Okay, so it's been a long long LONG-ass time since I've update d'cause I was having major writer's block- but then SOMEONE *meaningful stare at "anonymous"* someone messaged the hell out of my email and though it was annoying it was also…endearing-and it got me off my lazy ass. So whoever it was thank you for the (obnoxious) encouragement.





Kiku opened his eyes when no pain was felt. The tree was creaking heavily with Li-sama's crushing grip. Following the enormous black claws and up a shimmer of red and gold he couldn't help but jump at the close proximity of his savior. His eyes were so intense, drilling back into his own sepia pools. He began to fidget, feeling more than a little flustered.

"Arigatogozaimashita, Li-sama."

Li watched the teen's face heat up nicely. How could he let his actions put the boy in danger again? He was a danger to Kiku, he realized. The curse man couldn't bring himself to say anything, too guilty for words.

They both shifted awkwardly for a while, Li still holding up the tree like it weighed nothing.


They both blinked, the tense atmosphere broken by Kiku's empty stomach. He had to hold back a smile at the way his guest blushed all the way to the tips of his ears and down past his kimono which he realizes must be soaked with melted snow. Gently tossing the tree away he extended a claw for the boy to help himself up with and when he was upright, quickly removed the outer thin layer of his yukata, making the teen stutter in embarrassment.

"It is time for Lunch."

Kiku glanced worriedly at Li-sama from his place inside scaled arms. The misunderstood creature had not spoken since they left the garden. He was taking a breath to gather his courage and question his savior on the matter when they entered the dining hall.

It was just like he had walked into the first chapter of Kuroshitsuji with a glorious and elegant gleam residing around the traditional Japanese cuisine that lined the low mahogany table. A medium sized bowl with steaming miso soup, tamagoyaki placed in a way that imitated daisy flowers, maguro with wasabi and for the main dish- unagi-donburi! How expensive!

Li gently placed him on the floor where he politely assumed the seiza position, knees curving easily beneath him while the dragon took his place on the other side and assumed a more relaxed position, looking just like feudal samurai Kyo,*.


Kiku was trying to enjoy the heavenly way the maguro practically melted on his tongue, but he couldn't knowing Li-sama was upset. Silence never solved anything, usually.

"It was not your fault Li-sama."

Finally the dragon raised his head, "It was."

Kiku shook his head, putting his chopsticks down. "It was an accident."

Li angrily stabbed his eel with a black claw, "Caused by me."

"I wanted Li-sama to play with me and was happy when he did! It was my own selfish want that caused it-it is not Li-sama's fault!" Kiku straightened his back angrily, but quickly deflated, not used to having such paroxysms.

Li brought another piece of eel to his maw the glazed meat dangling almost daintily on his talon.

Kiku watched this in silent amusement, relaxing slightly. "I will not ask you to do that again, but I would still like to play and have fun with Li-sama."

Li, already having forgiven himself, quickly found his mind had fallen into the gutter with the asian's plea. Oh how Li would like to have fun with the petite teen, playing games with blindfolds, melted chocolate and ice, caressing that soft skin-sharp claws, damn. Not to mention…

When I was human I was large, but as a dragon…


He snapped back to reality to look at his desire, who was leaning forward slightly, eyes concerned-eyes filled with lust as those amorous lips dripped with white- No! not now, control it, control it!

Li's eyes scanned the dining room wildly, trying to find something to distract him, any longer and he'd be finding out just how far little Kiku's body could-yes!

"Is there any hobby you have that might be doable here? I'm sure you would not be satisfied with walking in the same garden all day everyday." Unless, of course, I satisfied you in the garden with my-NO DAMMIT!

Kiku had not noticed the great dragon's inner turmoil, for though he was totally freaking the flip out on the inside, he was calm as a boulder on the outside. "My hands have felt empty. They long to grasp wood once more."

Hands feel empty…? Long to grasp wood…? Does this boy even know what he's insinuating?

"I have not been able to draw for such a long time, to create art; paintings- anything like such and I would be most grateful."

…Oh great; a tease. He loved those. The oblivious teen didn't even know this to boot! Or perhaps…We'll leave that option open for investigation…later. For now-

"To the art studio then, shall we?" Li nodded the way, and Kiku followed him gladly, already eaten his fill.

