Title: Does it hurt?

Prompt: Even if you didn't notice Hibari and Yamamoto did chat regularly like friends with out Hibari beating Yamamoto up once in a while. When they did though he'd fine the perfect asking him the most innocent questions.

Pairing: 8018 , fluff

Warning!: It's shounen-ai(BoyxBoy) don't like don't read!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Katekyo Hitman Reborn !

When lunch time came Yamamoto grabbed his lunch and headed to the roof. "Oi, Where are you going idiot?" He heard Gokudera yelling at him. He waved bye to him as he ran off smiling. "I'm eating with Hibari today! See ya later!"

Heading up the stairwell he opened the door and saw the perfect sitting down already. He set in front of him so they were facing each other. "How are you today Hibari?" Yamamoto asked opening up his own bento.

It was filled with sushi from the shop but there was extra for Hibari if he wanted any.

"Fine" Hibari answered taking a sushi roll out of Yamamoto's bento. Hearing chirping they both looked up seeing Hibird . The little bird came down and picked up a sushi roll with it's beak. It was a cute site and Yamamoto laughed. "Hibird…is so cool!"

"He is simply smart" Hibari responded eating another roll. When he ate some rice some got on his face.

He didn't notice it and so Yamamoto licked it off. " What are you doing?"

"You had something on your face…." Yamamoto answered laughing again. Hibari muttered something along the lines of " I could've got it" or " you should've left it there idiot". Yamamoto wasn't quite sure which though.

After awhile of eating Hibari ended up setting his head on Yamamoto's lap and looking up at him.

"Does it hurt?" He asked looking up at Yamamoto blankly.

Yamamoto blinked confused. "Does what hurt?"

"laughing" he responded quietly.

"Does it Hibari?" Yamamoto countered not quite understanding the question.

"I don't know" a whisper came out loud in the awkward silence.

"eh?" Yamamoto almost choked on his drink.

"I've never laughed before…." Hibari pondered averting his eyes.

"Well…then I'll tickle you to make you laugh!" Yamamoto said leaning over Hibari's face.

He asked "Where's your tickle spot?"

Another silent but made loud whisper of "I don't know and what is that anyway?" was heard.

Yamamoto sighed…this was going to be difficult….

Yamamoto tried jokes…it didn't work.

He tried hand puppets….it didn't work.

He tried weird facial expressions and the most he got out of that was "What's wrong with your face?"

Yamamoto was about ready to give up when he felt a peck. Hibird was pecking him on the head softly.

"Hibird…that hurts"

Said bird almost looked happy when it heard that because it continued to peck….harder this time.

"ow…,ow ,…stop!…Hibird it hurts!" He ended up putting his arms over his head but the bird just pecked his arms instead causing more pain.

He starting running from the bird but all motion stopped when one sound was heard.

It was an innocent sound that started soft and become louder, more contagious.

A laugh; Hibari was laughing and so…

Yamamoto laughed too.

They laughed until it was time to go back to class so right before leaving Hibari on the roof top

He whispered a selfish little thing to his perfect.

"I'm happy only I can make you laugh" "Your laughs cute ya know?"

Even if it was selfish it left the perfect dazzled and red.

Author's Note: Yeah, ….well I think at least Yamamoto was in character… _-_…I hope..

Yamamoto: you were, don't down yourself ^^

Thanks, you're very kind

Hibari: I've never laughed before? -_-'

Have you?

Hibari: …..

Thought so…. (:

Anyway hope you liked this …it's a late fourth of July present…