First id like to apologies for not updating for a long time the main reasons are health and writers block.

I may be unable to update for a while again mainly due to the reasons above and my computer is close to being scrapped

Thank you for reading

Last time



" Hey Mito-hime Tayu-hime " Naruto managed to say under the both of them but while he tried to get up they refused to move " Uh girls i need to get up " He said hearing them mumble " Sorry what " He asked as he heard them say something.

" We said nuh uh we are enjoying this " Mito said.

" Oh well if you both get off me for now then i have something else you can enjoy " he said and they shot up so fast it was either awe inspiring or scary he wasnt sure.

" So ladies did you miss me " Naruto said as he grabbed both of them and enbraced them with all his might " Because i missed you very much " he finished but befroe he could hear what either of them would say Tayuya smashed her lips into his passionately while Mito pouted when she was finished Mito did the same thing " I take that as a yes " Naruto said.

" Never leave us alone like that again it was soooo boring " Tayuya said.

" Oh im sorry Hime's ... Oh Mito guess what you remember that wave mission right ' he said getting a nod from her foxiness ' Well Haku is alive " he said.

" H-how / Who's Haku " The two asked.

" Right i didnt tell you about that yet " Naruto said before he explained it to Tayuya.

" How is she alive " Tayuya asked getting confused thinking ways for her to like after impalement.

" Three factors one being her bloodline two Tsunade and three Mito " Naruto said.

" Me how " Mito asked.

" She absorbed some of our chakra remember we used equal parts back then my chakra nullafied your's toxicity, it helped her heal enough to stay alive then Tsunade saw her outside of her grave and did the rest " Naruto said smiling.

" Is she going to be Mate number four Naru-kun " Mito asked.

" I dont know but i told her and two others the real reason im in Kiri " Naruto said as he wrapped his arms around the two of them.

" Really why " Tayuya asked.

" I Had to explain that i was going to seal the Sanbi into something after im done " Naruto said.

" Oh " They said.

" So what was that about us enjoying something " Tayuya asked.

" Oh nothing really " Naruto said and flashed to his bedroom in the house.

When they appeared in Naruto's room it was Mito who was the first one to try and say something only to have Naruto's lips snuff that attempt while he started kneeding her ass cheek and pulled Tayuya closer and switched with Tayuya. taking this chance to undress Mito walked a few steps away and started to remove clothing while Naruto started removing Tayuya's shirt slowly carresing Tayuya's body like she was the most fragile thing in the world until he got to her bra strap and removed that taking a step back to admire said red head he turned towards Mito to see her laying on his bed already Naked so he removed his shirt, shoes and pants along with Tayuya.

While Naruto was removing his clothes Mito was enjoying the show along with Tayuya who joined her on the bed When Naruto was finished he walked over to the bed and they sat up.

Mito was the first and didn't know what hit her when Naruto instantly had her pinned dominating her mouth with his tongue while his hands explored her body. In mere minutes the girl let loose a low moaning orgasm that almost sprayed from between her partially closed legs. Mito recovered quickly only to be reduced to a quivering moaning mass as Naruto began to finger her cunt; the two fingers he was using curled so the edge of his hand rubbed against her clit causing the girl to groan before her next orgasm hit her hard. Naruto licked his hand tasting strawberries and… cream, before having the dazed girl taste herself and found the situation slightly reversed only instead of Mito it was Tayuya who was previously playing with herself.

Now Tayuya was above him sitting on his legs, his member being pumped lightly causing the blonde to grunt and moan before Tayuya licked his entire length. Naruto groaned again and again as Tayuya skillfully licked his dick every way possible Mito soon joining her fellow red head. The girls paused before Tayuya took the blonde's entire length into her mouth and part of her throat and began to suck it, while making a vibrating noise much like a purr that made Naruto groan in sheer bliss. Several minutes later Naruto released his seed and making Tayuya swallowed the whole load despite the ample amount of dick still in her mouth. Tayuya having had her fun flipped onto her back spreading her legs until they were perfectly perpendicular to her hips.

"You're surprisingly flexible." Said Naruto humorously as he brought his still erect member to her entrance and teased her a bit.

" You can blame her and her hellish torture " Tayuya said pointing to a sheepish Mito " I said i was sorry " Mito said " Yeah well i should thank yooooooou " Tayuya said only to moan as Naruto slid his length into her.

Once Naruto found a rhythm her started out slowly, Tayuya started bucking slightly matching his pace before the both of them sped up Naruto feeling close to losing it while Tayuya didn't look close. Charging tickling levels of electricity into his fingers Naruto immediately assaulted her breasts causing the girl to scream and clamped down as she came causing Naruto to come along with her.

