I sighed. Oh how I wished school was over so I could go home and relax. There was a spot on the couch at home with my name on it, microwavable popcorn and my entire collection of Charmed. I owned every season from one to eight. What made tonight even more special was the fact that my parents were going away for a weekend conference with their works and wouldn't be back until Monday.

I glanced at the clock on the wall high above the whiteboard, groaning when I noticed it was still only ten to three. God, apparently time seemed to be going rather slowly. There was only ten minutes till the weekend but I couldn't wait.

I was currently in my History class, listening to my teacher drone on about the History of America which had been discussed not two months ago

'Stupid teacher' I thought.

Pulling out my iPod and the headphones, I plugged the headphones in and put the buds in my ears before searching through my music for something to listen to. I stopped on E.T. (Futuristic Lover) by Katy Perry and sighed, fiddling with my iPod before I began playing Solitaire.

The ten minutes finally passed and the bell for the end of the day finally rang. Packing up my things, I followed the rest of the students out of the classroom and through the corridors spilling out of the front doors heading for cars, buses or some kids walking home.

Quickly hurrying to a bus, I slipped on and found a seat in the middle leaving the back for the jocks. They always sat on my bus and I wasn't sure why. Continuing to play Solitaire, I realized that the song had changed and New Divide by Linkin Park was playing

'That's strange; I don't remember putting that on there. Unless my stupid cousin did when he borrowed it last time' I thought.

The bus pulled out of the school and began to drive all the kids home. I closed my eyes for a moment as it was going to be a long while before I was getting home. My music changed back to E.T. (Futuristic Lover) by Katy Perry again and I ignored it

I watched as a war took place in front of me; giant robots fighting each other, left right and centre. There were humans as well, military men. There were also innocent humans, running away. And there was also a boy with brown hair and brown eyes holding what looked like a cube like structure.

He was running towards a white building while a black robot with cannons and blue eyes protected him with the aid of a lime green robot with red lines on it. It too had blue eyes.

There was another robot; this one appeared to be bad for he was fighting all the robots who had blue eyes while his were red. The ones with blue eyes were protecting the humans.

The evil one followed the boy into the white building while the boy ran up the stairs of the building, hearing the robot taunting him. He dodged an attack from the robot and continued to run up until he arrived on the roof of the building. He noticed there were black hawks coming towards the building and he lit up the flare, waving it so it smoked.

The black hawks came towards the building and he stopped as one rose up, a female military black ops member reached out to take the cube from him when he turned and saw a missile heading for the black hawk

"LOOK OUT" he shouted hurrying away from the edge as the black hawk was hit and began to go down.

The boy climbed onto the building's ledge behind one of the statues that looked like Mary, mother of Jesus

"Hand me the cube boy and I will let you live to be my pet" the evil robot said

"I'll never give you the cube" the boy shouted trying to keep himself from falling off of the building

"Oh, so unwise" the robot said before bringing out a large mace and smashed the statues.

I watched in horror as the boy fell off of the top of the building screaming.

My eyes flew open and I gasped, breathing heavily. No one seemed to notice and I realized we were just pulling up in front of my house. Grabbing my bag and shutting off my iPod, shoving it into my bag, I stood up and walked down the bus to the front as the bus pulled up. The door opened and I turned to the driver

"Thanks Frank, see you tomorrow" I said

"See you tomorrow, Bailey" he smiled as I got off the bus and stood there watching it drive off before turning and heading to the front door.

Rummaging around for my keys in my bag, I pulled them out and unlocked the front door, stepping over the threshold

"Is that you, kiddo?" I heard my dad call out

"Yeah it's me. You guys haven't gone yet?" I replied as I headed to the kitchen where I found my father standing against the counter eating an apple

"Your mother is taking forever as usual" he rolled his eyes "so what's on the agenda this weekend?"

"Charmed marathon."

Dad shook his head, a smile appearing

"Go figure" he chuckled as I heard tromping on the stairs and soon my mother appeared in the kitchen "took you long enough, Kate"

"Shut up, Zack. Let's go" she said coming over and kissing my forehead "have a good weekend Bailey"

"I will."