Kiku felt jittery, Li-sama did have an art studio!

Flash Back

"Feli-san, I feel like I should do something to express my gratitude to Li-sama, but I don't know what to do. What could I give him that he doesn't already have.?"

The little chandelier hopped up and down "Vell, you could break the c-"

Ludwig-san quickly knocked him over the head, his alarm blaring loudly to blot out the rest of Feli-sans words.

Feli-san's sculpted face pouted heavily before returning to his gleaming grin" Okay since that's not going to happen just yet I say you get naked with Mister Li! "

"Wh-What!? I-I could never-ha-hazukashii!"(Too embarrassing!)

The gold mantelpiece just hopped onto his bed and started dancing around. Well, as ,much as any chandelier could. "Nonsense! Just call him to your room, pull him down onto the bed-"

Feli yelped as Ludwig smacked him again. " You're not allowed into the kitchen anymore, you've been spending too much time with Francis again."

Feli looked aghast and quickly hopped to the door. "Noooo! I won't be able to make my pasta without the kitchen~!"

Ludwig merely sighed heavily and waited for his friend to completely leave the room. When his panicked screams stopped echoing the cuckoo clock turned back to Kiku.

" The Master has never received anything home-made. Always some expensive superfluous item that had no meaning to both the giver and receiver. Though I suppose a painting or picture of some sort would do most good."

When the bedridden teen gave him a blank look he elaborated "haven't you noticed the lack of art around here? No paintings whatsoever-especially portraits. The Master hates his appearance and everything associated with it."

End Flashback

It was then that Kiku decided he would create something for his savior with his own two hands. Something that would show Li-sama just how enchanting his appearance was, that he was not feared.

They arrived at a plain white door, smaller than all the others he noticed. It seemed a tight fit for Li-sama anyway. Kiku politely turned the knob, knowing it too small for his dragon's large hands. What was inside took his breath away-

To the left, a solid wall of paints; each in a clear glass bottle that shimmered in the faint light coming from the cloth covered ceiling. Everything was covered in dust and though worn by age still in almost prime condition. The wall directly in front was also covered by fraying tarp, from behind it were glowing squares, bright from the midday sun behind it. When he pulled down the cloth he was met with a lovely view of the snow layered gardens, the balcony was piles high with ice, snow new and old, and fallen leaves, branches. Turning back around Kiku saw that the drawing room was actually circular. Everything centered itself on the easel that was directly underneath the pillar of light that shone through the small tarp hung from the wall. The right of the room was full of all the odds and ends for art, more than half of which he couldn't name.

He twirled around, taking in the tarp covered walls and dusty floor. "It's perfect!"




"Why won't he let me in?" Li growled, "It's been three days since he locked himself in. Has he been eating? Sleeping?"

The enchanted appliances flinched with their Master's piercing gaze directed upon them but nodded fiercely. "We know for sure that he is eating. Though he doesn't open the door while we're around, when we come back there are empty plates ."

Li relaxed a bit, but he was still agitated and worried. Why did Kiku barricade himself in? Had he misjudged the teen's reaction and had actually been frightening him the entire time? No, he could smell fear, and right now all he sensed was calm and..dedication. Paint, there was also a heavy wave of paint fumes that wafted from underneath the door. Perhaps he missed his art more than he'd let on? Either way, locking himself inside had no excuse.

"A week from now the skies and snow will be cleared with the first heat wave of late spring. Then, we raid the castle and rid ourselves of that beast!"

Numerous weapons were raised into the air, a loud roar of excitement and bloodlust following. Near the back of the mob a few teens shuffled nervously, doubting Kato's words. A single question ringing through all their minds.

What beast wouldn't slaughter this bastard on sight?

Toris made eye contact with Matthew, "There's no way Kato could've escaped if this beast were really so terrifying and merciless."

Li roared in anger tail lashing about and knocking over several priceless vases he couldn't give a damn for. He had hid behind a corner, waiting for the moment Kiku opened the door to leave the plates and had tried to forced the door open. Not only had he failed spectacularly-the teen being much stronger that he looked-he'd gotten a pale full of hit pink paint splattered all over his face and wherever else the liquid dripped onto. Did the brat know how hard it was to wash dirt and grime out of the millions of small groves in his scales?