" Wh-what the h-hell was that " She managed to say " Its a secret " Naruto said before his mouth was claimed by Mito who kissed him hungrily " Naru-kun i want you so badly right now, please make me your bitch " Mito said as Naruto pulled out of Tayuya still hard and layed Mito down starting to kiss her jaw line and work his way down until he reached Mito's pussy and ever so slowly Naruto started to lick prod and tease her.

After a few minutes of this Mito had enough and took charge by flipping Naruto onto his back and statled him Slowly Mito lowered herself onto Naruto's length, As Naruto started to slowly move he created a shadow clone seeing as Tayuya was watching them and fingering herself.

( Twenty - thirty minutes later )

After Naruto and the girls finished insted of getting ready to leave Naruto held both women tightly and enjoyed the feeling of them in his arms while they enjoyed being in them.

" So Naru-kun when are we leaving " Mito asked making Naruto look at her seeing her version of the AKL he sigh's.

" What are you not enjoying this " He asked in a whiny voice with his own AKL causing Mito to stop heres as she saw tears starting to form.

" Damn now thats not fair " Tayuya said seeing both of them do that, Mito tried teaching Tayuya to do it but that ended up causing Mito to laugh her ass off any time she remembered.

" We'll leave in two hours i just want to lay here with you two for a bit " Naruto said kissing them both on their foreheads.

( two hours later )

As they spent the last two hours just laying there talking about whatever they were finally ready to leave.

( Kiri base )

Naruto and the girls flashed into his living quarters and basically the only thing that was in it was a bed big enough for the three of them " A little plain isnt it Naruto " Tayuya said.

" I know Tayu-chan but i decided to forgo everything else so i could get a bigger bed so when you two were here you wouldnt have seperate rooms or you would have to share a room there isnt much because of Yagura, hopefully he will be dead soon " Naruto said.

" Well i think its fine as long as i have my teddy bear at night " Mito said smiling.

" So im a teddy bear now am i ... i can live with that " Naruto said thinking about it " We should go see Mei " He said as he headed towards the door with them following.

As they reached Mei's barracks Naruto was ready to kill multiple people as they were walking multiple men tried to hit on Tayuya and Mito while some tried to grope them only for Naruto to throw them into a wall or a unlucky bastatd who had someones head implanted into there ass who the last they saw was walking like well he cant describe it but it made him feel a little better.

Knock knock'

" Enter " Came Mei's voice and they entered.

" Oh Naruto your back al... " Mei said only to stop as she saw the two beautiful red heads.

" Mei this is Mitoko and Tayuya, Mito Tayuya this is Mei terumi " Naruto said introducing them.

"... oh nice to meet you, so Naruto you have a thing for red heads huh " Mei said polietly then turning slyly.

" Maybe i do maybe i dont you why are you interested " He said causing the two women to attempt to slap him over the head only for him to dodge.

" pervert " they both voiced.

" Now now i maybe a pervert but im your pervert and you both know i wont do anything without your aproval " Naruto said then turned to Mei.

" So if your interested you have to go through them " Naruto said with a wink making Tayuya and Mito shake their heads.

Just as Naruto said that Mei had naughty thoughts about three red heads and a blonde while she tried to fight down a blush she may not admit it but she was always attracted to both males and Females.

" Uh yes well .. Get some rest and we can evaluate these too tomorrow " Mei said just wanting them to leave so she could be alone for some ' Recreational activites'.

" Alright " Naruto said as he and Mito could faintly smell arousal.

( Next day )

Naruto Tayuya and Mitoko headed towards the Training area Mei instructed for them to be evaluated by her and whoever she brought.

" Good morning today you will be facing me Haku and Hitomi " Mei said as they came into the training ground.

" Who's first " Naruto asked.

" Mitoko and me " Mei said looking at them.

" Alright " Mito said as she walked closer while the others went to the side lines.

As they started off Naruto was talking to Haku about what she has been doing since the last time he saw her.

" At first i traveled around until i was able to train then i headed towards the hidden village in the snow to expand my ice Jutsu arsenal, i stayed there for a while before i left to find one of Zabuza's contacts that dealt with Jutsu smuggling who was able to help me with Wind Jutsu from there I went about developing and learning lightning eventually i was spotted by one of Yagura's men so i spent a few months running and training when i could untill i came here " Haku said as both she and Naruto looked back only to see they missed both evaluations.

