Disclaimer: SM owns all characters. No copyright infringement intended.


"Bella! I really need the shower!" Edward pounded on the door.

"Well, guess what? I really need the bathroom!" I called back.

"Just open the door!" He yelled.

I pulled it open mustering up my best annoyed expression. "What?"

"Oh, I uh…I didn't realize you were in a towel," Edward looked anywhere but at me.

"Edward, its not like it's a plastic see through towel. I still need the bathroom, so you're just going to have to take a shower with me in here," I went back to brushing my teeth.

"Uh…ok," he awkwardly stepped in and told me to turn around why he got in the shower.

Edward is my brother, Emmett's, best friend.

Were not related.

Currently, they're both living here and going to Seattle University, which is like twenty minutes from our house. So, Edward decided to take up home in our guest room, and Emmett in his childhood room.

My parents were more than thrilled with that idea, when it was decided four years ago.

The only problem is that Edward and I now share a bathroom, which makes for problems every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday when he has his 8:00 morning English class. This is the first year we've ever encountered bathroom issues.

See, Emmett has his own little suite, with a bathroom inside all to himself, while I'm left to fend for myself.

I'm just being dramatic, but it's hotter than hell in the bathroom, when I'm trying to dry my hair and Edwards taking a 100-degree shower. I've grown accustomed to just getting ready in my towel, while I plug in a fan across the hallway from the bathroom.

Even with the door open, and the fan on me, the mirror was still steaming up. I dried my hair to the bare minimum, deciding it could just be wavy today. I went to my room and put on my clothes for school then went back to the bathroom. I began the task of putting on makeup when Edwards turned off the shower and got out wearing a towel around his waist.

He had really nice abs.

And hair.

And smile.

And I kinda had a huge crush on him. Since I was like 6 and he had always been so nice to me.

Well anyway. It wasn't like I was in love with him or some shit.

He was just extremely attractive and really nice.

He probably just viewed me as his little sister, like all Em's friends did.

"Bella, you're not wearing that to school are you?" He asked staring directly at my tits.

I had a long sleeve V-neck shirt and I might have put on my push up bra. Cause it helps me get ma man.

Even though I don't have a man to get really, yet, but whatever.

"No, I'm just wearing this to get ready in, then I will go put on my turtle neck and parka duo for school," I replied sarcastically. "Of course I'm wearing this to school, dumbass."

"So snarky in the mornings," he mumbled while I hip checked him to move away from the sink.

I continued putting on my face while Edward stared.

"What?" I questioned.

"I'll just never stop being amazed at what a difference make up makes on people. I mean 10 minutes ago you looked 16, now you look old enough to be in a class with me," he continued staring as I applied blush.

"Are you sure it's the make up or my fantastic tits?" I shook them at him while laughing.

"Gah, put those away B," he pretended to be disgusted.

"You love me," I went back to putting on my make up.

"So, why the push up bra?"

"Ed, its creepy that you know when I'm wearing a push up bra and when I'm not. I mean I know you're obsessed with me but tone it down a little. I'm not supposed to know, remember?" He growled. I smiled. "And today, were getting a exchange student from Britain and I want to be remembered. I mean, he's going to have a British accent. Not everyone has as good as rack as me so I need him to know that."

"If he touches you I'll cut his hands off," he threatened, while putting his boxers on under his towel and finished getting dressed.

"Edward, I swear, if I end up liking him and you scare him away like you did with James, so help me God-"

He cut me off, "Oh my gosh, Bella! The guy was pretending to fuck you while you bent over to help up grandma, who had fallen and broken her hip!"

I put my hand over his mouth to shut him up. I didn't want to talk about it anymore. I had been unlucky in love. Partly because I had a real knack for asshats, but mainly because Edward was more protective over me than Emmett.

He licked my hand and I shrieked and yanked it away.

"Ass," I muttered, "I have to go to school. I'll see you later dickhead."

"Now go be a good girl and stay away from boys," he smacked my ass as I left. I flipped him off as I was leaving pretending to be annoyed when I really wished he'd do it again. Preferably when we were both naked.

Not many people have relationships like this with their sibling's friends, or maybe a lot do, hell if I know. But Edward wasn't just Emmett's best friend; he was like an older brother to me. An older brother I'd like to fuck. OBILF? Doesn't sound right, but its true.

