TITLE: Three: After the End.

AUTHOR: AlyssC01 – Alyssa C.


PAIRINGS: FemShep/Liara

SPOILERS: Start of Mass Effect 2, Shepard history.


WARNINGS: Little bit of angst.

FEEDBACK: ;) Naturally – that's why we're here aren't we?

DISCLAIMER: Mass Effect is the property of BioWare and EA Games. I don't own it and I don't make any money off of it. This is also the time and place to say that it's an AWESOME game. No game will ever come close. Ever

AN and SUMMARY: I've finished Mass Effect 2 for the first time (and have proceeded to start a second play through lest I get withdrawal...). Excellent. This story and its characters are not leaving me alone. I'm suffering from a serious case of ME Brain Itch. This continues the story arc that I began in my first post Three. That one's title will change to Three: The Beginning of the End. This story will explore three moments once again this time seen through the eyes of the three women who had a big hand in Shepard's life, her death and her ultimate revival.
For interest – this is the code for my Shepard. 743.11F.M17..73Q.1DA..177


Miranda & Liara

The asari looked decidedly... unbalanced.

From her vantage point, Miranda Lawson watched as the young doctor paced the length of the clearing where they were to meet, her hands clenching and unclenching as she kept directing nervous glances at their precious cargo. By rights, they should've already been there but they had let her know that they were going to be late for the collection, taking the time to observe her and ensure that they didn't walk into a trap.

The Alliance had a lot of Intel and Cerberus weren't convinced that the alien operated completely without their knowledge. Surely they would deem it worthy to keep an eye on the Commander's lover.

At the thought of it, Miranda felt her mouth thin. Although she didn't have the hate for the other alien races as some of the Cerberus operatives had, she still could not imagine ever loving one. Especially one of the Asari who were infamous for bonding with just about anybody and anything.

Why can't they just keep to themselves? She thought as she motioned to her two people to move out with her, Jacob Taylor and a soldier named Holstrum. She was ready to engage with Dr. Liara T'Soni as she began to find the archaeologist's pacing irritating. She could still not believe that the woman had succeeded in her mission as she seemed downright naïve about battle and infiltration. If their places had been reversed, Miranda would've scouted the whole area first and not be caught unaware by the Cerberus officers. As it were, Dr. T'soni stiffened when they moved into the clearing, her deep blue eyes unreadable. She moved subtly, perhaps unconsciously, placing herself between the container and the Cerberus soldiers, her eyes not leaving Miranda's.

She was a biotic and a strong one at that. Although she took no pride in it for it had nothing to do with her own achievements, Miranda knew that she was one of the strongest human biotics around. She was on par with most of the maiden asari, but she could sense that in an open fight, she would struggle to hold her own against the archaeologist. None the less, she also sensed that Liara was currently unsure of her power, unsure of herself.

Which made her very dangerous in her current frame of mind.

"Dr. T'soni," Miranda said smoothly when Liara made no attempt to greet them. "We are sorry that we had to make you wait…"

"You have been here a while," the asari surprised her. "Watching me."

Maybe not as naïve as I thought originally…

Miranda recovered quickly, shrugging as she allowed her eyes to wander over the container. "We had to make sure that you've come on your own," she pointed out. "Your cargo is very precious, I don't have to tell you what people will go through to get at it."

"It?" There was a slip, a slide of emotion in Liara's eyes that Miranda couldn't exactly place. Was it anger? Pain? Amusement? "This mission cost me a dear friend."

Jacob raised an eyebrow and stood closer. "The drell?" he queried. "What happened?"

Miranda wanted to tell him that they didn't have time for this, but realized that it might sound rude in front of the asari and they might have to use her services later. So, she let the question be and watched as Dr. T'soni's face became harder when she glanced at him.

"The Shadow Broker captured Feron," she said blankly. "So, if you don't mind …I would like to get this sorted out so that I can start looking for him."

She was about to comment when Holstrum barked a disbelieving laugh. "You can't find the Shadow Broker," he started but cut himself off very quickly when Miranda gave him an icy look.

"Without help," she said smoothly. "Needless to say Dr. T'soni, if you need anything feel free to call on us…"

Liara's mouth thinned as she shook her head, her gaze turning back to the container. "I've seen enough of you," she said simply. "You have made me sacrifice the living for the dead. No, I am done with Cerberus. You can take this… This cargo. I am done." She turned abruptly and started walking away in the opposite direction from where they had come.

Miranda was ready to let her go but then, very faintly, she heard a soft – quickly silenced – sob. It… touched her. Whether she was an alien or not, this person had just given up her lover's corpse to an organisation that had never done her and her kind any favours. She was young, alone and had just lost another friend. Miranda didn't always understand love, but she did understand loss.

Closing her eyes, she motioned to Jacob and Holstrum to take over the transportation of the crate carrying Commander Shepard's remains and quickly trotted after the asari.

"Dr. T'soni," she said as when she neared her. "Dr. T'soni…" The woman ignored her, keeping her back straight as she walked even faster. Growling to herself – wondering why she was going through the trouble, Miranda trotted three quick steps and put her hand on the young woman's shoulder.

"Liara wait," she said and pulled her back. "I…"

If she had not been alert, she would've missed it. The moment she touched her, Liara's powers enveloped her and pulsed out, threatening to throw her away had she not responded with her own. Miranda moved without thinking, mentally seizing her biotic ability like a breath of life. Time slowed as she used it to cushion Liara's power, deflecting it away from her. It was like keeping her footing on the beach with a wave crashing down around her. Liara pulled back, shocked, then gathered her power for a second attack but Miranda was ready for her.

Holding her breath and her powers, she pulled the woman towards her, enveloping her in a secure embrace even as she struggled to pull away from her.

