Title: Sex & Smoke

Rating: NC17

Pairing: ShikaNeji (almost, er, sort of, I guess...)

Warnings: Yaoi, bisexual behaviour, drama (heh, drama...), open relationships and Shikamaru is a slut (lol).

Disclaimer: Characters are not mine. I own a Sasuke plushie. That's just about it...

Author's note: I have not commited suicide. I am still alive, my life is shit and misery just so happens to be my muse. I have not abandoned "Obscure". I am just trying to battle my writer's block by taking a little break from it and writing something else. Just for the record this fic has absolutely nothing to do with "All tied up". I am quite fond of this fic regardless, so I hope you enjoy it.

Shikamaru shoved the slim body into the nearest hard surface. The kiss was demanding and fierce and he wanted all that he could get. Long legs hiked up around his waist and clung to him as he began to grind their hips roughly together. He swallowed each moan and drifted his hands lower to a firm ass that filled out his palms nicely.

A lot of people liked to entertain the idea that Shikamaru was lazy and hardly motivated about anything. Which wasn't quite untrue but there were certain things (or rather activities) that Shikamaru was quite partial to. And one of them had nothing to do with watching clouds. Shikamaru loved sex. He loved everything about it. He loved dominating, being dominated, he loved doing it with men, woman or the closest most willing body next to him. He just loved getting off, reaching that natural and most ultimate high he could only get with another person.

That said Shikamaru slept around quite a bit. He slept with people that he knew and with people he had never before seen. He wasn't picky. Though he never bothered with relationships. Way too much trouble than they were worth. Everyone else could just go to hell.

That was the last thing on his mind though. Because just right then Shikamaru was too busy making the person he was with melt in his arms.

Long dark chocolate hair slipped through his fingers before getting a good grip on it and tugging it to expose a pale neck. Firm hands gripped his back tightly as his mouth descended to mark the supple skin. Not liking the clothes that were getting in the way of his exploring, he tugged on the collar before a slim hand came up to stop him. He pulled away to look into ghostly white eyes.

"Let me…"

The dark husky voice that made him tense with want and desire belonged to Hyuuga Neji. He was only supposed to be another drunken one night stand in that party a month ago but after four rounds of the most incredible sex, Shikamaru couldn't bring himself to leave it just at that. He just had to go back for more. Which he did. Much more frequently than he should.

Leaning back a bit, Shikamaru rolled his hips against that tight ass as he watched pale smooth skin being revealed with each undone button. Finally the cloth fell to the floor in a heap and Shikamaru began to kiss, lick and nip his way down that firm square chest. The moans he got in response were delicious and he couldn't possibly wait any longer to hear more.

Without much preamble Shikamaru shoved the rest of Neji's clothes off and dropped down to his knees. Strong pale legs adjusted themselves over Shikamaru's shoulders as he tasted the creamy skin on the inside of Neji's thighs.

Neji sighed and moaned his name as his head fell against the wall, when Shikamaru nuzzled the base of his erection. There was a loud and long moan when Shikamaru licked the hard member, from the base to the tip. Neji nearly shouted in pleasure when Shikamaru sucked him hard.

Neji's hands scrambled over the wall above him as he tried to find something to hold onto. With trembling fingers he hastily undid the tie holding Shikamaru's hair together and held on to dear life as the younger ninja continued to suck him.

The gasps and moans made by the Hyuuga as Shikamaru continued to bob his head between Neji's thighs were perfect. There were very few things in life that was more perfect than a responsive sex partner and the Nara intended to milk it for all that it was worth.


If he could Shikamaru would have smirked when Neji squirmed as he prodded his entrance with his finger. Knowing that the Hyuuga liked it a little bit rough Shikamaru shoved two fingers into the twitching entrance nearly coming in his pants at Neji's near shriek of pleasure.

Glancing up Shikamaru took in the sight of the stoic Hyuuga come apart as he sucked and massaged his prostate at the same time. It was beautiful. His legs were trembling against Shikamaru's shoulders and he was getting louder and louder and the Nara knew that he was close.

Neji's pale body arched and shivered hard as he came with a shout. He pushed his hips closer to Shikamaru's face trying to get as far into that moist heat as he swallowed his cum. Finally Shikamaru pulled away wiping his mouth as Neji continued to shudder above him.

Gently he shrugged Neji's legs off his shoulders and let the dazed Hyuuga slide down the wall onto his lap. Grabbing his chin Shikamaru molded their lips together in a sensual kiss that made Neji moan as he could taste himself on the Nara's tongue.

Neji wrapped his arms around Shikamaru's neck and let out a startled noise when Shikamaru was suddenly standing up with a firm grip on his thighs. Not pulling away from that succulent mouth Shikamaru carried Neji towards the bed.

There was a loud creak as Neji was deposited onto his bed. He leaned back onto his elbows, spreading his legs as he watched Shikmaru strip. He felt his spent cock twitch against his stomach in reawakening arousal as the toned and tan body revealed itself to him. His exotic eyes narrowed in lust as Shikamaru's rock hard erection came into view. He caught the smirk on Shikamaru's face and just scowled.

