
"Ian, where are those keys?" I shouted through the many rooms of our house.

"Love, I've told you already! They were in your hand two seconds ago!" I heard him yell.

"Ugh!" I shouted, entirely frustrated.

I felt a tug on my shirt.

"Mommy?" A tiny voice said.

"What?" I said a bit harshly and immediately regretted it. "I'm sorry, sweetie. What do you need?"

A pair of amber orbs stared up at me. "I'm hungry."

I sighed. "Logan, you are going to have to go the kitchen and get yourself a snack. Mommy's a bit busy right now."

Logan crossed his arms and pouted. I almost laughed out loud. He looked exactly like his father.

"Then I'll make Daddy get me one," he said, huffing in his four-year-old voice. "Daddy!"

Ian walked into the room, running a hand through his already-tousled hair and holding a stack of papers. "What is it, Logan?"

"I want a snack," Logan insisted.

"You can get one," Ian said.

"But…" Logan widened his eyes and stuck out his bottom lip. "I'm hungry…"

I gave Ian a look that said "If you give into this, I swear…"

Ian sighed in defeat. "Alright, Logan, what do you want? Come with me," Ian said.

I shook my head as Logan followed Ian into the kitchen.


My shoulders slouched. "What is it, dear?"

"I need to show you something!"

Our seven-year-old daughter came sprinting out of her room with enough energy to put Dan to shame. Her glossy, black hair bounced as she halted to a stop in front of me. Her jade eyes fluttered when she waited for me to speak.

"What's so important?" I asked.

"I want Daddy to see me, too!" she exclaimed, waving her arms around frantically.

"Ian! Caroline wants to show us something!" I yelled, and Ian came strolling into the room.

"Mommy! Daddy! Watch this!" Caroline said.

As I saw what she was doing, my breath left me and lots of old memories came rushing back.

"Oh no…" Ian muttered as he gazed in awe.

I looked at my beautiful daughter who was now a midnight-black wolf with sparkling, jade eyes. She howled for effect. Caroline began to change back and she gave us a proud grin. I shot a terrified glance to Ian, but he looked like he was stuck in shock. Caroline spun around and smiled once more.

"So…can I stay home from school today?"

Author's Note: And there you have it!

I can't believe I finished this…this was a huge accomplishment! I can't thank you enough for the support and compliments you guys have given me for the past couple of months! Oh my…when did I start this story? July! Wow…it took quite awhile!

I hope you guys enjoyed it…I really, really do! If you could do me the favor and leave one last comment, that would make my day! Well…now, this last Author's note comes to a close.

I love you guys! Thank you so much!


***AND If you guys can possible muster about twenty more reviews, I might write a sequel. :)***

Alright...now I'm done