Chris the Powerful

What the devil is going on here? - Snape, A Very Potter Musical

Chris, after going back to the future, and being conceived while his father was an Elder, was much more powerful than before. In fact, he was so powerful, he made Wyatt look like chop turkey.

He had Wyatt's blue shield, except it was green, even though he couldn't use it in the womb. So ha! Wyatt, take that!

He had Telekinesis, which was twice as powerful as Aunt Prue's power had been.

Then, there was Orbing, and his orbs were green. He wasn't going to have any of this boring blue stuff, nuh-uh. He was special.

He also, unlike Wyatt (again, ha!) had electricity, since his Dad was an Elder. So, he could burn up anyone he wanted. Yeeah. Then, he had Mom's molecular powers, meaning he could speed up and slow down the molecules. But, he could affect the whole WORLD if he wanted to, so take that, Mom!

Oh yeah, he had intangibility as well. No one knew where that came from, but he had it! So, he could walk through walls and stuff. Sweet.

Oh, and he had all of his Aunt Phoebe's powers, as in levitation, premonitions and empathy, which had developed into telepathy. But he could actually project himself into his premonitions, and his empathy was twice as strong. Plus he could invade everyone's privacy and read their thoughts. He was a pretty awesome guy.

It didn't stop there! He had all the elemental powers – fire, wind, earth, water – even though they had no idea where that came from, either. But it's cool. That meant the whole world basically bowed to him because he had the element powers. He was, like, a GOD. That's how cool he was.

It still didn't end there. He had invisibility, omniscience, omnipotence, x-ray vision, super-awesome fighting skills – like better than Bianca's – the ability to talk to animals, the ability to go back in time whenever he wanted, the ability to reverse time, and when he blinked people's brains just went, woah. He could even turn things into gold. Not to mention, he could control the Hollow, better than anyone! He was so amazing, he didn't even feel the temptations to keep all the power to himself and kill his family.

Unfortunately, because he had so much power, he was basically a walking bomb. With one blink, one hand movement, everything could just go KABLOOM! in one second. He might have blown up a town or two, once or twice... maybe three or four times... but that's okay. He always could turn back time. Or, sometimes, he didn't. Because, he didn't feel like making the universe unravel, or something dumb like that. Nah, it was better to just blow up a town... or two... or three... maybe even four... instead of making the universe unravel.

Besides, the fan-girls and Mary-Sue could never die, so it wasn't like he was ever alone. He had his super powerful Mary-sues and fan-girls waiting around for him. Again, unlike Wyatt, Chris was suave and sophisticated. Wyatt was a klutz and couldn't make a spell or a potion for his life. So, yeah, not only was Chris almost more powerful than Wyatt, his personality was better too. Forget that he had ever been sarcastic and cruel sometimes. Forget he would throw away anything to save his family, even other people. Forget that he held grudges and could be angry for centuries. He was so powerful, it didn't even matter! He might blow things up occasionally, and be a generally irritating person at times, but it didn't matter at all.

It was official: Chris Halliwell was the man.

Note: Can you guys tell I have absolutely nothing to do? Oh yeah, this is not intended to offend anyone who like giving Chris extra powers. It's just a joke. Review! Even if you want to flame. XD