flat!"

Davis stopped struggling and looked at Hermione, "Your flat? I thought Draco lived here?"

Hermione raised her eyebrows, "And what, pray tell, were you doing trying to breaking into an Auror's flat?"

Davis seemed to flush at her words, "I thought I would surprise him when he got home."

Hermione raised her eyebrows questioningly, "How do I know you're telling the truth?"

Turning possible a shade darker than she already was Davis wriggled a little and her robes parted to show she was wearing a skimpy red thong under her robes.

Lowering her wand, Hermione glared at the witch that had been getting boned by Draco Malfoy.

"I suppose you're Goldilocks?"

Davis' eyes were saucer huge.

Yep, that confirmed it, she was Goldilocks

Not yet fully trusting the girl, Hermoine took her wand away, and began to levitate her out.

"Can you get these off me! Wait..where are you taking me?"

"I'm taking you to see your beloved, and no, I'm not releasing you. War teaches you to trust no one, especially a Slytherin."

She chided herself internally, because she knew Malfoy, despite being a Slytherin had proven himself trustworthy, but she didn't let the guilt linger too long.

Marching out of her flat, she flicked her wand letting the girl levitate in front of her, Davis simpered as she floated past Hermione.

Hermione walked behind her, glaring daggers at the lucky-son-of-a-bitch witch in front of her. Knowing full well that Davis should be harmless, she still couldn't pass the opportunity to humiliate the girl, after all she was the reason Hermione was in a terrible mood to begin with.

Davis looked at the door happily recognizing friendly territory. Hermione rolled her eyes at the stupid smile on the girl's face and knocked on the door.

The door opened and there stood Draco Malfoy looking like God's gift to women in a towel and dripping wet.

Hermione could have died right then and there, all of her fantasies flooded her brain and she shivered at the thought of what was behind that towel. He stared straight at her, through her, if it was possible, probably noticing the blush on her cheeks and the darkened glaze over her eyes.

"DRAKIE! Tell her to let me go!"

That ruined the mood.

Malfoy turned sharply and noticed Tracey for the firs time, "Tracey, what are you doing here with Granger?"

At the mention of her surname he made direct eye contact with Hermione and stared intensely in her direction. She thought it was strange, but didn't think much of it because it was up to her to explain his girlfriend's stupidity, "Ms. Davis here wanted to surprise you, by lying almost naked in your bed, except she broke into my flat, instead of yours. I'm just here to make sure you know Goldilocks is a true blonde, and here's her wand."

Having said that, she released the bonds and let Davis fall gracelessly onto the floor. Davis glared in her direction muttering insults, but otherwise straightened herself as quickly as possible.

With a slight twinge of jealousy at the sight of Davis draping herself to Malfoy, Hermione promptly turned on her heel and walked back to her apartment. She could hear Davis starting to make excuses, "Draco, darling you've been ignoring me since Saturday? I'm getting lonely and I figured you would be too, so I wanted to surprise you!"

Cringing at the sound of that girl's voice, Hermione slammed her front door.

She leaned against the door and closed her eyes. Trying desperately to calm her nerves. She knew she was being riddiculous, it's not like he belonged to her. The dream version of him and reality were two different things. While their one-off at lunch had been pleasant and interesting, Malfoy never made it more than that. A one-off impromptu lunch "date". Which if you could call it a date, it was lousy, considering she picked up the bill.

This is why she couldn't understand why she was having such a strong reaction to his presence. Sighing deeply once more, she pushed herself off the door and made her way to the living room.

Grabbing her forgotten butterbeer she downed the rest, then started heading towards her bedroom when she heard the knocking on her door again.

Glaring at the offending sound she marched towards the door and swung it open.


"Granger, what is your problem?" Malfoy leaned against her door frame and almost with a bored expression stared at her. His arms were crossed casually over his bare chest. Instead of a towel he was wearing grey drawstring pajama bottoms.

Tearing her eyes away from his body she glared at the man that had plagued her dreams, "Nothing, I'm peachy-bloody-keen."

At her words, he stood at full height and walked past her into her flat, "What are you doing? Isn't Davis waiting for another round of kinky shagging?"

He turned towards her staring straight into her fiery brown eyes, "I sent her home."

Hermione processed the sentence, it just didn't compute.


Malfoy smirked, "Why does it matter? I just didn't want to see her tonight."

"So you were using her?"

He chuckled, "On the contrary, she was using me; the woman has high ambitions. She thinks I'll be running for a political office once I "catch all the bad guys" as she put it."

"Aren't you though? I mean, it would make logical sense."

She couldn't stop the question from blurting out her curious mind. He looked at her, almost as if trying to read her mind, "I don't want to be part of that world. I like what I do, it makes me happy."

The simple answer was a shock to her, but she didn't let it show.

He took her silence, then started touring her flat himself. "Not a bad place you have here, mine's better, but yours is decent," he said this as he entered her bedroom.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? I didn't say you could take a tour," she began to yell after him. Raalizing it was too late, she picked up her pace.

Hoping she didn't leave any knickers lying about she caught up to him, but it was too late, the man was looking over at the chaise lounge by the wall and noticed the book lying atop it.

She tried to snatch it away from him, but he was too quick, "What's this?" He flipped through some pages, successfully evading her attempts to take the book away, as she raised herself on the tips of her toes and made to reach the book, her body brushed against his intimately. Malfoy turned towards her and tossed the book behind him, making a grab for the little witch and trapping her against the nearby wall.

"Looks like the little bookworm in you has gotten naughtier and naughtier with age," his words teased, but his eyes told a different story.

He was turned on by the thought of her getting off to naughty literature.

