Disclaimer: Hey! I just wanted to say that I don't own anything.

P.S. This story will definitely be continued. Just letting you know…anyways! This story is without my beta, purplephantasms. I'm sorry! I know you are busy revising The Pursuit and I didn't want to put anything else on your shoulders. Ok? :)

"Heads or Tails?"

"Tails for sure,"

"Oh, you are so going down,"

The coin flipped slowly through the air. I bit my lip, praying for heads. The coin hit the ground with a thud. I wanted to close my eyes, but I wanted to see the result a little bit more. The quarter finally came to a stop and rested neatly on tails. I cursed and Dan pumped his fist in the air.

"Ha! Tails always wins!" Dan cried triumphantly. I buried my face in my hands then looked up at Dan, who was currently basking in his victory. "Aw, is wittle Amy scared of the big bad cobras?" Dan teased and I hit him on the head.

"I am not scared!" I argued, crossing my arms. Dan picked up the phone and put it in my hands.

"Here is your weapon and remember, be careful." He said in a weird accent. I rolled my eyes and dialed the number. I tapped my foot as it rang.


"Hey Alistair, its Amy," I said into the phone. Dan slapped his forehead and mouthed 'Wimp!'

I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Oh hello my dear niece, why are you calling?" I almost laughed at his formal greeting.

"Fiske wants all the clue hunters here as soon as possible. Would you mind passing this message on to the Kabra's for me?" Dan slapped his head again.

"Why of course! I will be there soon."

"Thanks so much!" I smiled and hung up the phone. I turned to Dan.

"Hey Uncle Alistair, can you call my boyfriend and his evil sister for me? Oh you're the best, hugs and kisses!" Dan said in a high-pitched voice and surprise, surprise, I rolled my eyes.

"Ian's not my boyfriend." I objected.

"Oh, you're right. He's only dating you in your dreams." Dan said and I glared at him.

"Don't make me get Fiske," I warned.

"Oh no! Not the Fiskemeister! Please spare me! Can't you see I'm begging?" Dan got down on his hands and knees.

I ignored him. "Fiske!" I called.

"You make things no fun." Dan grumbled and walked out of the room. Fiske poked his head in the door.

"What is it Amy?" Fiske asked.

"Oh nothing," I smiled to myself.

"Dan, did you call the Holts and Jonah?" I shouted up the stairs.

"Yea! Did you call the Starlings?" He asked.

"Yea, they are on their way!" I yelled. "Did you clean your room?"

"Uh… yes?"

"Daniel Arthur Cahill! Clean your room this very instant!" I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Yes mother!" He shouted back.

I ignored his snarky comment and went to my room, straightening all the tiny wrinkles. I had no idea why the family is coming, Fiske wouldn't tell us. Us as in Nellie, Dan, and I. All he told us was that it was very important and the house needed to be cleaned. So thanks to moi, Grace's mansion, now ours by the way, is spotless. Well, besides Dan's room.

"Hello love, fancy seeing you here." A very familiar voice said behind me.

They weren't supposed to be here until tomorrow! I whirled around to see…no one. I heard Dan's laughter about halfway down the hall. I could catch him.

"Oh, you are so dead!" I screamed, sprinting out of my bedroom.

I spotted my annoying brother about to turn a corner, so I picked up the pace. Finally, I was able to tackle him to the ground. He looked up at me and held up his hands.

"White flag!" He cried. I got off him and glared at my brother. "What? Were you not ready for your soul mate yet?" Dan asked and I pried the electronic device out of his hand.

"What's this?" I waved the device in his face.

"A voice recorder, I record everyone's catch phrases." Dan said, taking the recorder back from me. "Wanna hear some?" I raised an eyebrow but agreed. "Ok, here's Natalie's." He pushed a little button that had 'Natalie' written in messy print.

"These are new shoes!" Natalie's voice screeched through the little speaker. Dan clasped his hands together.

"Oh there's nothing I love more than a pissed of cobra." I rolled my eyes, for what, the third time today?

"Ok, let me hear Hamilton's," I said and he pushed the button.

"Uh, what?" We both laughed at that one. Dan was about to hit Jonah's when Fiske walked up to us.

"What exactly are you doing?" Fiske asked.

"Er…cleaning?" Dan suggested. He smiled innocently at Fiske.

"They're coming tomorrow. If you don't clean your rooms, you'll miss the announcement." He said and walked away.

"He wouldn't do that," Dan said.

"Yes I would!" We heard our Great Uncle shout.

"You better go clean your room." What can I say? I give great advice.

"No duh," He got up off the floor and trudged to his room.

Since I already cleaned my room, I decided to pay Fiske a visit. I found him in his study and he didn't look very cheerful.

"Fiske?" He looked up from his paper and gave a small smile.

"Amy, what do you need?" He asked.

"I wanted to know more about why you want all the family to come." I blurted out before I could stop myself. He laughed out if amusement. Then his face suddenly turned serious.

"I'll tell you when the time is right." He said.

"Soon, right?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Yes, it will be soon." Fiske stacked some papers on his desk. "Too soon if you ask me," I heard him mumble under his breath.

"You act like it my change our lives or something." I said and his mysterious eyes met mine.

"That's the thing. It will change your life." He said with a straight face.

"Why have you kept it from us then?" I asked.

"You were not ready." My eyebrows furrowed at what he said. "But now you are."

"Who else knows about it?"

"You will have to wait and see. Now, go get Dan. We have to prepare for the family." He dismissed me with a wave of his hand.

I frowned and went go find Dan. I checked his room and he wasn't there.

"Dan!" I called down the hallway.

I got no response so I kept looking. When I was walking past several doors, I heard a voice in the linens closet. I pressed my ear against the door to hear what it was saying.

"Die! Why can't you die?" Dan's voice yelled at what I'm guessing was a gameboy.

I flung the door open and crossed my arms.

"Er…hello! How are you doing this fine evening?" He asked.

"Hm, I don't know. How are you?" He gave me a small smile. In a second flat, I had his gameboy in my hand.

"Wha-" He gawked at me and I shrugged, grinning.

"What can I say? I was born on a distant planet and have super fast reflexes. Oh and it was nice seeing you again," I closed the closet door, shutting him inside.

"I knew you were an alien!" His voice came out was muffled.

I smiled, dusting off my hands. Maybe this reunion wasn't going to be so bad.

A/N: Hey! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. As I said before, this will definitely be continued! I am not really a one shot writer. It's just not my best suit. As I also said before, I am flying solo on this story! So yea for that…

Wow, this is probably the shortest Author's note I've ever wrote. Whoop Dee Do…


P.S. Oh and this will not be a normal reunion story. Trust me…not normal one bit…