"Father, they're invading through the south-east sector, and captured the Raikou village." The red headed woman said angrily.

"Damn it! Just when most of our forces are out in a mission!" Another red head, this a few shades darker, cursed.

"What is the destination of the captives?" The tired voice of the man asked.

"Scout drones confirmed they're being held captive until 'mentally-de-washed', we're sending our troops, and preparing the combat-able remnants of the clan to fight immediately." The first redhead stated.

"I'm going." The old man stood up. Every soldier around gasped. The King, no the God of blades himself was fighting for his country. He was old, he fought abroad, against oppressive governments, secret organizations, evil invaders from other planes and planets, he sweat and bled for his ideal, and founded a country in a remote island. He ruled with power, but compassion for his countrymen for a lifetime, but not satisfied, he was going to lead them himself in battle! At his eighty-and-some years, no less!

"Otou-san-" Multiple voices started in unison.

"It's final!" His voice didn't rise, but grew stern, "If I don't return, make Chiyo my successor. And bury me with Rin, Aoko, Chiho, Uzume and Sakura. And any others with me." His voice was solemn, but determined. We relented.

We climbed the hill till the coast village. Kamikura Island, now country was artificially made through elevation of the ocean floor, was a tropical country with abundant natural resources and advanced technology. But what made its fame was none of that, just its happy people. People that loved, no, idolized its ruler, to a point were no taxes were needed to maintain the government, voluntary donations did it. It was a real utopia. But the UN suspected of mass brainwash. And didn't took our word or proofs for it, they launched an attack. Thousands against the five dozens of our clan, plus two hundreds of our self-defense force.

So we made our stand.

"If it is of any worth, faker, you've been a better ruler than I ever was. It's been an honor, King." In an unexpected act of humility, from the most unexpected person, Gilgamesh bowed to father. For the very first time.

"It's an honor to fight at your side, as always my friend." Father bowed back.

"We are the owners of our dreams. Rulers of our land, makers of our peace." We said as one, no signal was needed, no command was given. All the inhabitants of the country knew that one magic.

"We've shed our blood for this land, and brought our blades for this cause." Our ultimate chant resumed. The apex of our family research, a quasi-reality-marble that allowed for us to fight without restraints, but also without endangering those with us, makes even our area attacks selective-fire-like, hurting only our opponents.

"As one we stand, as one we fight, for those we love, for the memory of the fallen." The enemy troops notice us, and start positioning themselves. We took cover. Their speakers sound loudly, courtesy of Karin: "Those who give up and retreat will be spared! Those who try and fight us are already dead!"

"That is our only power, this is the only way. One army men works." And our hearts become one. We felt as one, we attacked as one. Many powers, many minds, one heart. The supreme secret of our country. They accused us of brainwash, but our unity makes it unnecessary. We care for each other as family. If you're here, you're part of us.

Father charged, and I go with him, with a pair of Chinese blades, similar but different of Kanshou & Bakuya, in my hands. In his were the apex of his personal research, Ashura Rikudouko (six-paths of the Ashura), his personal set of blades.

"80 year old man my ass!" I hear a soldier scream in frustration when failing to shoot him. I chuckle at that, all the while approaching and decapitating a soldier. Another try to shoot point blank at me, only to find his arm missing.

Dad tear his way into the enemy ranks, in his usually suicidal ways, cutting arms, legs weapons and heads without distinction, changing between his six blades with deadly accuracy. Gone was the time where he could spam blades like machine gun bullets. Now, all his od is directed at reinforcement, and he started to carry his six swords when going to fight. I put my hands in the earth, and trace the storm of nameless blades from it, skewering every soldier in a 5 meter radius.

A tank made his way to Tou-san's path, killing two of their own soldiers. I saw both Keiko's and his face darken at that display of carelessness, and a large rifle appear in my sister's hands. That rifle.

Another tank came into my direction, turning his cannon at me. I shot my two mismatched blades at it.

"Spirit and technique, flawless and firm." I trace another pair. A soldier trying to shoot me is hit by one of our troops. I hear an explosion at my left, probably Keiko's finishing other tank.

"Our strength rips the mountains, our swords splits the waters," I strike once again, the blades penetrating lightly in the tank's armor. Father's chant finishes here, from now on is my version.

"Our names are known around the world, our family is loved and feared." I put both of my hands up and trace the third pair of blades, superimposing one with the other and break them.

"We try to attain heaven, and hold blades to protect it." I bring the blade down, straining my mana burst to the extreme. "One ideal, made true." My attack split the tank, and breaks through the soldiers taking refuge behind it, carving a trench in the earth.

It was my first battle, but I was not afraid. If anything I was angry, angry at their lack of respect for our home, for our people, and their cruelty in trying to de-brainwash more like mind-rape our country fellows. I had training and power on my own, like everyone in the clan. I've even earned my first mismatched duo! And I'm 17 dammit! I deserve be famous as one of our prodigy's, not made fun for my unusual hair color, mother to blamed for that.

"Hey pinkie, stop spacing out!" one of my cousins, Saya, called me.

"I have a name dammit! I'm no pinkie!" I feel my eyes turn red at the jibe.

