Storyline : Natsu , Lucy and Gray go on a misson. But Natsu gets controlled in the process of fighting. What will happen ? Keep reading.

Ps. I am sooooo sorry guys this is my first story and stuff so please take it easy on me T^T

A couple of hours before the misson…

"Hey Natsu !" Lucy called and ran over to Natsu with a request/misson

. "What is it ?" the said boy lifted his head up off the table.

"I got a misson for us !" Lucy exclaimed with excitement.

Natsu took the piece of paper from lucy ( almost ripping it out of her hands ) "Hmmmm" Natsu said as he read it. "Defeat the evil forest monsters for a huge reward." ( Reward : 150,00 jewls.) "This sounds great it'll pay off your rent Lucy" Natsu said smiling.

"Yeah" the said girl said with a sad smile in return. "Natsu…" she said with a low whisper.

"Yeah?" Natsu looked concerned.

"Gray is coming with us." "I hope natsu is okay with this she thought."

"Yeah its fine with me" He said with a smile.

Lucy's mouth dropped "Your okay with this!"

"Well of course I am Luce I can fight with Gray on the misson without Erza trying to kill me" He said laughing.

Pissed off Lucy didn't like that and she said "You better not or I'll rip both of your heads off without you guys knowing" With a scary aroma around her.

"Aye !" Natsu said scared. Gray walks over. "So are we leaving now " He said bored. "Yeah" Lucy and Natsu replied in unision , as they looked at each other surprised. Amd the 3 of them left the guild.

Beginning of the misson ( This is the good part I think )

"Your so slow!" Lucy said yelling at the 2 boys dragging there feet and looking tired.

"But we haven't rested in a while" Said whinning Natsu.

"Yeah I agree with Flamebrain here I need to cool myself off."

Natsu was to tired to react that Gray just insulted him but instead he said "Gray your pants he said smirking."

"Shit!" Gray putting his pants back on. The boys looked over at the giggling Lucy. "Whats so funny?" Natsu said looking at her like she was crazy.

"Well." she said snapping back to reality, "You 2 are getting along with eachother without Erza forcing you to she giggled again. They boys stared at each other in disbelief and said "THAT'S NOT TRUE!" they both said in unison then looking at Lucy laughing her ass off.

"Shutup lucy." Gray said jokingly to make Lucy smile even more." I love it when she smiles…What the hell am I thinking he thought."

"Anyways." Lucy said. "Lets set up camp" Natsu finished. Lucy smiled "Yeah". "I love it when she smiles at me" "What am I thinking!" he thought to himself. "Natsu" Lucy said for about the 5th time , "You there?" She asked jokingly. Natsu snapped back to reality "Uhh yes?" He asked retardly. "Can you make a fire for us" She said doing a little giggle from Natsu's expression.

"Yeah sure" The said boy went over to the pit were Lucy and Gray were sitting. Making his finger into fire he touched the wood and a little flame came up and started to make its way to a normal flame. "Thanks Natsu" She looked at Nastu happily. Natsu returned the smile then looking at Gray seeing that his face expression meant "Thanks man".

They both new they were doing this for Lucy's sake she's been through a lot lately. But they didn't know they had feelings for the Cute Celistial Mage.

"So who is going to watch the fire until it burns out?" Gray asked.

"I will" Lucy said. "Since I already have my sleeping bag out here and plus there is only a tent for 2 so I'm letting you two sleep in it" She said offering nicely.

"Okay thanks Lucy I'll be heading to bed now" Gray said tiredly. "Night" Lucy said to Gray , "Night" Gray replied smiling sleeply going into the tent.

"Are you tried" Lucy asked natsu who was sitting right beside her watching the fire crackle and burn. " Not really" Said natsu not even looking at her but putting all his attention on the fire." I wonder whats so interesting about the fire" Lucy asked herself looking into the fire.

Lucy looked deep into the fire and saw things she never saw before. It was liking seeing the past with your own very eyes. Lucy was staring at the fire so much she didn't even hear Natsu talking to her time passed and she automaticly fell asleep.

What will happen next ? Stay tuned to find out what happens in the morning .

Sincerely Wolfsmiley ^^