"You're insatiable, you know that?"

Shikamaru chuckled before crawling onto the bed.

"You've never complained before."

Neji smirked as he settled down onto the mattress and pressed his hands against tan shoulders when Shikamaru hovered over him.

"Who said I was? I just find it a bit difficult to believe that Konoha's laziest ninja would have so much sex drive."

Soft lips grinned against Neji's collar bone.

"I'm full of surprises."

Neji huffed, "More like full of bullshit."

The bed shook with Shikamaru's laughter and Neji pretended to pout as the other man looked at him with a playful smile.

"You don't seem to hate it."

Neji inhaled as Shikamaru leaned down with their lips nearly touching.

"No, I don't." He really didn't.

Grabbing him by the back of his neck Neji tugged the other man down into another deep kiss. As their mouths slid against each other, Shikamaru laid his weight down between Neji's open legs. He rubbed their groins together in a slow decadent pace. Neji whimpered into the younger ninja's mouth as his sensitive cock was stimulated into spine tingling arousal.

Neji had no problems with letting Shikamaru take control over him. But sometimes it was just as fun to turn the tables every now and then. Shikamaru grinned against a red mouth as Neji playfully rolled them over so that the long haired brunet was straddling his waist. Dark silky hair cascaded around their heads as Neji continued the kiss with wanton fervor. Large hands went down to his ass kneading the firm flesh and teasing the clenching hole.

Slipping a hand under the pillow under Shikamaru's head he retrieved a condom and lube. Nipping Shikamaru's lip, Neji pulled away sat up on his thighs. Dark sharp eyes watched him with consuming lust as Neji poured lube onto his hand. Neji found it ridiculously sexy the way those eyes could go from studiously uninterested and bored, to smoldering and passionate.

Reaching between his thighs, Neji slowly traced his hole, spreading the lube around and teasing himself at the same time. With small rubbing motions Neji began to slide the slick finger inside. At first it was just the tip sliding in and out slowly before inserting the finger progressively deeper moaning as he decided to add a second finger. Shikamaru's blood boiled at the sight of the Hyuuga playing with his hole, making it slick and loose just for him.

Getting slightly impatient, Neji slid his fingers out and reached for the condom. Shikamaru rubbed Neji's thighs as he tore the condom open. The younger brunet hissed in pleasure as a firm hand rolled the latex down his erection giving it a couple of strokes. Neji shifted forward a bit and began guiding the turgid length towards his entrance. Once Shikamaru's wide head breached that first ring of muscle, Neji gasped as the rest of him slipped in. It burned yet felt so good at the same time.

"Fuck, Neji…"

Shikamaru bent his knees, cradling Neji's body as he continued to rub the inside of his thighs, letting him adjust to the intrusion. Bracing his hands on Shikamaru's chest Neji began to rock back and forth biting his lip and moaning throatily. Without changing the pace Neji leaned down, bracing his forearms on either side Of Shikamaru's head and kissed him deeply.

Goosebumps broke out over Neji's skin as calloused fingers gently traced the contours of his back and he moved a little bit harder. Neji panted hotly into Shikamaru's neck as the man began to roll his hips up into him meeting him thrust for thrust. Shikamaru's thick cock glided over his prostate and Neji felt as though his body would catch on fire.

There was a loud rustling sound as Shikamaru changed positions again. Neji grasped onto the sheets under him as Shikamaru surged into him and cried out as his prostate was being assaulted. Shikamaru kept thrusting that way, deep, hard and torturously slow. Neji was nearly sobbing when Shikamaru started to go faster and faster. And just when he thought he would explode into a million little pieces, Shikamaru completely withdrew from him. Too breathless to yell at Shikamaru for stopping, Neji just glared. Which was sort of useless considering his face was red, sweaty, his hair a complete mess spread out around him on his pillow and looking very much debauched.

Shikamaru just grinned and judging that the Hyuuga had cooled down a bit, thrust right back in. Neji yelled and wrapped his legs around the Nara's waist, whimpering as Shikamaru started off slow again. Neji's nails clawed at every inch of Shikamaru he could reach as the man repeated the process over and over again. Pounding him into the bed and then suddenly slowing down, denying him the release he was desperately begging for. Neji thought he would go mad with pleasure.

"Ugh, god! Shikamaru! Oh, oh, fuck! Please!"

Shikamaru panted against Neji's cheek before whispering into his ear, "Get on your knees."

By then Neji was too boneless to move on his own and it was only with some assistance that he was able to move his shaking limbs into place. Kissing down the pale toned back he spread Neji's ass cheeks apart. Neji gasped and spread his thighs apart some more when he felt a hot breath over his abused entrance.

A low keening sound that went straight to Shikamaru's cock, escaped Neji when a hot tongue wiped over his hole. He was nearly ripping holes into his pillows when the slick appendage rubbed firmly over him and squirmed its way inside.

"O-oh, pleasepleaseplease! Shikamaru! I need you!"