He stormed down the hallway, not caring as his talons ripped gashes into the floor, and made his way to the baths.

Kiku sighed happily, he was finished! He stood from his stool and stretched, throwing his arms back and groaning. Li-sama hadn't come since he'd thrown paint at him. Had he gone too far? But it was Li-sama's fault for trying to ambush him! No matter, once his master piece had finished drying he would immediately present it to his savior. Maybe he could take a nap while he waited? It was quite a large painting, so it would be at least a couple hours. He hadn't really spared his body much rest, so…black eyes trailed over to the convenient couch placed near the balcony window.

A few hours later...

When he woke, the light streaming through the window was orange and dim, tinkling light reflected across the walls.

It's time He thought excitedly.

But for the next few days his precious Li-sama was nowhere to be found. Often times he felt his intense gaze, but when he turned around all that was left were flickering shadows. He was clearly being avoided. Nothing he did would ever force the dragon to reveal himself either; smashing plates, ignoring food, jumping from heights (though somehow he always managed to fall in a snow trench) and other things that would have enraged his savior out of hiding. Perhaps it wasn't extreme enough?

There is only one thing I know that will have him baying for blood. But do I really want to face his blind rage a second time?

Kiku ground his teeth-

"Men! Our time is soon. We leave the day after tomorrow." Kato cried.

The men thrust their weapons forward and answered back with a resounding bellow of "Send it straight to hell!"

Red is dead, red is dead, atta!(There!)

It was much harder to find the forbidden portion of the castle when he wasn't sick, but he finally found it. Climbing the steps he turned the corner his room would have been on, remembering his fever-induced mistake. Follow the empty wall with your hand and…there was the door. Still shut tight and much more foreboding than he remembered.

Gathering all his courage with a deep breath, he twisted the handle and stepped inside.

Li recoiled violently when light invaded his domain. Whirling around he growled threateningly, trying to scare the boy off. It had no effect, and Kiku continued to walk towards him.

"Why have you come here? I told you it was forbidden!" He moved in front of the glowing glass, determined not to let him see. "I am within reason to kill you with this offence!."

Kiku could only glare, feeling more than a little spark of irritation. "You act like a child caught being naughty."

Li growled again, but moved back protectively as his chance at being human took a step forward.

Kiku continued to walk forward until he was nearly brushing against scales, "You show me yours and I will show you mine."

Li's head reeled, "Wh-What?"

Kiku looked him straight in the eye and said, "We both have something we've been hiding yes? Show me yours and I'll show you mine."

"You have shown that you will not harm me…" Li said, beginning to deflate. They stood there in silence for minutes when Li heaved a heavy sigh and moved away from the table.

It was a lily. A spider lily to be exact, and there weren't many of its long petals still left on its stem. That aside, it was glowing, pulsing, but it was weak and soft. Why would…?

"It is my reminder of my curse-as if this hideous form wasn't enough- and my countdown to when my body will be permanently like…this."

Kiku marveled at it, placing his hand on the glass surrounding the flower and feeling a warmth from it.

"Is there a way to break this curse?"

A bitter scoff behind him; "The one cliché I can't obtain: True love. To love and be loved in return. To kiss with love is to break the spell, and I…have never loved anyone-and now it is even too late for one to love me."

Tug Tug

Li turned his onyx eyes onto Kiku, who's warmth he could not feel through layers of steel. The great dragon allowed himself to be pulled from the room, keeping his eyes on the hand that did not fear him. They stopped at the studio, the very same art studio that he got paint chucked at him for trying to enter.

He wouldn't move any further, call it what you will, but he was feeling petulant at the moment so bug off. Kiku pulled harder, and huffed when he didn't budge.

He threw the doors open "Please look."

Li's eyes widened. There was a large painting in the center, and it was of a dragon. A magnificent dragon with gold and red scales an unseen light behind him. What was astounding though, was the kind and human smile on the beast's lips.

