Hey, I know i shouldn't be writing this when i have other stories to do but I just couldn't get this idea out of my head! I own nothing. Nothing. You hear me! WAAAAAHHHH!

Kiku sighed as he adjusted his thick glasses, the bookstore hadn't had a new shipping of manga in over a week! Now what was he going to do? He'd already read everything they had in stock ten times over, and there wasn't any new anime either! He stumbled a bit when someone shoved passed him. He cursed the busy streets and rude people of this village, they always mocked him and compared him to his brothers: Wang Yao and Im Yong Soo.

Yao was revered as a beautiful and heavenly man that was admired for everything he did, even when he Woked* someones dog. Yong, as Kiku preferred to call him was well known for his cheery attitude and love for pranks that he never got in trouble for, he was also fairly handsome. Then there was Kiku, he wore glasses so thick you couldn't see his face, he always read Manga and watched anime, was a recluse and was widely known as a nerd. No one ever admired him or played with him, he was a disgrace to his family they thought. His own father was like them too, he didn't tease or bully him though, he just didn't go out of his way to help him with anything. Sometimes he almost wished that he was invisible like Matthew, the boy no one ever noticed because his brother, Alfred always shadowed him.

Alfred was nice to Matthew when he could see him though, Kiku's own brothers weren't hostile towards him, they sometimes even had him join in on their games, but most of the time he was their lackey. Fetching them things when they wanted them and the like. He was, much like Matthew, obscured from view, hidden in the darkness because his elder brothers light blocked him out. He'd been compared to his brothers exceptional looks so many times that he actually came to think of himself as ugly and disgraceful. this was the biggest reason why he studied so hard, so he could at least live up to his family in some way, but it did him more harm than good.

The oriental house Kiku called home was in sight, and so were Yao's many suitors and Yong's fellow pranksters. Not a good combination for the Asian, both groups didn't like him in the least and took much pleasure from tormenting him. Maybe if he went around the back...no, that was a cowardly thing to do. With his mind made up, he strode past them with his head held high. He could feels their eyes burning holes in him but he made it into the house before one of them could do something.

Inside he was met with a strange silence, he continued down the wooden corridor, looking for his brothers. He found them in the dining room, a huge mess strewn about their fallen forms. The teen gasped and ran to them.

"Aniki! Are you alright?" He cried, shaking Yao's body.

"So...hungry..." Came the weak reply. Hearing a similar answer from Yong, he shook his head, looking at the mess they made in a pathetic attempt to feed themselves. He dragged his brothers bodies into a sitting position so he could clean up their mess and prepare their food. It was simple meal, since they'd destroyed most of the ingredients. Miso soup and unagi with rice. Kiku brought them their food, and they ate without thanking him. The youngest of the brothers merely sighed again and untied his hair and apron.

"Yao-niisama, where is Otou-sama?" His Nii-san didn't look up from scarfing down his food when he replied "He hasn't come back yet, still looking for a new maid."

Their father had left their home three days ago looking for a new maid to hire because the last one had quit in a fit of rage from being the victim of Yong's more disgusting pranks. Such as slugs in your tea or dead bugs in your bed. The maid before that was fired after Yao's charms and excessive flirting got the better of her.

"This is Yong's fault!" The eldest brother suddenly shouted "You're also guilty you player!" Kiku ducked his head, trying to avoid the flying objects until it was finally too much.

"P-please sto-" They all froze. There was a hot wetness seeping through his white uniform, tofu and green onions were sliding down his hair. The room was filled with raucous laughter "Hahaha! look at you! You look ridiculous!" They both screeched.

Kiku was shaking with rage and embarrassment, but he did not act on his emotions. He never did, for fear of going too far, or insulting his peers. He walked away from their jeering and went straight to the bath, shedding his stained white coat and shirt. As he went to put his dirty clothes in the laundry basket he noticed a manga book inside, a certain manga book that happened to be the first book in his favorite series. He must've forgotten it the last time he took a bath, well, it wouldn't hurt to read it again would it?

"Ohhh! I love this part!" Kiku squealed in delight. He cleared his throat and straightened his back stating in a low tone "I do not require such things, for I am but one hell of a butler..."* He couldn't contain his glee anymore and broke out in a grin, that was his most favorite part. He loved it when dark butler came and annihilated the scum that dared touch his Master. It was so touching and loyal and...romantic!