It thrilled Shikamaru to no end the amount of control he had over the Hyuuga. It would be a very long time coming the day when he would get tired of listening to Hyuuga Neji begging for him. Losing patience, Shikamaru straightened up and rammed his hips against Neji's firm ass.

To hell with slow. Shikamaru was reaming Neji's ass open and the long haired brunet could only scream in pleasure. Reaching out Shikamaru slipped his fingers under the long strands of silk, gathering it to cascade over a pale shoulder, where it swayed franticly with each jarring thrust. Pressing his chest against Neji's back, Shikamaru nipped the soft sweaty skin, making his lover of the moment arch and thrust back against him.

"Oh, oh, oh, touch me! Please, touch me!"

If he weren't so close to coming and so out of breath Shikamaru would have smirked. Instead he just braced himself against the bed with one hand while blindingly reaching out with the other and grasping Neji's hard erection.

Neji's hips were bucking hard underneath him, tight muscles fluttering and swallowing him eagerly. The Hyuuga's moans pitched in volume and he was helpless under the assault of pleasure. Neji's orgasm burst powerfully out of him, the built up tension had him shuddering violently and clenching his pillows hard. He all but forgot to breathe as Shikamaru continued to thrust into his clenching passage. It felt as though it would never end.

Shikamaru was gasping and panting, his hips pushed as close to Neji's ass as possible, jerking hard and fast. He cried out and white flashed across his eyes as his own climax rushed through him.

Neji struggled to regain his normal breathing when Shikamaru stopped moving. Dizzy with the aftershocks of his strong orgasm, Neji let Shikamaru wrap an arm around his torso to lay them down onto the mattress. Shikamaru gently spooned the Hyuuga, still half inside of him and soothingly stroking his trembling limbs. Neji couldn't stop the small mewls and whimpers that escaped him as the residual waves of sensation pulsed through him, slowly fading away under the ministrations of those surprisingly cool hands.

It took a while but Neji was finally feeling like himself. He squirmed a bit and Shikamaru withdrew from him. He sighed when a soft mouth kissed the edge of his shoulder.

"I hate it when you do that."

Neji scowled at the wall he was facing when he felt Shikamaru chuckle against his shoulder.

"Funny, I didn't hear you trying to stop me."

Neji turned his head to give Shikamaru a one sided glare.

"I would have killed you if you had stopped."

Shikamaru raised an eyebrow, "Oh, really?"

"Yes, really."

Shikamaru didn't doubt him. Neji may be adorably compliant and receptive in bed, but that certainly didn't make him any less a ninja. Not that he would say that out loud.

Shaking his head, Shikamaru pressed a brief kiss against Neji's forehead before beginning to scoot out of the bed. Neji turned onto his back watching as Shikamaru disappeared into the bathroom. When he reappeared, Neji chewed on his lip for a second before deciding to speak up.

"You can stay if you want."

Shikamaru looked up from where he was picking his pants from the ground. Straightening up with the cloth in his hand, Shikamaru seemed to think about it.

"I'm not sure-"

"Please? Just for tonight?"

Shikamaru swallowed as he looked at the needy look in Neji's face. Shikamaru normally fled the scene when he got that look from anybody else. But this was Neji. Someone he knew for a fact was usually very guarded about his emotions and never let any such weakness show.

He knew it wasn't a good idea. He knew it would only lead to complications. Complications that Shikamaru avoided like the bubonic plague. With that in mind, as well as a hundred different scenarios and reasons of why he should not be doing this, Shikamaru dropped his pants to the ground again and fitted himself comfortably against Neji's warm body on the bed.

"Do I get breakfast in the morning?"

"Only if we have morning sex first."

"And you call me insatiable."

"You started it."

"I've created a monster."

Neji smirked against Shikamaru's chest before drifting off to a comfortable sleep.

"So, rumor has it that you're seeing Neji."

Shikamaru snorted as he idly sipped his sake. As if he was really going to fall for that one…

Raising an eyebrow at his former blonde teammate, Shikamaru shot back, "Rumor has it, that you're fucking Lee."

Ino scowled as she leaned her forearms on the table in their booth.

"Don't change the subject, Shika. Come on; tell me what's going on between you and Neji?"

Shikamaru shrugged as he lit a cigarette, "We fuck every now and then. Doesn't mean we're going out. End of story. Does he still fuck like the energizer bunny?"

Completely thrown by the non-confession and the sub sequential question that had nothing to do with the topic or people at hand, Ino gaped. And then sputtered.


Taking another mouthful of sake and giving Ino an infuriatingly bored look, Shikamaru elaborated.

"Did you really think I would make fun of you for screwing the protégée of Konoha's Green Beast? Last time I was with Lee, I could barely walk straight for two days."

Ino gaped at him some more, her mouth opening and closing, closely resembling a fish out of water. She flailed for a moment before finally finding her voice again.

"What! What the fuck are you talking about! Lee is straight!"

Shikamaru shrugged, "If that makes you feel any better."

Ino slapped a hand onto the wooden table, wishing it was Shikamaru's face instead.

"You are full of bullshit! You lying jackass! Even if Lee wasn't straight, why the hell would he sleep with you? How would you even accomplish that?"