"It is how I see you, Li-sama." Kiku's soft voice came from behind him, "You are an amazing being, and I cannot fathom how you see yourself in such heinous light. You saved my life, and are in fact very kind. But I can see now that you are also lonely, when you don't deserve to be."

Li would deny it later, but he was shaking. Shaking in disbelief, gratitude for such a wonderful gift-

"Thank you, Kiku."

The teen flushed in happiness, it was the first time Li-sama said his name! and then…he turned around with a smile that made him go weak. Pure joy radiated from his face and Kiku's heart wouldn't shut up.

A clawed hand reached out, caressing his cheek and he couldn't resist leaning into it, bliss on his face. Li's heart warmed with affection.

"This is the one who I…"

"Master! Master! Since you two have made up now let's have a banquet! Something to celebrate! And wine! And pasta! Lots and lots of pasta!"

Though more than a little pissed at the candelabra "Yes, I believe this does call for some special preparations."




"You should wear this, it will make you shine." Ludwig said.

Kiku nodded thoughtfully, both ignoring the weeping Feliciano in the corner "No pasta? Nothing Italiano? Why~?"

"This hairpin…may I use it?" Kiku pointed to the pin, stained red with crimson glass sakura blossoms hanging from the end. The clock looked contemplative before nodding confidently.

"It was our Master's mother's hairpin, I'm sure he will love it."

His mother's? How could he wear such a precious-

"Wear it, and you will see." The clock interrupted.

Kiku nodded nervously.

"Now…what should we do about the makeup? Feliks!"

On the other side of the castle very much the same thing was happening…except eleven times worse? Why eleven? Because this went one step further.

"Master! Please stay still we need to make your hide gleam."

"Then don't brush against my scales! Tear off anymore and I'll tear out your hairs." He growled at the brush. She did not cower though, instead she smacked him with herself much like what she would've done if she had been able to wield a frying pan.

She paused in her brushing, "Hmm..I don't think we have anything you can wear without tearing it to shreds the moment you move. Perhaps we could try dulling your scales?"

Li growled then, leaping out of the tub. "I'm finished. I will wait for Kiku in the dining hall."

"Oh no you don't! We haven't waxed you shiny yet! Girls!" The door slammed shut with the weight of thirty buckets of boiling water. From behind he was surrounded with many brushes and cleaning cloths and being passed from the back of the sea of toiletries came a tin of…wax.


"Hit him with a bucket of water when he breathes fire! It'll keep him from doing it again for at least thirty minutes!"

"Tomorrow we ride! " Weapons again were raised to the sky before dispersing, the men gong back to their homes to spend what may be their last few moments with their family.

Toris and Matthew had gathered more people who doubted Kato's words, and they all agreed that something wasn't right? Why, if the beast was indeed so bloodthirsty and powerful, had it not already come down and raided their village and pillage their people?

Whatever the case, they just hoped Kiku was alright.

Li now awaited Kiku, still coughing up water at random intervals, but with an admittedly glossy sheen to his still razor sharp scales. No way in hell would he let that she-demon dull them.

The door creaked loudly as Kiku stepped inside, and Li's rope of restraint was pulled taught.

Starting from the bottom, flashed of red and black Geta were seen through the layers of cloth, followed by sleek bare legs. The kimono itself was spread out around his shoulders, a darker variation of crimson within a thinner, white layer that was almost see-through. Li new that if he were to pull the fabric down even an inch, he'd expose those cute pink-control! Restraint is the path I take!

But more than that, Kiku's hair, it was…exquisite.

Using his own mother's hairpin, only a small portion of hair was pulled back from his face, but even that little bit, with the hair hanging in front was more enticing than those legs of his.

Li couldn't help himself, "You look delectable." he purred, loving the healthy flush that rose to the teen's cheeks.

"anata mo" (You too.)

Li mock widened his eyes as Kiku assumed a very rigid version of seiza (quite an accomplishment)

"I look delectable?"

"E-Eh!? Iya, eto…sugoku..kakkoyokutte…" (Eh? No, um…you look very nice and…)

Li chuckled, letting Kiku know he was merely joking.