Yes, Kiku was squealing over a theoretical Yaoi pairing. You see, he'd grown up in an environment where men also lusted after other men, courtesy of his elders brothers and their suitors of course.

Sighing this time in content happiness he drew himself up from the now lukewarm water and dried himself off, taking special care not to look in the mirror before he placed his glasses on. He didn't want the mirror to break after all.

Now Kiku was starting to get worried, it had been over five days since their father had gone searching for a new maid.

It usually took only a day at most, girls were always jumping at the chance to serve their crush/idol/obsession. So this was a reasonable cause for worry, unless his brothers popularity had suddenly gone down the drain which, last time he checked (Meaning this morning) that hadn't happened, it actually seemed as though their admirers had increased.

Kiku was growing tired of taking care of his brothers needs that were getting increasingly obscene. He knew they were just taking advantage of him now, but he had to take care of them until his father returned with a new maid. yet, he really didn't want to care for them anymore...So he set off to find their father, knowing that his brothers fans would gladly help them.

Kiku remembered his father heading off in the direction of the forest, grumbling something about finding better maids in a new area...

He rode his favorite horse, she was completely black, like ink, and had the most beautiful glassy eyes. That was another difference between him and his family, they all preferred stallions that were white or brown, but never black, never female. They preferred those colors because they thought it made them seem powerful and manly, like a prince or a king. No, they weren't narcissistic at all.

"hmmm...Let's go this way girl, I can see horse tracks." They had come to a fork in the road, and though Kiku could see the obvious difference between the two roads, one dark and emitting a black aura, the other filled with light and flowers, he chose the dark path, because he recognized his father's horses footprints.

Off in the distance he could here wolves howling. Kiku urged Tsubaki* -his horse- to go faster down the over grown trail. The deeper they went the more evil the place seemed to get, the trees were jagged and withering, the ground was hard and cold, there was barely any sound save for the rustling of dead leaves and the wind that was slowly picking up. It seemed like forever until off the side of the trail a large castle was just barely visible. Knowing father, he probably went there to ask if he could have one of the castles maids. So Kiku steered Tsubaki onto the stone paved path. The castles stature was grand and foreboding, so much so that Kiku almost expected lightning to flash behind-Oh, it just did.

Rain began falling down in huge droplets until it was barraging him and his horse with almost painful force. Kiku quickly leaped off Tsubaki's back and tried opening the iron gates. They creaked open with surprising ease, and he lead them up to the stone stairs, pausing at the door, not wanting to leave Tsubaki out in the rain, but not wanting to offend the castles owner by bringing an animal inside. Looking around the fast grounds Kiku spotted a covered area just big enough to protect her from the rain. Leading her over to the area while laying his cloak over her back to keep her warm, he ran back to the great wooden doors. Thoroughly soaked as he pushed the doors open, he tried to wring out his clothing while still outside. When he wasn't dripping anymore he made his way inside, calling out every few steps.

"S-Sumimasen? Is anyone there?"

"I-I don't mean to intrude, i-is anyone there?" Kiku thought he heard something, a gruff shout and some curses. He followed the sound as best he could, walking down a winding stair case that was dim and full of cobwebs. At the bottom, he could see his father yelling curses at nothing, there was no lighting in this room, only what little light that came from the window high up on the wall.

Kiku walked over to his Fathers cell, crouching at the bars, his father hadn't noticed him yet, still to busy with his shouting.

"O-otou-sama, are you alright? Why are you in the dungeon? Did you do something wrong?"

"Shut up!" He snapped viciously "I didn't do anything wrong, and of course I'm not fine! " Kiku flinched a bit. "G-gomenasai..."

The man merely scoffed, "Whatever, just get me out of here."

"B-but how?"

"I don't know! just do something before that thing comes back!" Kiku frowned a bit in confusion "Thing? What are you talk-"

"Who are you to try and free my prisoner, trespasser?" A low voice questioned. The soaked teen froze and slowly turned around.

There was a huge silhouette standing there, on the outside of the circle of light the window created. Kiku stared fearfully for a moment before answering shakily

"H-he is my Otou-sama, and I don't mean to be a trespasser. I called out many times if-"

"Silence." The shadow did not shout, but the tone of his voice made it a clear demand. Kiku jumped this time, jostling his glasses, He quickly put them back into place.