"Leave me," Liara whispered as their power combined and pulsed around them. "Leave…"

Something pushed behind Miranda's eyes, a light, a breath, a second and then she was gone…

The red headed woman was beautiful, her emerald green eyes staring at her with a look unlike any Liara had ever seen in anyone's gaze. She knew that Riana loved her, she could feel it every time they bonded, every time Shepard opened her mind to her in their act of love. Under her intense gaze, Liara found herself blushing and pulled back a little where they had been lying together, awkwardly covering up her naked chest.

"What?" she queried. "Is… something wrong?"

Riana smiled at her and reached out to touch her cheek. Liara briefly saw the faint scar on her left hand and unwillingly thought of the memory they had shared several nights ago, of that fateful day that Riana was assaulted by a slaver from the same group of people who had slaughtered her family. She had been only sixteen when she killed the man. Liara had been shocked at the memory and even more surprised that Shepard could be so calm about it now, so accepting of her childhood fate.

"I love you Liara," Riana said as she did so many times before. Those words never lost their intensity and they made her blush even more. "I look forward to spending my whole life with you."

"You will get tired of me Shepard," Liara said – frightened and rejoiced by the promise of a life time commitment from the human. It wasn't a lot by asari standards, merely fifty years of a thousand, but it was enough.

Riana chuckled softly and caressed her cheek. "Then you can wait for me to get Alzheimer's and introduce yourself again, I'm pretty sure I'll be enthralled every time."

Alzheimer's. A human disease that comes with age.

She pushed against her Commander, not finding it as amusing as the woman seemed to do. "Do not joke," she said. "I know of this disease. You will wither and die. Then you will forget me completely. I do not look forward to living through something like that."

Surprised, Riana sat up a little, pulling back her hand. "I'm sorry Liara," she said honestly. "I only meant…" She closed her eyes and seemed to rearrange her words. "I want to spend my whole life with you. For as long as I can. I know that you will outlive me, but… I want to give you the best years of your life. With me. Always."

The image tore away from her as Liara sobbed in anguish, realizing that she had released such an intimate moment to the Cerberus Officer. When Miranda looked at her in shock, her mind reeling with what had just happened; Liara sank to the ground and bowed her head, tears freely flowing down her cheeks.

"She did not even give me a decade," she sobbed. "Or a year."

Still feeling as if she had been dunked in cold water, Miranda sank down beside the asari and once again wrapped her arms around the young woman. What was that? Her mind tumbled. Her memory? Did she share a memory with me? Can that be done with biotics? Jacob and I never shared anything...

"It's okay," she whispered, rocking the sobbing Liara as she pulled her close to her. "It's okay, it will be alright."

Her words made the young alien cry even harder. "I have sold her," she said. "I have sold her for hope. I have traded Feron for her corpse. What is left for me? What must I do? How can I hunt a being that does not exist? What if I never find the Shadow Broker and you do not do what you have promised?"

Shivering, Miranda swallowed and shook her head. "We will bring her back," she said with conviction. "You'll see."

She did not seem to comfort Liara who shook her head and pulled away from her. "A corpse," she said. "Who knows what you'll create and for what you'll use her? I cannot hope to ever see her again Miranda Lawson. That hope will kill me." She looked up past her to the container that held the Commander's body. "I have to let her go. I have to mourn her, complete the Right of Loss." She laughed suddenly, bitterly. "Which I cannot do for we have not even…" She sighed and looked at Miranda again, her blue eyes tired suddenly. "What now?"

Hesitating, Miranda pushed herself up slowly and offered a hand to the asari. "You go and rest," she said simply. "And, start a new day, live through it. One step at a time."

Liara carefully took her hand, squeezing it before she let it go in silent thanks for the comfort she provided her. She seemed embarrassed now, awkward and refused to look Miranda in the eye.

"And you?" she queried. "What will you do?"

Miranda shrugged carefully, unsure of how to respond. "Begin my work," she said and glanced back at her people. "I have a lot ahead of me."

Liara's mouth thinned but she said nothing. Looking back at the container, she sighed and turned back to Miranda. "I need to get going," she said simply. "I… Can't wait."

Nodding carefully, Miranda briefly reached out and touched the asari's arm. "If you need anything… You can contact me on the line I provided you with. It won't be on, but you can leave a message. I'll also keep you up to date with the project."

Liara raised an eyebrow and snorted, though her eyes were kinder when she shook her head. "One memory does not make us friends," she said simply. "But, thank you for the offer. I would rather not know what you are doing. Please, just let me be."

Miranda sighed and nodded slowly, taking a step back.

"Of course Dr. T'soni," she said carefully. "Thank you again for your help, you have done humanity a great service."

Liara didn't reply to that, but merely turned around and left them. Miranda watched her go, feeling an echo of an immense ache that had come over with Liara's memory. The asari was broken, the past couple of months being the best and the worst in her life. Her race was use to waiting, to have hundreds of years to feel things, to experience life and evaluate their emotions. Things had happened too fast for Dr. T'soni and she had no way to know how to deal with it.

Schooling her face to calm, knowing that there was nothing more that she could do for the asari, she turned back to her men. Holstrum had left to get the transporter, but Jacob was waiting for her, his dark eyes unreadable. When she rejoined them he shared a rare smile with her, touching her with the familiarity of a lover even though he knew that she would shy away.

"The men will think you're going soft," he said softly. She shrugged him off and went to the container, running her fingers over the metal grooves.

"No use alienating her now," she said simply. "We might need her later, she holds the key to a lot of Shepard's memories." She looked at the sky as if she could see beyond space to the planet where the Illusive Man was waiting on a status report. Calling up her omni-tool, she opened up a channel and said simply.

"Commander Shepard has been recovered. The Lazarus Project will proceed as planned."

To Be Continued...