She exhaled as she looked at the test. Pink for positive.
"Oh, shit." She was only seventeen, whereas her boyfriend N was nearly twenty. Both were on the run from detectives and police.
And now, Whitlea was pregnant.
You'd think that would be what White was worried about. Raising a baby on the run as she didn't believe in abortion and N would never kill a baby. Being underage. Not being married. But no, none of those were currently on her list of concerns.
Her main worry was how on earth she was going to explain this to the naive former King of Team Plasma.

She tried many variations in her head. Straight out coming clean. Dirtily explaining while making out. Explaining while they were half asleep. Giving N the Pidgey and Beedrill's talk. She knew none would work. With a sigh, she sealed the pregnancy test in a plastic bag and reminded herself to check the condoms after they'd finished.
"White, where are you, my princess?" White went cold. Oh, shit.

"Babe?" N called again from the lounge room to no response. "Giovanni! Have you seen White?"N had contacted Giovanni, one of his father's old contacts soon after he'd run with White. Being in a similar situation, he'd generously given N his mansion in Johto's mountains. When N had found out Giovanni was living in a cave, he'd literally dragged Giovanni inside. He was now staying in the guest room.
"No," Giovanni called back. White heard N sigh, and decided to speak up.

"I'm in the bathroom." she called with a dry throat. She envisioned N's face lighting up, and him bounding for the door.
"There you are!" sure enough, N was at the door within five seconds. He pounced on White and wrapped her in his arms, causing her to smile. "I missed you, princess," he said, kissing her forehead.

"I missed you too, babe." White answered softly, stroking his face. Then, she wiped off her smile and sighed. "N, I have to tell you something."
"What is it? Am I in trouble?" he asked in a childlike voice. This caused White to smile again.
"No, babe." he relaxed visibly. "No. It's something to do with you though. Me, too."
"Father's back?" N demanded, face hardening. "If he is, I'll deal with him."

"No, not your father either." she sighed. "N, do you know where babies come from?"
"Eggs." he answered immediately. "Why-" she placed a finger on his lips, and he shut up.
"Human babies?" he looked confused now. "You don't know, do you?" he shook his head.
Great. "Well, N. You know how Pokémon lay eggs?" he nodded. "Well, for humans, it's similar. Except they keep the egg inside." N looked well and truly lost now. White felt sorry for him.

"Do you know what we sometimes do?" she asked quietly, rubbing his leg. His face brightened then and he licked her finger. "That's what Pokémon do, too." he pulled away then, horrified.

"MY POKÉMON DO WHAT?" he yelped. White laughed a little at the panic on his face.
"They haven't, N. Relax baby," she said soothingly. He slowly calmed down.
"Then why are you telling me this?" he whined, pouting.
"N... that's how eggs and babies are made." His face went still then.

"When we..." she tried to think of the appropriate word,"...make love," she decided with, "sometimes the girl gets pregnant. That means she's going to have a baby. It takes longer than hatching an egg though. It takes nine months. The girl gets fat, angry and throws up, but then she has her baby." Next time, she was getting Giovanni to explain this. N looked at her, and then laughed slightly.
"Oh... so-"

"Yes." White said softly. "N, I'm pregnant." N's face brightened, and he kissed her.
"YAY!" he cheered. He got onto his feet, helped White up, and then proclaimed, "I have to tell Giovanni!" she smiled as she watched her boyfriend race out the door, yelling, "GIOVANNI! GUESS WHAT!"
"What?" came the answer.
"WHITE'S GOING TO LAY MY EGG!" that's when White facepalmed.

This came to me one night when I was half asleep. It was too cute to ignore.