
Rating: T

Setting: Season 5, Episode 2.

Tara watched the taillights as the van carrying Jax, Opie, Tig and Chibbs drove slowly out of the compound with tears in her eyes. That may very well be the last time she will ever see him alive. She didn't want to think about that, to have such toxic thoughts enter her mind right now because she simply could not believe that to be true. He was coming home. He had to. It was as simple, and as complicated as that. When Bobby came up beside her and slipped his arm around her waist she had to swallow hard to stop the tears from falling. Instead, she put her arm around his shoulder and let him lead her into the clubhouse, taking the comfort he was offering.

Tara let Bobby lead her to a table and sat down when Happy pulled the chair out for her. She smiled at both men as they joined her.

"It's going to be alright sweetheart. I promise." Bobby whispered as he took her hand.

"I know. I know you guys will do everything you can to protect him." She tried to smile but feared it looked more like a grimace.

"I do have some bad news for you though." Bobby smirked slightly so Tara figured it couldn't actually be bad news, just unpleasant.

"What?" She drew the word out and looked between Bobby and Happy who were now smirking at each other on either side of her.

"You're stuck with us two now. Hope that couch of yours is comfy." Bobby smiled and Tara couldn't help but laugh.

"Both of you huh?" She looked at both men and smiled as they nodded their heads like little boys. These two grown, bad-ass bikers. The ridiculousness of the situation was not lost on her and she couldn't help but laugh. "Alright then, which one of you is going to squeeze into Abel's toddler bed?"

The guys looked at each other and Tara knew that there would be some masculine way of deciding this but right now, all she could do was laugh. Glancing at her watch though she couldn't ignore the time. She had to get home to her boys. Her babies.

"Come on darlin' we'll follow you home doc." Bobby stood and held his hand out for Tara's. She took it and for the second time that night, let him pull her into his side and lead her away. When they stopped in front of her car, Tara hesitated. She was still getting a hang of this queen thing, but she knew there was something she needed to do. Feed the men.

"You guys mind making a stop on the way?"

"Where at darlin'?"

"Either of you eaten?"

The guys smiled at her as she opened the driver's door. She watched with a smile as they both ran to their bikes. The image of Bobby running to his bike would stay with her forever, and she was sure, no matter how she was feeling it would always make her laugh. Tara pulled her car out of the lot and glanced in her rear-view mirror. The surgeon heading down Main Street with her Samcro escort. It was a strange life she led.

Two hours later she sat at the kitchen table, with Thomas drifting off in her arms, Bobby sitting beside her with a beer in one hand, the other draped over the back of her chair in a protective manner and Happy playing with Abel. It was a strange family she had but it was hers and not for the first time, Tara could see the merits in it. Could see why Jax would risk everything to protect it. And was awed that every one of those men would give their lives to protect her. No matter what everyone else said about them, these guys were her family, and she knew the deeps of their hearts, knew what lay beneath. They were good men trying to get by in a bad situation. And as queen, they were all now her men and you protect your own.

Hey guys,

I see that so many of you have stuck with me. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. If I don't get a chance to reply to your reviews individually please forgive me, I'm extremely busy in my RL right now, and finding time to even write a chapter is difficult. But I promised a chapter a week, and damn it I will deliver.

Now, I have a serious question for you all. How do you all feel about Opie chapters? I have a couple planned that include Opie in a sweet way, but considering recent events I wasn't sure how many people would like to read those now. :( So please let me know if that is something you'd like to see or not.

Thank you so much everyone and I'll see you in a week. Please keep reviewing. I really love hearing from you all and appreciate the feedback.

xoxo Ally