This story has taken me a whole week to prepare for. I had to re watch all the Lord of the Rings movies and the entire Kakuzu and Hidan arc (which was awesome) and its very time consuming. I will be using the movie version for LoTR but there might be some aspects from the books thrown in. Now though, I am finally starting my latest story, so enjoy!

Time line: Around a year before the Kakuzu and Hidan arc and somewhere in The Two Towers part 1 to begin with.

Disclaimer: If I owned LoTR and/or Naruto I would be super rich, which I am not…


Two figures stood before the entrance of The Village Hidden in the Mist. Neither of these figures looked terribly impressed at the grand ninja village, though it was hard to tell any of the emotions of these two figures as both of them wore large black cloaks with puffy red clouds lined with white covering it. The cloaks had high collars, successfully covering the bottom half of both of their faces, and what part wasn't covered by the cloak were cast into shadow by the large straw hats sitting atop their heads.

The guards at the gate would note that the two foreigners (as they obviously were) were almost indistinguishable from each other, dressed as they were. The only differences being that one was about 4 or 5 inches taller than the other. Also, the shorter one wore no shirt and had a forehead protectors with an unrecognizable symbol on it (as it was too dark to see) around his neck and there was a glint of red coming from his back, though it was hard to tell what it could be with the mist so thick.

Just as the guards were about to call out to the figures, demanding to know what their business was, the figures vanished. The guard blamed the heavy mist, pitch dark, and general paranoia for playing tricks on their eyes and went back to duty, though they were on high alert, just in case.

In the woods a mile or two away from the village, a loud, obnoxious, voice could be heard,

"Fuck, Kakuzu! I don't know why Leader had to send us on such a shitty mission, seriously. Jashin won't get any sacrifices if all were doing is infiltrating the village and stealing some fucking worthless scroll."

The voice belonged to Hidan, S-ranked missing-nin and member of the Akatsuki. The one he was complaining to was his partner Kakuzu, also a S-ranked missing-nin and member of Akatsuki.

Kakuzu ignored Hidan as he leafed through his bounty book looking for any Mist-ninja with high prices on their heads. Hidan, looking over to see what was occupying his partner, became enraged to see what Kakuzu was reading.

"Fuck no! We aren't going to waste time with any of your fucking bounties! I want this stupid ass mission over with as soon as possible, seriously!"

Kakuzu looked up at his partner with narrowed eyes. "We have already scouted out the perimeter of the village so we have plenty of time to get the scroll and a nice bounty. Now shut up before I kill you."

Hidan just snorted, "If you could kill me old man, I would let you."

Kakuzu didn't respond as his eyes caught the words "resides in Village Hidden in the Mist" in his book. He did a quick scan of the page and discovered that there was a retired Mist-ninja in the village that had been famous enough in his glory days to warrant a 40 million ryo price on his head. Perfect.

Kakuzu placed his book back into his cloak and started walking back to the village, intent on getting the scroll as quickly as possible so he could focus on the large bounty. Hidan stopped mid-rant after realizing Kakuzu had walked off and started racing after his partner yelling, "Hey fucker! Wait up!"

How they had not been noticed was quite the mystery to Kakuzu. They had made it all the way to the building housing the forbidden jutsu scroll Leader had assigned them to get without being seen or challenged. The reason this was perplexing to Kakuzu was because Hidan had not shut up the entire time they had been in the village.

Leader had informed Kakuzu that this scroll was need very urgently and the only reason he was sending Hidan and himself was that they were the only Akatsuki members that weren't already on a mission and they were already in Water country when Leader had contacted them. It was obvious to anyone that Hidan was not meant for stealth, so Kakuzu concluded Leader was very desperate for this scroll if he was willing to risk sending them. Even though Leader told him to be quick, he couldn't just ignore such a ripe opportunity to get some easy money. Being the unofficial treasurer of the Akatsuki it washis duty to get money, so really, Leader shouldn't be mad. Kakuzu planned to blame Hidan regardless.

"The door isn't even fucking locked! Are you sure this is where the scroll is old man?" questioned Hidan as he opened the door revealing a plain room that contained nothing but a single pedestal that stood in the middle of the room. On the pedestal laid a white scroll with a small purple ribbon keeping in shut.

Kakuzu narrowed his eyes in suspicion. There was a very good chance this was all a trap and he was unwilling to blow their cover by massacring however many ninja showed up. Unfortunately, Hidan didn't care if it was a trap, eager to cause bloodshed, and just strolled right into the room and snatched the scroll.

As Kakuzu predicted, as soon as the scroll left the pedestal, ninja started pouring in from hidden doors in the walls. Kakuzu swore angrily as Hidan started laughing manically swing his scythe around him, easily decapitating one of the ninjas. Kakuzu on the other hand was angry as hell and strode briskly to where Hidan had dropped the scroll, using his threads to decimate anyone who got in his way and using his technique to harden his skin so any weapon thrown at him bounced off. He hoped that the Mist-ninja were confident enough in their skills that they had used the real scroll as bait.

After driving a thread through a random ninja's eye socket and through their head, killing him, Kakuzu picked up the scroll. Hidan had been surprisingly quick to kill off most of the ambushing ninjas so Kakuzu and he were in the clear for however long it took for reinforcements to arrive. Instead of body flickering out of there, Kakuzu decided to check the scroll first to see if it was legitimate.

Luckily for the partners, the scroll seemed real so Kakuzu body flickered away, Hidan quickly following. Once they made it outside the village into the safety of the trees, Kakuzu turned to Hidan, his green on red eyes glowing with rage.

"You moron! Now I have to sneak back into the village while there on high alert to get my bounty!" Kakuzu's words were accompanied with an attempt at a hard punch to Hidan's face.

Hidan dodged but Kakuzu's hardened fist still grazed his cheek, causing Hidan to sweat slightly.

"You don't have to do fucking anything, except get that scroll to Leader! If I can't sacrifice someone to Jashin then you can't get your bounty, cocksucker!"

Kakuzu didn't answer, instead chucking the scroll at Hidan's head and starting back to the village. Hidan caught the scroll and ripped it open.

"What the fuck! This can't be a real jutsu, its fucking retarded!"

This caused Kakuzu to stop and turned back, just in time to watch Hidan form some hand seals and shout out, "Ninja art: Time-space Dimension Migration" (I'm so sorry about the suckishness of this jutsu:( Its pretty much Madara's technique with the word dimension added in… I SUCK) in an attempt to prove the falseness of the jutsu.

For a second, nothing happened and Kakuzu thought that Hidan had indeed proven the jutsu false, but then the air around Hidan and Kakuzu started to ripple and warp. "Motherfu-" Hidan was cut off as Kakuzu, his temper exploding, sent out his hand to wrap around Hidan's neck.

Before Kakuzu could pop Hidan's head off, the two ninjas fell unconscious as the air continued to warp around them.

Woo! Prologue is complete! I hope everyone enjoyed it so far. I know they're not in middle-earth yet but don't worry, next chapter they will be:) Please Review to let me know what you think! Oh and please don't think that Kakuzu and Hidan are going to be "good guys" in this story, cause there not. They will kill, maim, massacre, and basically fuck shit up for money and for fun.