"Hon, hon. Le dinner is ready~" Came a voice from god knows where. And from the same place the food was twirled out onto their table. There wasn't as much as before, the twice the display. It was a giant Japanese fishing boat filled with fish. Most were sliced neatly, and some had the colorful heads of salmon at the front and back of the ship. Bean sprouts hung from the mast like a waterfall and Kiku swore everything was sparkling. He almost didn't want to touch it to preserve its beauty.

But he was really quite hungry so, oh well.


Munching happily on his tuna some fifteen minutes later Li-sama clapped his hands, and on a varnished oak cart came several boxes of sake.

"I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, for not seeing me and my servants as forsaken or hideous, you are truly a kind soul."

Kiku blushed and allowed the dragon to fill his cup.

"I am not as you say, a kind soul…I have much darkness floating within me. A-And, I've never had sake before."

Li smiled slyly, taking a long sip from his own cup, "I am curious to this this darkness of yours…and I am happy to be giving you your first experience with alcohol. It is one of my favorite, and I hope you will also enjoy it."

Kiku nodded again, bringing the cup to his lips. The smell was intoxicating and floral, which was strange he thought. He tilted his fingers and allowed the liquid to slide over his tongue and down his throat.

"It's good!" He exclaimed before hurriedly sipping, almost gulping it down and quickly asked for a refill, which Li gave, albeit haltingly.

Three bottles and six cups later…(By now Kiku just started serving himself)

Kiku lay heavily on one hip, legs spread out the side of him, kimono spread out even more by his relaxed position. Every time Kiku bent his head to drink Li saw a flash pf pink nipples, pert with the constant rubbing of the cloth. Cheeks flushed and eyes half lidded with molten sex just burning in those orbs.

And Li's Rope of Restraint twisted even tighter.

"Mmm…Li-sama..that is your real name…?" Kiku purred.


"Did you know…that I'm great with my hands?"

His rope was starting to fray…

"Yes…I am quite skilled in Kendo and archery…"

Tease! Tease!

Li coughed a little, wondering what kind of information he could pry of Kiku's normally tight lips. Tight lips wrapped around-shiiiit

"You mentioned a dark side to you…"

"Hmm…?" Kiku shifted, allowing half the kimono to slide almost completely off his body. The thin white layer underneath remain, covering what little skin left not being shown, but just barely.

"Aah…Well," The lascivious male before him sighed, "blood is just…such a pretty color…isn't it?"

The man caressed his bare shoulders, shivering in pleasure, "Feeling it run down my skin, warm and wet and just so…pretty."

He moaned in pleasure, even going so far as to suck on his index finger. (After dipping it in the sake, of course)

"I find it hard to forgive and forget sometimes…there are some things that are so wrong, it'd be wrong not to punish them." Kiku gripped his cup quite harshly. "Power is something I used to long for…not openly of course; I hate people who have no minds of their own, following others like sheep-have they no honor!?" He was almost shouting now, but he quickly mellowed, and swished what sake remained in his cup round and round.

"People rarely spoke to me when I was outside. And if they did, it was to ridicule and mock. My otousama-…ano KASU!(that scum!)"

Kiku was shaking in rage-or perhaps drunkenness?

"I think it is time for you to sleep." Kiku pouted, but reached out like a child wanting to be picked up. Which he did.

Li carefully embraced the drunken temptation, who was getting pretty grabby.

"Mmm…let's play hide and seek tomorrow…doesn't that sound fun..? Catching me? Heheh~ Catching Li-chama sounds fun…"

Li decided that he would only give Kiku sake on special occasions. Very special occasions.

"Found you again Li-sama! Are you doing this on purpose?"

Li laughed from his perch on the roof, looking like a very formidable gargoyle. "I resent that! Kiku is much too perceptive."

Merumerumerupaaaaaaa! Merumerumerupaaaaaa! Merumerumerupaaaaaa! Merumeru~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Kiku jumped from his spot behind a massive china dresser. "Odorokasuna!" (Don't scare me like that!)

Li merely smirked. "This is much too easy. Are you sure you're not doing this on purpose?"

Kiku grinned

Grab everything you'll need men! We leave now while the sun sinks ever closer to setting."

