Author's Note: This story follows a timeline similar to that of Runemaster (a must-read). Anything that appears in both belongs to the author of Runemaster, or JKR. I own nothing but a laptop.

Warning; Chapters 1 and 2 suffer from late night writing syndrome and so any mistakes or improvements that could be made that you notice, please say.

Chapter 1: Awakening

White. All around, white. No sky or ground, or sense of falling, just him and the whiteness. Movement. Where? There. A figure. Human? Lost it. There! Yes, human. A women, middle aged. Dressed in pure white. White on white, no wonder she's hard to spot.

"Hello?" He called out.

Where was she now?

"Hello Harry."

How'd she get in front of me?

"In this place, space and time are as meaningful as an ant when faced with infinity. Time shall not pass and this place is infinite."

"So where am I?"

"In two ways at once." Great, like talking to the Centaurs. "Physically, Dark Lady Fyrefox charred your body to the bone inside the Ministry of Magic. Spiritually, your have chosen, how did your professor put it, 'the next great adventure'."

"So I'm dead?"

"Yes, and no. You are in-between worlds. Life and death, here it means nothing. You have two choices. You could move on, to the realm of the dead, or you could continue living, fighting the good fight."

"Why me? Why not the countless others who died?"

"Fate, Harry. Fate has chosen you to have this choice."

"Oh great, let me guess, another prophecy?"

"Dear boy, I feel for you. Unfortunately you have Janus's interest. Know that if you choose life, you will be thrown into yet another war with a far greater enemy. But not without aid. Your body, to badly destroyed to be recovered normally, will be rebuilt by magic, greatly increasing your magical core and senses. You would be powerful, but not invincible. You may yet choose death, but know that with it you choose death for the population of an entire galaxy. Others will try to defend it, but they will fail. Only you can lead them to victory."

"So... What you're saying is I can pass on to the afterlife and have thousands of people die, or I can fight an impossible battle against uncountable foes?"

"If you fight, you would not be alone. You would have your allies, few though you may be."

"Even put like that it still sounds unattractive. But I could not let others suffer when I could have stopped it."

"So you will fight?"

A nod.

"Very well. Go to the goblins, their you will find what you need to begin this war."

"Just one question, who are you?"

"I have had many names, though most call me Oma Desala."

~~ The Good Fight ~~

~~ The Good Fight ~~

"You see!" The Dark Lady Fyrefox proclaimed, fire twinkling in her eyes as her fiendfyre circled her. "Not even the omen of death himself could defeat me." She walked over to where the Potter-Scythe lay, her magical trenchcoat wafting slightly from the movement. Curling her hand around the hilt, she lifted it skyward and struck a pose. Stood on the ruins of the fountain in the foyer of the Ministry of Magic, black trenchcoat billowing open to reveal a black tank top and jeans, Potter-Scythe held aloft and fiendfyre curled up in the background, she made for a formidable sight.

"This country is mine!" She declared. "Obey me or you will be destroyed!"