Shikamaru could tell she was pissed and that he was pushing it. Then again, she started it. He just smirked, though the humor never really reached his eyes.

"Are you kidding? He was the easiest one. All I had to do was sprout some shit about 'experimenting in the springtime of youth' or whatever and next thing I knew it he had me on my back with my knees bent in the air having-"

This time the table had to suffer under the brutality of Ino's fist. Her face was twisted in anger.

"Stop it! Just, shut up! God damn it, Shikamaru! Is no one safe from you? Or do you have some sick personal goal to fuck every single living person in Konoha?"

She was really angry. Shikamaru wondered how far he could push it.

"Only if it's legal." He replied smoothly.

Ino slapped a hand on her forehead, "God, you are so fucking hopeless. When will you learn to keep your dick to yourself?"

Shikamaru took a long drag from his cigarette before answering the rhetorical question, "You didn't complain at Sakura's engagement party."

The hand fell from her face, looking as though she had just been slapped across the face. Shikamaru knew he had gone too far.

"I was drunk and stupid, you fucking know-it-all slut."

The tone was quietly angry and Shikamaru knew that he wasn't going to be forgiven in a very long time. Whatever.

"So was I."

Ino shook her head and leaned back into her seat, refusing to look at his face and looking very close to tears.

"You know what, fuck it. This is so not worth it. I don't want to deal with your bullshit anymore. Just, go fuck anything you want to and die alone. I'm done caring about you."

Shikamaru frowned, "Are you implying that I'm lonely?"

Ino ignored him and slid out of the booth her cup of sake forgotten on the wooden table.

"Whatever, I just don't care anymore."

Then she was gone. Shikamaru stared at the abandoned full cup of sake before downing the rest of his. He silently mulled over the conversation that just occurred and what Ino had just said. Shikamaru pulled a drag from his cigarette and blew the stream of smoke towards the empty spot across from him.

"Troublesome woman… She didn't even leave her part of the tab."

Neji felt stupid. He seriously felt like a love sick school girl. Which was an absolutely appalling thought. He was obviously not in love.

Nonetheless, he clutched the bag in his hand, the smell of freshly made food wafting up towards him as he walked towards his destination.

He hadn't really intended on making so much food. What with all the missions he's had and then finally having the time to cook, and making a slight miscalculation, it had just sort of happened. It had nothing to do with his teammates or any of his other acquaintances not being available to share all this food with. Or the fact that Shikamaru was a short distance away and on his day off.

He had never really been in the shadow nin's place. They always got together at Neji's place but never at Shikamaru's. Neji knew where he lived and all but had never been invited over. He really was quite curious.

But he still felt like a girl delivering a love letter to her crush. Which given all of the things they have done together, was just plain ridiculous. He didn't notice the strange looks he got by the other people on the street when a dazed glazed look fell over his face as he did an involuntary recount of all of the things he and Shikamaru had done. When he did notice, it was when he was standing in the middle of the street staring stupidly at a cross sign and he could actually feel a little bit of drool starting to come out of the corner of his slack mouth. Glancing quickly away from an old lady giving him an odd look he discreetly tried to cover his face with his hair and kept walking.

Shikamaru grinned against the harsh kiss ravishing his mouth as he was pressed down into the mattress. The feel of another man's cock sliding against his had him arching and rolling his hips upwards. Spreading his legs he grabbed onto a tan ass and urged the other man to move harder. The hot mouth moved away from his and latched onto his neck, making him hiss when sharp canines nipped his sensitive skin.

A growl rumbled against his chest as he raked his nails down a muscular back.

"Fuck, Shikamaru, you are so damn sexy."

Shikamaru laughed breathlessly at the praise.

"Heh…You know what would be even sexier?"

"What?" The gruff voice was muffled against his collar bone.

"If you were to fuck me into the bed, Kiba."

The growl was wilder and fiercer than the first one. Shikamaru gasped as the Inuzuka bit down hard on his collar bone, a rough calloused hand grabbing his thigh and hiking it up around the dog tamer's hip. Shikamaru breathed hotly into Kiba's ear.

"You like that, don't you? Like the idea of fucking me so hard that I won't be able to get up in the morning. I want it. I want that thick cock of yours shoved into my tight ass."

Kiba groaned and his thrusts became slick with precum as Shikamaru's dirty talk only served to arouse him even more. Fumbling impatiently the short haired brunet reached over to his night stand grabbing the lube and condom.

Shikamaru hissed through his teeth as two fingers pushed roughly into his entrance. He spread his legs further apart, his knees framing the powerful torso hovering above him. Taking a hold of those long legs, Kiba moved them onto his shoulders and was granted even more access to that tight heavenly ass. Feeling as though things weren't going as fast as he wanted them to, Shikamaru took the condom and ripped it open.

Kiba cursed when a firm hand slid the latex down his throbbing erection. Finally ready Shikamaru laced his fingers into short coarse hair and pulled Kiba into a rough kiss, basically bending himself in half with his legs still propped up on those broad shoulders.

"Fuck me hard, Kiba."