"Do you wish to make a deal then," The obviously male voice continued "in exchange for your father's freedom, you will lose your own and stay here with me."

Kiku paused, weighing his options, then "A-Ano...do you think that you could maybe...step into the light?" the shadow seemed to hesitate before complying.

When he did Kiku gasped.

A million red, gold and green scales glittered in the silver moonlight, steel claws flexing, tails swishing dangerously.

"Y-You're a dragon?" Kiku looked the great reptile up and down, from it's scaled feet to it's broad silk clad chest. He stood upright, a towering 8 feet at least, his eyes were a glittering dark purple. His dragon head was expressionless and seemingly calm, but from the narrowed eyes you could tell he was angry.

Ignoring Kiku's surprise he asked once again "Will you exchange your freedom for your father's?"

"I-I..."The trembling bespectacled teen thought about his options. It wasn't like he was really needed back in the village, and no one would care if he disappeared. His father on the other hand, would be missed, and the village would most likely be thrown into ruin, seeing as he was the leader. Kiku really didn't want to stay here though...he still had things he could do like-

A calloused hand grabbed the back of his wet jacket, slamming his head into the bars. "What the hell are you doing! It's your duty to protect your family with your life-and what you are hesitating you ungrateful wretch!" He whispered harshly.

"I-I am very sorry Otou-sama." Turning back to the great dragon, he stood, putting on a brave front. "I accept."

Immediately, the iron door swung open, a flash of gold and his father was thrown into an old style Japanese carriage, except instead of people moving it along, it had it's own legs that scurried across the ground carrying his fathers shouts farther and farther away.

Before Kiku could even blink he was thrown head first into his cell. He hit the floor hard with a thud, just barely missing his glasses. Struggling to get up he turned toward his captor who had turned his back to him.

The dragon-man felt Kiku's glass covered eyes on him and he spoke with disdain "Did you wish to say goodbye to your father?"

"U-um, no. It would have been a waste of time for the both of us..." He continued much more meekly "I-I was actually wondering, if you might um, take Tsubaki-my horse to a drier place? I don't want her to get sick because of me."

The dragon man almost seemed surprised as he turned back to him. "Very well, boy, I will see to it that she is cared for..."

"I-It's Kiku sir, Kiku Honda." The dragon didn't say anything in return as he swept out of the dungeon leaving the small Asian to shiver violently in the cold.

"Master...Since the boy Kiku will be staying here for...a while, don't you think that he should be given a room?" A brown cuckoo clock asked. "That's right! That's right! If he stays down there he'll be dead in a few days!" Exclaimed a very hyper candelabra.

"I will tomorrow, if I am too lenient the boy will surely cause trouble. He needs to know his place in my castle."

"I think he already knows his place Master. He spoke very humbly and politely to you, he was never rude-at least, I don't think he was rude at any point..." The cuckoo clock continued.

The dragon sighed. "You are right, but people change. He may have been acting out of fear." The servant could find no refute to that, he hoped that the young boy would be okay...

It was so cold...The hay was damp from his clothes that he had chosen not to remove. They were supposed to keep him warmer but the damp cloth merely chilled his body more quickly. Kiku was sure he'd get sick if he lived to see tomorrow. If only he had a fever, at least then he wouldn't be so cold.

Kiku's eyelids were getting heavier and heavier with each passing moment, but no, he couldn't fall asleep or he really would die. Maybe he could walk around a bit to warm himself...?


No he couldn't move from his position, his legs were so cold. Then..something to keep him awake, let's see...he could tell himself scary stories so that he'll be too scared to sleep. Yeah, that sounds good. Now, what kind of horror stories involve a medieval castle...?

Wasn't there a man who loved killing his subjects? Yes, his name was-well, his nickname was Dracula. He had torture chambers placed above his sleeping quarters so their anguished screams would lull him to sleep. He would have people impaled on spikes daily and was rumored to actually enjoy drinking the blood of his fallen subjects.

Kiku sighed, all he was thinking about was actual history, he'd never read any kind of book or manga that had any kind of horror story about a castle. Wait, but with all those dead bodies lying around, couldn't someone resurrect them? Wouldn't their souls be vengeful and violent? Wouldn't they drag anyone who was inside the castle down to hell so they could experience the same pain that they felt?

