I do no own Inuyasha - bummer.

Guys - I am really sorry it took me so long to update. I recently got a flood of reviews and requests to add to this story so here is the final chapter (READ AND REVIEW).

With a swirl of wind Koga, Kagome and Shippo landed gracefully at the entrance to the wolves cave - their home. Shippo bounded out of Kagomes arm and ran to play with the wolf puppies "I'll see you later Kagome - I want to play with the puppies!" His excitement was so innocent, and he was getting to enjoy his childhood for the first time in a long time. She smiled after him - she felt a sudden feeling of comfort and peace. She looked back at Koga and was shocked by his facial expression. His eyes were soft and proud - he looked so happy and handsome. The look of joy and sudden sense of peace caused Kagome to just start laughing

"Koga - I cannot believe it is over" Kagome managed to get out between giggles. She was overwhelmed by the fact that everything they had been working for was over. "What are we supposed to do now?" she kept wondering. The strong wolf prince wrapped his arms around the small woman and as if he were reading her mind spoke

"Kagome - will you be my mate? Have my pups? And live your life with me?" He said it quietly but there was a sudden hush from the cave - everyone waiting to hear the beautiful young woman's response. She turned her face up at the scared young man.

"Yes - yes" she answered clearly and confidently.

Koga turned his head up into the sky and started howling with joy - and the rest of the pack started howling along with him in celebration.

"Tonight we are going to have a mating ceremony - prepare and notify everyone" Koga ordered to the wolves closest to him and they turned and ran off into the wilderness. Kagome was surprised by how quickly everything was coming to pass - in her world, everything with a wedding went much much slower.

Kagome was wearing a floor length fur dress, it was softer and more decadent then her normal wolf ware. Her raven locks were swinging naturally and wavy along her beautiful face. She had red berries rubbed across her lips and the necklace that Koga made her was dangling from her neck. She knew that she looked beautiful - and most of it was because of her unapologetic happiness. She walked over to her future mate - on the edge of the mountain with the moon glowing above them. They were surrounded by their pack - a private ceremony for a very private act.

The words were said - Kagome doesn't even remember what she said - she was so happy and couldn't help staring at those beautiful lips, dark hair and glowing eyes. Her mind was focused on her handsome mate. One of Koga's close friends walked over and flipped their wrists up and started cutting into their flesh - they were getting a permanent mark, a tattoo to mark their commitment. The ancient tattooing technique stung and burnt - Kagome whimpered softly and Koga leaned forward and kissed her softly, distracting her from the pain. Once the tattoos were completed, everyone started hollering again and cheering. Kagome looked over at Koga and realized that they now officially "Man and Wife".

The party was huge - the whole pack was there and they were all determined to celebrate. Every type of food you could imagine, they were catering to Kagome's preference to cooked food from a local village. They had large bonfires and music playing with everyone talking and singing and dancing. Kagome spent a large portion of the night spinning around the dance floor with Koga and Shippo. She was so happy that she didn't want this night to end. Her energy was boundless and the rest of the pack were matching her energy.

Koga walked over to his new young mate and leaned in and kiss her with intention. It wasn't a soft kiss - it was a kiss full of passion and lust, and held within it a request to return to their cave, to finish their mating ritual.

"Lets go to bed" Kagome said breathlessly, still reeling from the kiss. Before she could catch her breath he picked her up and carried her quickly to their bed. He had graciously rehung a piece of leather across their door to make it more private and when they entered the room a single candle was lit on the wall - allowing for softened light.

He placed her gently on the bed and crawled up her body and started nipping softly at her skin. Kagome moaned and pushed her body upward toward her prince. He started gently pulling off her clothes, kissing every new exposed piece of flesh. Kagome's head was spinning - he was everywhere at once and she had never wanted anything more.

"Koga - please" Kagome breathed out. A moment later he had stripped naked crawled back on his mate.

"Kagome - I love you" Koga growled huskily. His coarse and scared skin was pressed against Kagome's soft and pristine flesh.

"Koga I love you too" she breathed as Koga thrust himself into his mate. Kagome moaned loudly and dug her nails into his back. In that moment they were both tearing flesh. He was inside her waiting for her to adjust to his size - he was panting. Once her breathing calmed down he started rocking his hips and Kagomes moans become louder and more desperate. She was pleading with her mate to go faster and harder - begging for her bodies release. He was seeing red - his beautiful mate beneath him. He brought her to the very edge of pleasure and they tumbled into the abyss together. He bit down hard on her shoulder - leaving another permanent mark. Her body was pulsing with pleasure - and he was smirking with pride to be able to give that to his mate. He rolled off of her and his eyes slid down her body. He already wanted her again - he would never stop wanting her, he was sure.

"Kagome you are so beautiful" he said as he pushed a piece of hair out of her face. She smiled and sighed.

"It is funny that this all started with a birthday kiss - I guess we both had good luck this year" She teased and Koga started laughing. He pulled Kagome to his chest and kissed her forehead.

"I am planning on having good luck, with you, for the rest of my life Kagome. I never thought you would agree to be my mate - when I first met you I said that you would but I never thought you'd want me like that. I don't know what I did to get a girl like you - but I am happy" He was rambling and she couldn't help but grin.

"Koga - you got me because you never wanted me to be someone else, you liked me for who I was even if it challenged you. Being around you makes me the best version of myself. I don't know how I got so lucky?" She replied sheepishly. The new pair snuggled into each others arms and fell asleep quickly. This was the beginning of their happily ever after.