"Only when you get a greater body count then mine!"

One soldier tries to shoot me, so I evade his aim, and throw my silver Katana at him, impaling his torso in a wall. Then I attack another severing his right arm at the shoulder.

I turn left and see gramps slashing through their ranks with his blades. 'I wish I had something that cool.' Their retaliate with the assault rifles, but the old man run up a wall and sever one sniper's (that I notice was pointing the gun at auntie Keiko) arm, and spin to deliver a upward slash, probably cutting his neck off. The enemy's aim start to catch up but he, probably reinforcing himself with runes, jumps to the building across the street entering through one window while piercing another soldier in the process.

I skewer other soldier with my black Kodachi, and retrieve my silvery Katana.

A tank aim to the building, but the Prime Emiya escapes through another window using his spear, Nami, if I remember well, and breaking it in the chained pieces, and bring it down on two soldiers, wrapping one and cutting other, like we saw him do in some trainings. Then he calls his weapon with a flic of his wrist, and change to Reppu, a long nodachi, or I heard it was at least, with blade rune-reinforced for speed, and treated with invisibility. He cut one tank's cannon and caterpillars, and roll under the machine, evading a wave of shots.

I cut two soldiers stupid enough to aim at me and bite the neck of another, drinking his blood to sate my growing thirst.

I feel someone get back to back with me. I know it's an ally, but a glance confirm it to be Arashi. Saya calling for him in her taunting way: "Good to have you here, Cousin. Planning to earn your duo today?"

Ah, the mismatched duo. The unofficial tradition of the Clan, you're only considered an adult member when you receive one Black & White set of your preferred weapon, and prove yourself capable of dual wielding it. The eldest members turned it into the six-paths, the set of weapons themed after the four elements and the black & white duo, which gramps tuned to the extreme with his Ashura Rikudouko.

I toss the now dry body of the soldier after using it as a shield against an sniper, and Arashi turned to right shooting it with his unusual Pistol & Blade (both gray for the moment) duo.

I see my grandfather rolling off from the tank with a black bow in hands and his Yama (mountain), a large broadsword, as an arrow. I slash the chest of the soldier at my right without looking, my attention focused on the old man. Like me everyone in the battleground freeze at the display of prana. Even the normal ones feel it. That is a once in the lifetime moment, when I get to see one of his legendary broken arrows.

"And the blade became fragile, the blade became dangerous, it became broken." I mumble, remembering the stories once told me.

I barely see it once released, even with my reinforced eyes, but I see the results, two of the four enemy warships bursting in flames.

Spinning, I cut the head of another soldier, and turn to a third who drop his weapon and run away in fright.

I feel shockwave of one of Auntie Keiko's grenades at my left, and felt through our link two of our comrade's die. At the corner of my eye, I see gramps dismembering a captain and pinning it to a wall with his bluish spear through his foe's stomach. I kill another of the bastards attacking our home, and drive the blade through his heart with gusto.

Someone a bit more skilled than the norm hits my wrist, knocking my kodachi, and tried to skewer me with a machete, only succeeding in give my arm one gash that is already healing. I release the Katana lodged in the already dead soldier's chest, and claw at his face, which he evades.

"You're a fool giving up your weapons." He spat.

Then I felt my older brother die, and looking at my left I see his body falling to the sand with a vacant look in his eyes. My dark blood stirred at my anguish rage and bloodlust, but instead of putting it down as usual, I encourage it, embrace it even, directing at my brother's murderer. I lose it. My hair turn silver with red tinted tips, my eyes turn red. My fangs grew, and my pupils turn reptilian.

One idiot knock the Kodachi out of my hands, and I rip his head off with my bare hands, all the while ripping my way through their ranks and bathing in their bloods, a murderous smile at my face.

I rolled from bellow the tank, turning it into a crouch. Looking at the distance, my reinforced eyes took in the fighter planes ready to take off from the warships. But that wouldn't do! So I turned my Yamagami, and turning it into an arrow, broke and released aiming for a path that would hit two of the ships.

A plane comes down at me, and I'm forced to avoid its guns with a roll. Another came. I draw the bow string, always in motion, and do what I haven't done for some time now: I trace a sword.

Caliburn would be overkill for a mere F18, so Houtengeki would do. "Trace on" The plane dives, the arrow hits its mark. The arrow is released.

Through the link I feel the stats of all the soldiers of Kamikura. 36 deaths, 40 hurts-

That is when she appeared in front of me, bloody and battered, in such a state that I knew she was going to die. But if she was to go, it was going to be in the only way possible for her, broking herself to kill as many as she can... She kissed me delicately, and her wings of liquid shadow sprouted from her back. "Bye, my beloved." And then she disappeared. No, time stopped, and soldiers all around died all the sudden, missing limbs, severed in a half or simple beheaded.

I shed a tear. "Good bye, my beloved Karasuba." Then and there I decided to break my utmost rule.