His proximity was clouding her judgment, their positioning reminding her of her first dream. His smirk was so similar to the big bad wolf's, it was uncanny. Noticing her lust, Malfoy leaned in, his breath ghosting over her lips. Her eyes were half lidded, looking at him from under her lashes.

"I can't stop thinking about you," he whispered. She was a little shocked at the revelation, but it was short lived as he took her lips with his own.

His lips felt soft, but were controlling and forceful as he took her lips mercilessly. His tongue teased the entrance, and she let him in with a moan. Swiping lovingly at her lower inner lip and nibbling it, they continued to snog for ages. All the while, is body pressed itself harder into hers. His hands cradled her face angling it just right to give him better access.

Stopping for breath, he then took in the sight of her swollen red lips before he began trailing kisses down her neck, giving her small love bites. Effectively marking his territory. Lifting her into his arms, she instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist and took his face in her hands, this time forcing him to tilt up.

She looked like a tempting little devil, her curls were rioting around her face, her eyes dark with desire, lips swollen and slightly parted. Taking his mouth once more, she took his lower lip and made love to it with her own. Taking the time to taste every bit of him.

He walked them towards her bed and fell back when he felt the edge of the bed hit the back of his legs. She hovered over him, "You've been on my mind too." She whispered it into his ear, and then trailed kisses along his jaw and down his neck, past his collarbone and left her own marks.

His eyes were closed, slight groans were heard at every bit of contact her mouth made to his skin.

She ground herself over his pelvis, feeling it harden with every hard brush of her sex.

He grunted, as his hands gripped her hips and guided her to grind just a little harder.

She moaned into his shoulder where she was currently leaving a bruising love bite.

Straightening up a little rubbing herself against him a little more, from this angel, he was given access to disrobe her. Taking the opportunity, he untied the robe, pushing it back and off her. His eyes were cloudy with lust at the sight of her lace covered breasts and abdomen. He rubbed her sides up and down and along the edge of the tank playfully. Sliding his fingers under the hem, he lifted the material and freed the soft mounds from it's confines. He marveled at the beautiful and pert pink nipples. Sitting up a little he took one into his mouth and was rewarded by the most erotic thing he had ever seen and heard. Hermione tossed her head back exposing her long neck and moaning throatily as she ground herself a little harder onto his erection.

He swirled his tongue along the areola and sucked a little harder around the flesh of the nipple, leaving small marks. Finally, he brushed the pad of his thumb over the nipple and followed that with a little lick.

The action was causing her to lose her mind. He was paying expert attention to her breasts, his fingers pinched one while his mouth lavished the other.

The small amount of pain excited her. The sounds she was making were driving him mad, he laid back down and pulled her forward, flush against him. He wriggled out of his pants and hissed at the feel of his erection brush against the inside of her thigh.

Unable to take the throbbing any longer, he ripped her panties and tossed them to the side.

She whimpered with want, the action caused her memory to flash with her last Malfoy fantasy. The growl he emitted when her bare sex brushed the tip of his cock was intoxicating. She was still flush against him, when he plunged into her. She was so wet from their snogging and dry humping, he had no trouble getting inside her tight walls.

She moaned, it had been so long since she felt this full. Taking a moment to relish the feel of having him inside her, she began to move slowly. Pulling her hips off all the way until the tip, then moving slowly down the shaft. His breath was starting to get ragged his face looked like it was in agony. Gradually, she increased her speed.

She began to bounce her hips up and down, and then straightening a little she ground herself, wriggling to feel his thickness in that one spot. She moaned and gasped when he hit it. Noticing her reaction he angled her hips and ground them so that he rubbed that spot over and over again. Her hands braced against his abs at the force of his concentrated thrusts.

The sensations were getting tighter, she could feel the warmth building, the tingling was spreading throughout her body. She convulsed as she moaned his name.

"Say it again,"


His name sounded like the dirtiest word he ever heard coming out of her mouth, it echoed in his mind as he bounced her harder on his cock, thrusting to meet her. The walls around him were clenching and felt slicker with her orgasm, making it easier to slip in and out. The sensations were overwhelming.

He thrust faster and looked into her eyes, pulling her down to him and holding her possessively he kissed her deeply, enjoying the moan vibrating against his lips. He continued to thrust, feeling his balls tighten. Soon he tensed and came inside, spilling himself into her.

The feeling throughout was euphoric.

His face resting now against the crook of her neck, he breathed in and out harshly and heavily, as his heart beat settled down.

They stayed like this, her still on top of him and him still inside her for several minutes. She made to move when his arm held her tight against him. She looked into his eyes and saw a slight twinge of fear.

"Where are you going?"

"I was going to take a shower, In case you haven't noticed I'm sticky and smell like sex," she couldn't help the grin that spread.

"Oh," he seemed disappointed.

"You can join me if you want? You happen to smell like sex too."

The smirk on his face was priceless.

Ah, she was wondering when the Mad Hatter would make his appearance

She giggled at the brief thought and upon feeling his grip loosen, she got off him and moved towards the bathroom.

"You know Granger, first you save me from a possible assailant, then you give me the best fuck of my life, and now you offer to help clean me. Offer me a beer and you'll be the perfect neighbor," his trademark smirk wasn't there, but the amusement in his eyes was evident.

"Hmm, Malfoy, I'd say with all the orgasms you've given me all this week, you're the perfect neighbor."

With that she left a slightly slack jawed and puzzled Draco Malfoy standing naked in her hallway.

The shower started running soon after she walked into the bathroom, "Are you coming or not?"

Her voice teased in a sing-song fashion.

He stood there for a split second before walking a little quicker into the steamy room.

She did say orgasms you've given me all this week right, not orgasm?

Bloody witch had no idea what she was doing to him, but he looked forward to letting her know over and over again.

Besides, it would be the neighborly thing to do.