Neji glared at Shikamaru's door. He had knocked on it for what seemed like hours (it had only been three minutes) but it refused to open. He tried peering into the window but the curtains were securely drawn and he couldn't see any light on but that just might mean he was in his room or something.

Impatient and annoyed Neji went for the next best solution. He activated his Byakugan. A sensory sweep of the apartment revealed that the apartment was indeed empty. Huffing in annoyance, Neji decided to extend the search radius following the chakra signature of who he was looking for. It didn't take long to locate Shikamaru.

His blood-limit was deactivated with a sharp gasp. Staring down at Shikamaru's welcome mat, Neji fought hard not to lose control.

It hadn't really surprised Neji what he had seen. He knew that Shikamaru was a notorious playboy. Lee himself had warned Neji on getting too attached. What surprised him was how much he had gotten attached and how much it hurt to actually witness what he had always known.

He was going to kill Inuzuka. Everyone very well knew that the dog tamer was engaged to Hinata. Barely a week away from the wedding and Neji sees him doing…with…well, doing that. Neji was having trouble coming to terms with it.

Neji clenched his fists, before taking a deep breath. Ignoring the lump in his throat he carefully set the bag in front of Shi- the apartment door (god, he couldn't even bare to think about him), before walking away. He pretended to not notice the slight trembling in his clenched fists.

Kiba rolled over with a sated sigh. Shikamaru stretched his stiff limbs reveling in the satisfying ache left over from a deliciously good fuck. A few moments later he sat up and swung his legs onto the floor. He reached for his jacket and pulled out a pack of his favorite brand of cigarettes.

Kiba rubbed a hand down his face and glanced over the hunched back that was Shikamaru's. A curling stream of smoke drifted towards the ceiling. His hair was unbound and streaking over his broad shoulders.

"You do realize that this is going to be the last time?"

Shikamaru looked at Kiba over his shoulder. He let out a long stream of smoke before smirking. He placed his unfinished cigarette onto the bedside table and crawled over to Kiba. The Inuzuka's eyes darkened with lust as the shadow nin slowly straddled his hips, that sexy smirk never leaving that face.

"Then I had better make it worth your while."

It was very late when Shikamaru hobbled tiredly to his apartment. He wanted nothing more in that moment to collapse onto his bed and sleep for a week. He blearily unlocked his door and swung it open. But he nearly lost an eye as he stumbled over a rustling thing sitting on his welcome mat.

Looking down he saw a plastic bag. It was dark but from what he could tell there was something square inside it. Not detecting any threats he picked it up and stumbled into his apartment. Absentmindedly setting the bag onto his small dining table he shrugged out of his jacket. Sniffing at himself, his nose wrinkled at the strong smell of sweat, smoke and sex.

"Fuck, I reek…"

Not really caring that he was standing in the middle of his living room he started to strip. He made his way towards his bathroom, leaving behind a trail of discarded clothing.

Nearly an hour later (he liked to take long showers) he walked out of the bathroom clean and refreshed. His stomach rumbled and wearing nothing but a towel around his waist made his way towards his kitchen. He paused as he passed by his dining table. The bag was still there. He had nearly forgotten about it.

Pushing aside the plastic bag it revealed a large finely crafted bento box. Opening it he immediately noticed the name engraved underneath the bamboo lid.

"Hyuuga Neji…"

Neji was avoiding him. And acting more than a bit hostile towards him. It was hard not to tell when he nearly got his bowels rearranged when he tried to personally return the bento box. Even more confusing was his stand offish and aloof behavior after the impromptu attack.

"Troublesome…" Was all he could say when he saw Kiba walk around with several bruises, dutifully avoided looking at him. He was glad though when he didn't receive any shit from Ino. Unfortunately the same couldn't be said for other people.

"Hey! No smoking allowed in here!"

Shikamaru scowled at the old man behind the ramen stand and grudgingly crushed his cigarette under his boot on the ground. Naruto snorted in his ramen.

"What are you laughing at, blondie?"

Naruto shook his head and grinned at his friend.

"You really got it bad, eh Shikamaru?"

Shikamaru glared at the blond.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

Naruto raised a pale eyebrow at him.

"You mean you still don't know? Shit, and everyone calls me the moron."

Shikamaru's scowl deepened as he could feel the head ache beginning to form.

"Get to the fucking point, Naruto."

Naruto leaned back and gave the Nara his 'fox look'. Shikamaru hated that look.

"You fell for the Hyuuga."

Shikamaru nearly choked on his own saliva and gave the blond a fierce look. Naruto threw up his hands defensively.

"Just saying, man. You sleep around a lot but I have never seen you go back so many times than with Neji. I'm not the only one who's noticed you going in and out of Neji's apartment."

Shikamaru's glare dropped as he thought grimly about the disastrous conversation he had with Ino a few days ago. Outwardly, he just shrugged.

"So? He's just a really good fuck. It doesn't mean anything else."

Naruto shook his head at Shikamaru in an annoyingly familiar way.

"Man, you're hopeless. Not everything is about sex you know."