"Not. While. I. Still. Stand." A haggard and weazy voice called out from behind her. Lady Fyrefox spun around before stopping in shock. A extremely burnt but very much alive Harry Potter knelt in the ruined hallway her fiendfyre had burnt out. With a wave of her wand-whip she sent the billowing serpent of fire at him, fuelling it with her magic. But the newly resurrected Potter just held out his hand and braced his wrist with his other hand. The fiendfyre sped towards him but stopped, halted by a translucent blue shield. The Dark Lady snarled and pulled back on her wand-whip, signalling the fiendfyre to retreat. However, when it tried to get away, it found itself entrapped within the blue shield. Slowly the shield shrunk, and with it the fiendfyre until both popped out of existence. Harry stood up, now looking only slightly tanned rather than like charcoal, and raised his hand. With a loud pop the Scythe appeared in the outstretched hand. He brought his hand low and deflected the stream of curses headed his way. A Sola Incendio hit a fireplace and caught it alight, allowing for Aurors to floo in. A second later he raised his hand again and the wand-whip came inches to his face before wrapping around the hilt of his scythe. He'd learnt earlier not to trust his scythe's runes for this; the whip was made out of reinforced mana gems, and simply absorbed most of the magic attacking them. He reached for his wand only to find it missing. Of course, he thought, it would have burnt when I did. Without an alternative he placed his second hand on the hilt of the scythe and pulled. The motion caught Fyrefox of guard and she stumbled forward, releasing her hold on the wand-whip. This in turn released the scythe so he quickly swept it behind him, silently banishing the whip down the hallway. Armed with just her wand to concentrate on, the Dark Lady picked up the pace of casting. Harry hurriedly moved to counter. A binding spell reflected, duck a exploding curse, jelly legs? He ducked and weaved, circling his opponent whilst taking time to carve into the melted flagstone floor. As an invisible Wingardium Leviosa was blocked by his scythe he reached down and activated the rune circle he'd drew. Golden lights shot out of the ground only to bounce off of a shield. Turning on the spot, she apparated to outside the circle and the other side of Harry. A stream of curses followed whilst Lady Fyrefox rolled to her wand-whip. A fire spell lit the whip and she cracked it whilst firing a curse. Harry moved his scythe to deflect the curse and tried to move out of the way. The smell of burning flesh told him he'd only just escaped being wrapped by it as the whipped painfully pulled out of the already cauterised wound. He reached out and made a pulling motion whilst spiralling on the spot. The Dark Lady flew through the air and past him, landing in the circle winded. Before she could muster a defence the golden strands were upon her, wrapping around her arms and legs and supporting her in a star-like shape. As the rune circle fully neutralised her magic, the wards keeping the battle between just the two of them fell. Several Aurors thanked him for taking down the threat and a blushing witch approached holding out some robes which he quickly shrugged on. From the little used staircase emerged Luna, Ron and Hermione, whom nodded to indicate the rest of the building was clear. Hermione and Ron walked over to the fireplace and flooed home whilst Luna joined his side as he took the surprisingly still-functional elevator to the surface.

~~ The Good Fight ~~

~~ The Good Fight ~~

Sweetie landed in the mountainside entrance and Harry and Luna disembarked. Seeing the changes that Sweetie had undergone was a shock in itself. Many of her scales had been replaced with longer, more metallic versions and most of the others had also taken on a metallic appearance. Overall, it looked as though someone had attached armour to her, only they hadn't. The new material had come up blank to all of his diagnostic spells, however testing revealed the unknown element to be highly energy absorbent and damage-resistant. Her wing-beats had also become more powerful and overall she felt like a different dragon. Still, after already dying once, defeating a Dark Lady and having the humiliation of being seen without any clothes he could ponder upon the changes in his familiar later. Right now he just wanted to sleep. Well, a quick glance at Luna, maybe not just sleep.

Author's Note: If this was on TV, Dark Lady Fyrefox would played by Claudia Black as seen in SG-1. The characters are older than in the books (or Runemaster) and they have various jobs which I will now list:

Luna and Harry: To be honest these two don't really have jobs, they're more vigilantes.

Hermione: The first appointed Ministress of Magic. She mostly got in on Harry's fame when he publicly voted for her but has proven to be a good choice.

Ron: Ron runs the planning and marketing aspect of Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes.

Fred and George: The twins have taken a backseat in their company, rarely attending board meetings. Instead most of their time is spent inventing new material.

Fluer: Fluer works as model in France, go figure.

And now for appearances. There will be this section at the end of each chapter with a major character featured that I feel like describing but isn't described in-chapter.

Harry: Well built and muscular, due to ours of working out and practice. His hair is still jet black but now also gelled back to keep it from interfering (or looking messy). He carries himself with an aura of self-assurance and agility, but not in a pompous manner.

Luna: Luna's now taller and her hair reaches her shoulder blades. She has quite a thin figure, relying more on agility than strength and this gives her some, ehm- quite nice curves. She carries herself with a grace and always manages to look like she should be there, perfect for infiltration.

Ron: Not much has changed with Ron except he's lost some of the freckles. Unfortunately this includes his obsession with the Chudley Cannons.

Hermione: Hermione's frizzy hair is no more. Now it flows down to her shoulders before curling upwards into half-loops. She carries herself with an air of authority and usually dresses in muggle business attire.