Shit, that sounds like incest. Let me rephrase.

He's my brother's friend I'd like to fuck. BFILF.

I don't know. Who even came up with MILF anyway? It was a long time ago. The terms probably older than me.

Anyway. I'm going to school now in my jeep commander. I loved this car more than life itself. It was cherry red and shimmered like fucking Ariel's hair in the sunlight. Which was rare in Seattle, so it was real special when it did.

I got to school, which I hate, but love at the same time. Like, you see all your best friends, but you'd rather be seeing them anywhere else, because your seeing all the people you hate too. Well, you'd rather see them anywhere else besides school or like at the their funeral or something.

That was a heavy thought for 7:30 in the morning on a Wednesday.

Wednesdays. The second worst day of the week.

Mondays, obviously the worst, but Wednesday is almost just as bad. Its square dab in the middle of the school week. You're so close to the weekend, but so far away and they just seem to really suck 99.9% of the time and also a lot of tests always seem to be on Wednesdays. Luckily none today. I hoped. Cause if there was, I'd forgotten to study.

I wasn't, you know, what some people would call 'brilliant', but I wasn't a complete tard either. I definitely struggled with most subjects, but I could surprise teachers and myself. I just had trouble focusing and actually doing the work. I was a big fan of day dreaming and procrastinating. A deathly duo, I might add.

I got to school and slowly walked to Chemistry, my least favorite class ever. I longed for freshman year and the easy ways of biology. All we did was watch movies in that class and freshman year was a breeze. Of course then, Charlie and Renee hadn't been pressuring me to take advanced classes and I hadn't even given college a thought. Now it seemed to be all people talked about.

I took my back corner seat in chemistry that I was extremely fond of. The back row was my thing.

Eric, a friendly drug dealer, took his seat next to me and waved hello. He was clearly high and I never wanted that kid to change. He was the only reason I'd made it up till the middle of October in this class, always entertaining me.

"Dude, your tits look 3D right now," he smiled lazily.

I just laughed. Right about then, the douche bag Mike Newton came into class and said, "hello Bella" in this creepy voice that only he had mastered. It was a reoccurring nightmare that I would wake up to that one day.

Now, on any other day, I would have lovingly ignored him and continued talking with Eric, but not today. Nuh uh, lil mama. Today Mike was showing the British kid around. So I turned around with what I hoped was my most alluring smile and say "hey" real chill like.

"Bella, Riley, Riley, Bella," Mike said while slicking his hair back. Disgusting.

But Riley. Now Riley was something. He looked like Aaron Johnson and I seriously wanted to touch him. I mean, him and Aaron could be twins.

"Hey, nice to meet you," I smiled.

He held out his hand brought mine up his mouth and kissed my knuckles, "The pleasures mine," he drawled in his sexy accent.

I had two reactions. One was swoooon. The other was to laugh at the dramatics of that and at Mike's constipated expression.

Before I had a chance to respond, my old fart chemistry teacher loudly came in the class and told us all to take our seats and shut up.

I looked over when I saw Eric motioning at me out of the corner of my eyes. He pointed to Riley, who was sitting in front of him and pretended to hump the air while smiling. I blushed.

"Clear your desks for a quiz," Mr. Hark growled while fixing his toupee. Everyone simultaneously groaned.

My heart sank. Another quiz. I'd already gotten two zeros on quizzes and It was only October 16th.

I had a long way to go. My parents thought I had skipped class, but no, I had actually just missed every single question. Face palm.

Mike passed my quiz back and I just stared at it. It might have damn well be in Chinese, because fuck, I didn't even remember even seeing or hearing any of these words.

I was supposed to draw the hydrogen bonding for like nine different things and I didn't even know what that was. Shit.

After about 10 minutes of me literally sweating I was so nervous while drawing random things, that I about jumped out of my desk when Mr. Hark loudly snarled, "TIMES UP".

We all passed up our quizzes and I slumped in my desk. Wednesdays suck ass.

After class I slowly walked to English feeling down, knowing I had failed yet another quiz. I was definitely going to lose car privileges.

I slowly walked to Pre A.P. English, another class I hated. My English teacher was an overenthusiastic grandma who was married to my chem teacher. No joke.