"Of course not. I just choose to ignore anything that doesn't have anything to do with being a ninja, watching the clouds and fucking anything with legs."

Naruto grinned, blues eyes twinkling with amusement, "You just never learn, do you Nara?"

Shikamaru's eyes narrowed sharply with mischievousness and he leaned closely towards the blond.

"You're right, I don't. Someone should punish me."

Neji looked at his cousin in disbelief.

"You knew?"

Hinata fiddled with her tea cup, shifting nervously under the incredulous gaze of her cousin. Taking a deep breath she looked up.

"Y-yes, I knew. I-I always knew."

Neji almost looked shocked, "How did you find out?"

Hinata was fidgeting again, "Ki-Kiba-kun told me. He-he told me before he did anything wh-what he was going to do. We-we always t-tell each other e-everything."

Neji was at a loss for a moment, "But, haven't you done anything about it? If he's going to be cheating on you, you should leave him."

For a moment Hinata looked up with wide eyes before lowering her gaze.

"N-no, I couldn't. I c-can't leave him."

Neji was really not liking were the conversation was going.

"Why? Is he forcing you? Are you too afraid to leave? Did he threaten you? I swear, Hinata, if he has done anything to hurt you-"

Hinata looked horrified, "No! N-no, of-of course not! Kiba would never hurt me! He loves me."

"But, if he loves you, then why would he cheat on you?"

Hinata seemed to struggle a moment, "Be-because it doesn't mean anything."

Neji interrupted, "But of course it means something! He's been sleeping with other people behind your back!"

Hinata shook her head, "He would n-never go behind my back. He always t-talks to me about these things."

"I just don't get it. Why would you allow him to keep cheating on you if he tells you what he is doing?"

Hinata was looking a bit desperate and her soft voice picked up in volume, "P-please, j-just let me explain, Ne-Neji-niisan!"

Neji was about to speak up again but then closed his mouth when he saw the imploring look on his cousin's face.

Hinata took another deep breath, before bravely plowing on.

"K-Kiba-kun i-is bi-sexual. A-at first I thought he was gay," Her face turned bright red and Neji had to strain his ears when her voice became softer, "Be-because I caught him once in bed with a-another man. B-but that was before we started going out. Th-then he asked me out and that was how I found out that he-he-he-"

"Went both ways?" Neji supplied helpfully.

"Y-yes. At first I-I thought it wasn't going to work out. Even Kiba seemed a bit unsure. S-so, I-I-I…told him that he could be with other people if he wanted. H-he said that I was the only w-woman he ever wanted to b-be with and that he would only go after men. He t-told me that he would never take them seriously and th-that it would never m-mean anything."

Neji had to catch himself from gaping.

"You mean you gave him permission to sleep with other people?"

Hinata blushed, "I-I knew th-that there were certain…needs th-that I would not be able to provide him with. I th-thought that it would be best if I gave him some freedom."

A thought suddenly dawned on Neji, "Wait, so you knew that either way he would have slept with other people regardless of what you said or did?"

Hinata was wringing her hands, "Pl-please, Neji-niisan. D-don't take it the wrong way. Kiba-kun has only been with a couple of men in our entire relationship. I-it's not as thou-though he-he sl-sleeps with e-everyone. He-he would never go that far. He loves me too much to do that kind of thing a-and he always makes it up to me. H-he always manages to find a way to sh-show me how much he loves me."

Hinata was obviously uncomfortable with the subject. Neji didn't blame her but he still felt obligated to know as a branch member and as her cousin.

"So, it really isn't that big of a deal?" Hinata nodded meekly and Neji pressed on, "But what are you going to do once you are married to him? Are you going to keep allowing him the same liberties?"

Hinata took a deep breath before looking up with a confidence that Neji ever rarely saw in his cousin.

"Kiba-kun promised me that when we got married he would never go back to men or women ever again. He said that because he-he wa-wanted i-it to mean something and that he could only ever do that with me. Because he loves me. He loves me more than anything and wants to spend the rest of his life with me."

The Hyuuga heiress was rarely ever able to speak with such confidence and Neji could tell that what she had said was genuine trust and love for the Inuzuka. Ignoring the pang of slight jealousy Neji came up with another question that had been bothering him.

"But that time with Shi- with him, did that mean anything? It happened just a couple of weeks from the wedding."

Hinata looked mildly amused with Neji's correction before answering, "It was Kibas last time with a man." Hinata smiled awkwardly and blushed, "I-I th-think i-it was his v-version of-of a ba-bachelor party."

Neji coughed to keep himself from choking. Composing himself he took a sip from his tea.

"Well, in any case if you think that I am going to apologize to Kiba for beating him into a pulp I am afraid that you will be severely disappointed. While I don't approve of what went on with your relationship," Hinata was about to protest but held her words when Neji held up a hand, "It is clear that the two of you are deeply in love and that Kiba wants nothing more than to make you happy for the rest of your lives. I can see nothing that should merit disrupting your upcoming wedding or otherwise cancelling it."

Hinata's smile was the definition of relieved, "Th-thank you Neji-niisan."