Kiku felt grim fear settling in on him. He was always really scared of zombies and the like, especially dolls, the creepy little monsters. Out of the corner of his eye he could see something glinting in the darkness, but the rest was obscured by the thick rim of his glasses. Those shiny spots reminded him of those black beady eyes those murderous dolls would have-oh Kami-sama!

Huge scaly-clawed feet clacked down the stone stair case. The master of the castle had decided to come down to the dungeon much earlier than he had planned, might as well give the boy his own room... He rounded the corner and saw the teen lying in the same position as when he was first thrown in his cell. Was he alright? He hadn't really died had he? It didn't look like he was breathing and he couldn't tell if his eyes were open from those thick glasses of his.

"Are you alive, child?" The body didn't move, but he heard his answer "I-I a-ammm..."

"Get up, then. I will show you to your room." The dragon stood there, watching the struggling figure finally force himself onto his knees. The boy's cheeks seemed a little pink compared to the rest of his pale skin, but no matter.

"This way." He motioned to the staircase with a long clawed hand.

Kiku grabbed onto the iron bars, supporting himself. He could move now, but he was really shaky and it seemed that he had a fever like he'd hoped. He was a little warmer now, but still not enough. He tripped on his way out of the cell and nearly fell on his way up the long winding stairs.

He was starting to have some trouble with all the walking around, but he did hear that the west wing was forbidden and didn't bother asking why. It would have been rude. They turned a corner and there was another large staircase with blue carpeting, that must be the way to his room. Okay, just remember this and I'll be fine Kiku thought red is forbidden blue is my room.

They finally stopped at a large door. The Asian was breathing a bit heavily now but he hid it well. You should never show weakness in front of anybody, they will take advantage of that Kiku remembered. His childhood had been a very good example of this.

"You will join me for dinner, in the meantime you can explore the castle...but the west wing is forbidden. Understand?" Kiku merely nodded his head. When the dragon-man left he quickly walked over to the door and locked it, he was going to take a nap and he hated it when people just barged in. Hopefully though he would wake up when it was time to eat, he didn't want to offend his host-if that was what you could call the dragon.

Walking back over to his surprisingly huge bed, without bothering to take off his shoes he plopped down onto the soft material and instantly fell asleep.

The dragon knocked on Kiku's door and was met with no answer.

"Boy, it's time for dinner." Still no answer. He was getting a little annoyed now "That was an order. Come out!" When he was met with silence for the third time he tried opening the door, but it was locked. Now he was angry, was the boy trying to escape? They had an agreement though, maybe he should have kept him in the cell a little longer... He strode down the carpeted corridor, still mindful of his sharp claws slicing up the fabric, he tapped three spots on a strangely plain wall and a door opened. The dragon-man didn't want to have to deal with anymore broken doors from his temper and was thanking himself for placing the boy in the room with a secret passage.

The wall in the far corner of Kiku's room slowly opened, and the dragon-man stepped inside. Taking a quick sweep of the room he spotted a flash of white and gold on the blue silk of the canopy bed. The boy still had his glasses on so he couldn't see his eyes, but his breathing was even. It seemed the boy was more tired than he'd let on. He stepped to the edge of the bed, looking over the sleeping figure. He moved to take off the boys thick almost bottle-bottom glasses when he began to stir. Quickly he drew his talons back, waiting to see if the child would wake. He did not.


Deciding to let the teen rest he quietly left the room, wondering what he was going to do with the leftovers dinner was sure to have.

When Kiku awoke, it was almost unbearably hot, but he was cold at the same time. Darn, he'd been hoping that a nap would cure him of his fever but it seemed he just gave it a better chance at getting worse.

Oh, right...He needed to go down for dinner. What time is it? Dark brown eyes scanned the room, but there wasn't a clock. Judging by how dark it was outside, he'd probably over slept.


Kiku shot up, swinging his legs over the side of his bed and stretched a bit before unlocking his massive door and making his way down the corridor. He shakily walked down the stairs, putting his glasses back into place when they shifted, when he reached the bottom he realized he had no idea where the dining room was.

Then he'd have to go through trial and error...This was a most terrible predicament.