They trudged forward mercilessly on the plants, stomping through mud and guk all while jeering loudly. A smaller less zealous group walked behind them.

"Guess we'll finally see what has happened to Kiku."

"Haaahh…so tired."

They'd been playing for an unknown number of hours and now Kiku wasn't sure if they were still in the game or not. It was near dusk at any rate, and Kiku was tired.

Closing the door to his room he shuffled behind the changing screen. He stripped off the dark blue yukata he was wearing and folded it neatly, undoing the fundoshi he grabbed the normal underwear he'd picked out from the drawer this morning.

He didn't hear the open and closing of his door, nor the tinkling of scales.

Just as he was slipping his underwear over his bum, the changing screen was thrown back.

"Found you-"

Both Li and Kiku froze. Kiku from shock, and Li from…shock by overexposure. Kiku had his tighty whitey's just barely pulled above his package, the back was caught on the perky curve of his white globes. …He was staring. Staring way too much.

Li moved closer to say something as Kiku's facial cheeks heated up, but was interrupted by ugly shouts coming from the outside.

Gliding over to the windows, and leaving the nearly nude male to quickly pull his undergarments and white tank top on, his keen black eyes saw a mob of people, all with weapons, makeshift and otherwise.

"It seems your village has come to rescue you."

Kiku now stood aside Li, still in only tank and undies.

His hands curled into fists "Otousama has come to rescue his pride, not me." He turned to the dragon, "We will fight, yes?"

"Of course we will."

Kiku strode over to his giant talking wardrobe who actually didn't speak much.

"Berwald-san, might you have something suited to combat?"

The wardrobe groaned for a moment before tossing out a uniform almost identical to the one he wore when he first came, but it was black, and there was even a cap to go with it.

Shrugging on the black and gold threaded doublet, he pulled on the black slacks and placed the cap on his head. Li nodded his head in approval; he cut a very fine figure with that, looking every bit the part of a blood-loving soldier. All he needed now was…

"You mentioned skill with the sword?"

The mob had broken though the iron gate yelling this little triumph they fell silent with the woosh and slam of the castle doors.

Kiku stalked down the steps, a muramasa at his hip.

"Why have you come here, Otou-sama?"

Kato blustered, shocked by this new man that stood proudly before him.

"To rescue Kiku!" The men behind him shouted in agreement.

The militia man before him only smirked, even going so far as to cock a hip. "I had no idea otou-sama had named his precious pride after me. I'm so honored."

Kato growled "Where is the beast, son?"

This time Kiku covered his mouth with a gloved hand, almost like he was…laughing at him!

"What extensive evasion tactics! How I wish you had taught me your skill."

Kato saw red, unable to take this humiliation.

He charged forward-

And steel met steel in a large spark. Kato was appalled at the strength he was feeling, arms shaking with exertion, trying to force back his son. Instead, he was forced two, three, four steps back as a vicious grin grew on Kiku's lips.

He brought his face close, "You're so weak, Otou-sama."

A vain pulsed in Kato's forehead and he swept his katana to the side, breaking their power-play.

Kiku didn't miss a beat, twirling around and immediately lunging for his father's gut. Kato missed the brunt of it, but was still nicked in the side. The swipes and slashes seemed endless, blocking stole nearly every scrap of concentration the arrogant man had. As sweat dripped into his eyes, momentarily blinding him, Kiku kicked him hin the stomach, sending him sprawling on the ground. He had no time to register the pain in his head when ice cold steel pierced through his shoulder.


Kiku grinned again, eyes reflecting the blood that poured from his wound. He pressed his sword deeper through muscle and earth.

"Stay there for a while." He walked towards the mob that watched him fearfully.

"It seems you do not recognize me, fellow villagers. I am Kiku Honda, the one that your leader wanted to rescue, the one that he just attacked." He spoke with loud confidence.

Kato continued to struggle with the blade that pinned him down.

"My otou-sama here forced me to take his place as the dragon's captive, calling me worthless and pathetic. A hypocrite yes?" Kiku smiled.

The mob cowered back in fear as a large shadow appeared behind the man in black, it was the beast!

