Once upon a time, there was a young boy by the name of Harry Potter. And boy does he know how to use his wang. He grew up in a world where people looked up to him as the master of all wangs. By the time he was eleven he could do lots of magic with his wang. But wait! There was one other boy who claimed to use his wang better than Harry-and his name was Draco Malfoy….

Harry soon fell in love with Cho Chang, but she had no interest in the master of all wangs. While attending school at Hogwangs, Hermione taught him more special skills. Harry's favourite class is Defence Against the Dark Arts because he got to use his wang a lot. Professor Snape had yearned to teach the class for ages, since you get to use your wang the most in said class.

He hated Harry's father because he molested Snape back then and stole Lily, and had Harry. Every night Harry would practice with his wang to get stronger. His worst enemy is Lord Voldemort.

One day Voldemort cornered Harry in a room filled with mirrors, and he had his wang out, pointing it at Harry. Harry pulled out his long brown wang and pointed right back at him.

"You…" Voldemort groaned.

"You're still alive"

Harry shuddered. He knew his wang wouldn't stand a chance against Voldemort's, but he wouldn't back down now.


And whoosh! Voldemort's clothes flew off. Voldemort growled and did the same to Harry.


They kept repeating the spell, and clothing flew everywhere.

As the last piece of cloth flew off, they stood there naked and shaking. Voldemort finally thrust his wang at harry.


Harry yelled. He screamed in pain as Voldemort repeated the action. Harry couldn't take any more of it. Then boom! From the end of his wang burst silvery white stuff as he thrusted it at Voldemort.