2 hours later

Kiku was getting increasingly tired from all the walking he was forcing himself to do. He'd finally given up on trying to find the dining room and decided to just go back to his room, but he couldn't remember where he'd come from and the place he was in right now didn't look familiar at all. To make things worse, Kiku's fever had gotten higher, a lot higher judging by how blurry his vision was getting and the way he could barely stand up anymore.

He came across a large stairwell that looked a lot like the one that led to his room. Thinking the red around his vision was fever induced, he quickly stumbled his way up, leaning heavily on the polished rails for help. When he rounded the corner his room was on, he found nothing but a wall. Had he gone the wrong way? Wait, there was a door over there, had he miscalculated? Slowly, using the wall to support him, he inched his way towards the open door, the cool wood feeling good against his hands and forehead.

When he was finally inside, everything was dark, and from what he could tell, the furniture had been moved. Most of it looked torn or broken, but the dizzy teen couldn't really tell, all he could see were the outlined shapes of the furniture. Out of all the gray and black, he saw a different color on the far side of the trashed room. It was glowing a bright blood red, it looked like it was floating too. Curious, the bespectacled teen wobbled over to the glass encased object. He reached out a shaky hand to touch the glass-

"What are you doing here?" A growling voice hissed. Kiku turned around to see who it was, and saw that it was the dragon. He opened his mouth to answer but was cut off by an angry roar.

"You disobeyed me! I told you this place was forbidden. Yet you went here anyway..." the great beast trailed off, clawed hand reaching out to grab something, but Kiku couldn't tell what, it's shape was too blurry.

"GET OUT!" the sound of wood breaking was heard behind him, Kiku immediately tried to run, but his feverish body was sluggish and heavy. The second time the dragon-man threw furniture at him it hit him square in the face, shattering his glasses while also slamming his head into the rooms central stone pillar. Yelping as the shards were drove into his skin, he ran out the door, pain giving him strength to escape.

He didn't know how, but somehow he had made it outside, cold snow falling heavily, he took a step down the stone stairs and hissed in pain. Gripping his left thigh, he felt big slivers of wood embedded in the bruised skin. He had to run away from here-no! he had made a deal with the beast. He could not break his word, but, what about Tsubaki? He couldn't force her to stay with him in such a horrible place-

Whinnying off to his right Kiku turned and saw his favorite horse. She must have broken out of the stables somehow he thought absently.

"Come on girl...I-I am going to get you out of here..."

The dragon was breathing heavily by the time his fiery rage had calmed down to a fading ember. He looked around the room, it was in even worse condition than before. Where did the boy go...? He went over to the only untouched table, the one that supported that accursed flower. He reached for the mirror next to it.

"Show me the boy." He commanded.

With a flash of green the boy appeared before him. He was outside with his horse, limping towards the gates. So he plans to leave, I knew he was dishonest. the dragon thought bitterly. He was about to leap from the balcony to keep the boy from escaping when he heard him cry out from the mirror. Looking closely now, he could see the boy was bleeding, a trail of crimson behind him.

Had he done that? He continued watching the injured teen struggle to get up, what was he doing...?

It appeared that the teen was attempting to push his horse past the gates, but she wouldn't budge.

"Please, you need to leave Tsubaki, I don't want you getting hurt." The boy wasn't leaving, but he was trying to get his horse to? He continued his fruitless struggle, arguing with the mare to move. It seemed she didn't want to leave her owner behind. How loyal.

The master of the castle felt of strange pain inside him when he saw more blood dripping down the boy's leg.

"F-Fine...I'll go with you alright? But I will walk." Tsubaki looked suspiciously at him, but trotted forward once Kiku wrapped his hand tightly with the reins. The moment they were outside the iron gates, a multitude of things happened.

A harsh wind blew by, slamming the gates closed with a terrifying skreeeaaach!

Tsubaki was frightened from the alarming sound, thus galloping off into the snow covered forest.

Kiku's hand was wrapped so tightly in the reins that he couldn't escape when Tsubaki took off, thus being dragged off while clutching desperately to the horses saddle to not get trampled.

Despite Kiku's attempts at stopping Tsubaki, she only went faster with the sounds of wolves howling in the background.