I walked the two of them to the front door and waved as they climbed into their cars and drove away. Closing the front door, I headed to the kitchen to make myself two bowls of popcorn. Entering into the kitchen I walked over to the pantry and stepped inside pulling out the two homemade popcorn packets that only needing microwaving. Walking over to the microwave, I stuck them inside and punched in the right time and pressed start.

Leaving the kitchen, I raced upstairs to my room after grabbing my bag and entering, dumped my bag, grabbed my eight box sets and hurried back downstairs. Heading into the living room I laid them on the coffee table before heading back into the kitchen to check on the popcorn, smelling a delicious scent. They were popping and I grabbed two bowls out and set them on the bench before I moved over to the pantry to grab out the large bag of mixed lollies, the large bag of mixed chocolates and then moved over to the fridge grabbing out two large bottles of 2L Diet Coke.

Taking them to the living room, I lay them on the couch and coffee table before heading back to the kitchen once more. Opening the microwave door and pulling out the bags, I ripped them open one at a time and poured them into the bowls before closing the microwave door, grabbing the bowls and walking to the living room.

Setting the bowls on the coffee table, I grabbed the season 1 box-set and picked up the remote switching the television on. I flicked to the right channel before grabbing the DVD player remote and turning the player on. Moving over, I pulled open the box and grabbed out the first disk. Pressing the eject button, the DVD player opened, I placed the disk in and pressed the eject button again which closed the player.

Rising, I hurried to turn the lights off and shut the blinds before moving to the couch and curling up under the blanket that my father always left for me and pressed play.

Three hours later

It was about sometime after seven o'clock and I was still watching season 1 when I felt it, the whole house began to shake. Gripping the couch, I heard cupboard doors opening in the kitchen and plates crashing to the ground. I screamed, not liking what was happening.

I tried getting up but staggered all over the place. After what seemed an eternity, the earthquake ended and I sighed in relief

"Holy shit" I muttered.

Deciding to switch over to normal television, I paused Charmed and switched the channels, heading to one of the news channels. However, not one of them reported an earthquake.

What the hell?

I switched it back and continued to watch my show.

Several hours later and it was about one thirty in the morning when I decided to go to bed. But I was too tired and fell asleep on the couch.

Later that morning

I was fast asleep, having the same dream or rather nightmare again. I woke to a strange nagging in my head like something was wrong. Shrugging it off, I got up and realized it was 10:45am. Groaning, I got up and stumbled over to the desk which sat in the corner of the room and turned the computer on. I decided, at random, to read some fanfiction. While I waited for the computer to start up, I headed to the kitchen to get myself some breakfast cereal.

I froze when I arrived.

The kitchen was spotless and not a single broken dish was found anywhere in here. What the fuck? Had I been dreaming? Perhaps, I was tired but it hadn't even been midnight when the earthquake hit.

Bustling around the kitchen, I made myself something to eat before heading to back to the living room. The computer was running and the internet was automatically connected. I was glad I had made my homepage. Clicking on the movies category, I waited while it loaded and decided to go from the bottom up.

My attention was captured when I noticed in the T section that there was no Transformers link to click on

"Must be a problem with that one" I muttered.

Clicking back, I decided a cartoon maybe in order. I wanted to see what fans of Transformers wrote on fanfiction and I wanted to laugh at them. Opening the cartoon category, I scrolled down to T and frowned; Transformers/Beast Wars was gone as well. There must be something wrong with those.

Opening another tab, I decided to try to Google some fanfiction. What came up instead was: Your search –Transformers –did not match any documents.

Frowning, I tried Google images of Transformers. Again I got the same message

"What the hell, did someone just delete everything Transformers from the entire internet or more likely the world?"

I checked everywhere, my curiosity piqued. Nowhere could I find anything remotely related to Transformers, not on eBay or anywhere

"Okay, something freaky is going on."

Suddenly the house phone rang and I jumped causing the computer to blow up. Scrambling back I stared at the smoking machine

"What the fuck is going on?"