" Alright you two rest up Ill be needing you four for a mission in three days " Mei said leaving the area soon followed by the rest of them.

" Naruto Mei mentioned Hot springs can you show us where they are " Mito asked from beside him.

" Sure " Naruto said as he headed left.

Twenty minutes later Mito and Tayuya were relaxing in the hotpring with Naruto standing gaurd he wouldnt put it past anyone to try something and he would not stand for that.

" Hey Mito " Tayuya spoke drawing said beings attention " when we get a chance could you train me somemore i have a feeling ill need it sometime in the future " She asked.

" Sure " Was all Mito said as she closed her eyes and sighed.

( Three days later )

Mei's office thing'

" Alright i need all of you to go and meet a contact, Ao Naruto i need you two to head to the boarder of Lightning county, Mito and Tayuya i would like you two to head towards tanaka near iwa, Haku you and Chojero head towards Kusa " Was all Mei said before they each left to get ready.

( A few days later Lightning country )

" What the hell " Naruto voiced as he stared at what was infront of him half the town was destroyed and the dirt road was covered in blood when he heard a scream he dashed forward knowing Ao was somewhere.

When Naruto got to the scream he saw two living figures one was a little girl who was shaking violently the other was a Kumo shinobi with large breasts and blonde hair.

But that wasnt what caught his attention, no what caught his attention was the body on the ground that was slowly becoming Ash.

" What the hell " He exclaimed while the blonde pointed her sword at him causing him to raise his hands up.

" Do Not Come Any Closer " The blonde exclaimed as she moved the little girl behind her.

" Easy there im just trying to find out what happened " Naruto stated as he looked around.

" Show me your neck " The blonde demanded cooly.

" My neck ... Why " Naruto asked confused.

" Just do it " She said never blinking or lowering her sword.

Being cautious Naruto made a clone because it would be retarded to bare your neck when someone has a sword and is unidentified ally or enemy, After that he grabbed the collar of his shirt and exposed his neck.

" I have no idea why i would need to do this so could you please tell me " Naruto asked " Unless you have a strange neck fetish ".

Lowering her sword she sighed a little and ignored the last bit " Its because theres these things i dont know what they are but the best thing i guess is like the legends of Vampires but they dont exist " She said never taking her eyes off of Naruto.

" Uh yea.. they exist " Naruto told her as he remembered Mito telling him stories about every type of being she has encountered. " So this town has Vampires in it ... Great " Naruto said to himself.

It was then that the women moved into a little light and Naruto recognized her from the Raikage's office.

" I know you " Naruto said.

" You do " she asked.

" Aw Samui-chan im the one who informed the Raikage about Akatsuki " Naruto said and it took a few moments for Samui to remember but she didnt relax.

" What are you doing here " She asked narrowing her eyes.

" I cant say im afraid all i can say is im here to test my luck " Naruto said saying the phrase he was told which by the widening of her eyes she was the one he was here for.

" Im afraid the casino is closed " She said " Not that it matters anymore " She finished.

( Somewhere beneath Konoha )

" Hehehehe Orochimaru-sama will surely award me for this information " A shadowed figure said as he was overlooking a few folders that he stole from the interegation department.

" When is my assinment going to be over If one more snot nosed brat uhhh " The shadowed figure stated as he started to seal everything away.

( Kiri )

Everything was going five for the rebels for about twenty minutes before shit hit the fan and with most the heavy hitters away things didnt look so good.

( Naruto )

" ... and thats whats going on here " Samui stated while casting a glance at the little girl sleeping in sorrow.

Nodding his head Naruto was about to speak before they heard a knock on the door cautiously Naruto went and opened the door revealing Ao causing Naruto to look him over making Ao gain a tick.

" What the hell are you doing " Ao asked only for Naruto to check for a pulse ignoring him and causing Samui to sweatdrop if this man was a vampire he could have tried something already.

" Just making sure " Naruto muttered before he let Ao in.

" Ao this is Samui the one we were suppose to meet but so far everything went to hell " Naruto said " Samui this is Ao dont let his sunny personality fool you behind it he's a grouch " He said introdoucing them.

"... Right " Samui said.

" Whats going on here " Ao asked.

" Vampires Ao Vampires " Naruto stated causing Ao to Scoff " If you dont beleive me fine its your choice but as they say seeing is beleiving and i saw Samui cut through one making it turn to ash " Naruto said as he sat down.

Just as Naruto sat down they all heard a ear busting shreik followed by a crash that came from inside of the building they were in making the three shinobi tense and get ready for anything and wake up the sleeping girl.