Kiku's fever was getting worse and worse, the strain put on his body becoming greater and greater. His grip on the saddle was weakening, he didn't know how much longer he could hold on-Kiku slammed into freezing wet snow when Tsubaki jolted to a stop. Momentarily blinded with white, he manages to untangle his bruised wrist from the reins. Several growls are heard nearly right in front of him. Pushing himself up on shaky arms, he see's an entire pack of haggard wolves. They looked deranged, from hunger maybe? Oh never mind that! They needed to get out of there!

The dragon who had continued watching after Kiku was dragged off, growled when the wolves came. He would not allow the boy to be hurt. With this thought in mind, he jumped from the balcony and tore threw the snow, following the smell and trail of the boy's vibrant blood.

Gold flashed above Kiku's head, and the wolves were thrown backwards into the trees. There was the mighty dragon in all his glory, and he looked absolutely ferocious. Then, the wolves attacked, clearly too hunger-crazed to see the danger they were in. Steel claws slashed through dirty fur, slicing through skin and bone until finally coming out the other side. Through Kiku's hazy eyes, it seemed as if the entire world had been stained crimson, the pure white snow now completely tainted. The last thing he saw was the gleam of the dragons massive claws and the pretty way it's golden scales glimmered in the fading light.

With the wolves dead, the dragon turned to the fallen boy. It seemed he had fainted, his breath came out in foggy white clouds. Moving over to the fallen figure he very carefully picks the Asian boy up and smoothly dashes back to the castle.

Once inside he rushes to the boys room and sets him down on the soft blue material of his bed. The boy is panting very heavily, and his body is completely flushed, sweat and blood running together down the boys face. Calling his servants, he has a medicine box instruct him and his servants on healing the injured boy. They needed to remove the boys wet clothes. Using his claws, he slowly cut the material off the boys pale skin.

The dragon could feel that strange pain stabbing him when he saw the condition the teen was in.

The skin was torn and bleeding, left thigh embedded with big splinters of wood from the chair he had thrown. Face cut with some tiny shards of glass from when he hit the boy square in the face with another piece of furniture. The boys fever was very bad, he'd had to have had it for three days at least. That was around the time he was first thrown into the cell. Now that he thought about it, the boy's clothes did stick to him strangely when he first saw him. Had his clothes been wet? and he'd stayed in that freezing cell with those clothes on? Of course he'd have gotten sick!

That must have also been the reason why he had been sleeping so deeply only a couple of hours ago. Why did he leave his room if he was so sick?

When the boy started coughing, it broke the great dragon out of his thoughts, eyes snapping back up to his face...


Kiku blearily opened his eyes. He could feel thick bandages wrapped all over his body, some even on his face. The pain he had felt before had healed to a dull, constantly throbbing ache. It seemed he was back in his room. How did he get back?

Brief flashes of the night before gave him his answer.

"So...he rescued me. Even though I broke our deal?" Kiku closed his eyes, he still had a bit of a fever it seemed. The familiar weight of his glasses was gone he realized! He had to hide his face! He didn't want to insult the dragon who had so graciously taken care of him...!

During his inner turmoil, Kiku didn't notice the door opening, nor the great scaled figure that now stood beside him.

"I see you are awake. How are you feeling?" The voice, despite being in a low quiet tone, reverberated throughout the room. Thus shaking Kiku out of his worry and into a panic.

Quickly sitting up, he cried, "Iya! Miruna!(2)" trying desperately to cover his face with his arms. Oh! I shouldn't have yelled at him! Will he be angry?

Despite the past happenings that would support the dragons violent temper, he was not angry, merely interested in why the boy was so afraid of showing his face. It seemed that he could see just fine without the glasses too, so why...?

"I...I am sorry for yelling. I just do not wish to offend you with my face..." The poor child looked so distraught...

"I am not offended in the least." The dragon reasoned, extending a claw to lightly trace the bandaged covered glass wounds of the boys face.

"I hope your wounds do not scar, it would be such a shame for one so beautiful." Kiku just stared at the dragon. What was he trying to say? He shook his head in confusion. The dragons features sharpened, eyes narrowing.

"Are you suggesting that I am a liar?" He ground out. Kiku's eyes widened in panic, he hadn't meant to make him angry!

"N-No! It is just that, well...I am not beautiful as you say-"

"By who's standards?" The dragon interjected, making Kiku flinch a bit.