Neji just nodded and tended to his tea as a comfortable silence fell around the pair. Surprisingly it was Hinata who broke the silence.

"Have you talked to Shikamaru, yet?"

Neji had to stop himself from jumping at the unexpected mention of the shadow nin. He frowned at his cousin.

"Why would I want to talk to him?"

Hinata shrugged shyly and fiddled a bit with her hands.

"I-I just th-thought, that, a-after all that you t-two have gone through, y-you would want to t-talk with him."

There was a heavy pause as Neji tried to keep his composure together. It was harder to than he would have liked.

"I hadn't realized you knew about my involvement with Nara. Let me guess, Kiba told you?"

Recognizing that she was stepping onto thin ice, Hinata chose her words carefully.

"He-he might have men-mentioned something. B-but I-I didn't think anything of it until recently. Y-you weren't t-too involved w-with him, w-were you?"

"Of course not. What would make you think that?"

Hinata seemed to be fascinated with the wood work of the table as she shrugged again.

"I-it j-just seemed as though you had b-been spending s-so much t-time with Shikamaru."

There was that name again. It almost worried him how numb it made him feel.

"It didn't mean anything, Hinata-neesama. You shouldn't concern yourself with such trivial matters."

He winced at the sight of her sad look directed at him, "Neji-niisan…"

He sighed in defeat and giving in mostly because of what he himself had just put Hinata through.

"I knew from the beginning that it was purely physical. I knew that he was only looking for a one night stand and so was I. But he kept coming back and I started seeing something in him that I probably shouldn't have. For one small moment I had hoped that he had changed and that I was the only person he was seeing. That he would leave behind old habits for me." That he would see me as something more…"It was stupid of me. I should not have let my expectations overcome my reasoning. I won't let that happen again." It just hurt too much…

Hinata reached out and placed her small hand over Neji's. He gripped onto it like a tether.

"I-I don't b-blame you Neji-niisan. It c-could have happened to anyone. I-it pr-probably has. Es-especially wi-with Shikamaru. Bu-but y-you shouldn't worry about that or him. You deserve better than that."

Neji's lips curled into a small wry smile, "I suppose you are right."

He drank some more tea in the hopes that it would chase the lump in his throat away.

A large fluffy bunny floated through the wide blue expanse stretched over Shikamaru's reclining body. He tilted his head a bit and was able to decipher fifteen other forms hidden in the cloud. His body was completely still, perfectly in tune with the peaceful outdoors. Though internally, Shikamaru's mind was reeling and churning with Naruto's last parting words.

"Naruto! Don't get near that! You don't know where it's been."

Shikamaru sighed, "Charming to see you too, Uchiha."

Naruto leaned back and grinned lewdly at his partner. Shikamaru just pulled out another cigarette.

"Maybe if you're willing, we could find out together."

Shikamaru snickered when the blond got a sharp glare and punch to the head in response.

"Come on moron, we're leaving."

"Yeah babe, hang on a sec."

Naruto turned back to Shikamaru as his volatile lover started to walk away.

"You should give Neji a chance. He actually might be worth the trouble."

Sasuke's voice snapped the blond's attention in the other direction, "Naruto!"

"Coming!" Naruto slapped a hand on Shikamaru's shoulder, "Think about it, man."

The blond ran off with his lover, leaving Shikamaru more confused than before.

A chance, eh? Shikamaru mulled over that over. Neji had plenty of qualities and most of them were the kind Shikamaru would look for if he were ever to bother himself with a serious relationship. Neji was a powerful shinobi, with enough intelligence to keep up with him. He wasn't loud or boisterous but rather held a refined posture that was always a joy to break down. It helped that the man was gorgeous as well. Shikamaru held a deep fascination with androgynous beautiful people. To him it was the ultimate beauty that existed.

But Shikamaru also had to take into consideration that they were both top rank ninja. They were constantly busy and their schedule would most likely clash considering that they worked in different sectors. He didn't think he could put aside his lifestyle just for one person. It wasn't worth the trouble. Especially with a shinobi's life expectancy. He already made a choice. And to him it was less painful when there was no attachment involved. He didn't need any more emotional baggage. He'd rather just keep the sex and try to forget everything else.

Because when he was up on that physical high, everything else could just go to fucking hell.

Neji never thought this sort of situation would be this uncomfortable for him. It had been much too long since he had ever gone on a date. He doesn't even remember the name of his date from back then. Fortunately, he made it an important point to learn his current date's name.

Shunsuke Torii. That was his name. He had already asked Neji out several times in the past, but he had always said no. He had been too focused on Shikamaru to really take notice of anybody else. So, when Neji had actually said yes the next time, Torii looked every part the man who had not expected to get that far. Through a flushed stutter that Neji found a bit endearing, Shunsuke told him where they would meet and at what time.

The top rate restaurant was a pleasant surprise, the awkward silence not so much. Neji took of his food and looked at his date, who was nervously pushing his food around with his chopsticks. Putting down his own eating utensils, Neji wiped his mouth with his cloth napkin, before finally breaking the silence.

"I don't bite you know. At least, not until after the third date."

