I can do this…

I really can…

If I just…

Faster… I have to be… Faster…


There is no point…

I'm probably too late now…

I grab onto the steel banister for support, my breath is probably louder than a train engine… I can't stop now… No, I can't! I have to stop this! I won't let it end like this…

It can't end like this..

My body starts moving again, faster than before, my shoes slamming against the concrete steps and little streams of sweat running down my forehead…

I can't let it end like this..

The kindergarten echoed with voices of little children playing, laughing, and cheering together,

"Len-kun~!" The 6 year old boy's head turned to the direction his name was called from, the form of a little girl carrying a book that looked at least half of her weight.

"Ne, Rin-chan" He looked at her with pitiful eyes as the little girl pathetically attempted to carry the book to him.

"L-Look what I found!" She beamed at him, and set the large book on the carpeted floor in front of him, before sitting down next to him.

"Wow.. It looks so old!" The little boy stated, playing with the hardback cover of the book, "Let's read it together!" Rin suggested smiling so hard she could have put the Cheshire cat to shame just there.

It took them a 3 whole hours to finish the book just by themselves, the two children sighed sadly before shutting the book. The ending wasn't a happy one, the two characters drowned as their ship got caught in a storm, Len was disappointed in the ending, he didn't think that it was fair… after all the two friends have been through they were killed off by a mere storm…. He leaned back against the cream coloured wall that has been drawn on by his fellow peers with crayons. Rin was the first to break the silence between them…

"Ne, Len-Kun… I hate sad endings…"

Come on Kagamine Len! You can do this…

It's not that far..

Just push yourself! Come on!

Thoughts began to cloud my head… But only one seemed to repeat itself in my mind…

Why Rin?

Why would you do something like this!

Could it be?

Could it be that the reason she is… up there … is me?

That day… On the field…

Guilt and shame stung at my heart… No… No… No… I didn't mean it!

Now, now that I know… I… I do have feelings for her! Why else? Why else would I be doing this?

I need to hurry up…

I can't let it end like this!

The two 14 year olds sat on the boy's bed, with some soft music playing in the background, while the girl was flipping through a teen magazine.

The boy sighed and continued plucking his guitar aimlessly while humming a random song to himself.

"Hey Len-kun…" She called him, only to get a "Hm?" in return.

"We're going to high school next year…." She clutched a little at his bed sheets, obviously nervous about the topic.

"Yeah… What about it?" He turned his full attention to her, seeming interested.

"D-d-don't leave me… P-Please?" She looked at him with pleading eyes that bared unshed tears.

"Of course not Rin-chan" He pulled her close and embraced her, "I'll never leave you" The girl smiled to herself and hugged him back.

"Thank you" She whispered quietly into his shirt, before continuing what she wanted to say.

"Ne, Len-Kun… I hate sad endings"

I'm so close…

Just a couple more steps,

Come on Kagamine.

Hurry up!

I can't let this happen, I don't want to loose her now… Not now…

I kick the metal door open, and run out onto the roof as it slams into the wall behind it.

I see her...

I scream a single "NO!" as I see Rin begging to fall over the edge of the roof.

I quickly run and reach out to her…

"Ne, Len-Kun… I hate sad endings"