Hello Fanfiction!

Wow, things are different! I remember the last time I hadn't updated in a long time. Shortly after, I posted a few times, but didn't get any reviews:( So hopefully after I post in a day or so, I can start the review streak back up! …Anyway, we'll see!

Now I've been busy because of school, clubs, and because I'm working more on my novels. I really hate to leave you guys hanging:( But Christmas break, as well as my birthday (Dec. 18th), are coming up, which both mean updates! =) If people stop by to leave me a special birthday wish, maybe I can update faster;)

I'll catch you up on what's been going on! Um, I joined the Russian club yesterday! :D Haha. Uh, I finished the Scarlet letter, and then I finished reading the Crucible today! I got an early start on The Great Gatsby, which we will need to have by next Thursday, the 15th. (Not READ by the 15th. We just need to have purchased the book by then.) But what's good is that I can probably finish it by then! Hello FREE break! Well, except for DCF notes and stuff. But it's better if I actually have the book completed so that I can do the work right away!

Okay, I think this is enough of me rambling for now! I need to go finish my English homework anyway! Okay, I'll make you all a deal: if I finish my homework soon, I'll post something. Probably an update to a story. I really want to post one of my new ones, but I'll need more time to go over everything and check it for errors and edit it! But I'll definitely post by Friday or Saturday! I have to babysit 4 of my cousins Saturday, which is also the day I'm going out for my birthday, but I'll try to post something!