It was thundering loudly outside. Gloomy weather to fit my gloomy mood. Today was supposed to be ok. I was going to meet the British boy and we were going to fall in love and have British talking babies, but no. Jessica had stolen him away after chem immediately and I had walked alone to my next class, with Mike following close behind.

That guy was like herpes. You couldn't get rid of him! Not that I would know how hard it was to get rid of herpes…

Anyways. I was always seeing him in the reflection behind me or out of the corner of my eye. He was always trying to hit on me and I'd been stupid enough to go to Homecoming with him last year. It was a freshman rookie mistake because he hadn't left me alone since.

This year I had gone with Jacob, a long time friend. I knew he wanted more with me, but I didn't really see him in that way. I'd known him since diapers, because our parents were friends and I just couldn't get past that. Although he had bulked up this year and was making it easier to possibly see him in that way.

English passed slowly and so did history. Finally, in digital photography, I was with friends. It sucked because I didn't really have any of my close friends in my first 3 classes but for the rest of my classes I at least had one good friend in each class.

But today, Kate and Irina were gone with yearbook for some gay one-day camp thing so it was just Jake and me. Photography was really chill. Our teacher was 23 and so nice and never really assigned us work. We always had the lights out in her class and she let us call her by her first name, Michelle.

I took my desk, yet again, in the back of the class and put my head down.

I heard Jake walk up and sit down next to me. "What's wrong Bellyboop?"

"This day sucks, Jakeypoo. I'm pretty sure I failed another chemistry quiz," I sighed.

Most people would act disgusted when we used our pet names for each other, but we did it more to annoy each other, than out of affection.

"Sorry. I failed it too. I have twizzlers though."

"Cherry flavored?"

"Is there any other kind?"

We proceeded to finish off an entire bag in 45 minutes and watch a movie on Jakes iPhone. After school I invited Jake over to drown our sorrows in Forrest Gump, a shared guilty pleasure. Anytime we had a shitty day we'd come to my house, make bag after bag of popcorn and watch Tom. So that's exactly what we did.

I was all cozied up on my end of the couch in the media room when Edward loudly came in an hour into the movie and moved me around so he could sit down in what he had claimed as "his spot".

"Eeeeddddwwwwaaaarrrddddd," I whined without taking a breath as he literally picked me up like I was a rag doll and didn't stop situating us until I was half laying on his lap and half on the couch.

Jake rudely told me to shut up while Edward just smirked. I wanted to punch him but was too lazy.

I whined again. "I can't reach my drink," I said stretching as far I could and not being able to get it. Edward sighed and leaned over to get it for me.

"The fuck Bella? You're 16 not 6 and you're still drinking Capri Sun?"

"Dude, this stuff is the shit. Now shut up. Were trying to watch a movie."

He sighed and began to play with my hair, which I secretly loved. Or maybe it wasn't so secret, since I was practically purring. I don't know. After a while of him messing with my hair I asked him to scratch my back which he complied.

After the movie ended I was still too lazy to move and asked Jake to put on Bride Wars. They both groaned but I loved the heck outta that movie. It was so cute. And if Jake was a girl, I swear he'd be Emma and I'd be Liv.

I know they both kind of liked the movie though. How could they not? It was adorable.

"Where Emmett?" I asked Edward.

"He has a date with Rosie, and Renee told me to tell you that her and Charlie will be out for the evening. They have some event or something, so it will be just be me and you kid. And Jake of course."

"Ooh, can we order pizza?" I asked, already hungry, even after 2 bags of popcorn.

I was a growing girl, ya know.

"Bella, how are you not 1000 pounds?" He laughed.

"If it wasn't for volleyball, I swear I'd be at least 250 by now."

"That would be light for how much you eat. I weigh 190 and you eat more than me," Jake added. "You'd probably be like close to 300."

"With your laziness maybe even 350."

"Thanks guys. I'll just go be anorexic now," I sniffed.

"Oh no, we love curvy Bella. Your stomach is so soft and you have big boobs for being surprisingly skinny."

"You do. How much do you weigh?" Jake asked.

"Guys! Never ask a girl how much she weighs!"

There was silence.

"…You're a girl?" Jake finally asked while he and Edward chortled.

