Hey guys! Hope you enjoy this fanfic I created. The OC characters belong to me and that's about it! :D Feel free to comment and give me feedback because I love hearing from you guys! Also, I didn't stick directly to the manga/anime BUT I didn't go too far from it either. I think it'll be okay. ENJOY!

The Present…Koenma's Palace…

They walked into Koenma's palace slightly irritated at the baby prince. He wouldn't tell them why they had to drop everything and go there so early in the morning, but he said it was of dire importance. So the newly appointed demon lord Yusuke Urameshi and the second in commands to Mukuro and Yomi, Hiei and Kurama, walked into the office to see the baby prince sitting at his desk fidgeting nervously.

"What the hell is this about Koenma?" Yusuke shouted.

Besides maturing slightly, his whole attitude hadn't changed much. Koenma looked at him gravely.

"We must leave to Genkai's temple at once. There, everyone else will be waiting and I will explain everything," he said firmly turning into his adult form.

Yusuke's annoyance died down to a look of concern.

"Is everyone alright?" he asked quickly seeing that Koenma's mood was serious.

Koenma nodded.

"For now," was all he said.

The Ningenki…Genkai's Temple…

The men walked into the temple to see Kuwabara, Genkai, Keiko, Yukina, and Botan sitting by a large screen. Yusuke was glad to see they all looked alright. Keiko, upon seeing Yusuke, stood up and hugged him tightly. It had been about a couple of months since they'd last seen each other. Being a demon lord complicated their relationship slightly.

"I missed you, you jerk," she whispered in his ear, but only hugged him tighter.

Yusuke smiled slightly. She hadn't changed much either.

"I'm sorry I haven't contacted you lately. Ruling is a lot more work than I originally thought," he grinned sheepishly scratching his head.

"You actually have to do things," he added when Kuwabara walked up to them.

"Urameshi," he said off handedly.

"Kuwabara," Yusuke returned just as plainly.

There was a pause before Kuwabara broke first.

"I'm your best friend and you didn't think I'd like to hear from you to see how things were going in the Makai?" he ranted.

Yusuke smirked. He knew it was coming.

"Like I told Keiko, it's tough ruling down there!" he shot back.

Hiei and Yukina were communicating silently through their link. He had told her he was her brother after some extreme coaxing by Kurama. She had accepted him with open arms. Kuwabara still didn't believe it.

Koenma spoke before any more arguing could ensue.

"I have brought you all here today because I have grave news," he said solemnly.

Things quieted down and everyone listened closely to him.

"Grave news, Koenma?" Kurama repeated unsure of any bad news brought to his attention in the Makai.

Koenma nodded.

"I have learned, only a few hours ago, that our future…is dying," he said his voice weak.

"What exactly do you mean by dying?" Hiei asked from the window sill.

Koenma nodded in understanding.

"We have teams for many things in the Reikai. We have my father's spirit team who works for him. Then there are you guys who work for me. Then we have other teams. One particular group does not leave the Reikai. We call them the Onlookers. They monitor our future as a whole and individually. And they have notified me that there was a great disturbance in our future as a whole. They gave me this," he said holding up a tape.

The group stood quiet.

"It's a part of our future. I'm going to show it to you and then we must figure out how to prevent this catastrophe," he said gravely.

"Did they tell you what happens that starts this great disturbance?" Kurama asked curiously.

Koenma sighed.

"My assassination," he said and gasps were heard throughout the room.

"Your assassination? Who the hell kills you?" Yusuke roared in shock.

"And this is the act that will probably throw the future into chaos," Kurama deduced.

"Are you suggesting war between the two worlds?" Hiei asked somewhat in shock as well.

"Three," Koenma said holding up three fingers.

"To get to the Reikai or to the Makai you have to go through the Ningenki first!" Botan yelled covering her mouth.

Koenma nodded slowly and slid the tape in to play it.

"Oh and by the way. Many of you have…families," he said and everyone's eyes widened.

Now I have set it up going back and forth between the present and the future, the present watching the future and commenting. I think it's pretty cool and easy to follow, but if anyone gets confused then let me know and I will happily explain anything. :D And please give me reviews.