"Th-The people from my village, my father, my brothers-"

"How do you see yourself?" The dragon cut in again.

This made the teen pause, not sure of how to answer.

Slowly he said "Surely, not all those people can be wrong about what they see." The dragon nodded, contemplating.

"When is the last time someone saw your face without glasses?" He asked.

"I-I don't..."

"When was the first time you wore those glasses?"

"U-Um...since I was ten?" The dragon nodded again. "People have forgotten your face, they merely judge you by someone's influential opinion. Who?"

Kiku knew what the dragon was getting at. "My father, and brothers."

"Believe me when I tell you that you are beautiful, because, boy, you are."

That was the end of their conversation.

It had been three days since then, Kiku's wounds had been healing very well. He was terribly bored though, for he had been confined to his room until the dragon had deemed him well. All his meals were delivered to him by some very friendly teapots. He had also made friends with a hyperactive candelabra and this cuckoo clock that always yelled at the happy light. The candelabra kept suggesting that he have pasta for every meal while the cuckoo clock argued that it wasn't healthy, and they would continue this argument, Kiku enjoying the humorous company they made.

"Eto...What do you think I should do to apologize to...Dragon-san?" The candelabra and cuckoo clock stopped their argument to look at the injured boy questioningly.

"I broke my agreement, by leaving the castle grounds so-"

"You should give him a hug ve~!" The candelabra exclaimed. Kiku flushed at the thought "I-I do not know him so intimately!" He stuttered.

The candelabra just rolled his eyes "You know him very intimately, he saved your life and saw you naked!"

"What!" He cried.

"He means that when he was taking care of you he had to strip you." The cuckoo clock reiterated for him.

"O-Oh..." Kiku breathed a sigh of relief, face still burning.

But...He has done so much for me, I suppose we are already that intimate.

Over the next few days of recovery, Kiku had his mind occupied with different scenarios in which he could thank the dragon-man for all that he'd done for him. He had a pretty good idea of what he wanted to do, but the dragon-man hadn't come back to his room since their conversation of his looks. He gingerly felt his legs, hoping they had healed enough to move around a bit. The bandaged teen really wanted to talk to the dragon-man and thank him...

Deeming his legs fully healed, he slowly turned his body towards the edge of the bed. Using the best post for support, he balanced himself as best he could and wobbled to the door. Just as he was about to grab the handle and thus gain the new support he needed, the huge doors swung open, and Kiku fell forward.

Right into the arms of the master of the castle.

Okay, for me, this is one hell of a long chapter that took me longer than two months to write. Meaning that the next chapter will come out whenever I find the time and motivation.

* Woked-Wok, the iron pan that China always carries around and attacks Germany and Japan with, I meant that he cooked someones dog. This is a stereotype, not me being racist.

Aniki- Another way to say Brother, it can be used for both older and younger brothers.

Sama- A honorific you add on to the end of someone's name, it shows great respect for that person or it means that this person is of a higher and more important rank than you. In this case, when Kiku uses Sama, it shows how distant he is with his family, to be calling his brother's name with such a great title.

*Tsubaki-A Soul Eater reference.

Otou-sama- Very respectful way to say Father.

*"I do not require such things, for I am but one hell of a butler." Reference to Kuroshitsuji, Sebation says this when the head of the Italian mafia begs him to work for him using bribes.

Sumimasen-A more polite way of saying "Excuse Me"

Ano-A way of saying "Umm..." or "Erm" Like when you need to interupt someone's conversation but don't want to be too rude about it.

Itai- Most of you should know what this means, if not..."Ow!" or "Hurts!"

Yabai!- "Not Good!" or "Oh crap" or "Oh No!" all depending on how you say it.


Miruna!-"Don't look!" a more polite way of saying this would be Minaide kudasai which is like saying "Please don't look"

My computer won't allow me to write in Japanese and I don't know how to set up the program so I can, I think it's really weird writing in furigana but I'll deal with it. I would like to know what you think of this story, contructive critisicism is much obliged and i think I just spelled critiscism wrong...oh well. How's the plot so far? It will take me a VERY long while to update by the way. Escpecially if the chapter is to be about the same length as this one. If you don't care as long as it's at least 3,000 words long then I might be able to update sooner. and this will just be a long promo.