Here you go, the last installment of A.L.L. Thanks for all the reviews!

To the readers of A Beautiful Lie, I'm starting on the new chapter now, I kind of got side-tracked by this story, sorry! It should be up soon!

Again, thanks for all the reviewers, and sorry for any tears shed during this story! Love you all!

Piper sat on her bed, her hands clutching her son's picture tightly as her body shook with heartbreaking sobs. It was from a few years back, before her son was diagnosed with leukemia tat the age of fifteen. About a month after the diagnoses, her son was hit with a blade and began to bleed out right on the dining room floor. For some reason, the wound wouldn't heal it and Piper had to watch as her son was wheeled out on a gurney with a paramedic straddled over him performing CPR in an attempt to keep her son's heart beating.

With a shaky finger, Piper traced her son's smiling face, his sage green eyes sparkling with mirth and happiness. She sniffled and closed her eyes.

She barged into the emergency center, her eyes wide and her chest heaving. Sprinting, she headed towards the information desk and demanded to be told where her youngest son was. She could feel Leo's hand on her back and Wyatt's presence behind her, but she didn't care about them right now, she just wanted to know if her baby was still alive. Tired eyes glanced up at her as the nurse typed in Chris's information, "They're still working on him,"

Three hours later, a blood-stained doctor called out their names and all three of them rushed towards him. The doctor ran a hand through his gray hair, "He's alive, barely, his leukemia proved to be a problem since his platelets were so low. He's in intensive care right now and as long as the cut stays closed, he should be fine,"

Piper shook her head. They thought they were in the clear then. Well, they had to deal with the police fingerprinting and searching the whole house after Piper lied to them and said that Chris got the cut from a robber. After days of pleading that the man was wearing a ski-mask and that they didn't know what he looked like, the police backed off and Piper hoped that after two years that the file was cold and it would never be looked at again. But during that time, they had bigger things to worry about.

Piper frowned and looked at the clock, it was nearly three in the afternoon and Chris still wasn't up. "Wy, go wake up your brother, he needs to eat something," Piper softly ordered.

Wyatt nodded and quickly headed up the stairs, however seconds later, Piper was rushing up them when she heard her eldest call her. She gasped when she saw her youngest curled up in a ball in the middle of his bed, shivering. "Peanut?" she called as she gently shook him, "Wy, get me the phone,"

Wyatt quickly did as he was told and grabbed the wireless phone from the hallway. She speed-dialed Alderson, the main doctor for Chris's care with his leukemia, "Doctor Alderson, yes, I'm sorry to bother you, but Chris is experiencing cold sweats and isn't waking up." she rambled off.

She frowned and nodded, "Alright, I'll call him now."

She hung up and speed-dialed another doctor, "Wyatt, wake him up," Piper stated before standing and begin to pace, "McConnal? Hi, yes this is Piper Halliwell, my son has been sleeping all day and when I sent my other son up to wake him, he was curled up shivering. Alderson suggested that we come and see if you can draw some blood, are you open?"

"Yes, of course," McConnal said, "Bring him in at once,"

Piper hung up and knelt by her sons, her youngest was barely lucid as Wyatt held him in his arms, "Hey Peanut, lets get you to the doctor's office,"

Chris mumbled something and went to stand up only to stumble. Wyatt caught his brother, "You okay?"

Chris had his eyes clenched, "Dizzy,"

Wyatt frowned and picked his brother up, the young man barely weight eighty-five pounds. "I'm not a baby," Chris weakly protested.

"You weigh as much as one," Wyatt replied as Chris laid his head on Wyatt's shoulder, the younger brother closing his eyes.

Gently, he placed Chris in the car before joining him in the backseat to support the weak man. He kept his eyes on his baby brother as Piper pulled out of the driveway, a frown on his face.

"Chris's leukemia has progressed into the final stage," Alderson stated solemnly.

Piper gasped, her eyes tearing up, her eyes flashing over the closed door behind her, "What does that mean?"

"We can try more aggressive treatments but," Alderson frowned, "at this stage, its not looking good Piper. Its as if the disease caught a second wind."

Piper shook her head, "He can't die!"

Alderson placed a comforting hand on Piper's arm, "We're going to try Piper, but at this point, I can' t guarantee anything."

In the matter of three weeks, Chris couldn't leave his bed. His weight had dropped to a mere seventy pounds and he slept most of the day away. His nausea has returned ten-fold, the only thing he could keep down being simple beef and chicken broth.

"I'm done,"

Piper's hand froze midair, the spoonful of broth falling onto the quilt, "What?"

Chris looked at his mother with tired eyes, "I'm done."

Piper let out a loud sob, her eyes clenching as tears slid down her eyes.

"Jeez, I haven't even gotten my diploma yet and you're crying?" a soft joking voice came from her threshold.

She chuckled lightly and set the picture frame a side. She wiped her eyes and looked up at her son.

Dark chocolate brown hair had grown back into its usually shaggy style and the weight he had lost has been managed to be put back on. Sage green eyes were sparkling behind black rimmed glasses - the chemo damaging the optical nerve slightly- and dressed in dark blue robes was her eighteen year old baby son ready to graduate from high school. He smiled and sat beside his mother, "Can you at least wait until I get my diploma before turning on the waterworks?"

Piper lightly smack her son's chest, "My last child is graduating high school, give me a break."

"Wy will be graduating college in three years, and then you'll have like two graduations for me," Chris joked.

Piper rolled her eyes, "Graduating high school."

"See you weren't specific," Chris lightly chided.

Piper sighed, "Is it sad that I just keep thinking that I thought you never would've made it here?"

Chris smirked, "Mom, I think everyone thought I was gonna die, hell, I thought I did. But, I didn't. I've been in remission for two years, and I take those stupid pills every morning, and I will continue to do so in college. I'm fine Mom. Now, come on, I would hate to be late to my own graduation."

Piper sniffled and nodded, "Hey, wait. Why are you going to have two graduations from college?"

"One from college and then one from med school."

" You want to be a doctor?" Piper asked, a large smile on her face.

Chris shrugged, "An oncologist. Thought it fit for me,"

Piper hugged her son, "I think so as well."