"Bite me!" I flipped them both off with both hands.

"Where?" Edward whispered just for me to hear while Jake was still laughing at his stupid joke.

It was moments like these, when Edward was staring with his intense green-eyed gaze down at me that I swear he had lust in his eyes.

Before I could think of anything witty to say, Jake was asking me what I weighed again.

"Ugh, like 115. You happy now?" I asked annoyed.

"How tall are you? Like 5'3?" Edward asked nosily.

"Gosh! I feel like I'm at the doctors or something. Yes, I'm 5'3."

"Wow, hey Bella, I can do about 30 reps with you. I can bench 210 20 times, so with you, yeah about 30."

He said this as if I would care.

"I could do you about 20 times probably," Edward calculated. I liked the implications of that statement.

"Lets see who can do the most with her!" Jacob cheered.

"Bella reps! Bella reps!" Edward shouted.

"What the?" Edward was picking me up and Jacob was laying on the floor and before I knew it, Jake had his hand on my back and one of my ass holding me above him while Edward kept me in place, making sure I didn't fall.

"What? NO! Put me down," I insisted. "Jake you're going to drop me on your face and I'm going to accidentally smother you!" I wailed.

"Bella calm down! No he's not!" Edward called out a go and I was being pumped up and down in the air while Jacob breathed evenly.

"Animals, all of you!" I screeched.

Jake got about to about 35 when he decided he'd had enough of all this. Edward was next. Jake placed me on Edwards's hands and I was actually glad we had done this. Edwards's hand was firmly on my butt and top of my thighs and just barely pressing against where I had dreamed of him touching.

By the end of 'Bella Reps' Edward made it to 36 just to beat Jake, despite his arms shaking badly. He set me down of top of him and seeing him pant was glorious. I had a vision of what it could like in a totally different circumstance, where Edward was panting beneath me. Again, preferably naked.

"Well that was fun," Jake sighed.

"Time to order pizza," I decided getting up, while pulling Edward with me.

"Nuh uh, its time for you to do reps with us," Edward smiled mischievously.

"Right," I snorted attractively, "I can't even do an actual push up with my own weight let alone take on you animals."

"Were just teasin you, B."

Like I didn't know that. I rolled my eyes.

"But seriously guys. It's pizza time. How many should we get? 2 or 3?"

"Uh oh, Bella's got hungry eyes," Jake warned laughing.

Yes, in second grade, when I'd been albeit on the chubbier side of the scale, I'd been given the nickname "hungry eyes" or rather my eyes had been given the nickname. I guess I had a crazed look when I was hungry. Luckily, by the summer before 3rd grade, I grown a couple inches and had embraced my curves and petite-ness.

I was in a land of giants though. My dad was 6 ft. while mom was 5'8. Emmett was 6'2, Edward was 6'1, Jake was 5'11, and even Kate and Irina were 5'7. Rosalie, Emmetts girlfriend was a model and was 5'10. The only shorties in the bunch, besides me, were Alice and Jasper. Two more of Emmetts friends who were dating each other. Alice was 5'5 and Jasper was 5'10.

So I think you get it, I'm short and surrounded by oafs.

"You're right, we should get 3," I called Papa Johns and ordered 2 supremes and one Canadian bacon and pineapple one. Pizza delight.

About two hours later, we were all lying around rubbing our stomachs that were full of pizza. There was only like 4 pieces that hadn't been devoured. We were pigs.

"Shit! SHIT!" I screamed suddenly, "I have a history test tomorrow! SHIT!"

"Oh fuck," Jake groaned, "me too."

"Suckers," Edward smirked. I punched his stomach and he groaned.

"So much for going to bed early tonight." Jake ended up staying over till almost 1 studying with me, but we both just fell asleep a lot and had to wake each other up.

I knew I was going to fail it. I was never gonna get into college.

After Jake left, Edward came in and kept me awake and reviewed terms with me till after 3. I fell asleep resting on his chest on my bed.


This story popped into my head tonight at dinner, while me and my family were discussing some of my brother's friends who are really hot.

So to all those reading, I hope you like it so far. I'll try to post a new chapter as soon as I can, and after that I'll see about a posting schedule.

Thanks for reading! Please review and tell me whatcha thought! :)