Torii looked up from his plate with a start and blushed.

"S-sorry, I guess I'm just a little nervous. I didn't think you'd actually agree to come on a date with me."

Neji smirked slightly, "I'm not that unapproachable, am I?"

Torii's laugh was slightly nervous, "Well, you are a Hyuuga."

Neji's gaze went down a couple of degrees, "What is that supposed to mean?"

The poor man hastily recovered from his slip, "Oh no, no! Don't take it the wrong way! It's just that you can be a bit intimidating."

Neji felt his indignation melt a bit with the sheepish look on Torii's face.


Catching on Torii smiled widely at him, "Yeah, I mean you have the best of the Hyuuga's power, you're considered the genius of your generation and…you're incredibly sexy."

Neji grinned as he picked at his food a bit. Maybe this wasn't going to be such a waste of time after all.

The winding trails of smoke were hardly noticeable in the dark room. It would only appear occasionally under the effect of the flashing lights that were so common in clubs like these. Despite the chaotic ambiance Shikamaru could still clearly see the mass of bodies writhing and grinding together in synch with the pounding electric music that had the hairs on his arms stand on end.

Looking down the glowing ember of his cigarette stuck in his mouth he saw several people stare at him and his company. Hissing around the filter he shifted his hips to better accommodate the person kneeling between his legs and deep throating his exposed cock.

He had been dancing with the chick wearing the slutty dress for no more than five minutes before she had pulled him over to one of the many lounge seats placed randomly around the club. She obviously wasn't very bright, but she did certainly know how to suck cock. As for himself, he quite enjoyed watching himself slide in and out those pink plush lips stretched tightly around his cock.

Though, it really wasn't that type of club. In fact this sort of thing happened after leaving the club, but Shikamaru wasn't about to complain about this spontaneous exhibitionist act. But that waiter heading their way most likely was.

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

Shikamaru gave a regarding look at the intruder. The waiter looked to be around eighteen and twenty was lean and fit under the club uniform and had quite the pleasing face. Taking one last hit from his cigarette he flicked the ash in the waiter's direction and put it out on the plush white leather seat he was sitting on.

"Sir, you really need to-"

In a move too fast for the waiter to see, Shikamaru grabbed the waiter's collar and pulled him down so that he could speak directly into the man's ear.

"I have a better idea," his voice was rough with smoke and arousal and he could feel the waiter shiver, "We'll leave, but only if you join us."

The boy sputtered and tried to get out of the ninja's grip but Shikamaru hooked a hand around the nape of the waiter's neck.

"S-sir, th-that-" He stuttered incoherently when Shikamaru nipped his ear lobe before soothing the hurt with a small lick.

"Come on, don't you want a piece of that?"

The waiter's breath hitched against his cheek when he nudged the boy's face to look down. Bent at the waist over the couple the waiter could clearly see just about every detail of what the slutty chick was doing to Shikamaru's cock with her mouth.

Shikamaru's thumb caressed the small hairs on the back of the boy's neck as he started to suck gently on a delicious neck. His other hand reached down to tangle into long curly hair and pushed the girls head down. He was swallowed down greedily. Fuck, he was really beginning to like the chicks mouth. The waiter was gripping the back of the low seat hard as Shikamaru started to fuck the girl's mouth with long hard thrusts of his hips.

He groaned against the waiter's rapid pulse as he felt orgasm begin to rise from his groin. Releasing his hold from the girls head he grabbed the boy's chin and slid his tongue into the other man's mouth. The boy's response was a succulent moan and eager sucks on his tongue. He moaned deep and loud into the waiter's mouth as he came in the girl's mouth. The boy whimpered and shuddered hard against him and Shikamaru wondered for a bit if he had come in his pants.

The girl pulled away from his cock and spat onto the floor wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. Shikamaru ignored her and brushed his lips against the waiter's panting mouth.

"So, what will it be? Are you coming or not?"

There was a brief pause as the waiter struggled to gain coherency. When he did he nodded and Shikamaru smirked.

"But only if we ditch her."

The kiss was short, chaste and sweet. Neji reveled in the moment. He had never taken things slow before and he had never thought that it would ever feel this nice. Torii was truly a charming guy. Once he had gotten over his initial shyness they talked about everything and Neji really enjoyed that. Just…talking. No other expectations. Just joyful and intriguing conversation.

After that first kiss, they both went their own way. Right back to their own homes and beds.


Author's note the second: Well then...I know that at least half the people who made it this far have their jaw hanging wide open, heh n_n'. Believe it or not this fic was basically inspired by real people that I know that have similiar lifestyles as Shikamaru. If any of you have questions that don't have anything to do with the plot ('cuz I know some of you will) then by all means ask away and I'll do my best to answer them. I apologize for any typo's/grammar errors made. I don't have a beta and I usually just skim over my work when checking it. Though, this fic is quite special to me, and I love breaking stereotypes and throwing it into peoples faces. So, if any of you were offended, go to hell and stop reading. If you're masochistic like me and enjoyed this fic anyways, more power to you. That said, REVIEW!