"What is this?" Stan asked as the other boys of his class began to gather around him, all trying to push past each other to see the bulletin board. On the board was a plain piece of lined paper. On it, was a list that the girls have made up of all the boys in Mr. Garrison's tenth grade English class. It was just like in elementary school, except this time instead of listing the cutest boys, the girls listed the cutest boy couples!

"It's the list," Said Bebe Stevens with a broad smile. "You know, the one you've all been dying to read since you heard about it."

Stan only glanced at her for a second, wide eyed. He then looked back at the list to assure himself that he had read it right.

In bright pink letters, and written with the girliest hand writing Stan has ever seen, was the damnable list that has every boy in class freaking out.

The list was read like this;

Cutest boy/boy pairs in Mr. Garrison's English class;

1. Bunny (Kenny/Butters)

2. Kyman (Kyle/Cartman)

3. Dip (Damien/Pip)

4. Stanory (Stan/Gregory)

5. Tyde (Token/Clyde)

6. Craimas (Craig/Thomas)

7. Twistophe (Tweek/Christophe/Ze mole)

Inflamed with rage, Cartman spun around to glare at the girls. They stood on the other side of the hall, giggling and laughing at the guys, which only angered them more. Cartman, who was always the loud-mouth that hated to be mocked, was the first to argue.

"The fuck is this shit?" He yelled, purple faced and fuming. He turned slightly to point at Kyle, who had been surprisingly quiet about the whole thing."Not only did you make this queer-o list shit but you had to pair me with that filthy Jew, too?"

Despite the usual tradition, Kyle said nothing when the fat boy called him a Jew. This caused Stan to cork an eyebrow at his friend but otherwise he didn't show it any attention and brushed it off as just being too shocked to argue. For the first time in forever, everyone agreed with Cartman. Who in their right mind would think that Kyle and Cartman could even like each other, let alone love?

Bebe glared at him and so did many of the other girls. "Do not call our lists queer, even if they are about boy on boy romances." The other girls agreed. For some reason they couldn't care less if you called them sluts or whores, but if you dared to insult even one of their stupid lists then they would gun after you until your head is mounted on the wall above their list making comity along with posters of Johnny Depp and Justin Bieber.

"And besides, whats better then a love/hate relationship between two enemies?" Once again all the other girls stood behind Bebe, noding their heads in agreement. All except Wendy, who stood beside Bebe with her face flushed and her head cast down. She hadn't said a word or even picked up her head the whole time. She looked as though she were doing her best to pretend that she were somewhere else.

Most of the boys wished they could do the same, while others looked on with disgusted looks on their faces.

"Your all nuts," Stan told them, having finally found his voice again."These pairings are all stupid and make no sense. And besides, none of us are even gay!"

A huff came from behind him, drawing every one's attention to one particular blond teen. "Speak for yourself, Stanley."


Stan's mouth fell open in shock and horror. He had been paired with Gregory!

Before he let that thought go any farther Gregory frowned at him and intertwined his hands with his boyfriend's. "Oh please, don't get your hopes up Stanley." He smiled up at Christoph, or The mole as most people called the tall french teenager. "I'm with Mole here. Though I see where they got the idea that we could get together, as vulgar as that sounds."

"how...?" Stan had to force himself to ask, still sickened by the thought of being placed with the Brit he once hated.

"Because we both used to like Wendy." No one noticed Wendy's face heat up just a tad more at the mention of her name. "They probably thought that some sort of romantic feelings would sprout from our rivalry, like they had with your little friends there." He gestured to the silent Kyle and the still fuming Cartman. "Still, I find it highly unlikely since we'd be fighting over a girl."

"Oh yeah, I find it unlikely cause I'm not gay for you!" Stan shot back. Gregory pouted and turned away to leave, Christoph in tow behind him.

"Well I never! Come on Chris, let's get out of here." The Mole shot a cold glance at Tweek, the one he was matched up with, as he was being pulled away. This made the small, already twitchy boy flinch in fear.

"Aw, screw you girls and your stupid and pointless lists!" Cartman suddenly yelled and began to storm away as well. "I'm going home!"

After he left an awkward silence came over the boys. They glanced at each other, the boys they were paired with, and turned away as well. No one wanted to face their friends after all this, it was too awkward. The girls then left and the only ones left were Stan and Kyle.

Stan was actually a bit shocked that he and Kyle weren't paired up together. The couples seemed to be based on how close you are to that person and they had the closest bond out of all of them. But perhaps it was best. Stan would hate to feel awkward around his super best friend.

"Come on, Kyle let's- Kyle?" The redheaded Jew didn't respond. He just stood there, pale faced and emotionless. Stan thought he looked like a walking corpse and poked him in the shoulder. "Hey Kyle, you OK dude?"

Kyle slumped his shoulders, mumbling. "Me...Cartman...together." Stan blinked and watched him take one shaky step over the other and begin to walk away like a zombie, muttering the same three things over and over again;

"Me...Cartman...together." As if he were in a trance like state.

"Kyle!" Stan yelled after him but there came no response. He just kept walking and mumbling the same thing over and over, fear tingling in his voice.

"Me...Cartman...together. Me...Cartman...together."

A/N: Hey everyone! Hope you liked the first chapter, I tried to keep them in character as much as I could, tell me what you think!

Also, I just wanna say that I'll be updating this story once a week, so every firday I'll be updating this story so heads up on that! I'd update sooner but I'm working on a lot of stuff right now so I gotta focus my time. ^^;

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you all next week!