Drawing Ryuen, I spun on my heels sending a wave of flames around me for cover, and put the blade on my bow, flooding it with my od. Using a variation I developed based on Negi's techniques, I chant infusing the spell inside the blade:

"Kenotetos astrapsato, de temeto. Dios Tukos." Unlike the boy, I cast it into a hushed tone, moving myself behind a beach café for cover and release the arrow, a clinical part of my mind take note that Gil unleashed Ea in another warship obliterating it and the soldiers in the way completely. My arrow hit the last ship, bursting it in flames and bathing the smaller ones around in a localized thunderstorm.

I focus myself, and the words came naturally, different from the previous times, different from my darker counterpart. I chant:

I am the sword of my pledge,

I saw a pillar of light in the air, probably Matsu using her abilities and striking down the incoming fighter planes.

Tempered in blood and tears,

I've forged tools of war for the sake of peace,

The other allies in the battlefield, sense my od and I feel their attention shift to me. Two even try to attack me, one being interrupted by Matsu's orbital strikes, other by a bullet of one of our island inhabitants.

Never straying, never retreating

I walk this path first, paving the way to my loved ones,

Somehow, even the enemies are looking at me now, the very air stirring at my attempt to change reality.

Certain of the victory in the end, I reach to this answer,

So as I draw the sword, Unlimited Blade Works.

The sky didn't darken this time, nor did the fire come. I felt myself in Kamikura, like nothing ever changed, but something is different. In my hand is a blade of black, gold and red, and its name is Emiya. Around me every one of the warriors defending this island is standing, even deceased ones. Different blades in their hands, all of them from my arsenal. To my surprise even my late wives stood at my side, all of us in our prime.

We charge.

They never stood a chance, neither with tanks, nor with planes. It was a complete annihilation.

I felt the world trying to crush my Reality in favor of its own, but hold it for an extra moment. I turn to my wives, an expression of surprise never leaving my face.

"Is this real? Or is my mind playing tricks on me."

Rin came and kiss me lovingly, for once unashamed of the crowd around us. Others embrace me, and I savored the kiss, the warmth, and when we parted she teased me: "Wanted to do more but we're short on time, and in a too crowded place, honey..."

My reality fade, leaving me and the dumbfolded people in the beach around me, And I fell on my knees, felling the weight of my age and the abuse of my circuits taking its toll on me.

I faint.


We were in the middle of another boring conference with the UN, when we felt the pull. It was something that never happened before, but also familiar. My conscience splits itself between the conference and a battlefield, where I wore my younger body, along with a younger version of my father, and my mothers. I almost cried from nostalgia, but in battle letting your attention wander is a sin. We crushed the enemy. Rin kissed father. And I was back. Looking to my right I could see that I wasn't the only one who had experienced that.

Then the major representative said: "As that was the decision we reached, a preemptive attack was launched at the 15:00 of today-" I gasped, looked at the clock, 17:14, and back at the moron, "and all the members of the self-named 'Emiya Clan are under arrest for dictatorship, and international crimes too numerous to-"

Haru snapped at my right, his eyes going red. Negi, the Mundus Magicus representative as of the moment, stood up, but instead of a declaration he simply said the dreadest words for anyone who knows him:

"Actus Noctis Erebeae..."

It was a bloodbath... And the start of the fastest world war in history of humanity...

I awoke in a different place, sort like a palace.

"I thought we agreed on you never using THAT again!" a feminine, melodic, but VERY annoyed voice asked me.

I raise my eyes to look at her. Sure enough, brown curly waist length hair, yellowish-green eyes, and figure that remind me of Rider-chan, and not a damn piece of clothing. "Gaia-sama?" She glare at me. "There were unexpected circumstances..."

"It's not an excuse for your stupidity! If you think you can keep forcing yourself on me like that, you are so very wrong..." She bend down, looking at my eyes in a fierce scowl, that doesn't make her face less attractive.


"No buts, idiot! If you really want a relationship, work properly towards one." And she turned away.

My mind quoted Uzume: 'When your wives will be enough, darling, WHEN?' I'm almost ninety, and even if I look younger, I don't want another wife. "Gaia-sama?" Specially another Tsundere.

"Don't Gaia-sama me! I made a deal with the root..." My blood ran cold at her words, "And it involves you. You get your loved ones back, and every descendant of you a 'happy end', but I get you."

"Do I-"

"Have a say on it? No. You kept forcing yourself on me for years, and make me like it. "She huffed annoyed," I made you an offer, and you refused, we had terms and you broke them. Now you're mine." Her voice was stern, but with a hint of satisfaction.

"What kind of deal did-"

"I did?" Damn her and that habit of interrupting people! "Every member of your family that dies will be 'moved' to Avalon, which will be granted a super-imposing zone in the Emiya Mansion Shrine. This way you get to see your descendants, and you get your lovers back."

"And you get me?"

"You will only take responsibility for what you've done. I accept no complaints." Her smile became predatory.

"Does that marble that I casted were-" Will I ever be able to finish a question to her?

"Avalon? Yes and no, it was a product of your Unlimited Blade Works, fused with Avalon. I warned you that the sheath was being absorbed into your body last time we talked."


"Now back to your world, darling, and say your goodbyes. After you're finished, go to the shrine and cast your marble for the last time."