"But what he didn't know was that he had abandoned me in the kind care of Li-sama. This beast as you so nicely call him, has saved my life twice. Now tell me," He continued, "if this beast is so horrible, why am I not dead? Why am I not wounded at the very least? Why, after all the years you've known me, am I more vibrant and alive than ever?"

The mob didn't respond, processing his shocking words.

Kiku took a step backwards, placing a gloved hand on a massive bicep, catching Li's eyes.

"And now…I have realized something very important." He smiled with a deep blush.

"Li-sama, I…aishite-" Kiku gasped as pain bloomed in his chest. Looking down he saw a blade sticking cleanly out of his chest. He fell on his knee, breathing heavily.

"Never turn your back on an enemy, fool!" Kato boasted.

The backstabber was knocked on his ass as the dragon loud out a ferocious roar. Grabbing the hilt of the sword in Kiku's back he tore it out smoothly, and snapped the blade in his grip, shattering it.

Two stories up, the last few petals of the enchanted spider lily began to shake. There was only a single petal left now.

The two eldest brothers rushed forward, eager to claim fame. But the dragon whirled around before they could even draw their weapons. They quickly retreated in their steps, stopping near where Kiku still kneeled. Hearing his labored breath the brother closest to the wounded man sneered and kicked him.

Now, why he would do this I know not. It could have been in a desperate attempt to calm himself and feel powerful in the presence of this awesome beast. Either way, it was the worst thing he could have done.

The final petal fell.

And fire erupted from the dragon's mouth.

Kiku watched in awed horror as Li grew larger and larger, no longer standing on two feet. He walked on four large claws, neck elongating as he changed.

A full fledged dragon he was now.


Fire surrounded his brothers and their screams were hideous. When the smoke cleared…well, his brothers were no longer beautiful, hell, they weren't even okay-looking! With such massive and extensive burns the dragon snarled as though he were laughing.

In a rage the mob swarmed the dragon, but he was too fast. Spreading his massive, blood red wings he took flight, barely feeling Kiku's grip on his foot.

Now perched on the highest tower of its castle, it let out a screeching cry, and the iron gates slammed shut. The people cried out in anguish as they couldn't get the heavy iron to budge.

The dragon coiled its body, ready to pounce on its victims below when-

"Li-sama! Please don't do it! Don't lose yourself!"

It paused, turning towards the familiar voice.

Kiku was sitting heavily on the gilded fence on the flat surface just below the dragon, who had curled itself around the cone-shaped roof.

"Please Li-sama," he tried again, "I can't lose you…"

The dragon decided to ignore the stupid human, he wanted blood and he wanted it now. As he began his lunge Kiku's voice rang out on more time.

"Datte, Li-sama no koto ga aishiteimasu!" (because, I love Li-sama!)

The dragon froze, but his stillness was short lived. The roof could barely support his massive girth, and it collapsed. Tail lashing out in panic, he knocked Kiku off the fence and into unconsciousness.

The dragon squawked in fear, realizing his mistake as humanity began to return to him. He leaped for the falling form, scales flying from his body until all that was left, was a coal-haired man in a red kimono. He embraced Kiku's unconscious body as they fell through the air, desperately pressing a kiss to his still lips.

As long as we're together..I guess it's alright.




Like hell it is!

Li's eyes flew open, and wings burst from his back-

"You would like for dinner, Master?"

"No, that will be all Francis."

Li turned back to Kiku, tightening their entwined fingers.

"So would you mind telling me what happened after we landed?"

Kiku laughed, taking a small bite of egg roll before answering.

"By that time I had regained consciousness, and when I saw you laying there with your arms around me…" he blushed, "I knew it was you."

Li smiled warmly rubbing a thumb over his love's smooth skin, but Kiku's smile then turned deviously dark.

"Otou-sama tried to kill you then. But I cut off his arms."

Li's eyes widened before he began to laugh heavily. "Guess he won't be able to touch himself anymore. Of course, that won't be a problem for us will it?"

To the prince's surprise, Kiku's smile became even more devious. Then he realized why, looking at all the bottles around the table. How had he…?

"It will only be a problem if you're naughty…"

This time Li cut his Rope of Restraint.

Okay! It's done! It's a little sloppy but Goddamn!